path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110105/307f41b8/attachment-0001.html
diff options
authorNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
commit1be510f9529cb082f802408b472a77d074b394c0 (patch)
treeb175f9d5fcb107576dabc768e7bd04d4a3e491a0 /zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110105/307f41b8/attachment-0001.html
parentfa5098cf210b23ab4f419913e28af7b1b07dafb2 (diff)
Add zarb MLs html archivesHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/attachments/20110105/307f41b8/attachment-0001.html')
1 files changed, 2256 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
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+<head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<title>[212] - merge trunk ( for good this time )</title>
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+<div id="msg">
+<dl class="meta">
+<dt>Revision</dt> <dd>212</dd>
+<dt>Author</dt> <dd>misc</dd>
+<dt>Date</dt> <dd>2011-01-05 16:32:57 +0100 (Wed, 05 Jan 2011)</dd>
+<h3>Log Message</h3>
+<pre>- merge trunk ( for good this time )</pre>
+<h3>Modified Paths</h3>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliveMakefilePL">identity/CatDap/branches/live/Makefile.PL</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivecatdapyml">identity/CatDap/branches/live/catdap.yml</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControllerRootpm">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControlleradminpm">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControllerregisterpm">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControlleruserpm">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapI18Nafpo">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapI18Nfrpo">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapI18Nmessagespot">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDappm">identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccounttt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_addoctt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_grouptt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_modifytt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_promotett">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadmingrouptt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadmingroup_modifytt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminindextt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootemailactivationtt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootemailadminpasswordtt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/admin/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootindextt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootregisterchecktt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootregisterindextt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatefooter">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/footer</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplateheader">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/header</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatehtml">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/html</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatepre">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/pre</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatewrapper">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/wrapper</a></li>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbranchesliverootuserindextt">identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/user/</a></li>
+<h3>Property Changed</h3>
+<li><a href="#identityCatDapbrancheslive">identity/CatDap/branches/live/</a></li>
+<div id="patch"><pre>
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslive">Property changes on: identity/CatDap/branches/live</a>
+<a id="svnmergeinfo">Modified: svn:mergeinfo</a>
+ - /identity/CatDap/trunk:64,66-68,210
+ + /identity/CatDap/trunk:64,66-68,140-211
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliveMakefilePL">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/Makefile.PL</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/Makefile.PL 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/Makefile.PL 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+ requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader';
+ requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple';
+ requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::I18N';
++requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Unicode::Encoding';
+ requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication';
+ requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::LDAP';
+ requires 'Catalyst::Plugin::Captcha';
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivecatdapyml">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/catdap.yml</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/catdap.yml 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/catdap.yml 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+ default_view: Web
+ organisation: Mageia
+ apptitle: Mageia Identity Management
+ emailfrom:
+@@ -20,6 +21,8 @@
+ password: FIXME
+ host:
+ start_tls: 1
++ options:
++ inet6: 1
+ # dn and password should not be required here, we rebind with credentials
+ # from the authenticated user using Model::LDAP::FromAuthentication
+@@ -28,6 +31,10 @@
+ host:
+ start_tls: 1
++ login_blacklist:
++ - apache
+ authentication:
+ default_realm: ldap
+ realms:
+@@ -39,8 +46,10 @@
+ store:
+ class: LDAP
+ ldap_server: ''
++ ldap_server_options:
++ inet6: 1
+ start_tls: 1
+- binddn: cn=catdap,ou=System Accounts,dc=mageai,dc=org
++ binddn: cn=catdap,ou=System Accounts,dc=mageia,dc=org
+ bindpw: FIXME
+ user_basedn: &quot;ou=people,dc=mageia,dc=org&quot;
+ user_filter: '(&amp;(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=%s))'
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControllerRootpm">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@
+ sub index :Path :Args(0) {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
++ # if user is defined, redirect to /user and let the /user page handle the authentication
++ if (defined $c-&gt;user) {
++ $c-&gt;log-&gt;debug('Redirecting to /user');
++ $c-&gt;res-&gt;redirect('/user');
++ }
+ # Hello World
+ #$c-&gt;response-&gt;body( $c-&gt;welcome_message );
+ }
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControlleradminpm">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -47,7 +47,17 @@
+ my $password;
+ my $mesg;
+ my $dn;
+- my $keyprefix = sprintf( &quot;%02x%02x%02x&quot;, split /\./, $c-&gt;req-&gt;address );
++ # TODO merge this code with the one in
++ my $keyprefix;
++ if ($c-&gt;req-&gt;address =~ m/:/) {
++ my $address = $c-&gt;req-&gt;address;
++ $address =~ s/\[\]://;
++ $keyprefix = sprintf( &quot;%06x&quot;, $address &gt;&gt; 104 ); # if we shift right 104 bits from 128 we have 24 bits left or 3 bytes.
++ }
++ else {
++ $keyprefix = sprintf( &quot;%02x%02x%02x&quot;, split /\./, $c-&gt;req-&gt;address );
++ }
+ if ( !defined $c-&gt;user or not $c-&gt;req-&gt;cookie('key') ) {
+ $c-&gt;detach('/user/login')
+ if ( not $c-&gt;req-&gt;param('username')
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControllerregisterpm">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -51,6 +51,20 @@
+ if (! $c-&gt;validate_captcha($c-&gt;req-&gt;param('validate'))){
+ push @errors, $c-&gt;loc('Incorrect validation text, please try again');
+ }
++ if ( ! open( my $etcpasswd, &quot;/etc/passwd&quot;)) {
++ push @errors, $c-&gt;loc('Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators');
++ } else {
++ if ( grep { /^$username:/ } &lt;$etcpasswd&gt; ) {
++ push @errors, $c-&gt;loc('Invalid username, already used by system');
++ }
++ close($etcpasswd);
++ }
++ if ( grep /^$username$/, @{${$c-&gt;config}{'register'}{'login_blacklist'}}) {
++ push @errors, $c-&gt;loc('Username is not authorized to be used');
++ }
+ if ($c-&gt;request-&gt;params-&gt;{gn} !~ /^\p{IsAlnum}+$/) {
+ push @errors, $c-&gt;loc(
+ 'The first name supplied contains illegal characters'
+@@ -108,7 +122,8 @@
+ push @errors,$mesg-&gt;error;
+ $c-&gt;log-&gt;info( sprintf(&quot;Creating DN $dn failed: %s&quot;, $mesg-&gt;error) );
+ $c-&gt;stash(errors =&gt; \@errors);
+- #$c-&gt;stash(template =&gt; 'register/');
++ $c-&gt;stash(template =&gt; 'register/');
++ return ;
+ }
+ $c-&gt;stash(
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapControlleruserpm">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/Controller/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
+ my $mesg;
+ my $dn;
+ my @errors;
+- my $keyprefix = sprintf(&quot;%02x%02x%02x&quot;,split /\./,$c-&gt;req-&gt;address);
++ my $keyprefix = $self-&gt;get_keyprefix($c);
+ if (! defined $c-&gt;user or not $c-&gt;req-&gt;cookie('key')) {
+ if (not $c-&gt;req-&gt;param('password')) {
+ push @errors,$c-&gt;loc('Your session has expired');
+@@ -112,6 +112,22 @@
+ }
++sub get_keyprefix : Private {
++ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
++ my $keyprefix;
++ if ($c-&gt;req-&gt;address =~ m/:/) {
++ my $address = $c-&gt;req-&gt;address;
++ $address =~ s/\[\]://;
++ # if we shift right 104 bits from 128 we have 24 bits left or 3 bytes.
++ $keyprefix = sprintf( &quot;%06x&quot;, $address &gt;&gt; 104 );
++ }
++ else {
++ $keyprefix = sprintf( &quot;%02x%02x%02x&quot;, split /\./, $c-&gt;req-&gt;address );
++ }
++ return $keyprefix;
+ =head2 index
+ =cut
+@@ -293,7 +309,7 @@
+ } else {
+ # re-encrypt the new password and forward to user view
+- my $keyprefix = sprintf(&quot;%02x%02x%02x&quot;,split /\./,$c-&gt;req-&gt;address);
++ my $keyprefix = $self-&gt;get_keyprefix($c);
+ my $key = $c-&gt;req-&gt;cookie('key')-&gt;value;
+ $cipher = Crypt::CBC-&gt;new( -key =&gt; $keyprefix . $key,
+ -cipher =&gt; 'Blowfish'
+@@ -321,7 +337,7 @@
+ $c-&gt;res-&gt;redirect('/user');
+ }
+ # cache password for next request with form data
+- my $keyprefix = sprintf(&quot;%02x%02x%02x&quot;,split /\./,$c-&gt;req-&gt;address);
++ my $keyprefix = $self-&gt;get_keyprefix($c);
+ my $key = Data::UUID-&gt;new-&gt;create_str();
+ $cipher = Crypt::CBC-&gt;new( -key =&gt; $keyprefix . $key,
+ -cipher =&gt; 'Blowfish'
+@@ -338,7 +354,7 @@
+ }
+ #Re-authenticate user
+- my $keyprefix = sprintf(&quot;%02x%02x%02x&quot;,split /\./,$c-&gt;req-&gt;address);
++ my $keyprefix = $self-&gt;get_keyprefix($c);
+ my $key = $c-&gt;req-&gt;cookie('key')-&gt;value;
+ $cipher = Crypt::CBC-&gt;new( -key =&gt; $keyprefix . $key,
+ -cipher =&gt; 'Blowfish'
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapI18Nafpo">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/af.po 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,45 +1,78 @@
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Activation&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Aktivering&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Add&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Voeg by&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add ObjectClass&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#. (oc, dn)
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Adding objectclass %1 to dn %2&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Addresses do not match&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Die addresse verskil&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;An account already exists with this email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;'n Rekening met hierde epos adres bestaan reeds&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;An account already exists with this username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;'n Rekening met hierdie gebruikersnaam bestaan reeds&quot;
+ #. ($errors)
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;&quot;
+ &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try &quot;
+-&quot;the password recovery process f you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
++&quot;the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. &quot;
++&quot;Errors %1&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ &quot;Daar was 'n fout met die stuur van die aktiverings epos, maar jou rekening &quot;
+ &quot;is geskep. Probeer die wagwoord herwinnings proses as die epos adres korrek &quot;
+-&quot;was: %1&quot;
++&quot;was. Foute: %1&quot;
+ #. ($errors)
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#, fuzzy
+ msgid &quot;&quot;
+ &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try &quot;
+-&quot;the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. &quot;
+-&quot;Errors %1&quot;
++&quot;the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ &quot;Daar was 'n fout met die stuur van die aktiverings epos, maar jou rekening &quot;
+ &quot;is geskep. Probeer die wagwoord herwinnings proses as die epos adres korrek &quot;
+-&quot;was. Foute: %1&quot;
++&quot;was: %1&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Captcha&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/user/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Change&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Verander&quot;
+@@ -51,7 +84,12 @@
+ msgid &quot;Check your mail for activation instructions.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Kyk jou epos vir aktiverings instruksies.&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Check your mail for password reset instructions.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Kyk jou epos vir aktiverings instruksies.&quot;
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Confirm Email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Bevestig epos adres&quot;
+@@ -62,10 +100,11 @@
+ #. (cn)
+ #. (
+ #: root/email/ root/email/admin/
++#: root/email/
+ msgid &quot;Dear %1,&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Liewe %1,&quot;
+-#: root/user/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Delete&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Vee uit&quot;
+@@ -73,18 +112,75 @@
+ msgid &quot;Edit&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Wysig&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Email&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Epos adres&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Email sent.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Enter new password.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Verander wagwoord&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Enter text&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;First Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Voornaam&quot;
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;First name&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Voornaam&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Forgot password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Huidige wagwoord&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Forgot your password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Forgotten password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Huidige wagwoord&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Full Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Group name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Voornaam&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Groups&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Incorrect validation text, please try again&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Inkorrekte teks van die prentjie, probeer weer&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Invalid email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Ongeldige epos adres&quot;
+@@ -93,39 +189,69 @@
+ msgid &quot;Invalid username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Ongeldige gebruikersnaam&quot;
+-#: root/template/header:12 root/user/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid username, already used by system&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/template/header:10 root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Log out&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Teken uit&quot;
+-#: root/ root/
++#: root/ root/
+ msgid &quot;Login&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Teken in&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/
++#: root/user/
+ msgid &quot;New Password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Nuwe Wagwoord&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;New passwords dont match&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Nuwe wagwoorde verskil&quot;
+-#: root/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Operation was successful.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Registrasie was suksesvol.&quot;
++#: root/
+ msgid &quot;Password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Wagwoord&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Password incorrect&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Wagwoord inkorrek&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Password reset and email sent&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Wagwoord is herstel en epos gestuur&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Personal Information&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: root/email/admin/
+ msgid &quot;Please click below to change your password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Volg die skakel onder en verander jou wagwoord&quot;
+-#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Please use the menus above.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Primary group&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Register&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Registreer&quot;
+@@ -137,35 +263,95 @@
+ msgid &quot;Registration was successful.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Registrasie was suksesvol.&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/
++#: root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Repeat New Password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Herhaal Nuwe Wagwoord&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Reset password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Huidige wagwoord&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search by&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Select&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Send me my password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Verander wagwoord&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Set new password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Herhaal Nuwe Wagwoord&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Success&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Surname&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Van&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;The first name supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Die verskafte noemnaam sluit ongeldige karakters in&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;The surname supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Die verskafte van sluit ondeldige karakters in&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;This email address is not bound to an account&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: root/email/
+ msgid &quot;To activate your account, please follow the link below.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Om U rekening te aktiveer, volg asseblief die volgende skakel.&quot;
+-#: root/user/
++#: root/email/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;To reset your password, please follow the link below.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Om U rekening te aktiveer, volg asseblief die volgende skakel.&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Update&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Opdateer&quot;
+-#: root/ root/register/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/ root/register/
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Gebruikersnaam&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Username is not authorized to be used&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #. (c.config.organisation)
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do &quot;
++&quot;this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#. (c.config.organisation)
+ #: root/email/
+ msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Jou %1 rekening is suksesvol geskep, maar aktivering is benodig&quot;
+@@ -179,14 +365,42 @@
+ msgid &quot;Your session has expired&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Jou sessie het verstrek&quot;
+-#: root/
+-msgid &quot;or&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;of&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;contains&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;delete&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vee uit&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;greater than or equal to&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;is exactly&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;less than&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;member&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;password reset&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Wagwoord herstelling&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;with value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#~ msgid &quot;or&quot;
++#~ msgstr &quot;of&quot;
+ #~ msgid &quot;Repeat&quot;
+ #~ msgstr &quot;Herhaal&quot;
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapI18Nfrpo">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/fr.po 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -5,98 +5,202 @@
+ #
+ msgid &quot;&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-&quot;Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n&quot;
++&quot;Project-Id-Version: Catdap\n&quot;
+ &quot;POT-Creation-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n&quot;
+-&quot;PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-19 21:07+0100\n&quot;
++&quot;PO-Revision-Date: 2010-11-04 21:09+0100\n&quot;
+ &quot;Last-Translator: Michael Scherer &lt;;\n&quot;
+-&quot;Language-Team: LANGUAGE &lt;;\n&quot;
++&quot;Language-Team: LANGUAGE &lt;;\n&quot;
++&quot;Language: \n&quot;
+ &quot;MIME-Version: 1.0\n&quot;
+ &quot;Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n&quot;
+ &quot;Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n&quot;
++&quot;X-Poedit-Language: French\n&quot;
++&quot;X-Poedit-Country: FRANCE\n&quot;
++&quot;X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Activation&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Activation&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Add&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Ajouter&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add ObjectClass&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#. (oc, dn)
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Adding objectclass %1 to dn %2&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Addresses do not match&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Les adresses ne correspondent pas&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;An account already exists with this email address&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Un compte existe déjà avec cet email&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;An account already exists with this username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Un compte existe déjà pour ce nom d'utilisateur&quot;
+ #. ($errors)
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;&quot;
+ &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try &quot;
+-&quot;the password recovery process f you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
++&quot;the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. &quot;
++&quot;Errors %1&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Une erreur est arrivé lors de l'envoi du mail, mais votre compte a été crée. &quot;
++&quot;Vous pouvez utiliser la fonction de réinitialisation du mot de passe si &quot;
++&quot;votre adresse est correcte. Erreurs %1&quot;
+ #. ($errors)
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#, fuzzy
+ msgid &quot;&quot;
+ &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try &quot;
+-&quot;the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. &quot;
+-&quot;Errors %1&quot;
++&quot;the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Une erreur est arrivé lors de l'envoi du mail, mais votre compte a été crée. &quot;
++&quot;Vous pouvez utiliser la fonction de réinitialisation du mot de passe si &quot;
++&quot;votre adresse est correcte : %1&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
+-msgid &quot;Change&quot;
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Captcha&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/user/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Change&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Changer&quot;
+ #: root/user/
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid &quot;Change password&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Mot de passe&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Changer le mot de passe&quot;
+ #: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Check your mail for activation instructions.&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vérifier votre boite mail pour les instructions d'activation&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Check your mail for password reset instructions.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Vérifier votre boite mail pour les instructions d'activation&quot;
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Confirm Email address&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Confirmer l'adresse email&quot;
+ #: root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Current password&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mot de passe actuel&quot;
+ #. (cn)
+ #. (
+ #: root/email/ root/email/admin/
+-#, fuzzy
++#: root/email/
+ msgid &quot;Dear %1,&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Cher(e)&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Cher(e) %1,&quot;
+-#: root/user/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Delete&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Supprimer&quot;
+ #: root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Edit&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Éditer&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Email&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Email address&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Adresse de messagerie&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Adresse email&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Email sent.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Enter new password.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Changer le mot de passe&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Enter text&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;First Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Prénom&quot;
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;First name&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Prénom&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Forgot password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mot de passe actuel&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Forgot your password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Forgotten password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mot de passe actuel&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Full Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Group name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Prénom&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Groups&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Incorrect validation text, please try again&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Texte de validation incorrect, merci de tester à nouveau&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Invalid email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Adresse mail invalide&quot;
+@@ -105,105 +209,218 @@
+ msgid &quot;Invalid username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Nom d'utilisateur invalide&quot;
+-#: root/template/header:12 root/user/
+-msgid &quot;Log out&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid username, already used by system&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/ root/
++#: root/template/header:10 root/user/
++msgid &quot;Log out&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Se déconnecter&quot;
++#: root/ root/
+ msgid &quot;Login&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Login&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
+-#, fuzzy
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/
++#: root/user/
+ msgid &quot;New Password&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Mot de passe&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Nouveau mot de passe&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+-#, fuzzy
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;New passwords dont match&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Les adresses ne correspondent pas&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Les mot de passes ne correspondent pas&quot;
+-#: root/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Operation was successful.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;L'enregistrement a réussi&quot;
++#: root/
+ msgid &quot;Password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Mot de passe&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+-#, fuzzy
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Password incorrect&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Mot de passe&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mot de passe incorrect&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Password reset and email sent&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mot de passe réinitialiser, email envoyé&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Personal Information&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: root/email/admin/
+ msgid &quot;Please click below to change your password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Cliquer ici pour changer votre mot de passe&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Please use the menus above.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Primary group&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Register&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;S'enregistrer&quot;
+ #: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Registration completed&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Enregistrement terminé&quot;
+ #: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Registration was successful.&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;L'enregistrement a réussi&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/
++#: root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Repeat New Password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Répéter le nouveau de passe&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Reset password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mot de passe actuel&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search by&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Select&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Send me my password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Changer le mot de passe&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;Set new password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Répéter le nouveau de passe&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Success&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Surname&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Surnom&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Nom&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;The first name supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Le prénom proposé contient des caractères interdits&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;The surname supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Le nom proposé contient des caractères interdits&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;This email address is not bound to an account&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: root/email/
+-#, fuzzy
+ msgid &quot;To activate your account, please follow the link below.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Pour activer votre compte, merci de suivre le lien ci dessous.&quot;
+-#: root/user/
++#: root/email/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;To reset your password, please follow the link below.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Pour activer votre compte, merci de suivre le lien ci dessous.&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Update&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Mettre à jour&quot;
+-#: root/ root/register/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/ root/register/
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;Nom d'utilisateur&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Username is not authorized to be used&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #. (c.config.organisation)
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;&quot;
++&quot;Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do &quot;
++&quot;this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#. (c.config.organisation)
+ #: root/email/
+ msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation.&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Votre compte %1 a été crée mais requiert d'être activé&quot;
+ #. (c.user.username)
+ #: root/email/admin/
+ msgid &quot;Your password was reset by %1&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Votre mot de passe a été réinitialisé par %1&quot;
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Your session has expired&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Votre session a expiré&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;contains&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/
+-msgid &quot;or&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;ou&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++#, fuzzy
++msgid &quot;delete&quot;
++msgstr &quot;Supprimer&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+-#, fuzzy
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;greater than or equal to&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;is exactly&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;less than&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;member&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;password reset&quot;
+-msgstr &quot;Mot de passe&quot;
++msgstr &quot;réinitialisation du mot de passe&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;with value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#~ msgid &quot;or&quot;
++#~ msgstr &quot;ou&quot;
+ #~ msgid &quot;Mageia Identity Activation&quot;
+ #~ msgstr &quot;Activation de l'identité Mageia&quot;
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDapI18Nmessagespot">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/CatDap/I18N/messages.pot 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -15,37 +15,67 @@
+ &quot;Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n&quot;
+ &quot;Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Activation&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Add&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add ObjectClass&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Add attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#. (oc, dn)
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Adding objectclass %1 to dn %2&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Addresses do not match&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;An account already exists with this email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;An account already exists with this username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #. ($errors)
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+-msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process f you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. Errors %1&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #. ($errors)
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+-msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address. Errors %1&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, but your account was created. Please try the password recovery process if you entered the correct email address: %1&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#. ($errors)
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;An error occured sending the email, please try again later. Errors %1&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Attribute&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Cannot check /etc/passwd, please warn system administrators&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Captcha&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/user/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Change&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+@@ -57,7 +87,11 @@
+ msgid &quot;Check your mail for activation instructions.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Check your mail for password reset instructions.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Confirm Email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+@@ -67,11 +101,11 @@
+ #. (cn)
+ #. (
+-#: root/email/ root/email/admin/
++#: root/email/ root/email/admin/ root/email/
+ msgid &quot;Dear %1,&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/user/
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Delete&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+@@ -79,19 +113,67 @@
+ msgid &quot;Edit&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/register/
++msgid &quot;Email&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Email sent.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Enter new password.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Enter text&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;First Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
+ msgid &quot;First name&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Forgot password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Forgot your password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/
++msgid &quot;Forgotten password?&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Full Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group Name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Group name&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Groups&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/ lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Incorrect validation text, please try again&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/ lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Invalid email address&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+@@ -99,39 +181,67 @@
+ msgid &quot;Invalid username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/template/header:12 root/user/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Invalid username, already used by system&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/template/header:10 root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Log out&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/ root/
++#: root/ root/
+ msgid &quot;Login&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;New Password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;New passwords dont match&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Operation was successful.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/
+ msgid &quot;Password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Password incorrect&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;Password reset and email sent&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Personal Information&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: root/email/admin/
+ msgid &quot;Please click below to change your password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Please use the menus above.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Primary group&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/ root/register/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Register&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+@@ -143,35 +253,84 @@
+ msgid &quot;Registration was successful.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/user/ root/user/
++#: root/forgot_password/ root/user/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Repeat New Password&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/register/
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Reset password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Search by&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;Select&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Send me my password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/forgot_password/
++msgid &quot;Set new password&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/register/
++msgid &quot;Success&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Surname&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;The first name supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;The surname supplied contains illegal characters&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;This email address is not bound to an account&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #: root/email/
+ msgid &quot;To activate your account, please follow the link below.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/user/
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;To reset your password, please follow the link below.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/user/
+ msgid &quot;Update&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/ root/register/
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/ root/register/ root/register/
+ msgid &quot;Username&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++msgid &quot;Username is not authorized to be used&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/ root/admin/ root/user/
++msgid &quot;Value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+ #. (c.config.organisation)
++#: root/email/
++msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been requested to change the password. If you did not do this, or you do not want to change your password; you can just do nothing.&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#. (c.config.organisation)
+ #: root/email/
+ msgid &quot;Your %1 account has been successfully created, but requires activation.&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+@@ -185,10 +344,34 @@
+ msgid &quot;Your session has expired&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: root/
+-msgid &quot;or&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;contains&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
+-#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;delete&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;greater than or equal to&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;is exactly&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/ root/admin/
++msgid &quot;less than&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;member&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: lib/CatDap/Controller/
+ msgid &quot;password reset&quot;
+ msgstr &quot;&quot;
++#: root/admin/
++msgid &quot;with value&quot;
++msgstr &quot;&quot;
+<a id="identityCatDapbrancheslivelibCatDappm">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/lib/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ Authentication
+ Authorization::Roles
+ I18N
++ Unicode::Encoding
+ /;
+ extends 'Catalyst';
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccounttt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,24 +1,25 @@
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;table&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+- &lt;td&gt;Search by&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;td&gt;[% l('Search by') %]&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;
+ &lt;select name=&quot;attribute&quot;&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;uid&quot;&gt;Username&lt;/option&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;mail&quot;&gt;Email&lt;/option&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;cn&quot;&gt;Full Name&lt;/option&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;sn&quot;&gt;Surname&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;uid&quot;&gt;[% l('Username') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;mail&quot;&gt;[% l('Email') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;cn&quot;&gt;[% l('Full Name') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;sn&quot;&gt;[% l('Surname') %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+ &lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;!-- td&gt;
+ &lt;select name=&quot;matchtype&quot;&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;substring&quot;&gt;contains&lt;/option&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;exact&quot;&gt;is exactly&lt;/option&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;gte&quot;&gt;greater than or equal to&lt;/option&gt;
+- &lt;option value=&quot;lt&quot;&gt;less than&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;substring&quot;&gt;[% l('contains') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;exact&quot;&gt;[% l('is exactly') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;gte&quot;&gt;[% l('greater than or equal to') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++ &lt;option value=&quot;lt&quot;&gt;[% l('less than') %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+ &lt;/td --&gt;
+- &lt;td&gt;&lt;input name=&quot;value&quot; value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;td&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;value&quot; value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;td&gt;&lt;button type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Search') %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Search') %]&lt;/button&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+@@ -28,11 +29,11 @@
+ [% IF entries %]
+ &lt;table border=0&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Username&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Email&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;First Name&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Surname&lt;/td&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Full Name&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Username') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Email') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('First Name') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Surname') %]&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Full Name') %]&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% FOREACH entry IN entries %]
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_addoctt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-Adding objectclass [% oc %] to dn [% dn %]
++[% l('Adding objectclass [_1] to dn [_2]', oc, dn) %]
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;dn&quot; value=&quot;[% dn %]&quot; /&gt;
+@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
+ &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;objectclass&quot; value=&quot;[% oc %]&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;table&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Attribute&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Value&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Attribute') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Value') %]&lt;/th&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% FOREACH attr IN must %]
+ [% IF attr != &quot;objectClass&quot; %]
+@@ -25,6 +25,6 @@
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Add&quot; /&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;p&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Add') %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_grouptt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-&lt;h2&gt;Add user [% uid %] to a new group&lt;/h2&gt;
++&lt;h2&gt;[% l('Add user [_1] to a new group, uid) %]&lt;/h2&gt;
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;input type='hidden' name='uid' value='[% uid %]' /&gt;
+@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
+ &lt;option value='[% %]'&gt;[% %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+- &lt;input type='submit' value='Add' /&gt;
++ &lt;input type='submit' value='[% l('Add') %]' /&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+ &lt;hr /&gt;
+-&lt;h2&gt;Delete user [% uid %] from an existing group:&lt;/h2&gt;
++&lt;h2&gt;[% l('Delete user [_1] from an existing group:', uid) %] &lt;/h2&gt;
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;input type='hidden' name='uid' value='[% uid %]' /&gt;
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ &lt;option value='[% %]'&gt;[% %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+- &lt;input type='submit' value='Delete' /&gt;
++ &lt;input type='submit' value='[% l('Delete') %]' /&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+ &lt;hr /&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_modifytt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+-&lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/password') %]/[% uid %]&quot;&gt;Reset password&lt;/a&gt;
+-&lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/account_group') %]/[% uid %]&quot;&gt;Groups&lt;/a&gt;
++&lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/password') %]/[% uid %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Reset password') %]&lt;/a&gt;
++&lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/account_group') %]/[% uid %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Groups') %]&lt;/a&gt;
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;input type='hidden' name='operation' value='replace' /&gt;
+ &lt;table border=0&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Attribute&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Value&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Attribute') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Value') %]&lt;/th&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% FOREACH attr IN values %]
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
+ &lt;br/&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF attr.addable AND attr.editable %]
+- &lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/account_edit') %]/add/[% %]&quot;&gt;Add&lt;/a&gt;
++ &lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/account_edit') %]/add/[% %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Add') %]&lt;/a&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF attr.removable AND attr.editable %]
+- &lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/account_modifydel') %]/[% uid %]/[% %]/[% val %]&quot;&gt;Delete&lt;/a&gt;
++ &lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/account_modifydel') %]/[% uid %]/[% %]/[% val %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Delete') %]&lt;/a&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/td&gt;
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+ &lt;td colspan=2 align=center&gt;
+- &lt;input type='Submit' value='Update'&gt;
++ &lt;input type='Submit' value='[% l('Update') %]'&gt;
+ &lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@
+ &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;operation&quot; value=&quot;add&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;p&gt;
+- Add attribute
++ [% l('Add attribute') %]
+ &lt;select name='attribute'&gt;
+ [% FOREACH attr IN may %]
+ &lt;option value=&quot;[% attr %]&quot;&gt;[% attr %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+- with value
++ [% l('with value') %]
+ &lt;input name=&quot;value&quot; value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Add&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;/p&gt;
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
+ &lt;hr /&gt;
+ [% IF groups %]
+-&lt;p&gt;Promote user to posixAccount with primary group: &lt;/p&gt;
++&lt;p&gt;[% l('Promote user to posixAccount with primary group:') %] &lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/account_promote') %]&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;dn&quot; value=&quot;[% dn %]&quot; /&gt;
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
+ &lt;option value=&quot;[% group.gidNumber %]&quot;&gt;[% %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+- &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Promote&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Promote') %]&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+ [% END %]
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
+ &lt;option value='[% oc %]'&gt;[% oc %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+- &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Add ObjectClass&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Add ObjectClass') %]&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+ &lt;hr /&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminaccount_promotett">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;table border=0&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Select&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Username&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Email&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;First Name&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Surname&lt;/td&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Full Name&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Select') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Username') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Email') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('First Name') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Surname') %]&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Full Name') %]&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% FOREACH entry IN entries %]
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ &lt;table border=0&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+- &lt;td&gt;Primary group&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;td&gt;[% l('Primary group') %]&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;
+ &lt;select name=&quot;gid&quot;&gt;
+ [% FOREACH group IN groups %]
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadmingrouptt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@
+ &lt;table&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;
+-Search by
++[% l('Search by') %]
+ &lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;
+ &lt;select name=&quot;attribute&quot;&gt;
+-&lt;option value=&quot;cn&quot;&gt;Group name&lt;/option&gt;
+-&lt;option value=&quot;member&quot;&gt;member&lt;/option&gt;
++&lt;option value=&quot;cn&quot;&gt;[% l('Group name') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++&lt;option value=&quot;member&quot;&gt;[% l('member') %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+ &lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;!-- td&gt;
+ &lt;select name=&quot;matchtype&quot;&gt;
+-&lt;option value=&quot;substring&quot;&gt;contains&lt;/option&gt;
+-&lt;option value=&quot;exact&quot;&gt;is exactly&lt;/option&gt;
+-&lt;option value=&quot;gte&quot;&gt;greater than or equal to&lt;/option&gt;
+-&lt;option value=&quot;lt&quot;&gt;less than&lt;/option&gt;
++&lt;option value=&quot;substring&quot;&gt;[% l('contains') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++&lt;option value=&quot;exact&quot;&gt;[% l('is exactly') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++&lt;option value=&quot;gte&quot;&gt;[% l('greater than or equal to') %]&lt;/option&gt;
++&lt;option value=&quot;lt&quot;&gt;[% l('less than') %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ &lt;/select&gt;
+ &lt;/td --&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;&lt;input name='value'&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ [% IF entries %]
+ &lt;table border=0&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+-&lt;th&gt;Group Name&lt;/th&gt;
++&lt;th&gt;[% l('Group Name') %]&lt;/th&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% FOREACH entry IN entries %]
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadmingroup_modifytt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
+ &lt;input type='hidden' name='dn' value='[% group.dn %]'&gt;
+ &lt;table&gt;
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Attribute&lt;/th&gt;
+- &lt;th&gt;Value&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Attribute') %]&lt;/th&gt;
++ &lt;th&gt;[% l('Value') %]&lt;/th&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% FOREACH attr IN group.attributes %]
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
+ &lt;td&gt;
+ [% FOREACH value IN group.get_value(attr) %]
+ [% value %]
+- &lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/group_modify') %]/delete/[% group.dn %]/[% attr %]/[% value %]&quot;&gt;delete&lt;/a&gt;
++ &lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for('/admin/group_modify') %]/delete/[% group.dn %]/[% attr %]/[% value %]&quot;&gt;[% l('delete') %]&lt;/a&gt;
+ &lt;br/&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;input name=&quot;[% attr %]&quot; value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Add&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Add') %]&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% END %]
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootadminindextt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+-&lt;p&gt;Please use the menus above.&lt;/p&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
++&lt;p&gt;[% l('Please use the menus above.') %]&lt;/p&gt;
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootemailactivationtt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@
+ [% url %]
+ --
+\ No newline at end of file
++[% c.config.project_url %]
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootemailadminpasswordtt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/admin/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/email/admin/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
+ [% url %]
+ --
+\ No newline at end of file
++[% c.config.project_url %]
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootindextt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,21 +1,22 @@
+ &lt;h1&gt;[% l('Login') %]&lt;/h1&gt;
++&lt;div id=&quot;login_form&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;/user&quot;&gt;
++ &lt;div id=&quot;login_form_inputs&quot;&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;username_&quot;&gt;[% l('Username : ') %]&lt;/label&gt;
++ &lt;input id=&quot;username_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;username&quot; value=&quot;[% c.user.username %]&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;br /&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;label for=&quot;username_&quot;&gt;[% l('Username') %]&lt;/label&gt;
+- &lt;input id=&quot;username_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;username&quot; value=&quot;[% c.user.username %]&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;label for=&quot;password_&quot;&gt;[% l('Password') %]&lt;/label&gt;
+- &lt;input id=&quot;password_&quot; type=&quot;password&quot; name=&quot;password&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Login') %]&quot; /&gt;
+- [% l('or') %]
+- &lt;a href=&quot;/register&quot;&gt;[% l('Register') %]&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;@todo [% l('Forgotten password?') %]&lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;password_&quot;&gt;[% l('Password : ') %]&lt;/label&gt;
++ &lt;input id=&quot;password_&quot; type=&quot;password&quot; name=&quot;password&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;br /&gt;
++ &lt;/div&gt;
++ &lt;div id=&quot;login_form_line&quot;&gt;
++ &lt;span&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;/register&quot;&gt;[% l('Register') %]&lt;/a&gt; |
++ @todo [% l('Forgotten password?') %]
++ &lt;!--&lt;a href=&quot;/forgot_password&quot;&gt;[% l('Forgotten password?') %]&lt;/a&gt; --&gt;
++ &lt;/span&gt;
++ &lt;button type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Login') %]&quot; &gt;[% l('Login') %]&lt;/button&gt;
++ &lt;/div&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootregisterchecktt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
++&lt;h2&gt;[% l('Success') %]&lt;/h2&gt;
+ &lt;p&gt;
+ [% message %]
+ &lt;/p&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootregisterindextt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/register/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,48 +1,37 @@
+-[% MACRO l(text, args) BLOCK;
+- c.localize(text, args);
+-END; %]
+ &lt;h2&gt;[% l('Register') %]&lt;/h2&gt;
+-&lt;p class=&quot;error&quot;&gt;
+- [% FOREACH error IN errors %]
+- [% error %]&lt;br/&gt;
+- [% END %]
++&lt;div id=&quot;input_form&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;/register/check&quot;&gt;
++ &lt;h3&gt;[% l('Username') %]&lt;/h3&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;uid_&quot;&gt;[% l('Username') %]&lt;/label&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
++ &lt;input id=&quot;uid_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;uid&quot; value=&quot;[% c.request.params.uid %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;label for=&quot;uid_&quot;&gt;[% l('Username') %]&lt;/label&gt;
+- &lt;input id=&quot;uid_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;uid&quot; value=&quot;[% c.request.params.uid %]&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;p&gt;
++ &lt;h3&gt;[% l('Personal Information') %]&lt;/h3&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;gn_&quot;&gt;[% l('First name') %]&lt;/label&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
++ &lt;input id=&quot;gn_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;gn&quot; value=&quot;[% %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;label for=&quot;gn_&quot;&gt;[% l('First name') %]&lt;/label&gt;
+- &lt;input id=&quot;gn_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;gn&quot; value=&quot;[% %]&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;sn_&quot;&gt;[% l('Surname') %]&lt;/label&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
++ &lt;input id=&quot;sn_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;sn&quot; value=&quot;[% %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
++ &lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;p&gt;
++ &lt;h3&gt;[% l('Email') %]&lt;/h3&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;mail1_&quot;&gt;[% l('Email address') %]&lt;/label&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
++ &lt;input id=&quot;mail1_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;mail1&quot; value=&quot;[% c.request.params.mail1 %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;label for=&quot;sn_&quot;&gt;[% l('Surname') %]&lt;/label&gt;
+- &lt;input id=&quot;sn_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;sn&quot; value=&quot;[% %]&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;mail2_&quot;&gt;[% l('Confirm Email address') %]&lt;/label&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
++ &lt;input id=&quot;mail2_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;mail2&quot; value=&quot;[% c.request.params.mail2 %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
++ &lt;/p&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;label for=&quot;mail1_&quot;&gt;[% l('Email address') %]&lt;/label&gt;
+- &lt;input id=&quot;mail1_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;mail1&quot; value=&quot;[% c.request.params.mail1 %]&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;p&gt;
++ &lt;h3&gt;[% l('Captcha') %]&lt;/h3&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;label for=&quot;mail2_&quot;&gt;[% l('Confirm Email address') %]&lt;/label&gt;
+- &lt;input id=&quot;mail2_&quot; type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;mail2&quot; value=&quot;[% c.request.params.mail2 %]&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;
+- &lt;img src=&quot;/register/captcha&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;validate&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Register') %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
++ &lt;img src=&quot;/register/captcha&quot; /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
++ &lt;label for=&quot;test&quot;&gt;[% l('Enter text') %]&lt;/label&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
++ &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; name=&quot;validate&quot; /&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
++ &lt;/p&gt;
++ &lt;button type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Register') %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Register') %]&lt;/button&gt;
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatefooter">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/footer</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/footer 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/footer 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+-&lt;p&gt;2010 &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;
++&lt;div class=&quot;hnav&quot;&gt;
++&lt;div align=center&gt;&lt;p&gt;2010 &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;
+ | &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Privacy policy&lt;/a&gt;
+ | &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Mageia user accounts FAQ&lt;/a&gt;
+- &lt;/p&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplateheader">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/header</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/header 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/header 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
+ [% IF c.user.username %]
+ &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;[% c.uri_for(&quot;/user&quot;) %]&quot;&gt;[% c.user.username %]&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+ &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;/user/logout&quot;&gt;[% l('Log out') %]&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+- [% ELSE %]
+- &lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;/&quot;&gt;[% l('Login') %]&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/ul&gt;
+ &lt;/div&gt;
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatehtml">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/html</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/html 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/html 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
+ &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
+ &lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
+-&lt;html lang=&quot;en&quot; dir=&quot;ltr&quot;&gt;
++&lt;html xmlns=&quot;; lang=&quot;en&quot; dir=&quot;ltr&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;head&gt;
+ &lt;meta charset=&quot;utf-8&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;[% template.title or site.title or c.config.apptitle %]&lt;/title&gt;
+- &lt;meta content=&quot;description&quot; value=&quot; online user account panel&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;meta content=&quot;keywords&quot; value=&quot;mageia, user, account, password&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;meta content=&quot;robots&quot; value=&quot;index,nofollow&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;/static/style/yui/reset-fonts-grids.css&quot;&gt;
+- &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;/static/style/yui/base-min.css&quot;&gt;
++ &lt;meta name=&quot;description&quot; content=&quot; online user account panel&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;meta name=&quot;keywords&quot; content=&quot;mageia, user, account, password&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;meta name=&quot;robots&quot; content=&quot;index,nofollow&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;/static/style/yui/reset-fonts-grids.css&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;/static/style/yui/base-min.css&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;link rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;/static/style/ttsite.css&quot; /&gt;
+ &lt;/head&gt;
+ &lt;body&gt;
+ [% content %]
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+\ No newline at end of file
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatepre">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/pre</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/pre 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/pre 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
+-[% MACRO l(text, args) BLOCK;
++[%- MACRO l(text, args) BLOCK;
+ c.localize(text, args);
+-END; %]
++END; -%]
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliveroottemplatewrapper">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/wrapper</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/wrapper 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/template/wrapper 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
+-[% MACRO l(text, args) BLOCK;
+- c.localize(text, args);
+-END; %]
+-[% IF'\.(css|js|txt)');
++[%- IF'\.(css|js|txt)');
+ debug(&quot;Passing page through as text: $;);
+ content;
+<a id="identityCatDapbranchesliverootuserindextt">Modified: identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/user/</a>
+--- identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/user/ 2011-01-05 15:09:20 UTC (rev 211)
++++ identity/CatDap/branches/live/root/user/ 2011-01-05 15:32:57 UTC (rev 212)
+@@ -1,30 +1,34 @@
++&lt;div id=&quot;input_form&quot;&gt;
+ &lt;form method=&quot;post&quot; action=&quot;&quot;&gt;
+- &lt;table border=0&gt;
+- &lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;Attribute&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;Value&lt;/th&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
++ &lt;table&gt;
++ &lt;tr&gt;&lt;th&gt;[% l('Attribute') %]&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;[% l('Value') %]&lt;/th&gt;&lt;th&gt;&lt;/th&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% FOREACH attr IN values %]
+ &lt;tr&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;[% %]&lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;td&gt;
+ [% FOREACH val IN attr.values %]
+- [% IF attr.editable %]&lt;input type=hidden name=&quot;[% %]_old&quot; value=&quot;[% val %]&quot;&gt;
+- &lt;input name=&quot;[% %]_new&quot; value=&quot;[% val %]&quot;&gt;
++ [% IF attr.editable %]&lt;input type=&quot;hidden&quot; name=&quot;[% %]_old&quot; value=&quot;[% val %]&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;input name=&quot;[% %]_new&quot; value=&quot;[% val %]&quot; /&gt;
+ [% ELSE %]
+ [% val %]
+ &lt;br/&gt;
+ [% END %]
++ &lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;td&gt;
+ [% IF attr.addable AND attr.editable %]
+- &lt;a href=&quot;/user/add/[% %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Add') %]&lt;/a&gt;
++ &lt;button type=&quot;button&quot; onclick=&quot;location='/user/add/[% %]'&quot;&gt;[% l('Add') %]&lt;/button&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ [% IF attr.removable AND attr.editable %]
+- &lt;a href=&quot;/user/delete/[% %]/[% val %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Delete') %]&lt;/a&gt;
++ &lt;button type=&quot;button&quot; onclick=&quot;location='/user/delete/[% %]/[% val %]'&quot;&gt;[% l('Delete') %]&lt;/button&gt;
+ [% END %]
+ [% END %]
+ &lt;/td&gt;
+ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ [% END %]
++ &lt;tr&gt;
++ &lt;td colspan=&quot;3&quot; style=&quot;text-align:center;&quot;&gt;&lt;button type=&quot;Submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Update') %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Update') %]&lt;/button&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
++ &lt;/tr&gt;
+ &lt;/table&gt;
+- &lt;p&gt;&lt;input type=&quot;Submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Update') %]&quot; /&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+ &lt;hr /&gt;
+@@ -35,9 +39,11 @@
+ [% FOREACH attr IN may %]
+ &lt;option value=&quot;[% attr %]&quot;&gt;[% attr %]&lt;/option&gt;
+ [% END %]
++ &lt;/select&gt;
+ &lt;input name=&quot;value&quot; value=&quot;&quot; /&gt;
+- &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Add') %]&quot; /&gt;
++ &lt;button type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;[% l('Add') %]&quot;&gt;[% l('Add') %]&lt;/button&gt;
+ &lt;/p&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+</html> \ No newline at end of file