path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-marketing/2011-April/000330.html
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authorNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
commit1be510f9529cb082f802408b472a77d074b394c0 (patch)
treeb175f9d5fcb107576dabc768e7bd04d4a3e491a0 /zarb-ml/mageia-marketing/2011-April/000330.html
parentfa5098cf210b23ab4f419913e28af7b1b07dafb2 (diff)
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+ <TITLE> [Mageia-marketing] List of arguments pro Mageia
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+ <H1>[Mageia-marketing] List of arguments pro Mageia</H1>
+ <B>Juergen Harms</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-marketing] List of arguments pro Mageia">Juergen.Harms at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sat Apr 30 21:04:35 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>I just sent a message to the general Mageia ML and was told that the
+marketing list is a more appropriate place for the issue - ashes on my
+head: me and marketing ...
+My point is on &quot;community marketing&quot; - spreading the good news about
+Mageia between users. When I try to convince a colleage about the merits
+of Mageia I need arguments - evidently I have them, otherwise I would
+not use Mageia. But being convinced about Mageia, and having a
+convincing list of &quot;sellable&quot; arguments at my fingertips are two
+different things. My suggestion is to compile a short but striking list
+of arguments as a base that can be used when, all at sudden - you want
+to convince a fellow user.
+I think that the present time is very appropriate moment for this
+user-to-user publicity campaign: technically Mageia is &quot;ready&quot;, formally
+the launch and the - I guess - planned PR campaign are still 2 months away.
+Probably the list would best be compiled by collecting ideas and
+arguments in this or some other ML, but doing some central editing to
+keep it well focused and snappy. Another question is how to make it
+available - probably the preliminary wiki or the blog are good places.
+---- original message to the mageia discuss list -------
+Does a list exist which enumerates arguments in favour of selecting
+Mageia when choosing a Linux distribution? - a vademecum for Mageia
+addicts for proselyte making.
+When advocating Mageia, it would be nice not to have to invent the same
+list somebody else compiled a couple of days ago, just for himself, and
+would be nice to know the striking arguments oneself did not think about.
+I just saw on our Linux ML in the university a debate (k)Ubuntu or Mint
+or ... - nice occasion to drop the good message. I think the present
+time is an excellent moment: even if the distro says &quot;only for testing&quot;,
+Beta is mature for production - anticipate the campaign certainly
+planned for the official launch by an &quot;insider campaign&quot;. Some
+organising of spreading the gospel will certainly help.
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