diff options
authorRomain d'Alverny <rda@mageia.org>2011-12-05 22:55:33 +0000
committerRomain d'Alverny <rda@mageia.org>2011-12-05 22:55:33 +0000
commit586a59e00d00f2b1347f015911545b722f2d1f8b (patch)
parent9412e3c3beb6d547f0932d4e1c19a9dfb0cd4378 (diff)
First import, test suite attempt for built ISOs
Code heavily taken from previous dams work, reorganized in a test suite to better separate test cases. Does basic things already (in t/). Needs more fixes (esp. in t_install_iso/).
12 files changed, 677 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd0373
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Mageia ISO check script
+Test suite for ISOs built for Mageia.
+All ISOs should pass this test suite after being built, before being released.
+License: GPL-2+
+Code: svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/soft/isocheck
+ http://svnweb.mageia.org/soft/isocheck
+Doc: https://wiki.mageia.org/Isocheck
+User running this script must be able to mount an ISO image.
+Depends on:
+ - cdrkit, cdrkit-isotools
+ - gpg
+ - mono
+ - Perl
+ - Test::Most
+ - TAP::Harness
+ - clean up
+ - handle properly DVDs, CDs, LiveCDs
+ - fix t_install_iso tests (ids, idx, rpms, pubkey - especially cauldron/stable)
+ - 4 spaces indent, no tab \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tools.pm b/Tools.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e4ce72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tools.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package Tools;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = '0.1';
+use base 'Exporter';
+#our @EXPORT = qw(parse_mageia_iso_name);
+sub parse_mageia_iso_name {
+ my ($name) = @_;
+ my %info = ();
+ if ($name =~ m/^(Mageia)-(\d+)(-(alpha|beta|RC)(\d*))?(-(.*))?-(i586|x86_64|dual)?(-(CD|DVD|BD))?(-(build\_\w+))?\.(.*)$/) {
+ $info{"full"} = $name;
+ $info{"name"} = $1 if defined $1;
+ $info{"version"} = $2 if defined $2;
+ $info{"release"} = "$4$5" if defined $4;
+ $info{"variant"} = $7 if defined $7;
+ $info{"arch"} = $8 if defined $8;
+ $info{"medium"} = $10 if defined $10;
+ $info{"build"} = $12 if defined $12;
+ $info{"ext"} = $13 if defined $13;
+ }
+ return %info;
diff --git a/t/000_test_env.t b/t/000_test_env.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9484e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/000_test_env.t
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# These tests check that the testing environment is complete.
+use Test::Most;
+my ($image_path) = @ARGV;
+# FIXME why need to be root? for mounting the ISO only?
+is($ENV{USERNAME}, 'root', "Current user is root.");
+# TODO move this elsewhere maybe?
+sub pkg_check { my ($pkg) = @_; return system("rpm -q $pkg >/dev/null"); }
+my @packages = qw(cdrkit cdrkit-isotools mono gnupg);
+foreach my $p (@packages) {
+ is(pkg_check($p), 0, sprintf("%s is installed.", $p));
diff --git a/t/001_check_file.t b/t/001_check_file.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f82b149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/001_check_file.t
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+use Test::Most;
+use File::Basename;
+use Tools;
+my ($image_path) = @ARGV;
+my $name = basename($image_path);
+my %info = ();
+note $image_path;
+note $name;
+%info = Tools::parse_mageia_iso_name($name);
+if (scalar %info) {
+ pass 'ISO has valid filename.';
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %info) {
+ note uc($k), "=$v\n";
+ }
+} else {
+ fail 'ISO has valid filename.';
+ diag 'See https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Product_naming';
+# are files available?
+ok -r $image_path, 'ISO file is readable.'
+ or diag("$image_path: $!");
+# is file size correct?
+my $du = `du --apparent-size --block-size=M $image_path`;
+my @size_name = split(/\t/, $du);
+my $size = $size_name[0];
+# FIXME put correct sizes here
+my %max_sizes = ( "CD" => "740M", "DVD" => "4200M" );
+ok ($size le $max_sizes{$info{"medium"}},
+ sprintf("File has a working size (%s) for its medium type (%s, max %s).",
+ $size, $info{"medium"}, $max_sizes{$info{"medium"}}));
+ok -r $image_path . '.md5', 'MD5 checksum is available.';
+ok -r $image_path . '.sha1', 'SHA1 checkum is available.';
+TODO: {
+ local $TODO = ".idx & .lst" if 1;
+ ok -r $image_path, '.idx list file is available.';
+ ok -r $image_path, '.lst list file is available.';
+# verify checksums
+my $md5file = $image_path . '.md5';
+my $sha1file = $image_path . '.sha1';
+my @ts = split(/ /, `md5sum $image_path`);
+my $md5 = $ts[0];
+@ts = split(/ /, `cat $md5file`);
+$md5file = $ts[0];
+is ($md5, $md5file, 'MD5/.md5 checksums match.');
+@ts = split(/ /, `sha1sum $image_path`);
+my $sha1 = $ts[0];
+@ts = split(/ /, `cat $sha1file`);
+$sha1file = $ts[0];
+is ($sha1, $sha1file, 'SHA1/.sha1 checksums match.');
+# inspect iso definition
+my $volume_id = `isoinfo -d -i $image_path | grep "Volume id"`;
+my @info = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @temp = split(/ /, $volume_id);
+note ('TODO, test to check here!');
+# bootable?
+ok (`isoinfo -d -i $image_path | grep bootable`, 'ISO is bootable.');
+# TODO check burnable?
+my $burner = "/dev/sr0";
+# FIXME is -eject really needed?
+my $_burning = `cdrecord -dummy speed=42 dev=$burner -v -eject -data $image_path 2> is_burnable.log`;
+my $result = `cat is_burnable.log | grep overburn | wc -l | tr -d '\n'`;
+-r "is_burnable.log" and system "rm is_burnable.log";
+is ($result, 0, "ISO can be burnt.");
diff --git a/t/003_is_hybrid.t b/t/003_is_hybrid.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37ccbcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/003_is_hybrid.t
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+use Test::Most;
+my ($image_path) = @ARGV;
+ok (is_hybrid($image_path, 0), "Is hybrid");
+# Verification if the Iso is hybrid
+sub is_hybrid {
+ my ($img, $full) = @_;
+ open(my $iso, $img);
+ my $hybrid = hybrid1($iso);
+ $hybrid &= hybrid2($iso);
+ $hybrid &= hybrid3($iso);
+ if ($full) {
+ # system "dd if=$img of=/dev/my-pendrive bs=8";
+ }
+ close($iso);
+ return $hybrid;
+# Check the first 512 bytes of the iso
+sub hybrid1 {
+ my ($iso) = @_;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $hybrid;
+ foreach (0 .. 512) {
+ read($iso, $buffer, 1);
+ if ($buffer ne '\x00') {
+ $hybrid = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $hybrid;
+#Check the 0x1fe & 0x1ff bytes of the iso
+sub hybrid2 {
+ my ($iso) = @_;
+ my $hybrid;
+ my $buffer;
+ my $byte = "\x55";
+ seek($iso, 0x1fe, 0);
+ read($iso, $buffer, 1);
+ if ($buffer eq $byte) {
+ read($iso, $buffer, 1);
+ $byte = "\xaa";
+ if ($buffer eq $byte) {
+ $hybrid = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $hybrid;
+# check from the 0x200 to the 0x8000 bytes
+sub hybrid3 {
+ my ($iso) = @_;
+ my $hybrid = 1;
+ my $buffer;
+ seek($iso, 0x200, 0);
+ foreach (0x200 .. 0x8000) {
+ read($iso, $buffer, 1);
+ if ($buffer eq '\x00') {
+ $hybrid = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return $hybrid;
diff --git a/t_install_iso/010_check_autorun.t b/t_install_iso/010_check_autorun.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757951e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_install_iso/010_check_autorun.t
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# Check autorun
+use Test::Most tests => 13;
+use File::Basename;
+use Tools;
+my ($image_path) = @ARGV;
+my $name = basename($image_path);
+set_failure_handler( sub {
+ print "umount iso\n";
+ system 'umount /media/iso_check; rm -r /media/iso_check';
+my %info = Tools::parse_mageia_iso_name($name);
+skip 'Autorun is only on DVDs.', 13 unless $info{"medium"} eq 'DVD';
+ok (-r "/media/iso_check/autorun.inf", 'autorun.inf is there');
+BAIL_OUT('Autorun stuff is missing anyway.') if !(-r "/media/iso_check/autorun.inf");
+my $lines = `cat -e /media/iso_check/autorun.inf | wc -l`;
+my $num = `cat -e /media/iso_check/autorun.inf | grep "\\^M" | wc -l`;
+my $last = `cat -e /media/iso_check/autorun.inf | tail -n 1 | grep "\\^M" | wc -l`;
+# TODO rewrite this
+if ( ($lines != $num && $lines - 1 != $num)
+ || ($lines == 0)
+ || ($lines -1 == $num && $last == 1)) {
+ fail('autorun.inf valid EOL chars');
+} else {
+ pass('autorun.inf valid EOL chars');
+my $directory;
+$directory = "/media/iso_check/autorun/" if -r "/media/iso_check/autorun";
+$directory = "/media/iso_check/dosutils/autorun/" if -r "/media/iso_check/dosutils/autorun";
+ok -r $directory, 'dosutils directory is there';
+my $exe = $directory . "autorun.exe";
+ok -r $exe, 'autorun.exe is there';
+BAIL_OUT('autorun.exe is not here.') if !(-r $exe);
+my $file = $directory . "autorun.ico";
+$file = $directory . "mageia.ico" if !(-r $file);
+ok -r $file, 'autorun.ico is there';
+foreach my $a ("de-DE/", "es-ES/", "fr-FR/", "it-IT/", "pt-BR/", "ru-RU/", "zh-CN/") {
+ $file = $directory . $a . "autorun.resources.dll";
+ ok -r $file, "$file is there";
+# FIXME what does this do? does it work?
+# in the meantime, skipped
+SKIP: {
+ skip 'Not clear what this does', 1 unless 0;
+ my $_cp = `cp $exe .`;
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required
+ alarm 5;
+ my $_nread = sysread my $_SOCKET, my $_buffer, my $_size;
+ my $_mono = `mono autorun.exe 2> autorun_exe.log`;
+ alarm 0;
+ if ($@) {
+ die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
+ # timed out
+ } else {
+ # didn't
+ }
+ };
+ open(my $exe_log, 'autorun_exe.log');
+ my $line = <$exe_log>;
+ isnt (substr($line, 0, 20), 'Cannot open assembly', 'autorun.exe is launchable');
+ my $_rm = `rm autorun.exe autorun_exe.log`;
diff --git a/t_install_iso/011_check_idx.t b/t_install_iso/011_check_idx.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de9b8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_install_iso/011_check_idx.t
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+use Test::Most;
+SKIP: {
+ skip "TODO", 1 unless 0;
+# get the product to verify in idxlist
+sub check_idx {
+ my ($log, $distro, $image, $verbo) = @_;
+ my $idx;
+ my $valid = 1;
+ my $col;
+ $col = 0 if member($distro, qw(Free FREE));
+ $col = 2 if member($distro, qw(PWP Powerpack));
+ $col = 3 if member($distro, qw(One ONE one));
+ $col = 1 if -r "/media/iso_check/i586/" && -r "/media/iso_check/x86_64/";
+ if ($col == 3) {
+ substr($image, -3 , 3) = '';
+ $idx = $image . "lst";
+ $valid &= check_idx_list($idx, $log, $col, $verbo) if -r $idx && -r "idxlist";
+ }
+ else {
+ substr($image, -3 , 3) = '';
+ $idx = $image . "idx";
+ $valid &= check_idx_list($idx, $log, $col, $verbo) if -r $idx && -r "idxlist";
+ }
+ return $valid;
+# Verification of the presence of the packages on the iso
+sub check_idx_list {
+ my ($idx, $log, $col, $verb) = @_;
+ my $pkg;
+ my $valid = 1;
+ my $file;
+ my @media;
+ print "<Log of check_idx>\n" if $verb;
+ print $log "<Log of check_idx>\n";
+ open(my $list, 'idxlist') or fail('check_idx_list');
+ while ($pkg = <$list>) {
+ if (substr($pkg, 0, 1) ne '#') {
+ chomp($pkg);
+ @media = split(/ /, $pkg);
+ if ($media[$col] == 1) {
+ $file = `cat $idx | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | grep $media[4]` if $col != 3;
+ $file = `cat $idx | grep $media[4]` if $col == 3;
+ if ($file eq '') {
+ print $log "$media[4] NOT FOUND in $idx\n";
+ print "$media[4] NOT FOUND in $idx\n" if $verb;
+ $valid = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ print $file if $verb;
+ #print $log $file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print $log "</Log of check_idx>\n";
+ print $log "Comparison between idxlist and .idx OK\n" if $valid != 0;
+ print $log "Comparison between idxlist and .idx NOT OK\n" if $valid == 0;
+ print "</Log of check_idx>\n" if $verb;
+ print "Comparison between idxlist and .idx: OK\n" if $valid != 0 && $verb;
+ print "Comparison between idxlist and .idx: NOT OK\n" if $valid == 0 && $verb;
+ return $valid;
diff --git a/t_install_iso/012_check_ids.t b/t_install_iso/012_check_ids.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1078cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_install_iso/012_check_ids.t
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Check if PCI ids are on the ISO
+use Test::Most tests => 1;
+use File::Basename;
+my ($image_path) = @ARGV;
+my $valid;
+my $valid2;
+$valid = -r "/media/iso_check/i586/isolinux/pci.ids" if -r "/media/iso_check/i586";
+$valid2 = -r "/media/iso_check/x86_64/isolinux/pci.ids" if -r "/media/iso_check/x86_64";
+$valid &= $valid2 if -r "/media/iso_check/x86_64" && -r "/media/iso_check/i586";
+$valid = $valid2 if -r "/media/iso_check/x86_64" && !$valid;
+ok ($valid, 'HDT can find pci.ids.');
diff --git a/t_install_iso/013_check_rpms.t b/t_install_iso/013_check_rpms.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd83030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_install_iso/013_check_rpms.t
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Verification of the signature of all the rpm packages present on the iso
+use Test::Most;
+SKIP: {
+ skip "Not working yet", 1 unless 0;
+my $_find = `find /media/iso_check/* -name *.rpm > find_all_rpm.log`;
+open(my $list, 'find_all_rpm.log');
+my $pkg;
+my $sign;
+my $valid = 1;
+while ($pkg = <$list>) {
+ $sign = '';
+ chomp($pkg);
+ $sign = `rpm -K $pkg | grep 'gpg OK'`;
+ ok ($sign, "$pkg is correctly signed.");
+ $valid = 0 if !$sign;
+my $_res = `rm -rf find_all_rpm.log`;
diff --git a/t_install_iso/014_check_bad_words.t b/t_install_iso/014_check_bad_words.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88cf122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_install_iso/014_check_bad_words.t
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This function search if there is any temporary files ( .file.swp and file~)
+# or file with "bad" words.
+use Test::Most tests => 2;
+my $res = `find /media/iso_check/ -name '*~' -or -iname '*.swp'`;
+if ($res) {
+ fail('Has no swap temporary file (*~ or *.swp).');
+ note $res;
+} else {
+ pass('Has no swap temp file.');
+$res = `find /media/iso_check/ -iname '*roxx*' -or -iname '*sucks*' -or -iname 'ubuntu*' -or -iname 'microsoft*' -or -iname 'mandrake*' -or -iname 'mandriva'`;
+if ($res) {
+ fail('Has no blacklisted word.');
+ note $res;
+} else {
+ pass('Has no blacklisted word.');
diff --git a/t_install_iso/016_check_pubkey.t b/t_install_iso/016_check_pubkey.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc5ffaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t_install_iso/016_check_pubkey.t
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# TODO check pubkeys FIXME this looks like a mess.
+# This function get the path of the pubkeys
+use Test::Most;
+use File::Basename;
+use Tools;
+my ($image_path) = @ARGV;
+my $name = basename($image_path);
+my %info = Tools::parse_mageia_iso_name($name);
+my $url;
+my $path;
+my $pubkey = 1;
+my $media;
+system "ls /media/iso_check/i586/media/ > temp_media_on_iso.log" if -r "/media/iso_check/i586/media/";
+system "ls /media/iso_check/x86_64/media/ >> temp_media_on_iso.log" if -r "/media/iso_check/x86_64/media/";
+ok (-r "temp_media_on_iso.log", "Got a log for media contents");
+open(my $file, "temp_media_on_iso.log") if -r "temp_media_on_iso.log";
+while ($media = <$file>) {
+ chomp($media);
+ if ($info{"arch"} ne "dual" && $media ne 'media_info') {
+ $path = "/media/iso_check/" . $info{"arch"} . "/media/$media/media_info/pubkey";
+ $url = "pubkey/" . $info{"arch"} . "-$media-pubkey";
+ #$url .= "-cooker" if !$finale;
+ $pubkey &= check_key($path, $url, $media, $info{"arch"}) if -r $path && -r $url;
+ }
+ elsif ($media ne 'media_info') {
+ foreach my $arch ("i586", "x86_64") {
+ $path = "/media/iso_check/$arch/media/$media/media_info/pubkey";
+ $url = "pubkey/$arch-$media-pubkey";
+ #$url .= "-cooker" if !$finale;
+ -r $path and -r $url and $pubkey &= check_key($path, $url, $media, $arch);
+ }
+ }
+-r "temp_media_on_iso.log" and system "rm temp_media_on_iso.log";
+#This function get the gpg -a key of the pubkey to compare it
+sub get_gpg {
+ my ($pubkey) = @_;
+ my $key;
+ my $file;
+ system "gpg -a $pubkey > get_gpg_key.log";
+ open($file, "get_gpg_key.log");
+ while (my $a = <$file>) {
+ if (substr($a, 0, 11) eq "pub 1024D/") {
+ $key = substr($a, 11, 8);
+ }
+ }
+ system "rm get_gpg_key.log";
+ return $key;
+#Verification of the pubkey with the original pubkey
+sub check_key { # sed "s/pub\w1024D/\(.*\) /\1/"
+ my ($iso_file, $ref_file, $media, $arch) = @_;
+ my $unvalid;
+ my $valid = 1;
+ my $file = get_gpg($iso_file);
+ my $sign = `cat $ref_file`;
+ chomp($sign);
+ if ($file eq $sign) {
+ if (member($media, qw(core nonfree))) {
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey is valid.\t\tOK\n" if $arch eq 'i586';
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey is valid.\t\tOK\n" if $arch eq 'x86_64' && member($media, qw(core nonfree));
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey is valid.\tOK\n" if $arch eq 'x86_64' && $media eq 'non-free';
+ } else {
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey is valid.\tOK\n";
+ }
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey is valid.\n";
+ return $valid;
+ } else {
+ if (member($media, qw(core))) {
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey isn't valid.\t\tNOK\n";
+ } else {
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey isn't valid.\tNOK\n";
+ }
+ note "$arch-$media pubkey isn't valid.\n";
+ return $unvalid;
+ }
+ return $unvalid;
diff --git a/test_iso.pl b/test_iso.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c67efb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_iso.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use 5.010;
+use MDK::Common;
+use TAP::Harness;
+use Tools;
+my ($image_path) = @ARGV;
+if (!defined $image_path) {
+ print "Usage: ./test_iso.pl path_to_iso/file.iso\n\n";
+ exit;
+my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({
+ formatter_class => 'TAP::Formatter::Console',
+ merge => 1,
+ verbosity => 1,
+ normalize => 1,
+ color => 1,
+ test_args => [
+ $image_path,
+ "Testing"
+ ]
+print "# Date: ", `date --rfc-3339='ns' -u`;
+print "# Testing: $image_path\n";
+print "# Host: ", `uname -n`;
+print "# Mounting ISO in /media/iso_check";
+-r "/media/iso_check" or system 'mkdir /media/iso_check';
+system "mount -r " . if_(!-b $image_path, "-o loop ") . "$image_path /media/iso_check/";
+print "... ok\n";
+my $name = basename($image_path);
+my %info = Tools::parse_mageia_iso_name($name);
+# FIXME the difference is actually regular versus LiveCD
+if ($info{"medium"} eq "DVD") {
+ $harness->runtests(<./t_install_iso/*.t>);
+} elsif ($info{"medium"} eq "CD") {
+ # LiveCD specific
+ # CD specific
+# Umounting the iso
+print "# Umounting ISO\n";
+# FIXME this fails sometimes; no idea why. Force umount?
+system 'umount -fr /media/iso_check';
+system 'rm -r /media/iso_check';
+print "... ok\n";
+print "# Date: ", `date --rfc-3339='ns' -u`;
+print "# Test is over.\n";