path: root/perl-install/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 639 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1659cd644..000000000
--- a/perl-install/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-package install2; # $Id$
-use diagnostics;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($o $version);
-#- misc imports
-use steps;
-use common;
-use install_any qw(:all);
-use install_steps;
-use lang;
-use keyboard;
-use mouse;
-use fsedit;
-use devices;
-use partition_table qw(:types);
-use modules;
-use detect_devices;
-use run_program;
-use any;
-use log;
-use fs;
-#-the big struct which contain, well everything (globals + the interactive methods ...)
-#-if you want to do a kickstart file, you just have to add all the required fields (see for example
-#-the variable $default)
-$o = $::o = {
-# bootloader => { linear => 0, lba32 => 1, message => 1, timeout => 5, restricted => 0 },
- mkbootdisk => 0, #- no mkbootdisk if 0 or undef, find a floppy with 1, or fd1
-#- packages => [ qw() ],
- partitioning => { clearall => 0, eraseBadPartitions => 0, auto_allocate => 0 }, #-, readonly => 0 },
- authentication => { md5 => 1, shadow => 1 },
- lang => 'en_US',
- isUpgrade => 0,
- toRemove => [],
- toSave => [],
-#- simple_themes => 1,
- timezone => {
-#- timezone => "Europe/Paris",
-#- UTC => 1,
- },
-#- superuser => { password => 'a', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'God' },
-#- user => { name => 'foo', password => 'bar', home => '/home/foo', shell => '/bin/bash', realname => 'really, it is foo' },
-#- keyboard => 'de',
-#- display => "",
- steps => \%steps::installSteps,
- orderedSteps => \@steps::orderedInstallSteps,
-#- for the list of fields available for user and superuser, see @etc_pass_fields in
-#- intf => { eth0 => { DEVICE => "eth0", IPADDR => '', NETMASK => '' } },
-#-step : the current one
-#-packages compss
-#-printer haveone entry(cf
-sub installStepsCall {
- my ($o, $auto, $fun, @args) = @_;
- $fun = "install_steps::$fun" if $auto;
- $o->$fun(@args);
-#- Steps Functions
-#- each step function are called with two arguments : clicked(because if you are a
-#- beginner you can force the the step) and the entered number
-sub selectLanguage {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectLanguage', $ent_number == 1);
- $o->acceptLicence;
-sub selectMouse {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- require pkgs;
- my ($first_time) = $ent_number == 1;
- add2hash($o->{mouse} ||= {}, mouse::read($o->{prefix})) if $o->{isUpgrade} && $first_time;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectMouse', !$first_time || $clicked);
- addToBeDone { mouse::write($o->{prefix}, $o->{mouse}) } 'installPackages';
-sub setupSCSI {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- if (!$::live && !$::g_auto_install && !$o->{blank} && !$::testing) {
- -s modules::cz_file() or die _("Can't access kernel modules corresponding to your kernel (file %s is missing), this generally means your boot floppy in not in sync with the Installation medium (please create a newer boot floppy)", modules::cz_file());
- }
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupSCSI', $clicked);
-sub selectKeyboard {
- my ($clicked, $first_time, $auto) = ($_[0], $_[1] == 1, $_[2]);
- if ($o->{isUpgrade} && $first_time && $o->{keyboard_unsafe}) {
- my $keyboard = keyboard::read($o->{prefix});
- $keyboard and $o->{keyboard} = $keyboard;
- }
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectKeyboard', $clicked);
-sub selectInstallClass {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'selectInstallClass', $clicked);
- if ($o->{steps}{choosePackages}{entered} >= 1 && !$o->{steps}{installPackages}{done}) {
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setPackages', $o->{isUpgrade} && $ent_number == 1);
- }
- if ($o->{isUpgrade}) {
- @{$o->{orderedSteps}} = map { /setupSCSI/ ? ($_, "doPartitionDisks") : $_ }
- grep { !/doPartitionDisks/ } @{$o->{orderedSteps}};
- $o->{keepConfiguration} and @{$o->{orderedSteps}} = grep { !/selectMouse|selectKeyboard|miscellaneous|setRootPassword|addUser|configureNetwork|installUpdates|summary|configureServices|configureX/ } @{$o->{orderedSteps}};
- my $s; foreach (@{$o->{orderedSteps}}) {
- $s->{next} = $_ if $s;
- $s = $o->{steps}{$_};
- }
- }
-sub doPartitionDisks {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- $o->{steps}{formatPartitions}{done} = 0;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisksBefore');
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisks');
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'doPartitionDisksAfter');
-sub formatPartitions {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- $o->{steps}{choosePackages}{done} = 0;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'choosePartitionsToFormat', $o->{fstab}) if !$o->{isUpgrade};
- my $want_root_formated = fsedit::get_root($o->{fstab})->{toFormat};
- if ($want_root_formated) {
- foreach ('/usr') {
- my $part = fsedit::mntpoint2part($_, $o->{fstab}) or next;
- $part->{toFormat} or die _("You must also format %s", $_);
- }
- }
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'formatMountPartitions', $o->{fstab}) if !$::testing;
- if ($want_root_formated) {
- #- we formatted /, ensure /var/lib/rpm is cleaned otherwise bad things can happen
- #- (especially when /var is *not* formatted)
- eval { rm_rf("$o->{prefix}/var/lib/rpm") };
- }
- mkdir "$o->{prefix}/$_", 0755 foreach
- qw(dev etc etc/profile.d etc/rpm etc/sysconfig etc/sysconfig/console
- etc/sysconfig/network-scripts etc/sysconfig/console/consolefonts
- etc/sysconfig/console/consoletrans
- home mnt tmp var var/tmp var/lib var/lib/rpm var/lib/urpmi);
- mkdir "$o->{prefix}/$_", 0700 foreach qw(root root/tmp root/drakx);
- common::screenshot_dir__and_move();
- any::rotate_logs($o->{prefix});
- require raid;
- raid::prepare_prefixed($o->{all_hds}{raids}, $o->{prefix});
-sub choosePackages {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- require pkgs;
- #- always setPackages as it may have to copy hdlist files and synthesis files.
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setPackages', $o->{isUpgrade} && $ent_number == 1);
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'choosePackages', $o->{packages}, $o->{compssUsers}, $ent_number == 1);
- log::l("compssUsersChoice's: ", join(" ", grep { $o->{compssUsersChoice}{$_} } keys %{$o->{compssUsersChoice}}));
- #- check pre-condition where base backage has to be selected.
- pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'basesystem')->flag_available or die "basesystem package not selected";
- #- check if there are package that need installation.
- $o->{steps}{installPackages}{done} = 0 if $o->{steps}{installPackages}{done} && pkgs::packagesToInstall($o->{packages}) > 0;
-sub installPackages {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'readBootloaderConfigBeforeInstall') if $ent_number == 1;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'beforeInstallPackages');
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'installPackages');
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'afterInstallPackages');
-sub miscellaneous {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneousBefore', $clicked);
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneous', $clicked);
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'miscellaneousAfter', $clicked);
-sub summary {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'summary', $ent_number == 1);
-sub configureNetwork {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- #- get current configuration of network device.
- require network;
- eval { network::read_all_conf($o->{prefix}, $o->{netc} ||= {}, $o->{intf} ||= {}) };
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureNetwork', $ent_number == 1, $clicked);
-sub installCrypto {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'installCrypto');
-sub installUpdates {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'installUpdates');
-sub configureServices {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureServices', $clicked);
-sub setRootPassword {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- return if $o->{isUpgrade};
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setRootPassword', $clicked);
- addToBeDone { install_any::setAuthentication($o) } 'installPackages';
-sub addUser {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- return if $o->{isUpgrade} && !$clicked;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'addUser', $clicked);
-sub createBootdisk {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- modules::write_conf($o->{prefix});
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'createBootdisk', $ent_number == 1, $clicked);
-sub setupBootloader {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- return if $::g_auto_install;
- modules::write_conf($o->{prefix});
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupBootloaderBefore') if $ent_number == 1;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'setupBootloader', $ent_number-1 + $clicked*2); #- gore :-(
- local $ENV{DRAKX_PASSWORD} = $o->{bootloader}{password};
- local $ENV{DURING_INSTALL} = 1;
- run_program::rooted($o->{prefix}, "/usr/sbin/msec", "-o", "run_commands=0", "-o", "log=stderr", $o->{security});
- any::config_libsafe($o->{prefix}, $o->{libsafe});
-sub configureX {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- #- done here and also at the end of, just in case...
- install_any::write_fstab($o);
- modules::write_conf($o->{prefix});
- require pkgs;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'configureX', $clicked) if pkgs::packageByName($o->{packages}, 'XFree86')->flag_installed && !$o->{X}{disabled} || $clicked || $::testing;
-sub exitInstall {
- my ($clicked, $ent_number, $auto) = @_;
- installStepsCall($o, $auto, 'exitInstall', getNextStep() eq 'exitInstall');
-sub start_i810fb {
- my ($vga) = cat_('/proc/cmdline') =~ /vga=(\S+)/;
- return if !$vga || listlength(cat_('/proc/fb'));
- my %vga_to_xres = (0x311 => '640', 0x314 => '800', 0x317 => '1024');
- my $xres = $vga_to_xres{$vga} || '800';
- log::l("trying to load i810fb module with xres <$xres> (vga was <$vga>)");
- eval {
- any::ddcxinfos(); # keep the result otherwise ddcxinfos doesn't return good results afterwards
- modules::load([ 'i810fb',
- "xres=$xres", 'hsync1=32', 'hsync2=48', 'vsync1=50', 'vsync2=70', #- this sucking i810fb does not accept floating point numbers in hsync!
- 'vram=2', 'bpp=16', 'accel=1', 'mtrr=1', 'hwcur=1', 'xcon=4' ]);
- };
-#- MAIN
-sub main {
- $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { chomp(my $err = $_[0]); log::l("warning: $err") };
- $SIG{SEGV} = sub {
- my $msg = "segmentation fault: seems like memory is missing as the install crashes"; print "$msg\n"; log::l($msg);
- $o->ask_warn('', $msg);
- setVirtual(1);
- require install_steps_auto_install;
- install_steps_auto_install_non_interactive::errorInStep ();
- };
- umask 022;
- $::isInstall = 1;
- $::expert = $::g_auto_install = 0;
-#- c::unlimit_core() unless $::testing;
- my ($cfg, $patch, @auto);
- my %cmdline; map {
- my ($n, $v) = split '=';
- $cmdline{$n} = $v || 1;
- } split ' ', cat_("/proc/cmdline");
- my $opt; foreach (@_) {
- if (/^--?(.*)/) {
- $cmdline{$opt} = 1 if $opt;
- $opt = $1;
- } else {
- $cmdline{$opt} = $_ if $opt;
- $opt = '';
- }
- } $cmdline{$opt} = 1 if $opt;
- map_each {
- my ($n, $v) = @_;
- my $f = ${{
- oem => sub { $::oem = $v },
- lang => sub { $o->{lang} = $v },
- flang => sub { $o->{lang} = $v ; push @auto, 'selectLanguage' },
- method => sub { $o->{method} = $v },
- pcmcia => sub { $o->{pcmcia} = $v },
- vga16 => sub { $o->{vga16} = $v },
- vga => sub { $o->{vga} = $v },
- step => sub { $o->{steps}{first} = $v },
- expert => sub { $::expert = $v },
- fbeginner => sub { $::expert = 0; push @auto, 'selectInstallClass' },
- fexpert => sub { $::expert = 1; push @auto, 'selectInstallClass' },
- desktop => sub { $o->{meta_class} = 'desktop' },
- firewall => sub { $o->{meta_class} = 'firewall'; push @auto, 'selectInstallClass'},
- lnx4win => sub { $o->{lnx4win} = 1 },
- readonly => sub { $o->{partitioning}{readonly} = $v ne "0" },
- display => sub { $o->{display} = $v },
- askdisplay => sub { print "Please enter the X11 display to perform the install on ? "; $o->{display} = chomp_(scalar(<STDIN>)) },
- security => sub { $o->{security} = $v },
- live => sub { $::live = 1 },
- noauto => sub { $::noauto = 1 },
- test => sub { $::testing = 1 },
- patch => sub { $patch = 1 },
- defcfg => sub { $cfg = $v },
- newt => sub { $o->{interactive} = "newt" },
- text => sub { $o->{interactive} = "newt" },
- stdio => sub { $o->{interactive} = "stdio"},
- corporate => sub { $::corporate = 1 },
- kickstart => sub { $::auto_install = $v },
- auto_install => sub { $::auto_install = $v },
- simple_themes => sub { $o->{simple_themes} = 1 },
- useless_thing_accepted => sub { $o->{useless_thing_accepted} = 1 },
- alawindows => sub { $o->{security} = 0; $o->{partitioning}{clearall} = 1; $o->{bootloader}{crushMbr} = 1 },
- fdisk => sub { $o->{partitioning}{fdisk} = 1 },
- g_auto_install => sub { $::testing = $::g_auto_install = 1; $o->{partitioning}{auto_allocate} = 1 },
- nomouseprobe => sub { $o->{nomouseprobe} = $v },
- blank => sub { $o->{blank} = 1},
- updatemodules => sub { $o->{updatemodules} = 1},
- }}{lc $n}; &$f if $f;
- } %cmdline;
- if ($::testing) {
- $ENV{SHARE_PATH} ||= "/export/Mandrake/mdkinst/usr/share";
- $ENV{SHARE_PATH} = "/usr/share" if !-e $ENV{SHARE_PATH};
- } else {
- $ENV{SHARE_PATH} ||= "/usr/share";
- }
- undef $::auto_install if $cfg;
- if ($::g_auto_install) {
- (my $root = `/bin/pwd`) =~ s|(/[^/]*){5}$||;
- symlinkf $root, "/tmp/image" or die "unable to create link /tmp/image";
- $o->{method} ||= "cdrom";
- $o->{mkbootdisk} = 0;
- }
- unless ($::testing || $::live) {
- symlink "rhimage", "/tmp/image"; #- for compatibility with old stage1
- unlink $_ foreach "/modules/modules.mar", "/sbin/stage1";
- }
- print STDERR "in second stage install\n";
- log::openLog(($::testing || $o->{localInstall}) && 'debug.log');
- log::l("second stage install running (", any::drakx_version(), ")");
- $o->{prefix} = $::testing ? "/tmp/test-perl-install" : $::live ? "" : "/mnt";
- $o->{root} = $::testing ? "/tmp/root-perl-install" : "/";
- $o->{isUpgrade} = 1 if $::live;
- mkdir $o->{prefix}, 0755;
- mkdir $o->{root}, 0755;
- devices::make("/dev/zero"); #- needed by ddcxinfos
- #- make sure we don't pick up any gunk from the outside world
- my $remote_path = "$o->{prefix}/sbin:$o->{prefix}/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/sbin:$o->{prefix}/usr/bin:$o->{prefix}/usr/X11R6/bin";
- $ENV{PATH} = "/usr/bin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$remote_path" unless $::g_auto_install;
- eval { spawnShell() };
- $o->{prefix} = $::testing ? "/tmp/test-perl-install" : $::live ? "" : "/mnt";
- mkdir $o->{prefix}, 0755;
- modules::load_dependencies(($::testing ? ".." : "") . "/modules/modules.dep");
- modules::read_stage1_conf($_) foreach "/tmp/conf.modules", "/etc/modules.conf";
- modules::read_already_loaded();
- #- done before auto_install is called to allow the -IP feature on auto_install file name
- if (-e '/tmp/network') {
- require network;
- #- get stage1 network configuration if any.
- log::l('found /tmp/network');
- $o->{netc} ||= {};
- add2hash($o->{netc}, network::read_conf('/tmp/network'));
- if (my ($file) = glob_('/tmp/ifcfg-*')) {
- log::l("found network config file $file");
- my $l = network::read_interface_conf($file);
- $o->{intf} ||= { $l->{DEVICE} => $l };
- }
- if (-e '/etc/resolv.conf') {
- my $file ='/etc/resolv.conf';
- log::l("found network config file $file");
- add2hash($o->{netc}, network::read_resolv_conf($file));
- }
- }
- #- done after module dependencies are loaded for "vfat depends on fat"
- if ($::auto_install) {
- if ($::auto_install =~ /-IP(\.pl)?$/) {
- my $ip = join('', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } split '\.', $o->{intf}{IPADDR});
- $::auto_install =~ s/-IP(\.pl)?$/-$ip$1/;
- }
- require install_steps_auto_install;
- eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, $::auto_install) };
- if ($@) {
- if ($o->{useless_thing_accepted}) { #- Pixel's hack to be able to fail through
- log::l("error using auto_install, continuing");
- undef $::auto_install;
- } else {
- print "Error using auto_install\n$@\n";
- install_steps_auto_install_non_interactive::errorInStep ();
- }
- } else {
- log::l("auto install config file loaded successfully");
- }
- }
- $o->{interactive} ||= 'gtk' if !$::auto_install;
- if ($o->{interactive} eq "gtk" && availableMemory < 22 * 1024) {
- log::l("switching to newt install cuz not enough memory");
- $o->{interactive} = "newt";
- }
- require"install_steps_$o->{interactive}.pm" if $o->{interactive}; #- no space to skip perl2fcalls
- #- needed before accessing floppy (in case of usb floppy)
- $::noauto or modules::load_category('bus/usb');
- #- patch should be read after defcfg in order to take precedance.
- eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, $cfg) } if $cfg;
- eval { $o = $::o = install_any::loadO($o, "patch") } if $patch;
- eval { modules::load("af_packet") };
- map_index {
- modules::add_alias("sound-slot-$::i", $_->{driver});
- } modules::probe_category('multimedia/sound');
- #- needed very early for install_steps_gtk
- eval { ($o->{mouse}, @{$o->{wacom} = []}) = mouse::detect() } unless $o->{nomouseprobe} || $o->{mouse};
- $o->{lang} = lang::set($o->{lang}) if $o->{lang} ne 'en_US'; #- mainly for defcfg
- start_i810fb();
- $o->{allowFB} = listlength(cat_("/proc/fb"));
- my $VERSION = cat__(install_any::getFile("VERSION")) or do { print "VERSION file missing\n"; sleep 5 };
- $o->{lnx4win} = 1 if $VERSION =~ /lnx4win/i;
- $o->{meta_class} = 'desktop' if $VERSION =~ /desktop/i;
- $o->{meta_class} = 'firewall' if $VERSION =~ /firewall/i;
- $o->{meta_class} = 'server' if $VERSION =~ /server/i;
- if ($::oem) {
- $o->{partitioning}{use_existing_root} = 1;
- $o->{compssListLevel} = 4;
- push @auto, 'selectInstallClass', 'doPartitionDisks', 'choosePackages', 'configureTimezone', 'exitInstall';
- }
- foreach (@auto) {
- my $s = $o->{steps}{/::(.*)/ ? $1 : $_} or next;
- $s->{auto} = $s->{hidden} = 1;
- }
- my $o_;
- while (1) {
- $o_ = $::auto_install ?
- install_steps_auto_install->new($o) :
- $o->{interactive} eq "stdio" ?
- install_steps_stdio->new($o) :
- $o->{interactive} eq "newt" ?
- install_steps_newt->new($o) :
- $o->{interactive} eq "gtk" ?
- install_steps_gtk->new($o) :
- die "unknown install type";
- $o_ and last;
- $o->{interactive} = "newt";
- require install_steps_newt;
- }
- $::o = $o = $o_;
- install_any::remove_unused() if common::usingRamdisk();
- #-the main cycle
- my $clicked = 0;
- MAIN: for ($o->{step} = $o->{steps}{first};; $o->{step} = getNextStep()) {
- $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{entered}++;
- $o->enteringStep($o->{step});
- if ($o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{icon}) { $o->{icon} = $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{icon} } else { undef $o->{icon} }
- eval {
- &{$install2::{$o->{step}}}($clicked || $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{noauto},
- $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{entered},
- $clicked ? 0 : $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{auto});
- };
- my $err = $@;
- $o->kill_action;
- $clicked = 0;
- if ($err) {
- local $_ = $err;
- $o->kill_action;
- if (/^setstep (.*)/) {
- $o->{step} = $1;
- $o->{steps}{$1}{done} = 0;
- $clicked = 1;
- redo MAIN;
- }
- /^theme_changed$/ and redo MAIN;
- unless (/^already displayed/) {
- eval { $o->errorInStep($_) };
- $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{auto} = 0;
- $err = $@;
- $err and next;
- }
- $o->{step} = $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{onError};
- next MAIN unless $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{reachable}; #- sanity check: avoid a step not reachable on error.
- redo MAIN;
- }
- $o->{steps}{$o->{step}}{done} = 1;
- $o->leavingStep($o->{step});
- last if $o->{step} eq 'exitInstall';
- }
- install_any::clean_postinstall_rpms();
- install_any::log_sizes($o);
- install_any::remove_advertising($o);
- install_any::write_fstab($o);
- modules::write_conf($o->{prefix});
- #- mainly for auto_install's
- #- do not use run_program::xxx because it doesn't leave stdin/stdout unchanged
- system("bash", "-c", $o->{postInstallNonRooted}) if $o->{postInstallNonRooted};
- system("chroot", $o->{prefix}, "bash", "-c", $o->{postInstall}) if $o->{postInstall};
- install_any::ejectCdrom();
- #- to ensure linuxconf doesn't cry against those files being in the future
- foreach ('/etc/modules.conf', '/etc/crontab', '/etc/sysconfig/mouse', '/etc/sysconfig/network', '/etc/X11/fs/config') {
- my $now = time - 24 * 60 * 60;
- utime $now, $now, "$o->{prefix}/$_";
- }
- $::live or install_any::killCardServices();
- #- make sure failed upgrade will not hurt too much.
- install_steps::cleanIfFailedUpgrade($o);
- -e "$o->{prefix}/usr/sbin/urpmi.update" or eval { rm_rf("$o->{prefix}/var/lib/urpmi") };
- #- copy latest log files
- eval { cp_af("/tmp/$_", "$o->{prefix}/root/drakx") foreach qw(ddebug.log stage1.log) };
- #- ala pixel? :-) [fpons]
- common::sync(); common::sync();
- log::l("installation complete, leaving");
- log::l("files still open by install2: ", readlink($_)) foreach glob_("/proc/self/fd/*");
- print "\n" x 80;
-#- Wonderful perl :(