path: root/perl-install/Xconfig/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/Xconfig/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 720 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/Xconfig/ b/perl-install/Xconfig/
deleted file mode 100644
index da6799b6a..000000000
--- a/perl-install/Xconfig/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
-package Xconfig::xfree; # $Id$
-use diagnostics;
-use strict;
-use common;
-use Xconfig::parse;
-#- mostly internal only
-sub new {
- my ($class, $val) = @_;
- bless $val, $class;
-sub _conf_files() {
- map { "$::prefix/etc/X11/$_" } 'xorg.conf', 'XF86Config-4', 'XF86Config';
-# I/O ##########################################################################
-sub read_and_prepare_write {
- my ($class) = @_;
- my $file = find { -f $_ } _conf_files();
- my $raw_X = $class->new(Xconfig::parse::read_XF86Config($file));
- my $before = $raw_X->prepare_write;
- if (my ($Keyboard) = $raw_X->get_InputDevices('Keyboard')) {
- $Keyboard->{Driver}{val} = 'keyboard';
- }
- #- ugly hack to fix empty ModeLine lines, XFdrake seems to generate some, but where???
- #- at least this allows fixing the pb by re-running XFdrake
- foreach ($raw_X->get_Sections('Monitor')) {
- my $l = $_->{ModeLine} or next;
- @$l = grep { $_->{val} } @$l;
- }
- $raw_X, $before;
-sub read {
- my ($class) = @_;
- first(read_and_prepare_write($class));
-sub write {
- my ($raw_X, $o_file) = @_;
- my $file = $o_file || first(_conf_files());
- if (!$o_file) {
- foreach (_conf_files()) {
- if (-l $_) {
- unlink $_;
- } else {
- renamef($_, "$_.old"); #- there will not be any XF86Config nor XF86Config-4 anymore, we want this!
- }
- }
- #- keep it for old programs still using this name
- symlink basename($file), "$::prefix/etc/X11/XF86Config";
- }
- Xconfig::parse::write_XF86Config($raw_X, $file);
-sub prepare_write {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- join('', Xconfig::parse::prepare_write_XF86Config($raw_X));
-sub empty_config {
- my ($class) = @_;
- $class->new(Xconfig::parse::read_XF86Config_from_string(our $default_header));
-# keyboard #####################################################################
-my @keyboard_fields = qw(XkbLayout XkbModel XkbDisable XkbOptions XkbCompat);
-sub get_keyboard {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my $raw_kbd = first(map { $raw_X->get_InputDevices($_) } 'keyboard', 'kbd') or die "no keyboard section";
- raw_export_section($raw_kbd, \@keyboard_fields);
-sub set_keyboard {
- my ($raw_X, $kbd) = @_;
- my $raw_kbd = first(map { $raw_X->get_InputDevices($_) } 'keyboard', 'kbd') || _new_keyboard_section($raw_X);
- raw_import_section($raw_kbd, $kbd);
- _set_Option('keyboard', $raw_kbd, keys %$kbd);
-sub _new_keyboard_section {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my $raw_kbd = { Identifier => { val => 'Keyboard1' }, Driver => { val => 'keyboard' } };
- $raw_X->add_Section('InputDevice', $raw_kbd);
- my $layout = get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{InputDevice} ||= [];
- push @$layout, { val => '"Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"' };
- $raw_kbd;
-# mouse ########################################################################
-#- example: { Protocol => 'IMPS/2', Device => '/dev/psaux', Emulate3Buttons => undef, Emulate3Timeout => 50, ZAxisMapping => [ '4 5', '6 7' ] }
-my @mouse_fields = qw(Protocol Device ZAxisMapping Emulate3Buttons Emulate3Timeout); #-);
-sub get_mice {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my @raw_mice = $raw_X->get_InputDevices('mouse');
- map { raw_export_section($_, \@mouse_fields) } @raw_mice;
-sub set_mice {
- my ($raw_X, @mice) = @_;
- my @raw_mice = _new_mouse_sections($raw_X, int @mice);
- mapn {
- my ($raw_mouse, $mouse) = @_;
- raw_import_section($raw_mouse, $mouse);
- _set_Option('mouse', $raw_mouse, keys %$mouse);
- } \@raw_mice, \@mice;
-sub _new_mouse_sections {
- my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
- $raw_X->remove_InputDevices('mouse');
- my $layout = get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{InputDevice} ||= [];
- @$layout = grep { $_->{val} !~ /^"Mouse/ } @$layout;
- $nb_new or return;
- my @l = map {
- my $h = { Identifier => { val => "Mouse$_" }, Driver => { val => 'mouse' } };
- $raw_X->add_Section('InputDevice', $h);
- } (1 .. $nb_new);
- push @$layout, { val => qq("Mouse1" "CorePointer") };
- push @$layout, { val => qq("Mouse$_" "SendCoreEvents") } foreach 2 .. $nb_new;
- @l;
-# resolution ###################################################################
-sub get_resolution {
- my ($raw_X, $o_Screen) = @_;
- my $Screen = $o_Screen || $raw_X->get_default_screen or return {};
- my $depth = val($Screen->{DefaultColorDepth});
- my $Display = find { !$depth || val($_->{l}{Depth}) eq $depth } @{$Screen->{Display} || []} or return {};
- $Display->{l}{Virtual} && val($Display->{l}{Virtual}) =~ /(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ or
- val($Display->{l}{Modes}) =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/ or return {};
- { X => $1, Y => $2, Depth => val($Display->{l}{Depth}) };
-sub set_resolution {
- my ($raw_X, $resolution, $o_Screen_) = @_;
- foreach my $Screen ($o_Screen_ ? $o_Screen_ : $raw_X->get_Sections('Screen')) {
- $Screen ||= $raw_X->get_default_screen or internal_error('no screen');
- my $Mode_name = (any { $_->{l}{Modes} } @{$Screen->{Display} || []}) ? 'Modes' : 'Virtual';
- my $Mode = sprintf($Mode_name eq 'Modes' ? '"%dx%d"' : '%d %d', @$resolution{'X', 'Y'});
- $Screen->{DefaultColorDepth} = { val => $resolution->{Depth} eq '32' ? 24 : $resolution->{Depth} };
- $Screen->{Display} = [ map {
- { l => { Depth => { val => $_ }, $Mode_name => { val => $Mode } } };
- } 8, 15, 16, 24 ];
- }
- add_gtf_ModeLines($raw_X, $resolution);
-# device #######################################################################
-my @device_fields = qw(VendorName BoardName Driver VideoRam Screen BusID); #-);
-sub get_device {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- first(get_devices($raw_X));
-sub get_devices {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my @raw_devices = $raw_X->get_Sections('Device');
- map {
- my $raw_device = $_;
- my $device = raw_export_section($raw_device, [ 'Identifier', @device_fields ]);
- $device->{Options} = raw_export_section($raw_device, [ grep { (deref_array($raw_device->{$_}))[0]->{Option} } keys %$raw_device ]);
- $device;
- } @raw_devices;
-sub set_devices {
- my ($raw_X, @devices) = @_;
- my @raw_devices = _new_device_sections($raw_X, int @devices);
- mapn {
- my ($raw_device, $device) = @_;
- my %Options = %{$device->{Options} || {}};
- raw_import_section($raw_device, $device, \@device_fields);
- raw_import_section($raw_device, \%Options);
- $_->{Option} = 1 foreach map { deref_array($raw_device->{$_}) } keys %Options;
- $raw_device->{''} = [ { post_comment => $device->{raw_LINES} } ] if $device->{raw_LINES};
- } \@raw_devices, \@devices;
-sub _new_device_sections {
- my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
- $raw_X->remove_Section('Device');
- map { $raw_X->add_Section('Device', { Identifier => { val => "device$_" }, DPMS => { Option => 1 } }) } (1 .. $nb_new);
-sub get_Driver {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my $card = eval { $raw_X->get_device };
- $card && $card->{Driver};
-# wacoms #######################################################################
-sub set_wacoms {
- my ($raw_X, @wacoms) = @_;
- $raw_X->remove_InputDevices('wacom');
- my $layout = get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{InputDevice} ||= [];
- @$layout = grep { $_->{val} !~ /^"(Stylus|Eraser|Cursor)/ } @$layout;
- @wacoms or return;
- my %Modes = (Stylus => 'Absolute', Eraser => 'Absolute', Cursor => 'Relative');
- each_index {
- my $wacom = $_;
- foreach (keys %Modes) {
- my $identifier = $_ . ($::i + 1);
- my $h = { Identifier => { val => $identifier },
- Driver => { val => 'wacom' },
- Type => { val => lc $_, Option => 1 },
- Device => { val => $wacom->{Device}, Option => 1 },
- Mode => { val => $Modes{$_}, Option => 1 },
- if_($wacom->{USB}, USB => { Option => 1 })
- };
- $raw_X->add_Section('InputDevice', $h);
- push @$layout, { val => qq("$identifier" "AlwaysCore") };
- }
- } @wacoms;
-# synaptics ####################################################################
-sub set_synaptics {
- my ($raw_X, @synaptics) = @_;
- $raw_X->remove_InputDevices('synaptics');
- my $layout = get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{InputDevice} ||= [];
- @$layout = grep { $_->{val} !~ /^"SynapticsMouse/ } @$layout;
- @synaptics or return;
- add_load_module($raw_X, "synaptics");
- each_index {
- my $synaptics_mouse = $_;
- my $identifier = "SynapticsMouse" . ($::i + 1);
- my $pointer_type = $synaptics_mouse->{Primary} ? "CorePointer" : "AlwaysCore";
- my $h = {
- Identifier => { val => $identifier },
- Driver => { val => "synaptics" },
- };
- my %opts = (
- Device => $synaptics_mouse->{Device},
- Protocol => $synaptics_mouse->{Protocol},
- $synaptics_mouse->{ALPS} ? (
- #- from /usr/share/doc/synaptics-0.14.0/README.alps
- #- and
- LeftEdge => 120,
- RightEdge => 830,
- TopEdge => 120,
- BottomEdge => 650,
- FingerLow => 14,
- FingerHigh => 15,
- MaxTapTime => 180,
- MaxTapMove => 110,
- EmulateMidButtonTime => 75,
- VertScrollDelta => 20,
- HorizScrollDelta => 20,
- MinSpeed => '0.8',
- MaxSpeed => '1.00',
- AccelFactor => '0.015',
- EdgeMotionMinSpeed => 200,
- EdgeMotionMaxSpeed => 200,
- UpDownScrolling => 1,
- CircularScrolling => 1,
- CircScrollDelta => '0.1',
- CircScrollTrigger => 2,
- UpDownScrolling => 0,
- ) : (
- #- from /usr/share/doc/synaptics-0.14.0/INSTALL
- LeftEdge => 1700,
- RightEdge => 5300,
- TopEdge => 1700,
- BottomEdge => 4200,
- FingerLow => 25,
- FingerHigh => 30,
- MaxTapTime => 180,
- MaxTapMove => 220,
- VertScrollDelta => 100,
- MinSpeed => '0.09',
- MaxSpeed => '0.18',
- AccelFactor => '0.0015',
- ),
- SHMConfig => "on",
- );
- while (my ($k, $v) = each %opts) {
- $h->{$k} = { val => $v, Option => 1 };
- }
- $raw_X->add_Section('InputDevice', $h);
- push @$layout, { val => qq("$identifier" "$pointer_type") };
- } @synaptics;
-# monitor ######################################################################
-my @monitor_fields = qw(VendorName ModelName HorizSync VertRefresh);
-sub get_monitors {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my @raw_monitors = $raw_X->get_Sections('Monitor');
- map {
- my $h = raw_export_section($_, [ 'Identifier', @monitor_fields ]);
- $h->{ModeLine} = $_->{ModeLine};
- $h;
- } @raw_monitors;
-sub set_monitors {
- my ($raw_X, @monitors) = @_;
- my @raw_monitors = _new_monitor_sections($raw_X, int @monitors);
- mapn {
- my ($raw_monitor, $monitor) = @_;
- raw_import_section($raw_monitor, $monitor, \@monitor_fields);
- $raw_monitor->{ModeLine} = $monitor->{ModeLine};
- } \@raw_monitors, \@monitors;
-sub get_or_new_monitors {
- my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
- my @monitors = $raw_X->get_monitors;
- #- ensure we have exactly $nb_new monitors;
- if ($nb_new > @monitors) {
- @monitors, ({}) x ($nb_new - @monitors);
- } else {
- splice(@monitors, 0, $nb_new);
- }
-sub _new_monitor_sections {
- my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
- $raw_X->remove_Section('Monitor');
- map { $raw_X->add_Section('Monitor', { Identifier => { val => "monitor$_" }, ModeLine => default_ModeLine() }) } (1 .. $nb_new);
-sub default_ModeLine() {
- ModeLine_from_string(qq(Section "Monitor"\n) . (our $default_ModeLine) . qq(EndSection\n));
-sub add_gtf_ModeLines {
- my ($raw_X, $resolution) = @_;
- my $banner = 'modeline generated by gtf(1) [handled by XFdrake]';
- my $res = $resolution->{X} . 'x' . $resolution->{Y};
- my @to_add;
- if ($res ne '1280x1024' &&
- ($res eq '1400x1050' || $res eq '1152x864' || $Xconfig::xfree::resolution2ratio{$res} ne '4/3')) {
- @to_add = map {
- my $s = run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, 'gtf', $resolution->{X}, $resolution->{Y}, $_);
- if (my ($name, $val) = $s =~ /ModeLine\s*"(.*)"(.*)/i) {
- chomp $val;
- $name =~ s/\.00//; #- nicer that way
- { val => qq("${name}"$val), pre_comment => "# $banner\n" };
- } else { () }
- } reverse(sort_numbers(@Xconfig::xfree::vfreqs));
- }
- $raw_X->set_monitors(map {
- @{$_->{ModeLine}} = (
- (grep { index($_->{pre_comment}, $banner) == -1 } @{$_->{ModeLine}}),
- @to_add,
- );
- $_;
- } $raw_X->get_monitors);
- 1;
-# screens ######################################################################
-sub get_default_screen {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my @l = $raw_X->get_Sections('Screen');
- (find { $_->{Identifier} && val($_->{Identifier}) eq 'screen1' ||
- $_->{Driver} && val($_->{Driver}) =~ /svga|accel/ } @l) || $l[0];
-sub set_screens {
- my ($raw_X, @screens) = @_;
- my @raw_screens = _new_screen_sections($raw_X, int @screens);
- mapn {
- my ($raw_screen, $screen) = @_;
- raw_import_section($raw_screen, $screen);
- } \@raw_screens, \@screens;
-sub _new_screen_sections {
- my ($raw_X, $nb_new) = @_;
- $raw_X->remove_Section('Screen');
- my @l = map { $raw_X->add_Section('Screen', { Identifier => { val => "screen$_" } }) } (1 .. $nb_new);
- get_ServerLayout($raw_X)->{Screen} = [
- { val => qq("screen1") },
- map { { val => sprintf('"screen%d" RightOf "screen%d"', $_, $_ - 1) } } (2 .. $nb_new)
- ];
- @l;
-sub is_fbdev {
- my ($raw_X, $o_Screen) = @_;
- my $Screen = $o_Screen || $raw_X->get_default_screen or return;
- my $Device = $raw_X->get_Section_by_Identifier('Device', val($Screen->{Device})) or internal_error("no device named $Screen->{Device}");
- val($Device->{Driver}) eq 'fbdev';
-# modules ######################################################################
-sub get_modules {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') or return;
- my $Module = raw_export_section($raw_Module, ['Load']);
- @{$Module->{Load} || []};
-sub add_load_module {
- my ($raw_X, $module) = @_;
- my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') || $raw_X->add_Section('Module', {});
- my %load_modules_comment = (
- dbe => 'Double-Buffering Extension',
- v4l => 'Video for Linux',
- dri => 'direct rendering',
- glx => '3D layer',
- '' => '3D layer',
- );
- my $comment = $load_modules_comment{$module};
- push @{$raw_Module->{Load}}, { val => $module,
- comment_on_line => $comment && " # $comment",
- } if !member($module, $raw_X->get_modules);
-sub remove_load_module {
- my ($raw_X, $module) = @_;
- my $raw_Module = $raw_X->get_Section('Module') or return;
- if (my @l = grep { $_->{val} ne $module } @{$raw_Module->{Load}}) {
- $raw_Module->{Load} = \@l;
- } else {
- $raw_X->remove_Section('Module');
- }
-sub set_load_module {
- my ($raw_X, $module, $bool) = @_;
- $bool ? add_load_module($raw_X, $module) : remove_load_module($raw_X, $module);
-#- helpers
-sub _set_Option {
- my ($category, $node, @names) = @_;
- if (member($category, 'keyboard', 'mouse')) {
- #- everything we export is an Option
- $_->{Option} = 1 foreach map { deref_array($node->{$_}) } @names;
- }
-sub get_InputDevices {
- my ($raw_X, $Driver) = @_;
- $raw_X->get_Sections('InputDevice', sub { val($_[0]{Driver}) eq $Driver });
-sub remove_InputDevices {
- my ($raw_X, $Driver) = @_;
- $raw_X->remove_Section('InputDevice', sub { val($_[0]{Driver}) ne $Driver });
-sub get_ServerLayout {
- my ($raw_X) = @_;
- $raw_X->get_Section('ServerLayout') ||
- $raw_X->add_Section('ServerLayout', { Identifier => { val => 'layout1' } });
-#- helpers
-sub raw_export_section {
- my ($section, $fields) = @_;
- my $export_name = sub {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $h = $section->{$name} or return;
- my @l = map { if_(!$_->{commented}, $_->{val}) } deref_array($h) or return;
- $name => (ref($h) eq 'ARRAY' ? \@l : $l[0]);
- };
- my %h = map { $export_name->($_) } @$fields;
- \%h;
-sub raw_import_section {
- my ($section, $h, $o_fields) = @_;
- foreach ($o_fields ? grep { exists $h->{$_} } @$o_fields : keys %$h) {
- my @l = map { ref($_) eq 'HASH' ? $_ : { val => $_ } } deref_array($h->{$_});
- $section->{$_} = (ref($h->{$_}) eq 'ARRAY' ? \@l : $l[0]);
- }
-sub add_Section {
- my ($raw_X, $Section, $h) = @_;
- my @suggested_ordering = qw(Files ServerFlags Module DRI Keyboard Pointer XInput InputDevice Monitor Device Screen ServerLayout);
- my %order = map_index { { lc($_) => $::i } } @suggested_ordering;
- my $e = { name => $Section, l => $h };
- my $added;
- @$raw_X = map {
- if ($order{lc $_->{name}} > $order{lc $Section} && !$added) {
- $added = 1;
- ($e, $_);
- } else { $_ }
- } @$raw_X;
- push @$raw_X, $e if !$added;
- $h;
-sub remove_Section {
- my ($raw_X, $Section, $o_when) = @_;
- @$raw_X = grep { $_->{name} ne $Section || $o_when && $o_when->($_->{l}) } @$raw_X;
- $raw_X;
-sub get_Sections {
- my ($raw_X, $Section, $o_when) = @_;
- map { if_(lc($_->{name}) eq lc($Section) && (!$o_when || $o_when->($_->{l})), $_->{l}) } @$raw_X;
-sub get_Section {
- my ($raw_X, $Section, $o_when) = @_;
- my @l = get_Sections($raw_X, $Section, $o_when);
- @l > 1 and log::l("Xconfig: found more than one Section $Section");
- $l[0];
-sub get_Section_by_Identifier {
- my ($raw_X, $Section, $Identifier) = @_;
- my @l = get_Sections($raw_X, $Section, sub { val($_[0]{Identifier}) eq $Identifier });
- @l > 1 and die "more than one Section $Section has Identifier $Identifier";
- $l[0];
-sub val {
- my ($ref) = @_;
- $ref && $ref->{val};
-sub ModeLine_from_string {
- my ($s) = @_;
- my $raw_X_for_ModeLine = Xconfig::parse::read_XF86Config_from_string($s);
- get_Section($raw_X_for_ModeLine, 'Monitor')->{ModeLine};
-# movies
-# file vesamodes in Xorg is DMT Standard Display Modes
-our @CVT_ratios = qw(4/3 16/9 16/10 5/4 15/9 3/2);
-our @CVT_vfreqs = qw(50 60 75 85); # and also 60Hz "reduced blanking" in CVT
-our @vfreqs = (@CVT_vfreqs, qw(100 120));
-our %ratio2resolutions = (
- # first all the CVT_ratios
- # 1.25
- '5/4' => [ qw(640x512 720x576 1280x1024 1800x1440) ],
- # SXGA=1280x1024
- # 1.33
- '4/3' => [
- qw(320x240 480x360 640x480 800x600 832x624
- 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1400x1050
- 1600x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536),
- ], # VGA=640x480, SVGA=800x600, XGA=1024x768, SXGA+=1400x1050, UXGA=1600x1200, QXGA=2048x1536
- # 1.5
- '3/2' => [ qw(360x240 720x480 1152x768) ],
- # 1.6
- '16/10' => [ qw(1280x800 1440x900 1600x1000 1680x1050 1920x1200) ],
- # WSXGA+=1680x1050, WUXGA=1920x1200
- # 1.67
- '15/9' => [ qw(1280x768) ],
- # WXGA=1280x768 or ??? (should be 1366x768)
- # 1.78
- '16/9' => [ qw(1280x720 1600x900 1920x1080) ],
- # now more weird things
- # 1.32
- # '192/145' => [ qw(1152x870) ],
- # 1.42
- # '17/12' => [ qw(544x384) ] ,
- # 1.56
- # '25/16' => [ qw(1600x1024) ], # WSXGA
- # 1.775
- # '71/15' => [ qw(852x480) ],
- N_("_:weird aspect ratio\nother") => [
- # 2.13 = 32/15
- qw(1024x480 1280x600), # VAIO
- # 2.67 = 8/3
- qw(2048x768 2560x960 3200x1200),
- # 4.0 = 4/1
- qw(3072x768 3456x864 3840x960 4800x1200),
- # ?? 352x288
- ],
-our %resolution2ratio = map_each { map { $_ => $::a } @$::b } %ratio2resolutions;
-our @resolutions = map_each { @$::b } %ratio2resolutions;
-foreach my $ratio (keys %ratio2resolutions) {
- if ($ratio =~ m!^(\d+)/(\d+)$!) {
- my $eval = $2 / $1;
- foreach (@{$ratio2resolutions{$ratio}}) {
- my ($x, $y) = /(\d+)x(\d+)/;
- my $y2 = round($x * $eval);
- $y == $y2 or die "bad resolution $_ for ratio $ratio, it should be $x x $y2\n";
- }
- }
-our $default_header = <<'END';
-# File generated by XFdrake.
-# **********************************************************************
-# Refer to the XF86Config man page for details about the format of
-# this file.
-# **********************************************************************
-Section "Files"
- # Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
- # By default, Mandrake 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
- # the X server to render fonts.
- FontPath "unix/:-1"
-Section "ServerFlags"
- #DontZap # disable <Crtl><Alt><BS> (server abort)
- #DontZoom # disable <Crtl><Alt><KP_+>/<KP_-> (resolution switching)
- AllowMouseOpenFail # allows the server to start up even if the mouse does not work
-$default_header .= <<'END_XBOX' if is_xbox();
- Option "PciProbe1" "false"
- Option "PciProbe2" "false"
- Option "PciForceConfig1" "false"
- Option "PciForceConfig2" "false"
- Option "PciOsConfig" "true"
-$default_header .= <<'END';
-our $default_ModeLine = arch() =~ /ppc/ ? <<'END_PPC' : <<'END';
- # Apple iMac modes
- ModeLine "1024x768" 78.525 1024 1049 1145 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync
- ModeLine "800x600" 62.357 800 821 901 1040 600 601 604 632 +hsync +vsync
- ModeLine "640x480" 49.886 640 661 725 832 480 481 484 514 +hsync +vsync
- # Apple monitors tend to do 832x624
- ModeLine "832x624" 57 832 876 940 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync
- # Apple PowerBook G3
- ModeLine "800x600" 100 800 816 824 840 600 616 624 640 -hsync -vsync
- # Apple TI Powerbook
- ModeLine "1152x768" 78.741 1152 1173 1269 1440 768 769 772 800 +vsync +vsync
- # Pismo Firewire G3
- ModeLine "1024x768" 65 1024 1032 1176 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
- # iBook2
- ModeLine "1024x768" 65 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
- # 17" Apple Studio Display
- ModeLine "1024x768" 112.62 1024 1076 1248 1420 768 768 780 808 +hsync +vsync
- # HiRes Apple Studio Display
- ModeLine "1280x1024" 135 1280 1288 1392 1664 1024 1027 1030 1064
- # Another variation
- ModeLine "1280x1024" 134.989 1280 1317 1429 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
- # TV fullscreen mode or DVD fullscreen output.
- # 768x576 @ 79 Hz, 50 kHz hsync
- ModeLine "768x576" 50.00 768 832 846 1000 576 590 595 630
- # 768x576 @ 100 Hz, 61.6 kHz hsync
- ModeLine "768x576" 63.07 768 800 960 1024 576 578 590 616