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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers</H1>
+ <B>AL13N</B>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 00:24:02 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>&gt;<i> On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 11:02 AM, Marc Par&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">marc at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> When someone has time, would it be possible to get statistics as to the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> number of downloads? It would be nice to know.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i>From a quick look at Google Analytics, here's what we have (remember,
+</I>&gt;<i> so, it's a partial view, in that it only represents visitors who
+</I>&gt;<i> search for a download link, direct or bittorrent, through
+</I>&gt;<i> - it does not account for those used to look directly
+</I>&gt;<i> in their favorite mirror servers): <A HREF=""></A> (Google Docs).
+Holy Hell! this is alot!
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers</H1>
+ <B>David W. Hodgins</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers">davidwhodgins at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sat May 26 00:56:36 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Fri, 25 May 2012 05:02:33 -0400, Marc Par&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">marc at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> When someone has time, would it be possible to get statistics as to the
+</I>&gt;<i> number of downloads? It would be nice to know.
+If there was only one possible place to download from, that would be easy.
+With multiple mirrors + torrents, I don't see how that kind of data can be
+collected easily.
+Regards, Dave Hodgins
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers</H1>
+ <B>Manuel Hiebel</B>
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+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers">manuel at
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+ <I>Sat May 26 01:06:24 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Le 26/05/2012 00:56, David W. Hodgins a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> On Fri, 25 May 2012 05:02:33 -0400, Marc Par&#233; &lt;<A HREF="">marc at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> When someone has time, would it be possible to get statistics as to the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> number of downloads? It would be nice to know.
+</I>&gt;<i> If there was only one possible place to download from, that would be
+</I>&gt;<i> easy.
+</I>&gt;<i> With multiple mirrors + torrents, I don't see how that kind of data
+</I>&gt;<i> can be
+</I>&gt;<i> collected easily.
+</I>&gt;<i> Regards, Dave Hodgins
+For the torrents, you can get the number of download on linuxtracker:
+<A HREF=";search=mageia&amp;category=0&amp;active=1&amp;tracker=0">;search=mageia&amp;category=0&amp;active=1&amp;tracker=0</A>
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;</H1>
+ <B>David W. Hodgins</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;">davidwhodgins at
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+ <I>Sat May 26 01:07:24 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Fri, 25 May 2012 07:29:22 -0400, Dimitrios Glentadakis &lt;<A HREF="">dglent at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Starting /home...
+</I>&gt;<i> Started /home [ OK ]
+</I>&gt;<i> Dependency failed. Aborted start of Cryptography Setup for crypt_sdb1
+</I>&gt;<i> I dont have any encrypted partition
+Does /etc/crypttab exist? If so, delete it, then as root run &quot;dracut -f&quot;.
+Otherwise, try booting with the kernel parameter rd.luks=0 and then
+running &quot;dracut -f&quot;.
+Regards, Dave Hodgins
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address</H1>
+ <B>David W. Hodgins</B>
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+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address">davidwhodgins at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sat May 26 01:10:07 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Thu, 24 May 2012 04:28:53 -0400, Anne Wilson &lt;<A HREF="">annew at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> I had problems getting back to the original static IP on a permanent
+</I>&gt;<i> basis. I had renamed the temporary config file, expecting that it
+</I>&gt;<i> would make it invisible to the network, but oddly enough, that didn't
+</I>&gt;<i> work. Deleting the temporary config altogether solved my problem.
+The scripts that process the network config files look for any files
+that start with ifcfg- and assume whatever follows that is the interface
+If you want to have the file ignored, rename it to old.ifcfg-????
+instead of ifcfg-????.old
+Regards, Dave Hodgins
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers</H1>
+ <B>Marc Par&#233;</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers">marc at
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+ <I>Sat May 26 02:14:12 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Hi Romain and Manuel,
+Le 2012-05-25 05:02, Marc Par&#233; a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> When someone has time, would it be possible to get statistics as to the
+</I>&gt;<i> number of downloads? It would be nice to know.
+</I>&gt;<i> Cheers,
+</I>&gt;<i> Marc
+Thanks for the stats! The look quite impressive. I hope they keep up in
+for the next few weeks/months. I guess getting Mageia reviews into the
+news and blogs will help too.
+I have left a note on the LibreOffice marketing mailing list on Mageia
+using the latest version of LibreOffice.
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;</H1>
+ <B>Dimitrios Glentadakis</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;">dglent at
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+ <I>Sat May 26 08:24:01 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>&#931;&#964;&#953;&#962; 25/05/2012 19:07:24 David W. Hodgins &#941;&#947;&#961;&#945;&#968;&#949;:
+&gt;<i>On Fri, 25 May 2012 07:29:22 -0400, Dimitrios Glentadakis &lt;<A HREF="">dglent at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Starting /home...
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Started /home [ OK ]
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Dependency failed. Aborted start of Cryptography Setup for crypt_sdb1
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I dont have any encrypted partition
+</I>&gt;<i>Does /etc/crypttab exist? If so, delete it, then as root run &quot;dracut -f&quot;.
+</I>&gt;<i>Otherwise, try booting with the kernel parameter rd.luks=0 and then
+</I>&gt;<i>running &quot;dracut -f&quot;.
+</I>&gt;<i>Regards, Dave Hodgins
+Thanks a million! This has solved the problem. I only needed to do the first step, delete the /etc/crypttab and run &quot;dracut -f&quot;.
+Unfortunately i did nt read before the mails and i opened a bug report:
+<A HREF=""></A>
+Dimitrios Glentadakis
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address</H1>
+ <B>Anne Wilson</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address">annew at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sat May 26 08:33:30 CEST 2012</I>
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+Hash: SHA1
+On 26/05/12 00:10, David W. Hodgins wrote:
+&gt;<i> On Thu, 24 May 2012 04:28:53 -0400, Anne Wilson &lt;<A HREF="">annew at</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I had problems getting back to the original static IP on a
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> permanent basis. I had renamed the temporary config file,
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> expecting that it would make it invisible to the network, but
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> oddly enough, that didn't work. Deleting the temporary config
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> altogether solved my problem.
+</I>&gt;<i> The scripts that process the network config files look for any
+</I>&gt;<i> files that start with ifcfg- and assume whatever follows that is
+</I>&gt;<i> the interface name.
+</I>&gt;<i> If you want to have the file ignored, rename it to old.ifcfg-????
+</I>&gt;<i> instead of ifcfg-????.old
+</I>&gt;<i> Regards, Dave Hodgins
+Thanks - a tip worth remembering for the future.
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;</H1>
+ <B>David W. Hodgins</B>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 09:08:40 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Sat, 26 May 2012 02:24:01 -0400, Dimitrios Glentadakis &lt;<A HREF="">dglent at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Unfortunately i did nt read before the mails and i opened a bug report:
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+Opposite problem for me. I just replied in the but report,
+that I would like to understand how the problem got created
+in the first place. Let's stick to the bug report, for message
+Regards, Dave Hodgins
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+ <B>David W. Hodgins</B>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 09:09:35 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Fri, 25 May 2012 19:06:24 -0400, Manuel Hiebel &lt;<A HREF="">manuel at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;&gt;<i> With multiple mirrors + torrents, I don't see how that kind of data
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> can be
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> collected easily.
+&gt;<i> For the torrents, you can get the number of download on linuxtracker:
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=";search=mageia&amp;category=0&amp;active=1&amp;tracker=0">;search=mageia&amp;category=0&amp;active=1&amp;tracker=0</A>
+Thanks for that. I didn't know about that.
+Regards, Dave Hodgins
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;</H1>
+ <B>Doug Laidlaw</B>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 11:26:16 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Fri, 25 May 2012 18:31:48 +0200
+&quot;AL13N&quot; &lt;<A HREF="">alien at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> &gt; 2012/5/25 Doug Laidlaw &lt;<A HREF="">laidlaws at</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> [...]
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; It hangs on every boot until now at the same point.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; In dmesg and tail /var/log/rsyslog (syslog right?) i dont have any
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; strange messages, all messages seems regular to me
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; --
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Dimitrios Glentadakis
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> maybe systemd is waiting on something, can you make a bootchart? i
+</I>&gt;<i> think it's some kernel parameter you pass, but i don't know exactly
+</I>&gt;<i> how it works.
+</I>&gt;<i> but it enables you to find out which step is being waited on. (due to
+</I>&gt;<i> systemd being asynchronous)
+</I>Not me, I only answered the OP. I have a different problem now :(
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Unable to activate partitions</H1>
+ <B>Doug Laidlaw</B>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 11:40:10 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>This may be the same problem as the &quot;very long boot.&quot; I am not
+qualified to say. But Dimitrios implies that his system boots
+eventually. Mine gives up and drops me to a shell.
+Following some fiddling around with Gentoo on my &quot;fiddling&quot; partition, I
+put Cauldron back. I could get into Cauldron O.K., but when I tried to
+boot into Mga2, it kept stopping with a kernel message that it couldn't
+activate a partition with &quot;Dependency failed.&quot; One by one I excluded
+the partitions from /etc/fstab until I would no longer have a usable
+system. With the last one, I typed Ctrl-D and got in. I was then
+able to activate the excluded partitions and mount them with the
+usual &quot;mount&quot; command. Now I am afraid to reboot.
+In addition it said that the two test partitions had no journals,
+although they were reformatted before I installed Cauldron.
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+ <I>Sat May 26 16:45:05 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Il 23/05/2012 18:56, Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid ha scritto:
+&gt;<i> Hello to all the users and technical staff of Mageia, this has been
+</I>&gt;<i> and interesting time, now we have the 2nd version of our children, and
+</I>&gt;<i> i think that is time to translate the mageia's wiki into other
+</I>&gt;<i> languages, i as part of blogdrake, have interest to spanish
+</I>&gt;<i> translations,
+</I>&gt;<i> So i have to ask if is the wiki ready to do this and what need to be done?
+</I>&gt;<i> Thanks for your attention
+</I>&gt;<i> Nick: Katnatek , member of MDKTrans, bdk-packagers, BOFH of blogdrake
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia</H1>
+ <B>Marcello</B>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 16:46:57 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Il 25/05/2012 18:17, Otto ha scritto:
+&gt;<i> I created a phrase (slogan to the Mageia) in the Facebok of the Mageia
+</I>&gt;<i> that symbolizes the spirit of the Mageia. It would be a type of a
+</I>&gt;<i> &#8220;marketing&#8221; of the distro like a saying. Generally, companies have
+</I>&gt;<i> saying or mottos like this: */&#8220;satisfaction guaranteed or money back&#8221;./*
+</I>&gt;<i> It&#8217;s a phrase that it&#8217;s the company meaning in few words.The Merrian
+</I>&gt;<i> Webster&#8217; dictionary tranlates the motto as the following meaning: a
+</I>&gt;<i> sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or
+</I>&gt;<i> indicative of its character or use. The phrase, motto or saying to the
+</I>&gt;<i> Mageia is the following:
+</I>&gt;<i> */&#8220;Mageia is the present and the future.&#8221;/*The users at the facebook
+</I>&gt;<i> liked this motto (slogan). It means Mageia is the present because of its
+</I>&gt;<i> quality and stability for the reason Mageia is at the top of distrowatch
+</I>&gt;<i> (at 7^th . Position now). The other distros at start of mageia didn&#8217;t
+</I>&gt;<i> believe it.They desdained Mageia. The future because Mageia is a
+</I>&gt;<i> community, an organization and It came to stay with us and offer the
+</I>&gt;<i> best in the future.Thus, if you choose it, It could be included for the
+</I>&gt;<i> Mageia 3 besides the logo as a signal.It&#8217;s just a suggestion. I hope you
+</I>&gt;<i> get me.You can view more opinios at the Mageias forums there
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=";t=2476">;t=2476</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> &lt;<A HREF=";t=2476">;t=2476</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> It&#8217;s a simple phrase that it means the spirit of Mageia freedom.
+</I>&gt;<i> Cheers.
+</I>&gt;<i> Otto S&#225;
+you should subscribe to the mageia-marketing team and make your
+proposals there... You'll find all the people interested in marketing
+that will take into account your ideas...
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Kmail2, cannot send mails, error message: &quot;Unkown collection&quot;</H1>
+ <B>Doug Laidlaw</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Kmail2, cannot send mails, error message: &quot;Unkown collection&quot;">laidlaws at
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+ <I>Sat May 26 16:57:23 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Fri, 25 May 2012 08:08:02 +1000
+Doug Laidlaw &lt;<A HREF="">laidlaws at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> On Fri, 25 May 2012 09:22:40 +0200
+</I>&gt;<i> Dimitrios Glentadakis &lt;<A HREF="">dglent at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; I migrated to kmail2 and i cannot send messages. I have the error
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; message: &quot;Unknown collection&quot;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; I use gmail with imap
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> I got error messages as well. Kmail1 would not send to one of my
+</I>&gt;<i> mailing lists, so I switched to claws-mail, but I like the Kmail
+</I>&gt;<i> interface better.
+</I>&gt;<i> From what I have read, Kmail2 is a disaster. Have a look at
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=";t=989">;t=989</A> and
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> which offers a fix. In brief, it says to
+</I>&gt;<i> &quot;Delete all akonadi related files/folders under the following
+</I>&gt;<i> locations:
+</I>&gt;<i> ~/.config/akonadi/
+</I>&gt;<i> ~/.local/share/akonadi/
+</I>&gt;<i> ~/.kde4/share/config/
+</I>&gt;<i> ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail
+</I>&gt;<i> ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail2&quot;
+</I>&gt;<i> One response was: &quot;Where does that leave my system?&quot;
+</I>&gt;<i> HTH,
+</I>&gt;<i> Doug.
+</I>This has been reported to KDE's Bugzilla - before I looked it up.
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia</H1>
+ <B>Otto</B>
+ <A HREF=""
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+ <I>Sat May 26 17:05:57 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Dear Marcello,
+Thanks to the prompt reply. I have already sent to the Mageia Market and
+the Mageia forums and Patricia Frasier recommended to subscribe to the
+mageia-discuss mailing list. She wrote this post at the Mageia forums:
+&quot;Otto, you need to take this slogan out to the rest of the community, and
+see what they think - here on the forums, and on the irc channels (#mageia)
+and on the mageia-discuss mailing list. When you have gathered responses
+from all these places, we'll have an idea what the whole community feels
+about it and whether we can use it.
+It's not a bug - it's a feature you're asking for, so everyone has to be
+happy with it!&quot;.*
+Now It's missing to write to the iRC Channels. What else Do you recommend
+Otto .
+2012/5/26 Marcello &lt;<A HREF="">marcello.anni at</A>&gt;
+&gt;<i> Il 25/05/2012 18:17, Otto ha scritto:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> I created a phrase (slogan to the Mageia) in the Facebok of the Mageia
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> that symbolizes the spirit of the Mageia. It would be a type of a
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &#8220;marketing&#8221; of the distro like a saying. Generally, companies have
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> saying or mottos like this: */&#8220;satisfaction guaranteed or money back&#8221;./*
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> It&#8217;s a phrase that it&#8217;s the company meaning in few words.The Merrian
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Webster&#8217; dictionary tranlates the motto as the following meaning: a
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> indicative of its character or use. The phrase, motto or saying to the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Mageia is the following:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> */&#8220;Mageia is the present and the future.&#8221;/*The users at the facebook
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> liked this motto (slogan). It means Mageia is the present because of its
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> quality and stability for the reason Mageia is at the top of distrowatch
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> (at 7^th . Position now). The other distros at start of mageia didn&#8217;t
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> believe it.They desdained Mageia. The future because Mageia is a
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> community, an organization and It came to stay with us and offer the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> best in the future.Thus, if you choose it, It could be included for the
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Mageia 3 besides the logo as a signal.It&#8217;s just a suggestion. I hope you
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> get me.You can view more opinios at the Mageias forums there
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> <A HREF="**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;;t=2476">**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;;t=2476</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &lt;<A HREF="**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;;t=2476">**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;;t=2476</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> It&#8217;s a simple phrase that it means the spirit of Mageia freedom.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Cheers.
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Otto S&#225;
+</I>&gt;<i> you should subscribe to the mageia-marketing team and make your proposals
+</I>&gt;<i> there... You'll find all the people interested in marketing that will take
+</I>&gt;<i> into account your ideas...
+</I>&gt;<i> cheers,
+</I>&gt;<i> Marcello
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?</H1>
+ <B>Macxi</B>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 18:34:34 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Em s&#225;b 26 mai 2012, &#224;s 11:45:05, Marcello escreveu:
+&gt;<i> Il 23/05/2012 18:56, Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid ha scritto:
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Hello to all the users and technical staff of Mageia, this has been
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; and interesting time, now we have the 2nd version of our children, and
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; i think that is time to translate the mageia's wiki into other
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; languages, i as part of blogdrake, have interest to spanish
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; translations,
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; So i have to ask if is the wiki ready to do this and what need to be
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; done?
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Thanks for your attention
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Nick: Katnatek , member of MDKTrans, bdk-packagers, BOFH of blogdrake
+</I>&gt;<i> +1
+</I>&gt;<i> cheers,
+</I>&gt;<i> Marcello
++1 (pt_Br)
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia</H1>
+ <B>Macxi</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia">terraagua at
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+ <I>Sat May 26 18:41:12 CEST 2012</I>
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+Very good your initiative to discuss the creation of a slogan for the Mageia. I
+think it is necessary to discuss it. Congratulations for your idea.
+Em s&#225;b 26 mai 2012, &#224;s 12:05:57, Otto escreveu:
+&gt;<i> Dear Marcello,
+</I>&gt;<i> Thanks to the prompt reply. I have already sent to the Mageia Market and
+</I>&gt;<i> the Mageia forums and Patricia Frasier recommended to subscribe to the
+</I>&gt;<i> mageia-discuss mailing list. She wrote this post at the Mageia forums:
+</I>&gt;<i> *Quotation:
+</I>&gt;<i> &quot;Otto, you need to take this slogan out to the rest of the community, and
+</I>&gt;<i> see what they think - here on the forums, and on the irc channels (#mageia)
+</I>&gt;<i> and on the mageia-discuss mailing list. When you have gathered responses
+</I>&gt;<i> from all these places, we'll have an idea what the whole community feels
+</I>&gt;<i> about it and whether we can use it.
+</I>&gt;<i> It's not a bug - it's a feature you're asking for, so everyone has to be
+</I>&gt;<i> happy with it!&quot;.*
+</I>&gt;<i> Now It's missing to write to the iRC Channels. What else Do you recommend
+</I>&gt;<i> me?
+</I>&gt;<i> Cheers.
+</I>&gt;<i> Otto .
+</I>&gt;<i> 2012/5/26 Marcello &lt;<A HREF="">marcello.anni at</A>&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Il 25/05/2012 18:17, Otto ha scritto:
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; I created a phrase (slogan to the Mageia) in the Facebok of the Mageia
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; that symbolizes the spirit of the Mageia. It would be a type of a
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; &#8220;marketing&#8221; of the distro like a saying. Generally, companies have
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; saying or mottos like this: */&#8220;satisfaction guaranteed or money back&#8221;./*
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; It&#8217;s a phrase that it&#8217;s the company meaning in few words.The Merrian
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; Webster&#8217; dictionary tranlates the motto as the following meaning: a
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; sentence, phrase, or word inscribed on something as appropriate to or
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; indicative of its character or use. The phrase, motto or saying to the
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; Mageia is the following:
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; */&#8220;Mageia is the present and the future.&#8221;/*The users at the facebook
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; liked this motto (slogan). It means Mageia is the present because of its
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; quality and stability for the reason Mageia is at the top of distrowatch
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; (at 7^th . Position now). The other distros at start of mageia didn&#8217;t
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; believe it.They desdained Mageia. The future because Mageia is a
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; community, an organization and It came to stay with us and offer the
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; best in the future.Thus, if you choose it, It could be included for the
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; Mageia 3 besides the logo as a signal.It&#8217;s just a suggestion. I hope you
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; get me.You can view more opinios at the Mageias forums there
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; <A HREF="**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;https://forums.m">**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;https://forums.m</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;;t=2476&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; &lt;<A HREF="**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;https://forums">**viewtopic.php?f=5&amp;t=2476&lt;https://forums</A>
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;;t=2476&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; It&#8217;s a simple phrase that it means the spirit of Mageia freedom.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; Cheers.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; Otto S&#225;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; you should subscribe to the mageia-marketing team and make your proposals
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; there... You'll find all the people interested in marketing that will
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; take into account your ideas...
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; cheers,
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Marcello
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?</H1>
+ <B>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?"> at
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+ <I>Sat May 26 19:14:34 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>Hello, to all, in blogdrake we have set an unofficial repository for
+mageia 2, we are not signing the packages and urpmi.addmedia produce
+this error
+substr outside of string at
+line 73.
+Use of uninitialized value $keyid in hex at
+line 74.
+Use of uninitialized value $keyid in hex at
+line 74.
+Use of uninitialized value $keyid in hex at
+line 84.
+Use of uninitialized value $keyid in hex at
+line 84.
+can not import pubkey of &#171;mageia-bdk-noarch1&#187;
+So is there something i can add to the media.cfg file or and option to
+use in genhdlist2 for tell to urpmi.addmedia the repositorie don't
+have pub key ?
+Or this is this only possible with the --nopubkey of urpmi.addmedia ?
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?</H1>
+ <B>Johnny A. Solbu</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?">cooker at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sat May 26 19:29:41 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On Saturday 26 May 2012 19:14, Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid wrote:
+&gt;<i> we are not signing the packages
+Why not?
+Signing is the only way for your users to verify that the packages actually comes from you, and haven't been tampered with.
+I would not use any repo which didn't use signatures, and I suspect I'm not alone in this.
+Johnny A. Solbu
+PGP key ID: 0xFA687324
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?</H1>
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+ <I>Sat May 26 19:54:04 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>&gt;<i> Why not?
+We are some lazy :P , but i start to work to simplify the job :)
+&gt;<i> Signing is the only way for your users to verify that the packages actually comes from you, and haven't been tampered with.
+</I>&gt;<i> I would not use any repo which didn't use signatures, and I suspect I'm not alone in this.
+I understand that, but we use in our computers the packages that we
+build and we test as good as we can (lack time is our main enemy) and
+if there is something that we don't see and a user report we fix as
+quick as can
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?</H1>
+ <B>Dimitrios Glentadakis</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?">dglent at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Sat May 26 21:03:03 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>&#931;&#964;&#953;&#962; 26/05/2012 18:29:41 Johnny A. Solbu &#941;&#947;&#961;&#945;&#968;&#949;:
+&gt;<i>On Saturday 26 May 2012 19:14, Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> we are not signing the packages
+</I>&gt;<i>Why not?
+</I>&gt;<i>Signing is the only way for your users to verify that the packages actually comes from you, and haven't been tampered with.
+</I>&gt;<i>I would not use any repo which didn't use signatures, and I suspect I'm not alone in this.
+It is nt very hard to sign packages and it is essential. However, if someone wants to install unsigned rpm he has to be able to do it in his responsibility
+Dimitrios Glentadakis
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+ <h1>26 May 2012 Archives by author</h1>
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+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Sat May 26 00:24:02 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Sat May 26 21:03:03 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 22<p>
+ <ul>
+<LI><A HREF="007490.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7490">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007508.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7508">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<LI><A HREF="007510.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7510">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<LI><A HREF="007496.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7496">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="007511.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7511">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="007492.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7492">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Manuel Hiebel
+<LI><A HREF="007491.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7491">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007493.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7493">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007494.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7494">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007498.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7498">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007499.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7499">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007500.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7500">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007501.html">[Mageia-discuss] Unable to activate partitions
+</A><A NAME="7501">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007504.html">[Mageia-discuss] Kmail2, cannot send mails, error message: &quot;Unkown collection&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7504">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007506.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7506">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007507.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7507">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007502.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7502">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007503.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7503">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007505.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7505">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007495.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7495">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Marc Par&#233;
+<LI><A HREF="007509.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7509">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Johnny A. Solbu
+<LI><A HREF="007497.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7497">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne Wilson
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+ <p><b>Starting:</b> <i>Sat May 26 00:24:02 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Sat May 26 21:03:03 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 22<p>
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+<LI><A HREF="007490.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7490">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007491.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7491">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007492.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7492">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Manuel Hiebel
+<LI><A HREF="007493.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7493">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007494.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7494">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007495.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7495">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Marc Par&#233;
+<LI><A HREF="007496.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7496">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="007497.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7497">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne Wilson
+<LI><A HREF="007498.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7498">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007499.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7499">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007500.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7500">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007501.html">[Mageia-discuss] Unable to activate partitions
+</A><A NAME="7501">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007502.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7502">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007503.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7503">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007504.html">[Mageia-discuss] Kmail2, cannot send mails, error message: &quot;Unkown collection&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7504">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007505.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7505">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007506.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7506">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007507.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7507">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007508.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7508">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<LI><A HREF="007509.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7509">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Johnny A. Solbu
+<LI><A HREF="007510.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7510">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<LI><A HREF="007511.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7511">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
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+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Sat May 26 21:03:03 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 22<p>
+ <ul>
+<LI><A HREF="007503.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7503">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007505.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7505">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007507.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7507">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007490.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7490">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007491.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7491">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007492.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7492">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Manuel Hiebel
+<LI><A HREF="007495.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7495">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Marc Par&#233;
+<LI><A HREF="007499.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7499">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007509.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7509">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Johnny A. Solbu
+<LI><A HREF="007511.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7511">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="007508.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7508">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<LI><A HREF="007510.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7510">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<LI><A HREF="007502.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7502">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007506.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7506">&nbsp;</A>
+<LI><A HREF="007504.html">[Mageia-discuss] Kmail2, cannot send mails, error message: &quot;Unkown collection&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7504">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007494.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7494">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007497.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7497">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne Wilson
+<LI><A HREF="007501.html">[Mageia-discuss] Unable to activate partitions
+</A><A NAME="7501">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<LI><A HREF="007493.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7493">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007496.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7496">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<LI><A HREF="007498.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7498">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<LI><A HREF="007500.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7500">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Sat May 26 21:03:03 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Sat May 26 21:03:11 CEST 2012</i>
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+ <b>Ending:</b> <i>Sat May 26 21:03:03 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Messages:</b> 22<p>
+ <ul>
+<!--0 01337984642- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007490.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7490">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--0 01337986596- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007491.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7491">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<!--1 01337986596-01337987184- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007492.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7492">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Manuel Hiebel
+<!--2 01337986596-01337987184-01338016175- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007499.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7499">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<!--0 01337987244- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007493.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7493">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<!--1 01337987244-01338013441- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007496.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7496">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+<!--2 01337987244-01338013441-01338016120- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007498.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7498">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<!--0 01337987407- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007494.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7494">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>David W. Hodgins
+<!--1 01337987407-01338014010- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007497.html">[Mageia-discuss] Temporarily changing IP address
+</A><A NAME="7497">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Anne Wilson
+<!--0 01337991252- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007495.html">[Mageia-discuss] Download numbers
+</A><A NAME="7495">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Marc Par&#233;
+<!--0 01338024376- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007500.html">[Mageia-discuss] Very long boot, stalls in &quot;Started /home&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7500">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<!--0 01338025210- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007501.html">[Mageia-discuss] Unable to activate partitions
+</A><A NAME="7501">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<!--0 01338043505- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007502.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7502">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--1 01338043505-01338050074- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007506.html">[Mageia-discuss] Is the mageia's wiki ready for il8n?
+</A><A NAME="7506">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--0 01338043617- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007503.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7503">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--1 01338043617-01338044757- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007505.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7505">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--2 01338043617-01338044757-01338050472- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007507.html">[Mageia-discuss] A motto (slogan) to the Mageia
+</A><A NAME="7507">&nbsp;</A>
+<!--0 01338044243- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007504.html">[Mageia-discuss] Kmail2, cannot send mails, error message: &quot;Unkown collection&quot;
+</A><A NAME="7504">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Doug Laidlaw
+<!--0 01338052474- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007508.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7508">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<!--1 01338052474-01338053381- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007509.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7509">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Johnny A. Solbu
+<!--2 01338052474-01338053381-01338054844- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007510.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7510">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Jos&#233; Alberto Valle Cid
+<!--2 01338052474-01338053381-01338058983- -->
+<LI><A HREF="007511.html">[Mageia-discuss] How did i tell to urpmi.addmedia that a repo not have pubkey?
+</A><A NAME="7511">&nbsp;</A>
+<I>Dimitrios Glentadakis
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <a name="end"><b>Last message date:</b></a>
+ <i>Sat May 26 21:03:03 CEST 2012</i><br>
+ <b>Archived on:</b> <i>Sat May 26 21:03:11 CEST 2012</i>
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