path: root/perl-install/interactive/
diff options
authorThierry Vignaud <>2002-07-23 10:35:55 +0000
committerThierry Vignaud <>2002-07-23 10:35:55 +0000
commit6ed6b5341362f87e3c70420f206a33f71c72a3de (patch)
treeff028b5845f88d0a485f8c20ae726e462627aa59 /perl-install/interactive/
parente2889facfca0f6c6f64e2194f913a6b525f255e0 (diff)
- Big Move 1: interactive::* hierarchy
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/interactive/')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/interactive/ b/perl-install/interactive/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da18c198a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl-install/interactive/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+package interactivew::newt; # $Id$
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(interactive);
+use interactive;
+use common;
+use log;
+use Newt::Newt; #- !! provides Newt and not Newt::Newt
+my ($width, $height) = (80, 25);
+my @wait_messages;
+sub new() {
+ Newt::Init;
+ Newt::Cls;
+ Newt::SetSuspendCallback;
+ ($width, $height) = Newt::GetScreenSize;
+ open STDERR,">/dev/null" if $::isStandalone && !$::testing;
+ bless {}, $_[0];
+sub enter_console { Newt::Suspend }
+sub leave_console { Newt::Resume }
+sub suspend { Newt::Suspend }
+sub resume { Newt::Resume }
+sub end() { Newt::Finished }
+sub exit() { end; exit($_[1]) }
+END { end() }
+sub myTextbox {
+ my $allow_scroll = shift;
+ my $width = $width - 9;
+ my @l = map { /(.{1,$width})/g } map { split "\n" } @_;
+ my $h = min($height - 13, int @l);
+ my $flag = 1 << 6;
+ if ($h < @l) {
+ if ($allow_scroll) {
+ $flag |= 1 << 2; #- NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL
+ } else {
+ # remove the text, no other way!
+ @l = @l[0 .. $h-1];
+ }
+ }
+ my $mess = Newt::Component::Textbox(1, 0, my $w = max(map { length } @l) + 1, $h, $flag);
+ $mess->TextboxSetText(join("\n", @_));
+ $mess, $w + 1, $h;
+sub separator {
+ my $blank = Newt::Component::Form(\undef, '', 0);
+ $blank->FormSetWidth ($_[0]);
+ $blank->FormSetHeight($_[1]);
+ $blank;
+sub checkval { $_[0] && $_[0] ne ' ' ? '*' : ' ' }
+sub ask_fromW {
+ my ($o, $common, $l, $l2) = @_;
+ my $ignore; #-to handle recursivity
+ my $old_focus = -2;
+ #-the widgets
+ my (@widgets, $total_size);
+ my $set_all = sub {
+ $ignore = 1;
+ $_->{set}->(${$_->{e}{val}}) foreach @widgets;
+# $_->{w}->set_sensitive(!$_->{e}{disabled}()) foreach @widgets;
+ $ignore = 0;
+ };
+ my $get_all = sub {
+ ${$_->{e}{val}} = $_->{get}->() foreach @widgets;
+ };
+ my $create_widget = sub {
+ my ($e, $ind) = @_;
+ $e->{type} = 'list' if $e->{type} =~ /(icon|tree)list/;
+ #- combo doesn't exist, fallback to a sensible default
+ $e->{type} = $e->{not_edit} ? 'list' : 'entry' if $e->{type} eq 'combo';
+ my $changed = sub {
+ return if $ignore;
+ return $old_focus++ if $old_focus == -2; #- handle special first case
+ $get_all->();
+ #- TODO: this is very rough :(
+ $common->{callbacks}{$old_focus == $ind ? 'changed' : 'focus_out'}->($ind);
+ $set_all->();
+ $old_focus = $ind;
+ };
+ my ($w, $real_w, $set, $get, $expand, $size);
+ if ($e->{type} eq 'bool') {
+ $w = Newt::Component::Checkbox(-1, -1, $e->{text} || '', checkval(${$e->{val}}), " *");
+ $set = sub { $w->CheckboxSetValue(checkval($_[0])) };
+ $get = sub { $w->CheckboxGetValue == ord '*' };
+ } elsif ($e->{type} eq 'button') {
+ $w = Newt::Component::Button(-1, -1, simplify_string(may_apply($e->{format}, ${$e->{val}})));
+ } elsif ($e->{type} =~ /list/) {
+ my ($h, $wi) = (@$l == 1 && $height > 30 ? 10 : 5, 20);
+ my $scroll = @{$e->{list}} > $h ? 1 << 2 : 0;
+ $size = min(int @{$e->{list}}, $h);
+ $w = Newt::Component::Listbox(-1, -1, $h, $scroll); #- NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL
+ foreach (@{$e->{list}}) {
+ my $t = simplify_string(may_apply($e->{format}, $_));
+ $w->ListboxAddEntry($t, $_);
+ $wi = max($wi, length $t);
+ }
+ $w->ListboxSetWidth(min($wi + 3, $width - 7)); # 3 added for the scrollbar (?)
+ $get = sub { $w->ListboxGetCurrent };
+ $set = sub {
+ my ($val) = @_;
+ map_index {
+ $w->ListboxSetCurrent($::i) if $val eq $_;
+ } @{$e->{list}};
+ };
+ } else {
+ $w = Newt::Component::Entry(-1, -1, '', 20, ($e->{hidden} && 1 << 11) | 1 << 2);
+ $get = sub { $w->EntryGetValue };
+ $set = sub { $w->EntrySet($_[0], 1) };
+ }
+ $total_size += $size || 1;
+ #- !! callbacks must be kept otherwise perl will free them !!
+ #- (better handling of addCallback needed)
+ { e => $e, w => $w, real_w => $real_w || $w, expand => $expand, callback => $changed,
+ get => $get || sub { ${$e->{val}} }, set => $set || sub {} };
+ };
+ @widgets = map_index { $create_widget->($_, $::i) } @$l;
+ $_->{w}->addCallback($_->{callback}) foreach @widgets;
+ $set_all->();
+ my $grid = Newt::Grid::CreateGrid(3, max(1, int @$l));
+ map_index {
+ $grid->GridSetField(0, $::i, 1, ${Newt::Component::Label(-1, -1, $_->{e}{label})}, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0);
+ $grid->GridSetField(1, $::i, 1, ${$_->{real_w}}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
+ } @widgets;
+ my $listg = do {
+ my $height = 18;
+ #- use a scrolled window if there is a lot of checkboxes (aka
+ #- ask_many_from_list) or a lot of widgets in general (aka
+ #- options of a native PostScript printer in printerdrake)
+ #- !! works badly together with list's (lists are one widget, so a
+ #- big list window will not switch to scrollbar mode) :-(
+ if ((((grep { $_->{type} eq 'bool' } @$l) > 6) ||
+ ((@$l) > 3)) && $total_size > $height) {
+ $grid->GridPlace(1, 1); #- Uh?? otherwise the size allocated is bad
+ my $scroll = Newt::Component::VerticalScrollbar(-1, -1, $height, 9, 10);
+ my $subf = $scroll->Form('', 0);
+ $subf->FormSetHeight($height);
+ $subf->FormAddGrid($grid, 0);
+ Newt::Grid::HCloseStacked($subf, separator(1, $height), $scroll);
+ } else {
+ $grid;
+ }
+ };
+ my ($buttons, $ok, $cancel) = Newt::Grid::ButtonBar(simplify_string($common->{ok} || _("Ok")),
+ if_($common->{cancel}, simplify_string($common->{cancel})));
+ my $form = Newt::Component::Form(\undef, '', 0);
+ my $window = Newt::Grid::GridBasicWindow(first(myTextbox(@widgets == 0, @{$common->{messages}})), $listg, $buttons);
+ $window->GridWrappedWindow($common->{title} || '');
+ $form->FormAddGrid($window, 1);
+ my $check = sub {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ $get_all->();
+ my ($error, $focus) = $f->();
+ if ($error) {
+ $set_all->();
+ }
+ !$error;
+ };
+ my ($destroyed, $canceled);
+ do {
+ my $r = do {
+ local $::setstep = 1;
+ $form->RunForm;
+ };
+ $canceled = $cancel && $$r == $$cancel;
+ if (my ($button) = grep { $$r == ${$_->{w}} } @widgets) {
+ $get_all->();
+ my $v = do {
+ local $::setstep = 1;
+ $button->{e}{clicked_may_quit}();
+ };
+ $form->FormDestroy;
+ Newt::PopWindow;
+ return $v || &ask_fromW;
+ }
+ } until ($check->($common->{callbacks}{$canceled ? 'canceled' : 'complete'}));
+ $form->FormDestroy;
+ Newt::PopWindow;
+ !$canceled;
+sub waitbox {
+ my ($title, $messages) = @_;
+ my ($t, $w, $h) = myTextbox(1, @$messages);
+ my $f = Newt::Component::Form(\undef, '', 0);
+ Newt::CenteredWindow($w, $h, $title);
+ $f->FormAddComponent($t);
+ $f->DrawForm;
+ Newt::Refresh;
+ $f->FormDestroy;
+ push @wait_messages, $f;
+ $f;
+sub wait_messageW {
+ my ($o, $title, $messages) = @_;
+ { form => waitbox($title, $messages), title => $title };
+sub wait_message_nextW {
+ my ($o, $messages, $w) = @_;
+ $o->wait_message_endW($w);
+ $o->wait_messageW($w->{title}, $messages);
+sub wait_message_endW {
+ my ($o, $w) = @_;
+ my $wait = pop @wait_messages;
+# log::l("interactive_newt does not handle none stacked wait-messages") if $w->{form} != $wait;
+ Newt::PopWindow;
+sub simplify_string {
+ my ($s) = @_;
+ $s =~ s/\n/ /g;
+ $s = substr($s, 0, 40); #- truncate if too long
+ $s;