path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-marketing/2011-April/000237.html
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authorNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
commit1be510f9529cb082f802408b472a77d074b394c0 (patch)
treeb175f9d5fcb107576dabc768e7bd04d4a3e491a0 /zarb-ml/mageia-marketing/2011-April/000237.html
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+ <H1>[Mageia-marketing] repost - original was too big for a marketing list???</H1>
+ <B>Bradley D. Thornton</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-marketing] repost - original was too big for a marketing list???">Bradley at NorthTech.US
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Apr 6 13:30:00 CEST 2011</I>
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+Hash: RIPEMD160
+I noticed that we have a <A HREF="">press at</A> Who is handling that role
+account? And our FaceBook Account?
+These are things we should be collecting the particulars of, and who are
+the managers of those role accounts, etc.
+I know Romain brought this up over two months ago, I just went over it
+in the list archives, and to my knowledge, a report containing this data
+hasn't been presented as of yet.
+But I'm not certain that it hasn't, just that it hasn't been presented
+on this list or our IRC chan in any of our marcom meetings.
+Regardless, we do need a few role accounts, and <A HREF="">username at</A>
+would be good too for each of us to have too IMO.
+And we don't have a marcom group in the forums either, and this was
+discussed at length on the list here too (you'll recall the discussions
+about whether we would stick with the existing FudForum software we had
+been provided or whether we would be moving to other software at the proper site ;) ). Who do we talk to to get this corrected?
+I'm not aware of any issues we've had with spambots on this list, but I
+would think that sending image and soundbyte attachments via this list
+would be a norm, rather than an exception.
+So the list is moderated, why, I couldn't guess, but that is sad.
+Especially since we haven't had any issues to date that would warrant
+that AFAIK.
+Well, I just reposted my last post (sans the photo of the urination act
+- - for that you can simply visit the link below to our public facebook
+page for mageia).
+What follows is a repost of my [moderated] post:
+Anyway, whichever way we go, or don't go, I was pretty tired when I did
+the first write ups, so again, apologies for the typos :)
+Also, I was blowing through those last two posts so fast I think I was
+thinking SugarSync, then somehow SugarCRM got into my head when I meant
+to say VTiger CRM, rather than TigerCRM LOL!
+It's good stuff, I support about 30 instances of it in various
+enterprises, and can serve the entire organization or just marcom,
+I recommend the marcom team members each have a look at it here:
+<A HREF=""></A>
+Finally, I have to go back and ask again, &quot;Who is, or collectively are,
+the people responsible for posting such possibly inappropriate material
+on our facebook page like:
+<A HREF="!/photo.php?fbid=1371504459899&amp;set=o.157247240967735&amp;theater">!/photo.php?fbid=1371504459899&amp;set=o.157247240967735&amp;theater</A>
+Is that the kind of message we want to put out there? That of Urinating
+in public?
+Yes Trish, There is a very important place for Marcom in this project,
+and that's just another example, IMNSHO, of what happens when we don't
+have a standard protocol that is filtered through this part (the marcom
+part) of the Mageia Universe.
+- --
+Bradley D. Thornton
+Manager Network Services
+NorthTech Computer
+TEL: +1.760.666.2703 (US)
+TEL: +44.702.405.1909 (UK)
+<A HREF="http://NorthTech.US">http://NorthTech.US</A>
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
+Comment: Find this cert at x-<A HREF="hkp://">hkp://</A>
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