path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110414/003982.html
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authorNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
commit1be510f9529cb082f802408b472a77d074b394c0 (patch)
treeb175f9d5fcb107576dabc768e7bd04d4a3e491a0 /zarb-ml/mageia-dev/20110414/003982.html
parentfa5098cf210b23ab4f419913e28af7b1b07dafb2 (diff)
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Tainted Software - once more</H1>
+ <B>Romain d'Alverny</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Tainted Software - once more">rdalverny at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Thu Apr 14 17:47:26 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 16:02, Frank Griffin &lt;<A HREF="">ftg at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> On 04/14/2011 07:28 AM, Tux99 wrote:
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> Does anyone know what the status of the buildsystem with regards to
+</I>&gt;&gt;<i> building dual core/tainted packages from a single source rpm is?
+Not done yet. It's in sysadmin team's TODO (the usual &quot;sysadmin team
+members welcomes people to help&quot; is still valid).
+&gt;<i> And to re-ask a related question that was never resolved: is &quot;tainted&quot;
+</I>&gt;<i> supposed to be a replacement for PLF, or will PLF still be required for
+</I>&gt;<i> those who want/need packages with legal limitations ?
+We still need to improve on that yes (would it be only for Tier2
+mirrors). To be discussed at the next Council?
+Anyway, there's no general rule for that, further than: what goes here is:
+ - what is either free software or not (could go in core or nonfree),
+ - but that may not be redistributable in some areas (because of
+software patents or other issues).
+Defining what is the valid reference area to allow redistribution is
+not done yet, but we can aim at Europe/France (this is where the
+primary mirror is) - the only main threat I can see here is the coming
+European Patent initiative, however I am not sure what stance this one
+will take regarding the possibility of software patents.
+That in turn doesn't mean that redistribution of tainted _is_
+forbidden out of this reference area. But it means that software that
+could be forbidden, may be included in tainted.
+Others may confirm that this will cover most of what PLF provides
+already - but that there will be some packages left anyway.
+For all the rest (stuff we can't, for certain, legally distribute
+within EU/France), you'll need a separate repository Mageia.Org can't
+Now, what the precise list of packages in tainted is... depends on
+packagers. See current:
+<A HREF=""></A>
+However, for sure, there should be a list maintained somewhere of the
+list of software that cannot be added in tainted, and for what reason
+(and what the resolution of it would need to be). So that each request
+for a potential package in tainted gets documented.
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