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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Asia-Pacific packager newbie needs mentor</H1>
+ <B>Anne Nicolas</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Asia-Pacific packager newbie needs mentor">ennael1 at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Oct 24 18:37:10 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Le 24/10/2012 18:17, Shlomi Fish a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> Hi Joseph,
+</I>&gt;<i> On Wed, 24 Oct 2012 22:52:57 +0800
+</I>&gt;<i> Joseph Wang&lt;<A HREF="">joequant at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Hi all,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I have a number of packages that are ready to be reviewed for addition to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> cauldron, and I'd like to get a mentor to review them. The main problem is
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> that I'm in Asia so it's going to be difficult for me to attend the IRC
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> meeting at 3 a.m. :-( :-(
+</I>&gt;<i> I am located in Israel
+</I>&gt;<i> ( <A HREF=""></A> ) and I
+</I>&gt;<i> can try mentoring you. Technically, I have several apprentices, but they
+</I>&gt;<i> are not very persistent.
+</I>&gt;<i> I am &quot;rindolf&quot; on #mageia-mentoring .
+I've contacted Funda. It would be nice if he can handle this to avoid
+that you manage zillions of apprentices
+</I>&gt;<i> Regards,
+</I>&gt;<i> Shlomi Fish
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> So I'm looking to see how I can get a mentor. If there is some other time
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> in which the IRC has people on it, I can meet then, or if someone can send
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> me a personal e-mail letting me know where to upload things.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Also the things that I've had ready for submission are
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> various games
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> simutrans
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> leocad
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> vassal
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Some python packages
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> pi2rpm
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> pyopencl
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> pyopengl
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> pip
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> and lots of others
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Some scientific packages
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> eigen
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> quantlib - although this will need some work
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> X11
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> glamor
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> open source ati for southern islands
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Once I get this batch into cauldron, my next goal is to get the entire
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> astrophysical source code library built for mandriva. In particular, once
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I get started, I'd like to get CMBFAST and MESA (stellar evolution) into
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> the distribution.
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