path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad
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Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad')
2 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad/attachment-0001.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad/attachment-0001.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95637b7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad/attachment-0001.html
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+Le 6 févr. 2011 17:24, &quot;Richard Couture&quot; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; a écrit :<br>
+&gt; I posted this message a while back, but never received a response,..<br>
+<p>hi richard </p>
+<p>just checked and it looks like contact washington done. anyway boklm will mail you tonight about this <br><br><br></p>
+<p>&gt; We, LinuxCabal, have our servers at CloudSigma in Switzerland. I was writing to them yesterday and mentioned that Mageia was a fork of Mandriva and that the Mageia team might benefit from server space as follows:<br>
+&gt;  As you may know, Mandriva is in a state of flux due to financial<br>
+&gt;  considerations and may cease to exist.  As such, Mageia has forked<br>
+&gt;  out by the original developers of Mandrake/Mandriva and has gathered<br>
+&gt;  most of the original developers on the new team.  As such they are<br>
+&gt;  looking for places where they can set up their CVS servers as well as<br>
+&gt;  mirror sights to host the distribution, the first version of which is<br>
+&gt;  due in June.<br>
+&gt;  I have managed a local copy of the Mandriva Distribution here at<br>
+&gt;  LinuxCabal for years which our users can access from our local<br>
+&gt;  internal net to install and to update from during our weekly Install<br>
+&gt;  Fests.  Each version uses about 100G of disk space.<br>
+&gt;  I mention this to see if Cloud Sigma would want to host a site for<br>
+&gt;  them. I think that it would possibly be a great source of<br>
+&gt;  promotional advertising for you.<br>
+&gt;  If you are interested, I can put you in contact with the correct<br>
+&gt;  people at Mageia or LinuxCabal can actually manage the sight with<br>
+&gt;  little or no change to our present configuration.<br>
+&gt; They responded as follows:<br>
+&gt;  In terms of Mageia, I think this sounds like an interested<br>
+&gt;  opportunity and possibility to collaborate. Please feel free to put<br>
+&gt;  them in touch with me in order to see how we might assist them.<br>
+&gt; This came from Robert Jenkins whose email is <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; Robert is in a position to donate server space.<br>
+&gt; Their service has been been excellent.<br>
+&gt; Richard<br>
+&gt; On 02/06/2011 06:25 AM, Blinov Vyacheslav wrote:<br>
+&gt;&gt; В сообщении от Четверг 27 января 2011 03:17:26 автор Maarten Vanraes написал:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Hi,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; I know -dev team doesn&#39;t exist yet, but in spite of that: some of us may be<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; needed.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Yesterday in the packaging meeting[1], misc and Stormi talked about the<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; 3days they went to a Cross-Distro App Installer Meeting[2]. As far as I<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; understood, our involvement in AppStream[3] is 4 part:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia-app-db would like to use the metadata to display on the site.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - sophie would like some of the metadata too.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia could work on making packagekit support work (it does not replace<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; rpm or urpmi in any way, it is cross-distro and just delegates the work to<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; urpmi (in our case).)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia would then package AppStream in the distro. (Nothing is being<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; said as being used by default: Note that AppStream only does Applications,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; while eg: rpmdrake installs packages).<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Since this concerns mostly packaging, it has had a start-discussion in the<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; packagers&#39; meeting.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; However:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia-app-db (Stormi: PHP) would like some help.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - sophie (Nanar: Perl) would like some help.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - packagekit support (misc: Perl) would need to be finalized.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; ( requires intimate knowledge of perl-URPM )<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - someone will have to package AppStream eventually.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; afaik shikamaru would help with sophie, so i think that is covered.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; So this leaves:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - PHP for mageia-app-db<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - Perl-URPMI related stuff for packagekit support (i might have some time<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; for this, not sure yet)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Now then, if there is anyone from -dev team who is inclined to help out,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; please, tell us :-)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Regards,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Maarten (aka AL13N)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; [1]: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; [2]: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; [3]: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt;&gt; I am still interested in dev team althrough I&#39;m already in i18n.<br>
+&gt;&gt; Just noticed this letter -_-<br>
+&gt;&gt; I can help with PHP development and html\css\js things, althrough I&#39;m not a<br>
+&gt;&gt; pro I will try my best.<br>
+&gt; -- <br>
+&gt; LinuxCabal Asociación Civil<br>
+&gt; Ing. Richard Couture<br>
+&gt; Novell CNE, ECNE, MCNE<br>
+&gt; HP/Compaq ASE<br>
+&gt; Tel.: (+52) (333) 145-2638<br>
+&gt; Cel.: (+52) (044) 333 377-7505<br>
+&gt; Cel.: (+52) (044) 333 377-7506<br>
+&gt; Web: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; E-Mail: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; Hosted en la nube Cloud Sigma - <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; AVISO DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Este correo electrónico, incluyendo en su caso, los archivos adjuntos al mismo, pueden contener información de carácter confidencial y/o privilegiada, y se envían a la atención única y exclusivamente de la persona y/o entidad a quien va dirigido. La copia, revisión, uso, revelación y/o distribución de dicha información confidencial sin la autorización por escrito de LinuxCabal está prohibida. Si usted no es el destinatario a quien se dirige el presente correo, favor de contactar al remitente respondiendo al presente correo y eliminar el correo original incluyendo sus archivos, así como cualesquiera copia del mismo. Mediante la recepción del presente correo usted reconoce y acepta que en caso de incumplimiento de su parte y/o de sus representantes a los términos antes mencionados, LinuxCabal tendrá derecho a los daños y perjuicios que esto le cause.<br>
diff --git a/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad/attachment.html b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad/attachment.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..95637b7ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/attachments/20110206/af27c7ad/attachment.html
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+Le 6 févr. 2011 17:24, &quot;Richard Couture&quot; &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; a écrit :<br>
+&gt; I posted this message a while back, but never received a response,..<br>
+<p>hi richard </p>
+<p>just checked and it looks like contact washington done. anyway boklm will mail you tonight about this <br><br><br></p>
+<p>&gt; We, LinuxCabal, have our servers at CloudSigma in Switzerland. I was writing to them yesterday and mentioned that Mageia was a fork of Mandriva and that the Mageia team might benefit from server space as follows:<br>
+&gt;  As you may know, Mandriva is in a state of flux due to financial<br>
+&gt;  considerations and may cease to exist.  As such, Mageia has forked<br>
+&gt;  out by the original developers of Mandrake/Mandriva and has gathered<br>
+&gt;  most of the original developers on the new team.  As such they are<br>
+&gt;  looking for places where they can set up their CVS servers as well as<br>
+&gt;  mirror sights to host the distribution, the first version of which is<br>
+&gt;  due in June.<br>
+&gt;  I have managed a local copy of the Mandriva Distribution here at<br>
+&gt;  LinuxCabal for years which our users can access from our local<br>
+&gt;  internal net to install and to update from during our weekly Install<br>
+&gt;  Fests.  Each version uses about 100G of disk space.<br>
+&gt;  I mention this to see if Cloud Sigma would want to host a site for<br>
+&gt;  them. I think that it would possibly be a great source of<br>
+&gt;  promotional advertising for you.<br>
+&gt;  If you are interested, I can put you in contact with the correct<br>
+&gt;  people at Mageia or LinuxCabal can actually manage the sight with<br>
+&gt;  little or no change to our present configuration.<br>
+&gt; They responded as follows:<br>
+&gt;  In terms of Mageia, I think this sounds like an interested<br>
+&gt;  opportunity and possibility to collaborate. Please feel free to put<br>
+&gt;  them in touch with me in order to see how we might assist them.<br>
+&gt; This came from Robert Jenkins whose email is <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; Robert is in a position to donate server space.<br>
+&gt; Their service has been been excellent.<br>
+&gt; Richard<br>
+&gt; On 02/06/2011 06:25 AM, Blinov Vyacheslav wrote:<br>
+&gt;&gt; В сообщении от Четверг 27 января 2011 03:17:26 автор Maarten Vanraes написал:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Hi,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; I know -dev team doesn&#39;t exist yet, but in spite of that: some of us may be<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; needed.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Yesterday in the packaging meeting[1], misc and Stormi talked about the<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; 3days they went to a Cross-Distro App Installer Meeting[2]. As far as I<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; understood, our involvement in AppStream[3] is 4 part:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia-app-db would like to use the metadata to display on the site.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - sophie would like some of the metadata too.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia could work on making packagekit support work (it does not replace<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; rpm or urpmi in any way, it is cross-distro and just delegates the work to<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; urpmi (in our case).)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia would then package AppStream in the distro. (Nothing is being<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; said as being used by default: Note that AppStream only does Applications,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; while eg: rpmdrake installs packages).<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Since this concerns mostly packaging, it has had a start-discussion in the<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; packagers&#39; meeting.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; However:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - mageia-app-db (Stormi: PHP) would like some help.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - sophie (Nanar: Perl) would like some help.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - packagekit support (misc: Perl) would need to be finalized.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; ( requires intimate knowledge of perl-URPM )<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - someone will have to package AppStream eventually.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; afaik shikamaru would help with sophie, so i think that is covered.<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; So this leaves:<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - PHP for mageia-app-db<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt;  - Perl-URPMI related stuff for packagekit support (i might have some time<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; for this, not sure yet)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Now then, if there is anyone from -dev team who is inclined to help out,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; please, tell us :-)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Regards,<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; Maarten (aka AL13N)<br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; [1]: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; [2]: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt;&gt;&gt; [3]: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt;&gt; I am still interested in dev team althrough I&#39;m already in i18n.<br>
+&gt;&gt; Just noticed this letter -_-<br>
+&gt;&gt; I can help with PHP development and html\css\js things, althrough I&#39;m not a<br>
+&gt;&gt; pro I will try my best.<br>
+&gt; -- <br>
+&gt; LinuxCabal Asociación Civil<br>
+&gt; Ing. Richard Couture<br>
+&gt; Novell CNE, ECNE, MCNE<br>
+&gt; HP/Compaq ASE<br>
+&gt; Tel.: (+52) (333) 145-2638<br>
+&gt; Cel.: (+52) (044) 333 377-7505<br>
+&gt; Cel.: (+52) (044) 333 377-7506<br>
+&gt; Web: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; E-Mail: <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; Hosted en la nube Cloud Sigma - <a href=""></a><br>
+&gt; AVISO DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD: Este correo electrónico, incluyendo en su caso, los archivos adjuntos al mismo, pueden contener información de carácter confidencial y/o privilegiada, y se envían a la atención única y exclusivamente de la persona y/o entidad a quien va dirigido. La copia, revisión, uso, revelación y/o distribución de dicha información confidencial sin la autorización por escrito de LinuxCabal está prohibida. Si usted no es el destinatario a quien se dirige el presente correo, favor de contactar al remitente respondiendo al presente correo y eliminar el correo original incluyendo sus archivos, así como cualesquiera copia del mismo. Mediante la recepción del presente correo usted reconoce y acepta que en caso de incumplimiento de su parte y/o de sus representantes a los términos antes mencionados, LinuxCabal tendrá derecho a los daños y perjuicios que esto le cause.<br>