path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-i18n/attachments/20120524/f06d4ed3/attachment-0002.obj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-i18n/attachments/20120524/f06d4ed3/attachment-0002.obj')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-i18n/attachments/20120524/f06d4ed3/attachment-0002.obj b/zarb-ml/mageia-i18n/attachments/20120524/f06d4ed3/attachment-0002.obj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4274a423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-i18n/attachments/20120524/f06d4ed3/attachment-0002.obj
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Generated by extract2lang.php on 2012-05-23T17:09:49+02:00
+# Domain index
+# /en/index.php +10
+;For PC
+# /en/index.php +11
+;For server
+# /en/index.php +12
+# /en/index.php +13
+# /en/index.php +14
+;About Mageia.Org
+Teave Mageia kohta
+# /en/index.php +22
+;Home of the Mageia project
+Mageia projekti kodu
+# /en/index.php +23
+;Mageia is a community-based Linux distribution, for desktop & server.
+Mageia on kogukonna loodav Linuxi distributsioon nii lauaarvutile kui ka serverile.
+# /en/index.php +24
+;linux, mageia, free software, operating system, computer, laptop, desktop, server, headless, device, mobile, mandriva, mandrake
+linux, mageia, vaba tarkvara, operatsioonisüsteem, arvuti, sülearvuti, PC, lauaarvuti, server, seade, mobiil, mandriva, mandrake
+# /en/index.php +31
+;Mageia Blog (English)
+Mageia ajaveeb (inglise keeles)
+# /en/index.php +31
+# /en/index.php +217
+;Mageia, a free, community-based Linux distribution for desktop & server.
+Mageia - vaba kogukonna loodav Linuxi distributsioon nii lauaarvutile kui ka serverile.
+# /en/index.php +223
+;Change your perspective
+Avastage uus maailm
+# /en/index.php +225
+;Stable, secure operating system for desktop & server
+Stabiilne ja turvaline operatsioonisüsteem nii lauaarvutile kui ka serverile
+# /en/index.php +226
+;Free Software, coproduced by hundreds of people
+Vaba tarkvara, mis on loodud sadade inimeste koostöös
+# /en/index.php +227
+;Elected governance, nonprofit organization
+Valitav juhtkond, mittetulundusorganisatsioon
+# /en/index.php +228
+;You can be part of it
+Võimalus ise kaasa lüüa
+# /en/index.php +236
+;Free Download
+Vaba allalaadimine
+# /en/index.php +237
+;version 2 (May 2012)
+versioon 2 (mai 2012)
+# /en/index.php +240
+;Release notes
+# /en/index.php +244
+;<strong>Get involved</strong> in the next version
+<strong>Lööge kaasa</strong> järgmise versiooni loomisel
+# /en/index.php +248
+;Download older Mageia 1 (June 2011)
+Vanema Mageia 1 (juuni 2011) allalaadimine
+# /en/index.php +265
+Saidi sisu
+# /en/index.php +266
+;Privacy policy
+Privaatsusreeglid \ No newline at end of file