path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693')
2 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693/attachment-0001.ksh b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693/attachment-0001.ksh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbf13ab1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693/attachment-0001.ksh
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+%define name get-skype
+%define version
+%define release %mkrel 6
+%define instdir %{_datadir}/skype
+%define langdir %{instdir}/lang
+%define avatardir %{instdir}/avatars
+%define sounddir %{instdir}/sounds
+%define icondir %{instdir}/icons
+%define md5 6e28002c0086fae5206e2d242c3edcfa
+%define mytmp %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
+Summary: Download and Install Skype.
+Name: %{name}
+Version: %{version}
+Release: %{release}
+License: Proprietary
+Group: Networking/Instant messaging
+Buildarch: noarch
+Requires: wget
+Requires: liblcms1
+Requires: libmng1
+Requires: libqtcore4
+Requires: libqtdbus4
+Requires: libqtnetwork4
+Requires: libqtgui4
+Requires: libqtsvg4
+Requires: libqtxml4
+Requires: libxscrnsaver1
+Requires: libxv1
+Requires: libv4l-wrappers
+# The following are lists of filenames (124 in total) placed
+# in text files to save clutter in the spec.
+Source0: avatars-
+Source1: sounds-
+Source2: lang-
+This is an installer for Skype-%{version}.
+This package does not contain any files as the Skype license does not allow distribution.
+By installing this package you will download and install Skype from
+You must accept the Skype EULA before using it.
+Please be patient - this is a 23MB download and may take some time.
+Uninstalling this package will uninstall Skype from your system.
+mkdir %{mytmp}
+cd %{mytmp}
+wget -nc "{version}.tar.bz2"
+md5chk=$(md5sum skype-%{version}.tar.bz2 | cut -d' ' -f1)
+if [[ %{md5} != $md5chk ]]; then
+rm skype-%{version}.tar.bz2
+cd ..
+rm -r %{mytmp}
+echo "Error - download failed"
+exit 1
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_bindir}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_datadir}/applications
+touch %buildroot%{_datadir}/applications/skype.desktop
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{instdir}
+touch %buildroot%{instdir}/{skype.desktop,skype,skype.conf,LICENSE,README}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{langdir}
+while read line; do
+touch %buildroot%{langdir}/skype_"$line"
+done < %{SOURCE2}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{instdir}/icons
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_iconsdir}
+touch %buildroot%{_iconsdir}/skype.png
+for i in 16 32 48; do
+touch %buildroot%{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_${i}x${i}.png
+touch %buildroot%{instdir}/icons/SkypeBlue_${i}x${i}.png
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{avatardir}
+while read line; do
+touch %buildroot%{avatardir}/"$line"
+done < %{SOURCE0}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{sounddir}
+while read line; do
+touch %buildroot%{sounddir}/"$line"
+done < %{SOURCE1}
+echo "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ %{instdir}/skype --resources=%{instdir}"\
+ > %buildroot%{_bindir}/skype && chmod +x %buildroot%{_bindir}/skype
+newtmp=$(mktemp -d)
+%define tmpextdir $newtmp
+cd %{tmpextdir}
+tar jxf %{mytmp}/skype-%{version}.tar.bz2
+%define tmpdir %{tmpextdir}/skype-%{version}
+mkdir %{instdir}
+cp -a %{tmpdir}/icons/* %{_iconsdir}
+cp -a %{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_48x48.png %{_iconsdir}/skype.png
+cp -a %{tmpdir}/skype.desktop %{_datadir}/applications/
+mv %{tmpdir}/skype %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/skype.desktop %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/skype.conf %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/LICENSE %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/README %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/avatars %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/lang %{langdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/sounds %{sounddir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/icons %{icondir}
+rm -r %{tmpdir}
+cd ..
+rm -r %{tmpextdir}
+rm -r %{mytmp}
+%ghost %{_iconsdir}/skype.png
+%ghost %{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_*.png
+%ghost %{_datadir}/applications/skype.desktop
+%ghost %{instdir}
+* Sat Jun 11 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Added md5sum check on download and cleanup on fail.
+- Downloads to /var/lib/get-skype - removed after install.
+- Creates unique /tmp/tmp.xxxx dir for extraction of tar.
+- Added versioning to .txt files.
+- Added removal of all tmp directories after install.
+- Corrected URL:
+* Thu Jun 9 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Bumped release to test update - no changes
+* Thu Jun 9 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Moved installation to /usr/share instead of /opt
+- Changed group and license
+- Changed temporary dir
+- Changed to wget for d/l
+* Mon Jun 6 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Moved download to %pre to stop install if d/l fails
+* Sun Jun 5 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Changed get-skype version to follow Skype version.
+- Changed URL to directly download only correct version.
+- A copy of the downloaded file is retained in /tmp/skype-%{version} to
+- speed re-installation (unless you clean /tmp)
+* Sat Jun 4 2011 Barry Jackson <> 0.2.mga1
+- Now all files are registered in rpm database.
+- lang, avatar and sound filenames supplied in source files.
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693/attachment.ksh b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693/attachment.ksh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fbf13ab1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110611/87fe5693/attachment.ksh
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+%define name get-skype
+%define version
+%define release %mkrel 6
+%define instdir %{_datadir}/skype
+%define langdir %{instdir}/lang
+%define avatardir %{instdir}/avatars
+%define sounddir %{instdir}/sounds
+%define icondir %{instdir}/icons
+%define md5 6e28002c0086fae5206e2d242c3edcfa
+%define mytmp %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}
+Summary: Download and Install Skype.
+Name: %{name}
+Version: %{version}
+Release: %{release}
+License: Proprietary
+Group: Networking/Instant messaging
+Buildarch: noarch
+Requires: wget
+Requires: liblcms1
+Requires: libmng1
+Requires: libqtcore4
+Requires: libqtdbus4
+Requires: libqtnetwork4
+Requires: libqtgui4
+Requires: libqtsvg4
+Requires: libqtxml4
+Requires: libxscrnsaver1
+Requires: libxv1
+Requires: libv4l-wrappers
+# The following are lists of filenames (124 in total) placed
+# in text files to save clutter in the spec.
+Source0: avatars-
+Source1: sounds-
+Source2: lang-
+This is an installer for Skype-%{version}.
+This package does not contain any files as the Skype license does not allow distribution.
+By installing this package you will download and install Skype from
+You must accept the Skype EULA before using it.
+Please be patient - this is a 23MB download and may take some time.
+Uninstalling this package will uninstall Skype from your system.
+mkdir %{mytmp}
+cd %{mytmp}
+wget -nc "{version}.tar.bz2"
+md5chk=$(md5sum skype-%{version}.tar.bz2 | cut -d' ' -f1)
+if [[ %{md5} != $md5chk ]]; then
+rm skype-%{version}.tar.bz2
+cd ..
+rm -r %{mytmp}
+echo "Error - download failed"
+exit 1
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_bindir}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_datadir}/applications
+touch %buildroot%{_datadir}/applications/skype.desktop
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{instdir}
+touch %buildroot%{instdir}/{skype.desktop,skype,skype.conf,LICENSE,README}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{langdir}
+while read line; do
+touch %buildroot%{langdir}/skype_"$line"
+done < %{SOURCE2}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{instdir}/icons
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_iconsdir}
+touch %buildroot%{_iconsdir}/skype.png
+for i in 16 32 48; do
+touch %buildroot%{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_${i}x${i}.png
+touch %buildroot%{instdir}/icons/SkypeBlue_${i}x${i}.png
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{avatardir}
+while read line; do
+touch %buildroot%{avatardir}/"$line"
+done < %{SOURCE0}
+install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{sounddir}
+while read line; do
+touch %buildroot%{sounddir}/"$line"
+done < %{SOURCE1}
+echo "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/ %{instdir}/skype --resources=%{instdir}"\
+ > %buildroot%{_bindir}/skype && chmod +x %buildroot%{_bindir}/skype
+newtmp=$(mktemp -d)
+%define tmpextdir $newtmp
+cd %{tmpextdir}
+tar jxf %{mytmp}/skype-%{version}.tar.bz2
+%define tmpdir %{tmpextdir}/skype-%{version}
+mkdir %{instdir}
+cp -a %{tmpdir}/icons/* %{_iconsdir}
+cp -a %{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_48x48.png %{_iconsdir}/skype.png
+cp -a %{tmpdir}/skype.desktop %{_datadir}/applications/
+mv %{tmpdir}/skype %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/skype.desktop %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/skype.conf %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/LICENSE %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/README %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/avatars %{instdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/lang %{langdir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/sounds %{sounddir}
+mv %{tmpdir}/icons %{icondir}
+rm -r %{tmpdir}
+cd ..
+rm -r %{tmpextdir}
+rm -r %{mytmp}
+%ghost %{_iconsdir}/skype.png
+%ghost %{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_*.png
+%ghost %{_datadir}/applications/skype.desktop
+%ghost %{instdir}
+* Sat Jun 11 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Added md5sum check on download and cleanup on fail.
+- Downloads to /var/lib/get-skype - removed after install.
+- Creates unique /tmp/tmp.xxxx dir for extraction of tar.
+- Added versioning to .txt files.
+- Added removal of all tmp directories after install.
+- Corrected URL:
+* Thu Jun 9 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Bumped release to test update - no changes
+* Thu Jun 9 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Moved installation to /usr/share instead of /opt
+- Changed group and license
+- Changed temporary dir
+- Changed to wget for d/l
+* Mon Jun 6 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Moved download to %pre to stop install if d/l fails
+* Sun Jun 5 2011 Barry Jackson <>
+- Changed get-skype version to follow Skype version.
+- Changed URL to directly download only correct version.
+- A copy of the downloaded file is retained in /tmp/skype-%{version} to
+- speed re-installation (unless you clean /tmp)
+* Sat Jun 4 2011 Barry Jackson <> 0.2.mga1
+- Now all files are registered in rpm database.
+- lang, avatar and sound filenames supplied in source files.