path: root/perl-install/printer/
diff options
authorTill Kamppeter <>2003-01-13 02:01:36 +0000
committerTill Kamppeter <>2003-01-13 02:01:36 +0000
commitbe2c6d32eaa8142993315fac769cdabc0731a569 (patch)
tree2f233ad1b65f799d24337b996afc20e6cc2b7743 /perl-install/printer/
parent14f02bd27043d7ba014d71aa7cc81c0110ade935 (diff)
New CUPS printer sharing configuration dialog.
Reverted broken printer::main::set_usermode() to version of Mandrake 9.0.
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/printer/')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/printer/ b/perl-install/printer/
index 5981fa744..7c9930950 100644
--- a/perl-install/printer/
+++ b/perl-install/printer/
@@ -667,8 +667,35 @@ sub get_cups_autoconf {
sub set_usermode {
my $usermode = $_[0];
$::expert = $usermode;
- my $str = $usermode ? "expert" : "recommended";
- substInFile { s/^(USER_MODE=).*/$1$str/; $_ .= "USER_MODE=$str" if eof } "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/printing";
+ # Read config file
+ local *F;
+ my $file = "$::prefix/etc/sysconfig/printing";
+ my @file_content;
+ if (!(-f $file)) {
+ @file_content = ();
+ } else {
+ open F, "< $file" or die "Cannot open $file!";
+ @file_content = <F>;
+ close F;
+ }
+ # Remove all valid "USER_MODE" lines
+ (/^\s*USER_MODE/ and $_ = "") foreach @file_content;
+ # Insert the new "USER_MODE" line
+ if ($usermode) {
+ push @file_content, "USER_MODE=expert\n";
+ } else {
+ push @file_content, "USER_MODE=recommended\n";
+ }
+ # Write back modified file
+ open F, "> $file" or die "Cannot open $file!";
+ print F @file_content;
+ close F;
+ return 1;
sub get_usermode {
@@ -706,6 +733,24 @@ sub read_directives {
return @result;
+sub read_unique_directive {
+ # Read a directive from the from the cupsd.conf file or from a
+ # ripped-out location block, if the directive appears more than once,
+ # use the last occurence and remove all the others, if it does not
+ # occur, return the default value
+ my ($lines_ptr, $directive, $default) = @_;
+ if ((my @d = read_directives($lines_ptr, $directive)) > 0) {
+ my $value = @d[$#d];
+ set_directive($lines_ptr, "$directive $value");
+ return $value;
+ } else {
+ return $default;
+ }
sub insert_directive {
# Insert a directive into the cupsd.conf file or into a ripped-out
@@ -739,9 +784,6 @@ sub replace_directive {
my ($lines_ptr, $olddirective, $newdirective) = @_;
- # Do not do the replacement when the new directive already exists
- ($_ =~ /^\s*$newdirective$/ and return 0) foreach @{$lines_ptr};
$newdirective = "$newdirective\n";
my $success = 0;
($_ =~ /^\s*$olddirective/ and $_ = $newdirective and
@@ -757,7 +799,7 @@ sub set_directive {
my ($cupsd_conf_ptr, $directive) = @_;
my $olddirective = $directive;
- $olddirective =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s+.*$/$1/;
+ $olddirective =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s+.*$/$1/s;
return (replace_directive($cupsd_conf_ptr, $olddirective,
$directive) or
@@ -843,7 +885,7 @@ sub rip_location {
$location_end - $location_start + 1);
} else {
- # If there is no root location block, create one
+ # If there is no location block, create one
$location_start = $#{$cupsd_conf_ptr} + 1;
@location = ();
push @location, "<Location $path>\n";
@@ -930,6 +972,390 @@ sub replace_allowed_host {
"Allow From $newhost"));
+sub broadcastaddress {
+ # Determines the broadcast address (for "BrowseAddress" line) for
+ # a given network IP
+ my ($address) = @_;
+ if ($address =~ /^\d+\.\*$/) {
+ $address =~ s/\*$/255.255.255/;
+ } elsif ($address =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\*$/) {
+ $address =~ s/\*$/255.255/;
+ } elsif ($address =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\*$/) {
+ $address =~ s/\*$/255/;
+ } elsif ($address =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) {
+ my $numadr = ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + ($3 << 8) + $4;
+ my $mask = ((1 << $5) - 1) << (32 - $5);
+ my $broadcast = $numadr | (~$mask);
+ $address =
+ (($broadcast & (255 << 24)) >> 24) . '.' .
+ (($broadcast & (255 << 16)) >> 16) . '.' .
+ (($broadcast & (255 << 8)) >> 8) . '.' .
+ ($broadcast & 255);
+ } elsif ($address =~
+ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
+ my $numadr = ($1 << 24) + ($2 << 16) + ($3 << 8) + $4;
+ my $mask = ($5 << 24) + ($6 << 16) + ($7 << 8) + $8;
+ my $broadcast = $numadr | (~$mask);
+ $address =
+ (($broadcast & (255 << 24)) >> 24) . '.' .
+ (($broadcast & (255 << 16)) >> 16) . '.' .
+ (($broadcast & (255 << 8)) >> 8) . '.' .
+ ($broadcast & 255);
+ }
+ return $address;
+sub networkaddress {
+ # Guesses a network address for a given broadcast address
+ my ($address) = @_;
+ if ($address =~ /\.255$/) {
+ while ($address =~ s/\.255$//) {};
+ $address .= ".*";
+ }
+ return $address;
+sub localprintersshared {
+ # Do we broadcast our local printers
+ my ($printer) = @_;
+ return (($printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{Browsing} !~ /off/i) &&
+ ($printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseInterval} != 0) &&
+ ($#{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseAddress}} >= 0));
+sub remotebroadcastsaccepted {
+ # Do we accept broadcasts from remote CUPS servers?
+ my ($printer) = @_;
+ # Is browsing not turned on at all?
+ if ($printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{Browsing} =~ /off/i) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ # No "BrowseDeny" lines at all
+ if ($#{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseDeny}} < 0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ my $havedenyall =
+ (join('', @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseDeny}}) =~
+ /All/im);
+ my $havedenylocal =
+ (join('', @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseDeny}}) =~
+ /\@LOCAL/im);
+ my $orderallowdeny =
+ ($printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseOrder} =~
+ /allow\s*,\s*deny/i);
+ my $haveallowremote = 0;
+ for my $allowline (@{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseAllow}}) {
+ next if
+ ($allowline =~ /^\s*(localhost|0*127\.0+\.0+\.0*1|none)\s*$/i);
+ $haveallowremote = 1;
+ }
+ # A line denying all (or at least the all LANs) together with the order
+ # "allow,deny" or without "BrowseAllow" lines (which allow the
+ # broadcasts of at least one remote resource).
+ if (($havedenyall || $havedenylocal) &&
+ ($orderallowdeny || !$haveallowremote)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub clientnetworks {
+ # Determine the client networks to which the printers will be
+ # shared If the configuration is supported by our simplified
+ # interface ("Deny From All", "Order Deny,Allow", "Allow From ..."
+ # lines in "<location /> ... </location>", a "BrowseAddress ..."
+ # line for each "Allow From ..." line), return the list of allowed
+ # client networks ("Allow"/"BrowseAddress" lines), if not, return
+ # the list of all items which are at least one of the
+ # "BrowseAddresse"s or one of the "Allow From" addresses together
+ # with a flag that the setup is not supported.
+ my ($printer) = @_;
+ # Check for a "Deny From All" line
+ my $havedenyfromall =
+ (join('', @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{root}{DenyFrom}}) =~
+ /All/im);
+ # Check for "Order Deny,Allow"
+ my $orderdenyallow =
+ ($printer->{cupsconfig}{root}{Order} =~
+ /deny\s*,\s*allow/i);
+ my @sharehosts;
+ my $haveallowfromlocalhost = 0;
+ my $haveallowedhostwithoutbrowseaddress = 0;
+ # Go through all "Allow From" lines
+ for my $line (@{$printer->{cupsconfig}{root}{AllowFrom}}) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*(localhost|0*127\.0+\.0+\.0*1)\s*$/i) {
+ # Line pointing to localhost
+ $haveallowfromlocalhost = 1;
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(none)\s*$/i) {
+ # Skip "Allow From None" lines
+ } elsif (!member($line, @sharehosts)) {
+ # Line pointing to remote server
+ push(@sharehosts, $line);
+ if (!member(broadcastaddress($line),
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseAddress}})) {
+ $haveallowedhostwithoutbrowseaddress = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $havebrowseaddresswithoutallowedhost = 0;
+ # Go through all "BrowseAdress" lines
+ for my $line (@{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseAddress}}) {
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*(localhost|0*127\.0+\.0+\.0*1)\s*$/i) {
+ # Skip lines pointing to localhost
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(none)\s*$/i) {
+ # Skip "Allow From None" lines
+ } elsif (!member($line, map {broadcastaddress($_)} @sharehosts)) {
+ # Line pointing to remote server
+ push(@sharehosts, networkaddress($line));
+ $havebrowseaddresswithoutallowedhost = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $configunsupported = (!$havedenyfromall || !$orderdenyallow ||
+ !$haveallowfromlocalhost ||
+ $haveallowedhostwithoutbrowseaddress ||
+ $havebrowseaddresswithoutallowedhost);
+ return ($configunsupported, @sharehosts);
+sub makesharehostlist {
+ # Human-readable strings for hosts onto which the local printers
+ # are shared
+ my ($printer) = @_;
+ my @sharehostlist;
+ my %sharehosthash;
+ for my $host (@{$printer->{cupsconfig}{clientnetworks}}) {
+ if ($host =~ /\@LOCAL/i) {
+ $sharehosthash{$host} = N("Local network(s)");
+ } elsif ($host =~ /\@IF\((.*)\)/i) {
+ $sharehosthash{$host} = N("Interface \"%s\"", $1);
+ } elsif ($host =~ /(\/|^\*|\*$|^\.)/i) {
+ $sharehosthash{$host} = N("Network %s", $host);
+ } else {
+ $sharehosthash{$host} = N("Host %s", $host);
+ }
+ push(@sharehostlist, $sharehosthash{$host});
+ }
+ my %sharehosthash_inv = reverse %sharehosthash;
+ return { list => \@sharehostlist,
+ hash => \%sharehosthash,
+ invhash => \%sharehosthash_inv };
+sub is_network_ip {
+ # Determine whwther the given string is a valid network IP
+ my ($address) = @_;
+ ($address =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) ||
+ ($address =~ /^(\d+\.){1,3}\*$/) ||
+ ($address =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\/(\d+)$/) ||
+ ($address =~
+ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/);
+sub read_cups_config {
+ # Read the information relevant to the printer sharing dialog from
+ # the CUPS configuration
+ my ($printer) = @_;
+ # From /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
+ # Keyword "Browsing"
+ $printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{Browsing} =
+ read_unique_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'Browsing', 'On');
+ # Keyword "BrowseInterval"
+ $printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseInterval} =
+ read_unique_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseInterval', '30');
+ # Keyword "BrowseAddress"
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseAddress}} =
+ read_directives($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseAddress');
+ # Keyword "BrowseAllow"
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseAllow}} =
+ read_directives($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseAllow');
+ # Keyword "BrowseDeny"
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseDeny}} =
+ read_directives($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseDeny');
+ # Keyword "BrowseOrder"
+ $printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseOrder} =
+ read_unique_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseOrder', 'deny,allow');
+ # Root location
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{rootlocation}} =
+ read_location($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf}, '/');
+ # Keyword "Allow from"
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{root}{AllowFrom}} =
+ read_directives($printer->{cupsconfig}{rootlocation},
+ 'Allow From');
+ # Keyword "Deny from"
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{root}{DenyFrom}} =
+ read_directives($printer->{cupsconfig}{rootlocation},
+ 'Deny From');
+ # Keyword "Order"
+ $printer->{cupsconfig}{root}{Order} =
+ read_unique_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{rootlocation},
+ 'Order', 'Deny,Allow');
+ # Widget settings
+ # Local printers available to other machines?
+ $printer->{cupsconfig}{localprintersshared} =
+ localprintersshared($printer);
+ # This machine is accepting printers shared by remote machines?
+ $printer->{cupsconfig}{remotebroadcastsaccepted} =
+ remotebroadcastsaccepted($printer);
+ # To which machines are the local printers available?
+ ($printer->{cupsconfig}{customsharingsetup},
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{clientnetworks}}) =
+ clientnetworks($printer);
+sub write_cups_config {
+ # Write the information edited via the printer sharing dialog into
+ # the CUPS configuration
+ my ($printer) = @_;
+ # Local printers available to other machines?
+ if ($printer->{cupsconfig}{localprintersshared}) {
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'Browsing On');
+ if ($printer->{cupsconfig}{keys}{BrowseInterval} == 0) {
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseInterval 30');
+ }
+ } else {
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseInterval 0');
+ }
+ # This machine is accepting printers shared by remote machines?
+ if ($printer->{cupsconfig}{remotebroadcastsaccepted}) {
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'Browsing On');
+ if (($printer->{cupsconfig}{localprintersshared}) &&
+ ($#{$printer->{cupsconfig}{clientnetworks}} > 0) &&
+ (!$printer->{cupsconfig}{customsharingsetup})) {
+ # If we broadcast our printers, let's accept the broadcasts
+ # from the machines to which we broadcast
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseDeny All');
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseOrder Deny,Allow');
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseAllow ' .
+ join ("\nBrowseAllow ",
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{clientnetworks}}));
+ } elsif (!remotebroadcastsaccepted($printer)) {
+ # Use default settings if the "BrowseDeny"/"BrowseAllow"
+ # configuration does not accept broadcasts
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseDeny All');
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseOrder Deny,Allow');
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseOrder @LOCAL');
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Deny all broadcasts, but leave all "BrowseAllow" lines
+ # untouched
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseDeny All');
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseOrder Allow,Deny');
+ }
+ # To which machines are the local printers available?
+ if (!$printer->{cupsconfig}{customsharingsetup}) {
+ # root location block
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{rootlocation}} =
+ "<Location />\n" .
+ "Order Deny,Allow\n" .
+ "Deny From All\n" .
+ "Allow From\n" .
+ "Allow From " .
+ join ("\nAllow From ",
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{clientnetworks}}) .
+ "\n" .
+ "</Location>\n";
+ my ($location_start, @location) =
+ rip_location($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf}, "/");
+ insert_location($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf}, $location_start,
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{rootlocation}});
+ # "BrowseAddress" lines
+ set_directive($printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf},
+ 'BrowseAddress ' .
+ join ("\nBrowseAddress ",
+ map {broadcastaddress($_)}
+ @{$printer->{cupsconfig}{clientnetworks}}));
+ }
+sub clean_cups_config {
+ # Clean $printer data structure from all settings not related to
+ # the CUPS printer sharing dialog
+ my ($printer) = @_;
+ delete $printer->{cupsconfig}{keys};
+ delete $printer->{cupsconfig}{root};
+ delete $printer->{cupsconfig}{cupsd_conf};
+ delete $printer->{cupsconfig}{rootlocation};
sub read_printers_conf {
my ($printer) = @_;