path: root/tools/install-xml-file-list
diff options
authorMystery Man <>2005-09-01 20:27:41 +0000
committerMystery Man <>2005-09-01 20:27:41 +0000
commitf027d873e1c6f4b372b541cc351c71820a9063cd (patch)
tree4c1914e76177c18cf0a45829bbdf7eb0a92c2435 /tools/install-xml-file-list
parent5d83bfe6f6b331df65d493a78e9ed2f1b30a2464 (diff)
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tagV10_3_0_51mdk
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/install-xml-file-list')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 356 deletions
diff --git a/tools/install-xml-file-list b/tools/install-xml-file-list
deleted file mode 100755
index 4630a89fa..000000000
--- a/tools/install-xml-file-list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-use MDK::Common;
-use XML::Parser;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use Config;
-use Cwd 'cwd';
-my $want_sudo = $ARGV[0] eq '--sudo' && shift @ARGV;
-@ARGV == 2 or die "usage: install-xml-file-list [--sudo] <xml file> <destination>\n";
-my ($xml_file_list, $DEST) = @ARGV;
-my $sudo = '';
-if ($>) {
- $sudo = "sudo" if $want_sudo;
- $ENV{PATH} = "/sbin:/usr/sbin:$ENV{PATH}";
-#$verbose = 1;
-my $initial_dir = cwd();
-my $ARCH = arch() =~ /i.86/ ? 'i386' : arch();
-my $LIB = arch() =~ /x86_64/ ? "lib64" : "lib";
-my $base_cpio_options = '-pumd --quiet';
-my $tree = XML::Parser->new(Style => 'Tree')->parsefile($xml_file_list);
-my $main_node = decompose($tree);
-$main_node->{tag} eq 'list' or die "bad file $xml_file_list (main tag should be <list>)\n";
-handle_nodes({}, $main_node);
-sub final_cleanup() {
- #- cpio creates directory 700, that's not nice
- system("find $DEST -type d | xargs $sudo chmod 755");
-sub handle_nodes {
- my ($env, $e) = @_;
- handle_node($env, decompose($_)) foreach @{$e->{l}};
-sub handle_node {
- my ($env, $node) = @_;
- if (!$node->{tag} && $node->{text} !~ /\S/) {
- } elsif (!$node->{tag}) {
- install($env, $node->{text});
- } elsif ($node->{tag} eq 'if') {
- my $cond = valid_cond($node->{attr});
- handle_nodes($env, $node) if $cond;
- } elsif ($node->{tag} eq 'if-not') {
- my $cond = valid_cond($node->{attr});
- handle_nodes($env, $node) if !$cond;
- } elsif (member($node->{tag}, 'from', 'to', 'mode', 'filter')) {
- handle_nodes(add_to_env($env, $node->{tag} => $node->{attr}), $node);
- } else {
- warn "expecting tag <from>, not <$node->{tag}>\n";
- }
-sub valid_cond {
- my ($attr) = @_;
- every {
- if ($_ eq 'ARCH') {
- $ARCH =~ /$attr->{$_}/;
- } elsif ($_ eq 'set') {
- $ENV{$attr->{$_}};
- } else {
- die "<if>: unknown condition $_\n";
- }
- } keys %$attr;
-sub add_to_env {
- my ($env, $tag, $attr) = @_;
- my %env = map_each { $::a => +{%$::b} } %$env;
- foreach (keys %$attr) {
- !$env{$tag}{$_} or die qq(overriding attribute <$tag $_="$env{$tag}{$_}"> with $_="$attr->{$_}"\n);
- $env{$tag}{$_} = $attr->{$_};
- }
- \%env;
-sub group_by_n {
- my ($n, $l) = @_;
- my (@r, $subl);
- my $i = 0;
- foreach (@$l) {
- if ($i % $n == 0) {
- push @r, $subl = [];
- }
- push @$subl, $_;
- $i++;
- }
- @r;
-sub identify_file {
- my ($dev, $ino) = @_;
- "$dev:$ino";
-sub all_files_rec_ {
- my ($d) = @_;
- $d, -d $d && ! -l $d ? map { all_files_rec_("$d/$_") } all($d) : ();
-sub expand_macros {
- my ($f) = @_;
- $f =~ s!\bLIB\b!$LIB!g;
- $f =~ s!\bARCH\b!$ARCH!ge;
- $f =~ s!\$\((\w+)\)!$ENV{$1} || die "$1 undefined\n"!ge;
- $f;
-my %needed_libraries;
-sub collect_needed_libraries {
- my (@to_check) = @_;
- while (@to_check) {
- my $to_check = join(' ', @to_check);
- my @l = `ldd $to_check 2>/dev/null` =~ m! => (/\S+)!g;
- foreach (@l) {
- if ($main_node->{attr}{'no-arch-libraries'}) {
- #- replace /lib/tls or /lib/i686 with /lib
- s!^(/lib(64)?/).*?/!$1!;
- }
- }
- @to_check = grep { !$needed_libraries{$_}++ } @l;
- @to_check = ();
- }
-sub install_needed_libraries {
- copy_files('', $DEST, [ keys %needed_libraries ], '', '--dereference');
-sub collect_needed_perl_files {
- my ($local_rep, $dest, @scripts) = @_;
- my (%local, %global);
- foreach my $script (@scripts) {
- foreach (`strace -efile perl -cw -I$local_rep $script 2>&1`) {
- my ($f) = /^open\("(.*?)",.*\)\s*=\s*\d+$/ or next;
- if ($f =~ m!^\Q$local_rep\E/(.*)!) {
- $local{$1} = 1;
- } elsif (begins_with($f, '/dev/')) {
- # skip
- } elsif (begins_with($f, '/')) {
- $global{$f} = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- [ keys %local ], [ keys %global ];
-sub copy_files {
- my ($working_dir, $to_dir, $files, $b_flatten, @options) = @_;
- if ($b_flatten) {
- mkdir_p($to_dir);
- my $options = join(' ', '-r', @options);
- foreach (group_by_n(20, $files)) {
- warn "cp $options to_dir $to_dir from $working_dir: @$_\n" if $verbose;
- system("cd $working_dir ; $sudo cp $options @$_ $to_dir");
- }
- } else {
- my $options = join(' ', $base_cpio_options, @options);
- warn "cpio $options to_dir $to_dir from $working_dir: @$files\n" if $verbose;
- open(my $F, "| cd $working_dir ; $sudo cpio $options $to_dir");
- print $F "$_\n" foreach @$files;
- close($F) or die "cpio $to_dir failed\n";
- }
-sub install {
- my ($env, $text) = @_;
- my $from_dir = expand_macros($env->{from}{dir});
- my $to_dir = $DEST . expand_macros($env->{to}{dir} || $env->{to}{flatten} && $from_dir || '');
- my $copy_mode = $env->{mode}{copy} || '';
- my $working_dir = '.';
- my $expand = $env->{from}{expand} || '';
- my $disallow_from_dir = sub {
- !$from_dir or die "from dir not allowed with $expand binary\n";
- };
- my $from_file = sub {
- my ($rel, $b_full_glob, $b_recursive_dirs) = @_;
- my $f = expand_macros($from_dir ? "$from_dir/$rel" : $rel);
- my @l = $f;
- chdir $working_dir;
- if ($f =~ /\*/ || $b_full_glob) {
- @l = glob($f) or die "no match for $f\n";
- @l == 1 || $b_full_glob or die "multiple match for $f\n";
- } else {
- -e $f or die "missing file $f ($rel) in $working_dir\n";
- }
- if (@l == 1 && -d $l[0] && $b_recursive_dirs) {
- @l = all_files_rec_($l[0]);
- }
- @l = grep { !m!/CVS($|/)! } @l;
- if (my $re = $env->{from}{matching}) {
- @l = grep { eval $re } @l;
- }
- collect_needed_libraries(grep { -x $_ } @l);
- chdir $initial_dir;
- @l;
- };
- my @files;
- if ($expand eq 'tar') {
- foreach (split(' ', $text)) {
- system('tar', 'xfj', $from_file->($_), '-C', $to_dir);
- }
- # not filling @files, things are already done
- } elsif ($expand eq 'command') {
- @files = chomp_(`$text`);
- } elsif ($expand eq 'glob') {
- #- glob done in $from_file
- @files = split(' ', $text);
- } elsif ($expand eq 'binary') {
- $disallow_from_dir->();
- my @PATH = qw(/sbin /bin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/X11R6/bin);
- foreach my $name (map { expand_macros($_) } split(' ', $text)) {
- my @l = grep { -x $_ } map { "$_/$name" } @PATH;
- @l or die "can't find binary $name\n";
- if (@l > 1) {
- my @m = grep { ! -l $_ } @l;
- if (@m == 1) {
- my $id = identify_file($m[0]);
- push @files, grep { -l $_ && identify_file($_) eq $id } @l;
- }
- @l = @m if @m;
- }
- if (@l > 1) {
- warn "many matches for binary $name: " . join(' ', @l) . ", choosing $l[0]\n";
- }
- my $f = $l[0];
- while (1) {
- push @files, $f;
- my $l = readlink($f) or last;
- if ($l =~ m!/! && $l !~ m!^\.\..*/s?bin/[^/]+$!) {
- warn "keeping symlink $f -> $l as is\n";
- last;
- }
- $f = dirname($f) . '/' . $l;
- }
- }
- $copy_mode = 'keep-links';
- $env->{filter}{command} ||= 'strip';
- } elsif ($expand eq 'rpm') {
- $disallow_from_dir->();
- foreach my $rpm (split(' ', $text)) {
- my @l = chomp_(`rpm -ql $rpm`) or die "rpm $rpm must be installed\n";
- push @files, @l;
- }
- } elsif ($expand eq 'perl') {
- $disallow_from_dir->();
- $from_dir = '/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/*';
- @files = split(' ', $text);
- } elsif ($expand eq 'main-perl') {
- $disallow_from_dir->();
- $from_dir = $Config{privlib};
- @files = split(' ', $text);
- } elsif ($expand =~ /collect-perl-files/) {
- my (undef, $local, $to) = split(' ', $expand);
- @files = split(' ', $text);
- warn "collect-perl-files $local $to @files ($env->{filter}{command})\n";
- my ($local_perl_files, $global_perl_files) = collect_needed_perl_files($local, $to, @files);
- warn "collect-perl-files gave: ", join(' ', @$local_perl_files), "\n";
- copy_and_filter("$working_dir/$local", "$DEST$to", $local_perl_files, $env->{filter}, '', '--dereference');
- copy_and_filter('', $DEST, $global_perl_files, $env->{filter}, '', '--dereference');
- } elsif ($expand) {
- die "unknown expand method $expand\n";
- } else {
- @files = split(' ', $text);
- $env->{filter}{command} ||= 'strip' if $to_dir =~ m!/bin$!;
- }
- if ($env->{to}{dir} && $from_dir) {
- $working_dir = $from_dir;
- undef $from_dir;
- }
- my @all_files = map { $from_file->($_, $expand eq 'glob', $expand ne 'rpm') } @files;
- my @options = (
- if_($copy_mode ne 'keep-links', '--dereference'),
- );
- copy_and_filter($working_dir, $to_dir, \@all_files, $env->{filter}, $env->{to}{flatten}, @options);
-sub copy_and_filter {
- my ($working_dir, $to_dir, $all_files, $filter, $flatten, @copy_options) = @_;
- copy_files($working_dir, $to_dir, $all_files, $flatten, @copy_options);
- apply_filter($to_dir, $filter, $all_files, $flatten);
-sub apply_filter {
- my ($to_dir, $filter, $all_files, $b_flatten) = @_;
- chdir $to_dir;
- foreach (group_by_n(20, $all_files)) {
- my @l = $b_flatten ? (map { basename($_) } @$_) : (map { "./$_" } @$_);
- @l = grep { ! -d $_ } @l;
- if (my $subst = $filter->{subst}) {
- system('perl', '-pi', '-e', $subst, @l);
- }
- if (my $command = $filter->{command}) {
- $command = $initial_dir . "/$command" if $command =~ m!^..?/!;
- if ($command =~ /simplify-drakx-modules/) {
- @l = grep { !/\.so($|\.)/ } @l;
- }
- my @options = (
- if_($command eq 'gzip', '-9f'),
- if_($command eq 'strip', '2>/dev/null'),
- );
- warn "running $command @options @l\n" if $verbose;
- system(join(' ', $command, @options, @l));
- }
- }
- chdir $initial_dir;
-sub decompose {
- my ($tree) = @_;
- my ($tag, $val) = @$tree;
- if ($tag eq '0') {
- { text => $val };
- } else {
- my ($attr, @l) = @$val;
- { tag => $tag, attr => $attr, l => [ group_by2(@l) ] };
- }