path: root/perl-install/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/Makefile')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/Makefile b/perl-install/Makefile
index 7327a65df..af9e2ffa2 100644
--- a/perl-install/Makefile
+++ b/perl-install/Makefile
@@ -98,133 +98,50 @@ install_pms: $(DIRS)
mo_files : $(MOFILES)
get_needed_files: $(DIRS) mo_files
- eval `perl -V:version`; \
- cat share/list `../tools/specific_arch share/list` | \
- perl -pe "s/ARCH/$(ARCH)/g ; s/PERL_VERSION/$$version/g ; s|/LIB/|/$(LIB)/|g " | \
- perl -lpe '@l = glob; m|\*.*/| && @l != 1 and die "no/multiple match for $$_\n"; $$_ = join("\n", @l)' > $(TMPDIR)/list
- rpm -ql perl-Gtk2 perl-Glib | perl -lne 'print if m!^/usr/lib/perl5! && !/\.pod$$/ && ! -d' >> $(TMPDIR)/list
+ REP4PMS=$(REP4PMS) ../tools/install-xml-file-list share/list.xml $(DEST)
- @missing=`perl -lne 'print if !-e $$_' $(TMPDIR)/list`; [ -z "$$missing" ] || { echo "missing or multiple files vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv" ; echo "$$missing" ; echo "missing or multiple files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" ; exit 1; }
- find auto -follow -name "*.so" >> $(TMPDIR)/list
- for i in $(LOCALFILES) `cat $(TMPDIR)/list` ; do \
- ldd $$i 2>/dev/null | grep "=>" | perl -pe 's/.*=> //; s/ .*//; s,^/(lib(64)?)/.*?/,/\1/,' | sort | uniq >> $(TMPDIR)/list; \
- done
- install -d $(DEST)/etc
- install -d $(DEST)/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
- install -d $(DEST)/lib
- install -d $(DEST)/$(LIB)
- install -d $(DEST)/bin
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/bin
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/lib
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/$(LIB)
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/share
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/share/langs
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/share/gtk
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/share/xmodmap
- install -d $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale
- install -d $(MEDIA_INFO_DEST)
- install -s $(LOCALFILES) $(DEST)/usr/bin
- cp -a /usr/lib/X11 $(DEST)/usr/lib
-ifeq (sparc,$(ARCH))
- cp -a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11
- rm -f $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled
- ln -s /tmp $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/compiled
- ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/xkbcomp $(DEST)/usr/bin/xkbcomp
- cp -a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/{C,en_US.UTF-8,iso8859-1} $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale
-ifeq (y,$(USE_PCMCIA))
- install -s /sbin/cardmgr $(DEST)/usr/bin
- perl -Mlang -I. -e 'print "$$_\n" foreach lang::console_font_files()' | cpio -pdu $(DEST)
- for i in `cat $(TMPDIR)/list`; do \
- if (echo $$i | grep -q "lib/[^/]*\.so"); then \
- install -s $$i $(DEST)/lib; \
- elif (echo $$i | grep -q "lib64/[^/]*\.so"); then \
- install -s $$i $(DEST)/lib64; \
- else \
- d=$$i; \
- (echo $$d | grep -q "^[^/]") && d="$(REP4PMS)/$$d"; \
- d=`echo $(DEST)/$$d | sed 's/\/usr\/local\//\/usr\//'`; \
- install -d `dirname $$d` && \
- if (echo $$i | grep -q "\.pm"); then \
- perl -pe '$$_ =~ /^__END__/ and exit(0);' $$i > $$d; \
- elif (echo $$i | grep -q "\.so"); then \
- install -s $$i $$d; \
- else \
- cp -f $$i $$d; \
- fi; \
- fi; \
- done
+ mv -f $(DEST)/{bin,sbin}/* $(DEST)/usr/bin
+ mv -f $(DEST)/usr/{lib,X11R6/lib}/*.so* $(DEST)/lib
+ rmdir $(DEST)/{bin,sbin}
+ cd $(DEST)/usr/bin ; mv insmod insmod_
../tools/simplify-drakx-modules $(DEST)/usr/*/*/*/
- mv -f $(DEST)/bin/* $(DEST)/sbin/* $(DEST)/usr/bin
- rmdir $(DEST)/bin $(DEST)/sbin
- cd $(DEST)/usr/bin ; mv insmod insmod_
+ cp -f $(STAGE1)/init-stage2 $(DEST)/etc/init
- perl -pe 's!^echo!/usr/bin/echo!' /bin/unicode_start > $(DEST)/usr/bin/unicode_start
- chmod a+x $(DEST)/usr/bin/unicode_start
+ cat share/symlinks `../tools/specific_arch share/symlinks` > $(DEST)/usr/share/symlinks
- perl -ane 'symlink "$$F[1]", "$(DEST)/usr/bin/$$F[0]"' share/aliases
+ perl -I. -Mlang -e 'symlink "UTF-8", "$(DEST)/usr/share/locale/$$_" foreach lang::list_langs()'
-ifeq (i386,$(ARCH))
- cp ../tools/i386/busybox $(DEST)/usr/bin
-ifeq (x86_64,$(ARCH))
- cp ../tools/x86_64/busybox $(DEST)/usr/bin/
+ perl -ane 'symlink "$$F[1]", "$(DEST)/usr/bin/$$F[0]"' share/aliases
ifeq (ia64,$(ARCH))
ln -sf bash $(DEST)/usr/bin/sh
ln -sf ash $(DEST)/usr/bin/sh
- for i in fonts keyboards locales-skeleton keymaps; do tar xfj share/$$i.tar.bz2 -C $(DEST); done
- cp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/cursor.pcf.gz /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/{Vera,VeraBd}.ttf $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
mkfontdir $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
fc-cache -f $(DEST)/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
- grep ChangeLog CVS/Entries > $(STAGE2_DEST)/VERSION
- gzip -9f $(DEST)/usr/share/ldetect-lst/*
- cd share ; cp -a consolefonts devices $(DEST)/usr/share
- cat share/symlinks `../tools/specific_arch share/symlinks` > $(DEST)/usr/share/symlinks
- -cd share ; cp -f *.png $(DEST)/usr/share
- -cd pixmaps ; cp -af *.png *.xpm $(DEST)/usr/share ; rm -f $(DEST)/usr/share/wiz_*
- cp `perl -I. -Mlang -e 'lang::png_lang_files()'` $(DEST)/usr/share/langs
- cd share ; cp* rpmsrate $(MEDIA_INFO_DEST)
- perl -I. -Mlang -e 'symlink "UTF-8", "$(DEST)/usr/share/locale/$$_" foreach lang::list_langs()'
- clean-rpmsrate $(MEDIA_INFO_DEST)/rpmsrate $(MAIN_RPMS_DIR)
- cp -f ../kernel/modules.description $(DEST)/lib/
for i in `ls ../kernel/all.kernels`; do cp -f ../kernel/all.kernels/$$i/ $(DEST)/lib/$$i; done
ls ../kernel/all.kernels | grep '^2' > $(STAGE2_DEST)/mdkinst.kernels
$(MAKE) -C share/po install SUDO= NAME=libDrakX LOCALEDIR=$(DEST)/usr/share/locale_special
# POFILES to disable for installation:
# be,fur: too few messages translated;
# ta: font problem
rm -rf $(DEST)/usr/share/locale_special/{be,fur,ta}
ifeq (y,$(USE_PCMCIA))
+ install -s /sbin/cardmgr $(DEST)/usr/bin
cp -a /etc/pcmcia $(DEST)/etc
../tools/ $(DEST)/etc/pcmcia/config ../kernel/all.kernels/`cat ../kernel/all.kernels/.main`/modules.dep
- cp -f $(STAGE1)/init-stage2 $(DEST)/etc/init
+ install -d $(MEDIA_INFO_DEST)
+ grep ChangeLog CVS/Entries > $(STAGE2_DEST)/VERSION
- find $(DEST) -name CVS | xargs rm -rf
+ cd share ; cp* rpmsrate $(MEDIA_INFO_DEST)
+# clean-rpmsrate $(MEDIA_INFO_DEST)/rpmsrate $(MAIN_RPMS_DIR)
$(MAKE) stage2