path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-webteam/2011-April/000710.html
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authorNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
commit1be510f9529cb082f802408b472a77d074b394c0 (patch)
treeb175f9d5fcb107576dabc768e7bd04d4a3e491a0 /zarb-ml/mageia-webteam/2011-April/000710.html
parentfa5098cf210b23ab4f419913e28af7b1b07dafb2 (diff)
Add zarb MLs html archivesHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-webteam/2011-April/000710.html')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/zarb-ml/mageia-webteam/2011-April/000710.html
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+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE> [Mageia-webteam] Your Bugzilla bug list needs attention.
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+ <H1>[Mageia-webteam] Your Bugzilla bug list needs attention.</H1>
+ <B>bugzilla-daemon at</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-webteam] Your Bugzilla bug list needs attention.">bugzilla-daemon at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Fri Apr 15 00:00:03 CEST 2011</I>
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+ <LI>Previous message: <A HREF="000746.html">[Mageia-webteam] [Bug 829] Do not send reminder every day per default
+ <LI>Next message: <A HREF="000711.html">[Mageia-webteam] [Bug 831] [New] Reporting bug doesn't open the requested form in browser even if we are already logged into Bugzilla
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+<PRE>[This e-mail has been automatically generated.]
+You have one or more bugs assigned to you in the Bugzilla bug tracking system (<A HREF=""></A>) that require
+All of these bugs are in the NEW or REOPENED state, and have not been
+touched in 7 days or more.
+You need to take a look at them, and decide on an initial action.
+Generally, this means one of three things:
+(1) You decide this bug is really quick to deal with (like, it's INVALID),
+ and so you get rid of it immediately.
+(2) You decide the bug doesn't belong to you, and you reassign it to
+ someone else. (Hint: if you don't know who to reassign it to, make
+ sure that the Component field seems reasonable, and then use the
+ &quot;Reset Assignee to default&quot; option.)
+(3) You decide the bug belongs to you, but you can't solve it this moment.
+ Accept the bug by setting the status to ASSIGNED.
+To get a list of all NEW/REOPENED bugs, you can use this URL (bookmark
+it if you like!):
+<A HREF=";bug_status=REOPENED&amp;">;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;</A>
+Or, you can use the general query page, at
+<A HREF=""></A>
+Appended below are the individual URLs to get to all of your NEW bugs
+that haven't been touched for 7 days or more.
+You will get this message once a day until you've dealt with these bugs!
+ [WISH] Start an online torrent-tracker with the torrent-releases like Ubuntu does to keep track of how many that are downloading it
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Authentication does not work with email address
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Cannot reset password if the user didn't set preferedLanguage
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Setting the preferedLanguage of a user cause a error in the current trunk
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Use common name (cn) instead of login (uid) for user public name
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Define, discuss and implement website(s) direction doc
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Use email as a contact/id for mirror admin
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ FAQ should be refreshed
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Privacy policy is still a draft
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ captcha is annoying
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Restrict /packages POST to buildsystem host IP
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Allow to promote a user directly from the user edition page
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Cannot modify group
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Open German forum
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ Fix forum locales redirections
+ -&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+ <HR>
+ <P><UL>
+ <!--threads-->
+ <LI>Previous message: <A HREF="000746.html">[Mageia-webteam] [Bug 829] Do not send reminder every day per default
+ <LI>Next message: <A HREF="000711.html">[Mageia-webteam] [Bug 831] [New] Reporting bug doesn't open the requested form in browser even if we are already logged into Bugzilla
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+mailing list</a><br>