diff options
authorOlivier Thauvin <nanardon@mandriva.org>2004-12-06 23:27:42 +0000
committerOlivier Thauvin <nanardon@mandriva.org>2004-12-06 23:27:42 +0000
commitab1d5af38bb1d9133ebece45760d7d0af642d976 (patch)
parentdcd615a5ac5759ce82db71f8aac058768e2d8ce3 (diff)
- more test and fix
7 files changed, 172 insertions, 930 deletions
diff --git a/MANIFEST b/MANIFEST
index 4155599..8b40b02 100644
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ packdrake
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index a6a04ba..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,844 +0,0 @@
-# This Makefile is for the rpmtools extension to perl.
-# It was generated automatically by MakeMaker version
-# 6.17 (Revision: 1.133) from the contents of
-# Makefile.PL. Don't edit this file, edit Makefile.PL instead.
-# MakeMaker ARGV: ()
-# MakeMaker Parameters:
-# C => []
-# CCFLAGS => q[-Wall]
-# EXE_FILES => [q[gendistrib], q[genhdlist], q[packdrake], q[rpm2header], q[parsehdlist], q[rpm2cpio.pl]]
-# INC => q[]
-# INSTALLDIRS => q[vendor]
-# LIBS => [q[]]
-# NAME => q[rpmtools]
-# OBJECT => q[]
-# OPTIMIZE => q[-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-exceptions -pipe -s -ffast-math -fexpensive-optimizations]
-# PM => { Packdrakeng.pm=>q[$(INST_LIBDIR)/Packdrakeng.pm], packdrake.pm=>q[$(INST_LIBDIR)/packdrake.pm] }
-# VERSION => q[5.0]
-# depend => { pm_to_blib=>q[buildc], clean_subdirs=>q[cleanc] }
-# dist => { COMPRESS=>q[bzip2 --best], SUFFIX=>q[.bz2] }
-# macro => { LIBRPM=>q[-lrpm -lrpmio -lrpmdb -lrpmbuild -lz -lbz2 -lpopt], DEFRPM=>q[-DRPM_42], FROMC=>q[parsehdlist rpm2header #rpm-find-leaves], INCRPM=>q[-I/usr/include/rpm], RPMTOOLSVERSION=>q[5.0], FROMCC_STATIC=>q[$(FROMCC:%=%_static)], FROMCC=>q[#gendepslist2 hdlist2names hdlist2files hdlist2prereq hdlist2groups], FROMC_STATIC=>q[$(FROMC:%=%_static)] }
-# --- MakeMaker post_initialize section:
-# --- MakeMaker const_config section:
-# These definitions are from config.sh (via /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/Config.pm)
-# They may have been overridden via Makefile.PL or on the command line
-AR = ar
-CC = gcc
-CCDLFLAGS = -Wl,-E -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE
-DLEXT = so
-DLSRC = dl_dlopen.xs
-LD = gcc
-LDDLFLAGS = -shared -L/usr/local/lib
-LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib
-LIBC = /lib/libc-2.3.3.so
-LIB_EXT = .a
-OBJ_EXT = .o
-OSNAME = linux
-SITELIBEXP = /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6
-SITEARCHEXP = /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux
-SO = so
-FULL_AR = /usr/bin/ar
-VENDORARCHEXP = /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux
-VENDORLIBEXP = /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6
-# --- MakeMaker constants section:
-NAME = rpmtools
-NAME_SYM = rpmtools
-VERSION = 5.0
-INST_ARCHLIB = blib/arch
-INST_SCRIPT = blib/script
-INST_BIN = blib/bin
-INST_LIB = blib/lib
-INST_MAN1DIR = blib/man1
-INST_MAN3DIR = blib/man3
-MAN1EXT = 1
-MAN3EXT = 3pm
-INSTALLSITELIB = $(SITEPREFIX)/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6
-INSTALLVENDORLIB = $(VENDORPREFIX)/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6
-INSTALLARCHLIB = $(PERLPREFIX)/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux
-INSTALLSITEARCH = $(SITEPREFIX)/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux
-INSTALLVENDORARCH = $(VENDORPREFIX)/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux
-INSTALLMAN1DIR = $(PERLPREFIX)/share/man/man1
-INSTALLMAN3DIR = $(PERLPREFIX)/share/man/man3
-PERL_LIB = /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6
-PERL_ARCHLIB = /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux
-LIBPERL_A = libperl.a
-PERL_INC = /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE
-PERL = /usr/bin/perl5.8.6
-FULLPERL = /usr/bin/perl5.8.6
-PERM_RW = 644
-PERM_RWX = 755
-MAKEMAKER = /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm
-MM_VERSION = 6.17
-MM_REVISION = 1.133
-# FULLEXT = Pathname for extension directory (eg Foo/Bar/Oracle).
-# BASEEXT = Basename part of FULLEXT. May be just equal FULLEXT. (eg Oracle)
-# PARENT_NAME = NAME without BASEEXT and no trailing :: (eg Foo::Bar)
-# DLBASE = Basename part of dynamic library. May be just equal BASEEXT.
-FULLEXT = rpmtools
-BASEEXT = rpmtools
-INC =
-LINKTYPE = dynamic
-# Handy lists of source code files:
-MAN1PODS = parsehdlist \
- rpm2header
-MAN3PODS = Packdrakeng.pm
-# Where is the Config information that we are using/depend on
-# Where to build things
-# Extra linker info
-TO_INST_PM = Packdrakeng.pm \
- packdrake.pm
-PM_TO_BLIB = Packdrakeng.pm \
- $(INST_LIBDIR)/Packdrakeng.pm \
- packdrake.pm \
- $(INST_LIBDIR)/packdrake.pm
-# --- MakeMaker platform_constants section:
-MM_Unix_VERSION = 1.42
-PERL_MALLOC_DEF = -DPERL_EXTMALLOC_DEF -Dmalloc=Perl_malloc -Dfree=Perl_mfree -Drealloc=Perl_realloc -Dcalloc=Perl_calloc
-# --- MakeMaker tool_autosplit section:
-# Usage: $(AUTOSPLITFILE) FileToSplit AutoDirToSplitInto
-AUTOSPLITFILE = $(PERLRUN) -e 'use AutoSplit; autosplit($$ARGV[0], $$ARGV[1], 0, 1, 1)'
-# --- MakeMaker tool_xsubpp section:
-# --- MakeMaker tools_other section:
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-CHMOD = chmod
-CP = cp
-MV = mv
-NOOP = $(SHELL) -c true
-RM_F = rm -f
-RM_RF = rm -rf
-TEST_F = test -f
-TOUCH = touch
-UMASK_NULL = umask 0
-DEV_NULL = > /dev/null 2>&1
-MKPATH = $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command" -e mkpath
-EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP = $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command" -e eqtime
-ECHO = echo
-ECHO_N = echo -n
-MOD_INSTALL = $(PERLRUN) -MExtUtils::Install -e 'install({@ARGV}, '\''$(VERBINST)'\'', 0, '\''$(UNINST)'\'');'
-DOC_INSTALL = $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" -e perllocal_install
-UNINSTALL = $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" -e uninstall
-WARN_IF_OLD_PACKLIST = $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" -e warn_if_old_packlist
-# --- MakeMaker makemakerdflt section:
-makemakerdflt: all
-# --- MakeMaker dist section:
-TAR = tar
-ZIP = zip
-COMPRESS = bzip2 --best
-SUFFIX = .bz2
-SHAR = shar
-CI = ci -u
-RCS_LABEL = rcs -Nv$(VERSION_SYM): -q
-DIST_CP = best
-DIST_DEFAULT = tardist
-DISTNAME = rpmtools
-DISTVNAME = rpmtools-5.0
-# --- MakeMaker macro section:
-LIBRPM = -lrpm -lrpmio -lrpmdb -lrpmbuild -lz -lbz2 -lpopt
-FROMC = parsehdlist rpm2header #rpm-find-leaves
-INCRPM = -I/usr/include/rpm
-FROMCC_STATIC = $(FROMCC:%=%_static)
-FROMCC = #gendepslist2 hdlist2names hdlist2files hdlist2prereq hdlist2groups
-FROMC_STATIC = $(FROMC:%=%_static)
-# --- MakeMaker depend section:
-pm_to_blib : buildc
-clean_subdirs : cleanc
-# --- MakeMaker cflags section:
-# --- MakeMaker const_loadlibs section:
-# --- MakeMaker const_cccmd section:
-# --- MakeMaker post_constants section:
-# --- MakeMaker pasthru section:
-# --- MakeMaker special_targets section:
-.SUFFIXES: .xs .c .C .cpp .i .s .cxx .cc $(OBJ_EXT)
-.PHONY: all config static dynamic test linkext manifest
-# --- MakeMaker c_o section:
-# --- MakeMaker xs_c section:
-# --- MakeMaker xs_o section:
-# --- MakeMaker top_targets section:
-all :: pure_all manifypods
-pure_all :: config pm_to_blib subdirs linkext
-subdirs :: $(MYEXTLIB)
-config :: $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)$(DIRFILESEP).exists
-config :: $(INST_AUTODIR)$(DIRFILESEP).exists
-$(INST_AUTODIR)/.exists :: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h
- $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h $(INST_AUTODIR)/.exists
-$(INST_LIBDIR)/.exists :: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h
- $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h $(INST_LIBDIR)/.exists
-$(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/.exists :: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h
- $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/.exists
-config :: $(INST_MAN1DIR)$(DIRFILESEP).exists
-$(INST_MAN1DIR)/.exists :: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h
- $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h $(INST_MAN1DIR)/.exists
-config :: $(INST_MAN3DIR)$(DIRFILESEP).exists
-$(INST_MAN3DIR)/.exists :: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h
- $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h $(INST_MAN3DIR)/.exists
- perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker
-# --- MakeMaker linkext section:
-linkext :: $(LINKTYPE)
-# --- MakeMaker dlsyms section:
-# --- MakeMaker dynamic section:
-# --- MakeMaker dynamic_bs section:
-# --- MakeMaker dynamic_lib section:
-# --- MakeMaker static section:
-## $(INST_PM) has been moved to the all: target.
-## It remains here for awhile to allow for old usage: "make static"
-# --- MakeMaker static_lib section:
-# --- MakeMaker manifypods section:
-POD2MAN_EXE = $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" -e pod2man "--"
-manifypods : pure_all \
- parsehdlist \
- rpm2header \
- Packdrakeng.pm \
- Packdrakeng.pm
- $(NOECHO) $(POD2MAN) --section=1 --perm_rw=$(PERM_RW)\
- parsehdlist $(INST_MAN1DIR)/parsehdlist.$(MAN1EXT) \
- rpm2header $(INST_MAN1DIR)/rpm2header.$(MAN1EXT)
- $(NOECHO) $(POD2MAN) --section=3 --perm_rw=$(PERM_RW)\
- Packdrakeng.pm $(INST_MAN3DIR)/Packdrakeng.$(MAN3EXT)
-# --- MakeMaker processPL section:
-# --- MakeMaker installbin section:
-$(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists :: /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h
- $(NOECHO) $(EQUALIZE_TIMESTAMP) /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h $(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists
-EXE_FILES = gendistrib genhdlist packdrake rpm2header parsehdlist rpm2cpio.pl
-FIXIN = $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::MY" -e "MY->fixin(shift)"
-pure_all :: $(INST_SCRIPT)/genhdlist $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2cpio.pl $(INST_SCRIPT)/parsehdlist $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2header $(INST_SCRIPT)/packdrake $(INST_SCRIPT)/gendistrib
-realclean ::
- $(RM_F) $(INST_SCRIPT)/genhdlist $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2cpio.pl $(INST_SCRIPT)/parsehdlist $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2header $(INST_SCRIPT)/packdrake $(INST_SCRIPT)/gendistrib
-$(INST_SCRIPT)/genhdlist: genhdlist $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists
- $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(INST_SCRIPT)/genhdlist
- $(CP) genhdlist $(INST_SCRIPT)/genhdlist
- $(FIXIN) $(INST_SCRIPT)/genhdlist
- -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $(INST_SCRIPT)/genhdlist
-$(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2cpio.pl: rpm2cpio.pl $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists
- $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2cpio.pl
- $(CP) rpm2cpio.pl $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2cpio.pl
- $(FIXIN) $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2cpio.pl
- -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2cpio.pl
-$(INST_SCRIPT)/parsehdlist: parsehdlist $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists
- $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(INST_SCRIPT)/parsehdlist
- $(CP) parsehdlist $(INST_SCRIPT)/parsehdlist
- $(FIXIN) $(INST_SCRIPT)/parsehdlist
- -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $(INST_SCRIPT)/parsehdlist
-$(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2header: rpm2header $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists
- $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2header
- $(CP) rpm2header $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2header
- $(FIXIN) $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2header
- -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $(INST_SCRIPT)/rpm2header
-$(INST_SCRIPT)/packdrake: packdrake $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists
- $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(INST_SCRIPT)/packdrake
- $(CP) packdrake $(INST_SCRIPT)/packdrake
- $(FIXIN) $(INST_SCRIPT)/packdrake
- -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $(INST_SCRIPT)/packdrake
-$(INST_SCRIPT)/gendistrib: gendistrib $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_SCRIPT)/.exists
- $(NOECHO) $(RM_F) $(INST_SCRIPT)/gendistrib
- $(CP) gendistrib $(INST_SCRIPT)/gendistrib
- $(FIXIN) $(INST_SCRIPT)/gendistrib
- -$(NOECHO) $(CHMOD) $(PERM_RWX) $(INST_SCRIPT)/gendistrib
-# --- MakeMaker subdirs section:
-# none
-# --- MakeMaker clean_subdirs section:
-clean_subdirs :
-# --- MakeMaker clean section:
-# Delete temporary files but do not touch installed files. We don't delete
-# the Makefile here so a later make realclean still has a makefile to use.
-clean :: clean_subdirs
- -$(RM_RF) ./blib $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.all $(INST_ARCHAUTODIR)/extralibs.ld perlmain.c tmon.out mon.out so_locations pm_to_blib *$(OBJ_EXT) *$(LIB_EXT) perl.exe perl perl$(EXE_EXT) $(BOOTSTRAP) $(BASEEXT).bso $(BASEEXT).def lib$(BASEEXT).def $(BASEEXT).exp $(BASEEXT).x core core.*perl.*.? *perl.core core.[0-9] core.[0-9][0-9] core.[0-9][0-9][0-9] core.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] core.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
-# --- MakeMaker realclean_subdirs section:
-realclean_subdirs :
-# --- MakeMaker realclean section:
-# Delete temporary files (via clean) and also delete installed files
-realclean purge :: clean realclean_subdirs
- $(RM_F) $(INST_LIBDIR)/Packdrakeng.pm $(MAKEFILE_OLD) $(FIRST_MAKEFILE) $(INST_LIBDIR)/packdrake.pm
-# --- MakeMaker metafile section:
-metafile :
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) '# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html' > META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) '#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!! It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'name: rpmtools' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'version: 5.0' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'version_from: ' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'installdirs: vendor' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'requires:' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) '' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'distribution_type: module' >> META.yml
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) 'generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17' >> META.yml
-# --- MakeMaker metafile_addtomanifest section:
- $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUN) -MExtUtils::Manifest=maniadd -e 'eval { maniadd({q{META.yml} => q{Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)}}) } ' \
- -e ' or print "Could not add META.yml to MANIFEST: $${'\''@'\''}\n"'
-# --- MakeMaker dist_basics section:
-distclean :: realclean distcheck
-distcheck :
- $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=fullcheck" -e fullcheck
-skipcheck :
- $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=skipcheck" -e skipcheck
-manifest :
- $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=mkmanifest" -e mkmanifest
-veryclean : realclean
- $(RM_F) *~ *.orig */*~ */*.orig
-# --- MakeMaker dist_core section:
- $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUN) -l -e 'print '\''Warning: Makefile possibly out of date with $(VERSION_FROM)'\''' \
- -e ' if -e '\''$(VERSION_FROM)'\'' and -M '\''$(VERSION_FROM)'\'' < -M '\''$(FIRST_MAKEFILE)'\'';'
-tardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
-uutardist : $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
- uuencode $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) > $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)_uu
-$(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX) : distdir
- $(PREOP)
- $(TO_UNIX)
-zipdist : $(DISTVNAME).zip
-$(DISTVNAME).zip : distdir
- $(PREOP)
-shdist : distdir
- $(PREOP)
-# --- MakeMaker distdir section:
-distdir : metafile metafile_addtomanifest
- $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=manicopy,maniread" \
- -e "manicopy(maniread(),'$(DISTVNAME)', '$(DIST_CP)');"
-# --- MakeMaker dist_test section:
-disttest : distdir
- cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(ABSPERLRUN) Makefile.PL
- cd $(DISTVNAME) && $(MAKE) test $(PASTHRU)
-# --- MakeMaker dist_ci section:
-ci :
- $(PERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Manifest=maniread" \
- -e "@all = keys %{ maniread() };" \
- -e "print(qq{Executing $(CI) @all\n}); system(qq{$(CI) @all});" \
- -e "print(qq{Executing $(RCS_LABEL) ...\n}); system(qq{$(RCS_LABEL) @all});"
-# --- MakeMaker install section:
-install :: all pure_install doc_install
-install_perl :: all pure_perl_install doc_perl_install
-install_site :: all pure_site_install doc_site_install
-install_vendor :: all pure_vendor_install doc_vendor_install
-pure_install :: pure_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
-doc_install :: doc_$(INSTALLDIRS)_install
-pure__install : pure_site_install
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site
-doc__install : doc_site_install
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) INSTALLDIRS not defined, defaulting to INSTALLDIRS=site
-pure_perl_install ::
- read $(PERL_ARCHLIB)/auto/$(FULLEXT)/.packlist \
- write $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/auto/$(FULLEXT)/.packlist \
-pure_site_install ::
- read $(SITEARCHEXP)/auto/$(FULLEXT)/.packlist \
- write $(DESTINSTALLSITEARCH)/auto/$(FULLEXT)/.packlist \
-pure_vendor_install ::
- read $(VENDORARCHEXP)/auto/$(FULLEXT)/.packlist \
- write $(DESTINSTALLVENDORARCH)/auto/$(FULLEXT)/.packlist \
-doc_perl_install ::
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
- "Module" "$(NAME)" \
- "installed into" "$(INSTALLPRIVLIB)" \
- >> $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
-doc_site_install ::
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
- "Module" "$(NAME)" \
- "installed into" "$(INSTALLSITELIB)" \
- >> $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
-doc_vendor_install ::
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Appending installation info to $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
- "Module" "$(NAME)" \
- "installed into" "$(INSTALLVENDORLIB)" \
- >> $(DESTINSTALLARCHLIB)/perllocal.pod
-uninstall :: uninstall_from_$(INSTALLDIRS)dirs
-uninstall_from_perldirs ::
- $(NOECHO) $(UNINSTALL) $(PERL_ARCHLIB)/auto/$(FULLEXT)/.packlist
-uninstall_from_sitedirs ::
-uninstall_from_vendordirs ::
-# --- MakeMaker force section:
-# Phony target to force checking subdirectories.
-# --- MakeMaker perldepend section:
-# --- MakeMaker makefile section:
-# We take a very conservative approach here, but it's worth it.
-# We move Makefile to Makefile.old here to avoid gnu make looping.
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Makefile out-of-date with respect to $?"
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "Cleaning current config before rebuilding Makefile..."
- -$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE_OLD) clean $(DEV_NULL) || $(NOOP)
- $(PERLRUN) Makefile.PL
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "==> Your Makefile has been rebuilt. <=="
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) "==> Please rerun the make command. <=="
- false
-# --- MakeMaker staticmake section:
-# --- MakeMaker makeaperl section ---
-MAP_TARGET = perl
-FULLPERL = /usr/bin/perl5.8.6
- $(MAKE) -f $(MAKE_APERL_FILE) $@
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) Writing \"$(MAKE_APERL_FILE)\" for this $(MAP_TARGET)
- Makefile.PL DIR= \
-# --- MakeMaker test section:
-TEST_FILE = test.pl
-TEST_FILES = t/*.t
-testdb :: testdb_$(LINKTYPE)
-test :: $(TEST_TYPE)
-test_dynamic :: pure_all
- PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 $(FULLPERLRUN) "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness($(TEST_VERBOSE), '$(INST_LIB)', '$(INST_ARCHLIB)')" $(TEST_FILES)
-testdb_dynamic :: pure_all
-test_ : test_dynamic
-test_static :: test_dynamic
-testdb_static :: testdb_dynamic
-# --- MakeMaker ppd section:
-# Creates a PPD (Perl Package Description) for a binary distribution.
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' <OS NAME="$(OSNAME)" />' >> $(DISTNAME).ppd
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' <ARCHITECTURE NAME="i386-linux" />' >> $(DISTNAME).ppd
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) ' <CODEBASE HREF="" />' >> $(DISTNAME).ppd
- $(NOECHO) $(ECHO) '</SOFTPKG>' >> $(DISTNAME).ppd
-# --- MakeMaker pm_to_blib section:
-pm_to_blib: $(TO_INST_PM)
- $(NOECHO) $(PERLRUN) -MExtUtils::Install -e 'pm_to_blib({@ARGV}, '\''$(INST_LIB)/auto'\'', '\''$(PM_FILTER)'\'')'\
- Packdrakeng.pm $(INST_LIBDIR)/Packdrakeng.pm \
- packdrake.pm $(INST_LIBDIR)/packdrake.pm
- $(NOECHO) $(TOUCH) $@
-# --- MakeMaker selfdocument section:
-# --- MakeMaker postamble section:
-.PHONY: ChangeLog
-$(FROMCC): %: %.cc
-$(FROMCC_STATIC): %_static: %.cc
-$(FROMC): %: %.c
-$(FROMC_STATIC): %_static: %.c
- cvs2cl -W 400 -I ChangeLog --accum -U ../common/username
- rm -f *.bak
-rpm: dist
- rpm --define "_sourcedir `pwd`" -ba rpmtools.spec
-# End.
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index 289b915..ef7a4b5 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# use 5.008;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
-my $rpmtools_version = '5.0';
+my $rpmtools_version = '5.0.0';
sub MY::postamble {
@@ -12,19 +12,13 @@ sub MY::postamble {
\$(FROMCC): %: %.cc
-\$(FROMCC_STATIC): %_static: %.cc
- \$(CXX) -s -static \$(CCFLAGS) \$(OPTIMIZE) -DVERSION_STRING=\\"\$(RPMTOOLSVERSION)\\" \$< \$(LIBRPM) \$(INCRPM) \$(DEFRPM) -o \$@
\$(FROMC): %: %.c
-\$(FROMC_STATIC): %_static: %.c
- \$(CC) -g -s -static \$(CCFLAGS) \$(OPTIMIZE) -DVERSION_STRING=\\"\$(RPMTOOLSVERSION)\\" \$< \$(LIBRPM) \$(LIBRPM_STATIC) \$(INCRPM) \$(DEFRPM) -o \$@
+buildc: \$(FROMC) \$(FROMCC)
+ rm -f \$(FROMC) \$(FROMCC)
cvs2cl -W 400 -I ChangeLog --accum -U ../common/username
@@ -42,8 +36,6 @@ WriteMakefile(
RPMTOOLSVERSION => $rpmtools_version,
FROMC => 'parsehdlist rpm2header #rpm-find-leaves',
FROMCC => '#gendepslist2 hdlist2names hdlist2files hdlist2prereq hdlist2groups',
- FROMC_STATIC => '$(FROMC:%=%_static)',
- FROMCC_STATIC => '$(FROMCC:%=%_static)',
LIBRPM => '-lrpm -lrpmio -lrpmdb -lrpmbuild -lz -lbz2 -lpopt',
INCRPM => '-I/usr/include/rpm',
DEFRPM => '-DRPM_42',
diff --git a/Packdrakeng.pm b/Packdrakeng.pm
index 0504ec4..ce4c86a 100644
--- a/Packdrakeng.pm
+++ b/Packdrakeng.pm
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ sub _new {
level => $options{comp_level} || 6, # compression level, aka -X gzip or bzip option
- bloc_size => $options{bloc_size} || 400 * 1024, # A compressed bloc will contain 400k of compressed data
+ block_size => $options{block_size} || 400 * 1024, # A compressed block will contain 400k of compressed data
bufsize => $options{bufsize} || 65536, # Arbitrary buffer size to read files
# Internal data
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ sub _new {
direct_write => 0, # Define if wrapper write directly in archive and not into temp file
# Data we need keep in memory to achieve the storage
- current_bloc_files => {}, # Files in pending compressed bloc
- current_bloc_csize => 0, # Actual size in pending compressed bloc
- current_bloc_coff => 0, # The bloc bloc location (offset)
- current_bloc_off => 0, # Actual uncompressed file offset within the pending bloc
+ current_block_files => {}, # Files in pending compressed block
+ current_block_csize => 0, # Actual size in pending compressed block
+ current_block_coff => 0, # The block block location (offset)
+ current_block_off => 0, # Actual uncompressed file offset within the pending block
cstream_data => undef, # Wrapper data we need to keep in memory (compression)
ustream_data => undef, # Wrapper data we need to keep in memory (uncompression)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ sub new {
sysopen($pack->{handle}, $pack->{filename}, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or return undef;
$pack->{need_build_toc} = 1;
- $pack->{log}->("Creating new archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.",
+ $pack->{debug}->("Creating new archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.",
$pack->{compress_method}, $pack->{uncompress_method},
$pack->{use_extern} ? "" : " (internal compression)");
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ sub open {
my $pack = _new($class, %options);
sysopen($pack->{handle}, $pack->{filename}, O_RDONLY) or return undef;
$pack->read_toc() or return undef;
- $pack->{log}->("Opening archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.",
+ $pack->{debug}->("Opening archive with '%s' / '%s'%s.",
$pack->{compress_method}, $pack->{uncompress_method},
$pack->{use_extern} ? "" : " (internal compression)");
@@ -142,39 +142,58 @@ sub DESTROY {
close($pack->{handle}) if ($pack->{handle});
-# Flush current compressed bloc
+# Flush current compressed block
# Write
sub build_toc {
my ($pack) = @_;
$pack->{need_build_toc} or return 1;
- $pack->end_bloc();
- $pack->end_seek();
+ $pack->end_block();
+ $pack->end_seek() or do {
+ warn "Can't seek into archive";
+ return 0;
+ };
my ($toc_length, $cf, $cd, $cl) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
- sysseek($pack->{handle}, $pack->{coff}, 0) == $pack->{coff} or return 0;
foreach my $entry (keys %{$pack->{'dir'}}) {
- $toc_length += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry . "\n");
+ my $w = syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry . "\n") or do {
+ warn "Can't write toc into archive";
+ return 0;
+ };
+ $toc_length += $w;
foreach my $entry (keys %{$pack->{'symlink'}}) {
- $toc_length += syswrite($pack->{handle}, sprintf("%s\n%s\n", $entry, $pack->{'symlink'}{$entry}));
- }
+ my $w = syswrite($pack->{handle}, sprintf("%s\n%s\n", $entry, $pack->{'symlink'}{$entry})) or do {
+ warn "Can't write toc into archive";
+ return 0;
+ };
+ $toc_length += $w
+ }
foreach my $entry (sort keys %{$pack->{files}}) {
- $toc_length += syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry ."\n");
+ my $w = syswrite($pack->{handle}, $entry ."\n") or do {
+ warn "Can't write toc into archive";
+ return 0;
+ };
+ $toc_length += $w;
foreach my $file (sort keys %{$pack->{files}}) {
my $entry = $pack->{files}{$file};
- syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack('NNNN', $entry->{coff}, $entry->{csize}, $entry->{off}, $entry->{size})) or return 0;
+ syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack('NNNN', $entry->{coff}, $entry->{csize}, $entry->{off}, $entry->{size})) or do {
+ warn "Can't write toc into archive";
+ return 0;
+ };
syswrite($pack->{handle}, pack("a4NNNNa40a4",
$cd, $cl, $cf,
- $toc_footer)) or return 0;
+ $toc_footer)) or do {
+ warn "Can't write toc into archive";
+ return 0;
+ };
@@ -222,27 +241,27 @@ sub read_toc {
# Goto to the end of written compressed data
sub end_seek {
my ($pack) = @_;
- my $seekvalue = $pack->{direct_write} ? $pack->{coff} + $pack->{current_bloc_csize} : $pack->{coff};
+ my $seekvalue = $pack->{direct_write} ? $pack->{coff} + $pack->{current_block_csize} : $pack->{coff};
sysseek($pack->{handle}, $seekvalue, 0) == $seekvalue
-#- To terminate a compressed bloc, flush the pending compressed data,
+#- To terminate a compressed block, flush the pending compressed data,
#- fill toc data still unknown
-sub end_bloc {
+sub end_block {
my ($pack) = @_;
$pack->end_seek() or return 0;
my $m = $pack->{subcompress};
my (undef, $csize) = $pack->$m(undef);
- $pack->{current_bloc_csize} += $csize;
- foreach (keys %{$pack->{current_bloc_files}}) {
- $pack->{files}{$_} = $pack->{current_bloc_files}{$_};
- $pack->{files}{$_}{csize} = $pack->{current_bloc_csize};
+ $pack->{current_block_csize} += $csize;
+ foreach (keys %{$pack->{current_block_files}}) {
+ $pack->{files}{$_} = $pack->{current_block_files}{$_};
+ $pack->{files}{$_}{csize} = $pack->{current_block_csize};
- $pack->{coff} += $pack->{current_bloc_csize};
- $pack->{current_bloc_coff} += $pack->{current_bloc_csize};
- $pack->{current_bloc_csize} = 0;
- $pack->{current_bloc_files} = {};
- $pack->{current_bloc_off} = 0;
+ $pack->{coff} += $pack->{current_block_csize};
+ $pack->{current_block_coff} += $pack->{current_block_csize};
+ $pack->{current_block_csize} = 0;
+ $pack->{current_block_files} = {};
+ $pack->{current_block_off} = 0;
@@ -256,15 +275,15 @@ sub extern_compress {
if (defined($pack->{cstream_data})) {
$hout = $pack->{cstream_data}{hout};
- $filesize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}))[7];
+ $filesize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}))[7];
if (defined($sourcefh)) {
if (!defined($pack->{cstream_data})) {
my $hin;
- ($hin, $pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}) = tempfile();
+ ($hin, $pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}) = tempfile();
close($hin); # ensure the flush
$pack->{cstream_data}{pid} = CORE::open($hout,
- "|$pack->{compress_method} > $pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}") or do {
+ "|$pack->{compress_method} > $pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}") or do {
warn "Unable to start $pack->{compress_method}";
return 0, 0;
@@ -278,18 +297,18 @@ sub extern_compress {
warn "can't push all data to compressor";
$insize += $l;
- $outsize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}))[7];
+ $outsize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}))[7];
} elsif (defined($pack->{cstream_data})) {
- # If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_bloc()
+ # If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_block()
waitpid $pack->{cstream_data}{pid}, 0;
- sysopen(my $hin, $pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}, O_RDONLY) or do {
- warn "Can't open temp bloc file";
+ sysopen(my $hin, $pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}, O_RDONLY) or do {
+ warn "Can't open temp block file";
return 0, 0;
- $outsize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc}))[7];
- unlink($pack->{cstream_data}{file_bloc});
+ $outsize = (stat($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block}))[7];
+ unlink($pack->{cstream_data}{file_block});
while (my $lenght = sysread($hin, my $data, $pack->{bufsize})) {
(my $l = syswrite($pack->{handle}, $data)) == $lenght or do {
warn "Can't write all data in archive";
@@ -298,13 +317,13 @@ sub extern_compress {
$pack->{cstream_data} = undef;
- ($insize, $outsize - $pack->{current_bloc_csize})
+ ($insize, $outsize - $pack->{current_block_csize})
sub extern_uncompress {
my ($pack, $destfh, $fileinfo) = @_;
- # We have to first extract the bloc to a temp file, burk !
+ # We have to first extract the block to a temp file, burk !
my ($tempfh, $tempname) = tempfile();
my $cread = 0;
@@ -371,7 +390,7 @@ sub gzip_compress {
my ($pack, $sourcefh) = @_;
my ($insize, $outsize) = (0, 0); # aka uncompressed / compressed data length
- # If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_bloc()
+ # If $sourcefh is not set, this mean we want a flush(), for end_block()
# EOF, flush compress stream, adding crc
if (!defined($sourcefh)) {
if (defined($pack->{cstream_data}{object})) {
@@ -490,8 +509,8 @@ sub gzip_uncompress {
# Debug functions #
-# This function extract in $dest the whole bloc containing $file, can be usefull for debugging
-sub extract_bloc {
+# This function extract in $dest the whole block containing $file, can be usefull for debugging
+sub extract_block {
my ($pack, $dest, $file) = @_;
sysopen(my $handle, $dest, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT) or do {
@@ -549,19 +568,19 @@ sub add_virtual {
my $m = $pack->{subcompress};
my ($size, $csize) = $pack->$m($data);
- $pack->{current_bloc_files}{$filename} = {
+ $pack->{current_block_files}{$filename} = {
size => $size,
- off => $pack->{current_bloc_off},
- coff => $pack->{current_bloc_coff},
- csize => -1, # Still unknown, will be fill by end_bloc
+ off => $pack->{current_block_off},
+ coff => $pack->{current_block_coff},
+ csize => -1, # Still unknown, will be fill by end_block
}; # Storing in toc structure availlable info
- # Updating internal info about current bloc
- $pack->{current_bloc_off} += $size;
- $pack->{current_bloc_csize} += $csize;
+ # Updating internal info about current block
+ $pack->{current_block_off} += $size;
+ $pack->{current_block_csize} += $csize;
$pack->{need_build_toc} = 1;
- if ($pack->{bloc_size} > 0 && $pack->{current_bloc_csize} >= $pack->{bloc_size}) {
- $pack->end_bloc();
+ if ($pack->{block_size} > 0 && $pack->{current_block_csize} >= $pack->{block_size}) {
+ $pack->end_block();
return 1;
@@ -570,25 +589,30 @@ sub add_virtual {
sub add {
my ($pack, $prefix, @files) = @_;
- $prefix ||= ""; $prefix =~ s://+:/:;
+ $prefix ||= "";
foreach my $file (@files) {
$file =~ s://+:/:;
my $srcfile = $prefix ? "$prefix/$file" : $file;
+ $pack->{debug}->("Adding '%s' as '%s' into archive", $srcfile, $file);
- -l $file and do {
+ -l $srcfile and do {
$pack->add_virtual('l', $file, readlink($srcfile));
- -d $file and do { # dir simple case
+ -d $srcfile and do { # dir simple case
$pack->add_virtual('d', $file);
- -f $file and do {
- sysopen(my $htocompress, $srcfile, O_RDONLY) or next;
+ -f $srcfile and do {
+ sysopen(my $htocompress, $srcfile, O_RDONLY) or do {
+ warn "Can't add $srcfile: $!";
+ next;
+ };
$pack->add_virtual('f', $file, $htocompress);
+ warn "Can't pack $srcfile";
@@ -731,7 +755,7 @@ fully compatible with old packdrake.
-Compressed data are stored by bloc:
+Compressed data are stored by block:
UncompresseddatA1UncompresseddatA2 UncompresseddatA3UncompresseddatA4
|--- size 1 ---||--- size 2 ---| |--- size 3 ---||--- size 4 ---|
@@ -743,7 +767,7 @@ give:
|--- c. size 1, 2 ---| |--- c. size 3, 4 ---|
|<-c. offset 1, 2 |<-c. offset 3, 4
-A new bloc is started when its size exceed the C<bloc_size> value.
+A new block is started when its size exceed the C<block_size> value.
Compressed data are followed by the toc, ie a simple list of packed files.
Each file name is terminated by the "\n" character:
@@ -766,8 +790,8 @@ file2
Follow the files sizes, 4 values for each files are stored:
-offset into archive of compressed bloc, size of compressed bloc,
-offset into bloc of the file and the file's size.
+offset into archive of compressed block, size of compressed block,
+offset into block of the file and the file's size.
Finally the archive contain a 64 bytes length trailer, about the
toc and the archive itself:
@@ -817,11 +841,11 @@ yet.
The compression level passed as an argument to the compression program. By default,
this is set to 6.
-=item bloc_size
+=item block_size
-The limit size after which we start a new compressed bloc. The default value is
-400KB. Set it to 0 to be sure a new bloc will be started for each packed
-files, and -1 to never start a new bloc. Be aware a big size of bloc will slow
+The limit size after which we start a new compressed block. The default value is
+400KB. Set it to 0 to be sure a new block will be started for each packed
+files, and -1 to never start a new block. Be aware a big size of block will slow
the file extraction.
=item quiet
@@ -841,8 +865,8 @@ Open an existing archive for extracting or adding files.
The uncompression command is found into the archive, and the compression command is
deduced from it.
-If you add files, a new compressed bloc will be started even if the
-last bloc is smaller than C<bloc_size>. If some compression options can't be
+If you add files, a new compressed block will be started even if the
+last block is smaller than C<block_size>. If some compression options can't be
found in the archive, the new preference will be applied.
Options are same than the C<new()> function.
diff --git a/packdrake.pm b/packdrake.pm
index 6ba51c4..e463f3e 100644
--- a/packdrake.pm
+++ b/packdrake.pm
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ sub new {
sub extract_archive {
my ($pack, $dir, @files) = @_;
- print @files;
if (! scalar(@files)) {
my ($d, $f, $l) = $pack->getcontent();
push(@files, @$d, @$f, @$l);
@@ -57,18 +56,18 @@ sub build_archive {
my ($listh, $dir, $archive, $size, $compress, $uncompress) = @_;
my ($comp_level) = $compress =~ m/ -(\d)(?:\s|$)/;
$compress =~ s/ -\d(\s|$)/$1/;
- $uncompress =~ s/ -d(\s|$)/$1/;
my $pack = Packdrakeng->new(
archive => $archive,
compress => $compress,
uncompress => $uncompress,
- bloc_size => $size,
+ block_size => $size,
comp_level => $comp_level,
) or return;
while (my $line = <$listh>) {
$pack->add($dir, $line) or return;
+ 1
sub cat_archive {
@@ -134,13 +133,13 @@ Extract files list into the specified directory.
List files packed into achives given.
-=item B<packdrake::build_archive($input, $dir, $archive, $blocsize, $compress, $uncompress)>
+=item B<packdrake::build_archive($input, $dir, $archive, $blocksize, $compress, $uncompress)>
Build a new archive:
- $input is a file handle to find file list to pack
- $dir is the directory based where file are located
- $archive is the archive filename to create
-- $blocsize is the size of compressed bloc
+- $blocksize is the size of compressed block
- $compress is the program to use to compress data
- $uncompress is the program to use to uncompress data
diff --git a/rpmtools.spec b/rpmtools.spec
index 96ea950..a9aab62 100644
--- a/rpmtools.spec
+++ b/rpmtools.spec
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
%define name rpmtools
-%define release 0.1mdk
+%define release 1mdk
# do not modify here, see Makefile in the CVS
-%define version 5.0
+%define version 5.0.0
%define group %(perl -e 'printf "%%s\\n", "%_vendor" =~ /mandrake/i ? "System/Configuration/Packaging" : "System Environment/Base"')
%define rpm_version %(rpm -q --queryformat '%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}' rpm)
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ Various tools needed by urpmi and drakxtools for handling rpm files.
+* Mon Dec 06 2004 Olivier Thauvin <thauvin@aerov.jussieu.fr> 5.0.0-1mdk
+- 5.0.0
+- Packdrakeng, new code
* Thu Sep 02 2004 Rafael Garcia-Suarez <rgarciasuarez@mandrakesoft.com> 4.5-25mdk
- Make rpm tools handle new keywords in hdlists file.
diff --git a/t/02packdrake.t b/t/02packdrake.t
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..26fef2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/02packdrake.t
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# $Id$
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 7;
+use Digest::MD5;
+-d "test" || mkdir "test" or die "Can't create directory test";
+my $coin = "
+ ___________
+< Coin coin >
+ -----------
+ \ ,~~.
+ \ __( o )
+ `--'==( ___/)
+ ( ( . /
+ \ '-' /
+ ~'`~'`~'`~'`~
+sub clean_test_files {
+ -d "test" or return;
+ system("rm -fr $_") foreach (glob("test/*"));
+mkdir "test/dir" or die "Can't create 'test/dir'";
+open(my $fh, "> test/file") or die "Can't create 'test/file'";
+print $fh $coin;
+close $fh;
+symlink("file", "test/link") or die "Can't create symlink 'test/link'";
+open($fh, "> test/list") or die "can't open 'test/list'";
+print($fh join("\n", qw(dir file link)) ."\n");
+open(my $listh, "< test/list");
+ $listh,
+ "test",
+ "packtest.cz",
+ 400_000,
+ "gzip -9",
+ "gzip -d",
+), "Creating a packdrake archive");
+my $pack = packdrake->new("packtest.cz");
+ok($pack->extract_archive("test", qw(dir file link)), "Extracting files from archive");
+ok(open($fh, "test/file"), "Opening extract file");
+sysread($fh, my $data, 1_000);
+ok($data == $coin, "data succefully restored");
+ok(-d "test/dir", "dir succefully restored");
+ok(readlink("test/link") eq "file", "symlink succefully restored");