path: root/ca/selectKeyboard.html
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authorMarja van Waes <marja@mageia.org>2014-01-22 18:20:10 +0100
committerMarja van Waes <marja@mageia.org>2014-01-22 18:20:10 +0100
commit6e1f4d07c18b870258f0aa362e8eafd60ddc69fc (patch)
tree4b46a4743e65e491cf87480049246e4d3d2714e8 /ca/selectKeyboard.html
parentb347b41c947a50ce186cad92c32f975cae639c41 (diff)
Re-add Catalan
- The untranslated strings are now in Spanish, as they should be - It is further translated
Diffstat (limited to 'ca/selectKeyboard.html')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/ca/selectKeyboard.html b/ca/selectKeyboard.html
index 949b3f9..0a3f360 100644
--- a/ca/selectKeyboard.html
+++ b/ca/selectKeyboard.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
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@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
- <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa1"></a>DrakX selects an appropriate keyboard for your language. If no suitable
- keyboard is found it will default to a US keyboard layout.
+ <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa1"></a>DrakX selecciona el teclado apropiado a su idioma. Si no encuentra ning&uacute;n
+ teclado compatible, elegir&aacute; el teclado estadounidense.
@@ -40,18 +40,18 @@
<ul class="itemizedlist">
<li class="listitem">
- <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa2"></a>Make sure that the selection is correct or choose another keyboard
- layout. If you don't know which layout your keyboard has, look in the
- specifications that came with your system, or ask the computer vendor. There
- may even be a label on the keyboard that identifies the layout. You can also
- look here: <a class="ulink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout" target="_top">en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout</a></p>
+ <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa2"></a>Aseg&uacute;rese de que la selecci&oacute;n es la correcta o escoja otra distribuci&oacute;n del
+ teclado. Si no conoce cu&aacute;l es la distribuci&oacute;n correcta para su teclado, mire
+ en las especificaciones que ven&iacute;an con su sistema o pregunte a su vendedor.
+ Incluso puede haber una etiqueta en su teclado que la identifique.Tambi&eacute;n
+ puede mirarlo aqu&iacute;: <a class="ulink" href="http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribuci%C3%B3n_del_teclado" target="_top">es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribuci&oacute;n_del_teclado</a></p>
<li class="listitem">
- <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa3"></a>If your keyboard isn't in the list shown, click on
- <span class="guibutton">More</span> to get a full list, and select your keyboard
- there.
+ <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa3"></a>Si su teclado no est&aacute; en la lista que aparece, haga click en
+ <span class="guibutton">M&aacute;s</span> para mostrar una lista completa y seleccionar ah&iacute;
+ su teclado.
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@
<td align="left" valign="top">
- <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa5"></a>After choosing a keyboard from the <span class="guibutton">More</span> dialog,
- you'll return to the first keyboard choice dialog and it will seem as though
- a keyboard from that screen was chosen. You can safely ignore this anomaly
- and continue the installation: Your keyboard is the one you chose from the
- full list.
+ <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa5"></a>Despu&eacute;s de seleccionar un teclado desde la ventana de
+ <span class="guibutton">M&aacute;s</span>, el instalador volver&aacute; a la primera ventana de
+ selecci&oacute;n de teclado, y parecer&aacute; que ha elegido un teclado de la
+ lista. Puede ignorar esta anomal&iacute;a y continuar la instalaci&oacute;n, su teclado es
+ el que eligi&oacute; en la lista completa.
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
<li class="listitem">
- <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa4"></a>If you choose a keyboard based on non-Latin characters, you will see an
- extra dialog screen asking how you would prefer to switch between the Latin
- and non-Latin keyboard layouts
+ <p><a name="selectKeyboard-pa4"></a>Si selecciona un teclado basado en car&aacute;cteres no latinos, aparecer&aacute; una
+ pantalla extra preguntando como prefiere cambiar entre disposiciones latinas
+ y no latinas.