path: root/perl-install/
diff options
authorFrancois Pons <>2000-07-11 18:04:41 +0000
committerFrancois Pons <>2000-07-11 18:04:41 +0000
commitb54d78676ac459c8fb94bc6b43caa29d5764e9bd (patch)
tree9d2fd1d49dcec4b27904ee46a9ee507104a71e91 /perl-install/
parent4c2fb3914a389afd7a79bbabea1dde6968448505 (diff)
*** empty log message ***
Diffstat (limited to 'perl-install/')
1 files changed, 683 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/perl-install/ b/perl-install/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11f9d2ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/perl-install/
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+package bootloader;
+use diagnostics;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(%vga_modes);
+#- misc imports
+use common qw(:common :file :functional :system);
+use partition_table qw(:types);
+use log;
+use fsedit;
+use loopback;
+use commands;
+use detect_devices;
+use partition_table_raw;
+use run_program;
+use modules;
+%vga_modes = (
+ "Ask at boot" => 'ask',
+ "Normal" => 'normal',
+ "80x50" => '0x0f01',
+ "80x43" => '0x0f02',
+ "80x28" => '0x0f03',
+ "80x30" => '0x0f04',
+ "80x34" => '0x0f05',
+ "80x60" => '0x0f06',
+ "100x30" => '0x0122',
+my %vga_modes2nb = (
+ 'ask' => -3,
+ 'normal' => -1,
+#- other entries are identity
+#- Functions
+sub get {
+ my ($kernel, $bootloader) = @_;
+ $_->{kernel_or_dev} && $_->{kernel_or_dev} eq $kernel and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}};
+ undef;
+sub get_label {
+ my ($label, $bootloader) = @_;
+ $_->{label} && $_->{label} eq $label and return $_ foreach @{$bootloader->{entries}};
+ undef;
+sub mkinitrd($$$) {
+ my ($prefix, $kernelVersion, $initrdImage) = @_;
+ $::testing || -e "$prefix/$initrdImage" and return;
+ my $loop_boot = loopback::prepare_boot($prefix);
+ modules::load('loop');
+ run_program::rooted($prefix, "mkinitrd", "-f", $initrdImage, "--ifneeded", $kernelVersion) or unlink("$prefix/$initrdImage");
+ loopback::save_boot($loop_boot);
+ -e "$prefix/$initrdImage" or die "mkinitrd failed";
+sub mkbootdisk($$$;$) {
+ my ($prefix, $kernelVersion, $dev, $append) = @_;
+ modules::load_multi(arch() =~ /sparc/ ? 'romfs' : (), 'loop');
+ my @l = qw(mkbootdisk --noprompt);
+ push @l, "--appendargs", $append if $append;
+ push @l, "--bios", 0, if $dev !~ /fd/;
+ run_program::rooted($prefix, @l, "--device", "/dev/$dev", $kernelVersion) or die "mkbootdisk failed";
+sub read($$) {
+ my ($prefix, $file) = @_;
+ my $global = 1;
+ my ($e, $v, $f);
+ my %b;
+ foreach (cat_("$prefix$file")) {
+ ($_, $v) = /^\s*(.*?)\s*(?:=\s*(.*?))?\s*$/;
+ if (/^(image|other)$/) {
+ push @{$b{entries}}, $e = { type => $_, kernel_or_dev => $v };
+ $global = 0;
+ } elsif ($global) {
+ $b{$_} = $v || 1;
+ } else {
+ if ((/map-drive/ .. /to/) && /to/) {
+ $e->{mapdrive}{$e->{'map-drive'}} = $v;
+ } else {
+ $e->{$_} = $v || 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete $b{timeout} unless $b{prompt};
+ $_->{append} =~ s/^\s*"?(.*?)"?\s*$/$1/ foreach \%b, @{$b{entries}};
+ $b{timeout} = $b{timeout} / 10 if $b{timeout};
+ $b{message} = cat_("$prefix$b{message}") if $b{message};
+ \%b;
+sub suggest_onmbr($) {
+ my ($hds) = @_;
+ my $type = partition_table_raw::typeOfMBR($hds->[0]{device});
+ !$type || member($type, qw(dos dummy lilo grub empty)), !$type;
+sub add_entry($$) {
+ my ($entries, $v) = @_;
+ my (%usedold, $freeold);
+ do { $usedold{$1 || 0} = 1 if $_->{label} =~ /^old ([^_]*)_/x } foreach @$entries;
+ foreach (0..scalar keys %usedold) { exists $usedold{$_} or $freeold = $_ || '', last }
+ do { $_->{label} = "old${freeold}_$_->{label}" if $_->{label} eq $v->{label} } foreach @$entries;
+ push @$entries, $v;
+sub add_kernel($$$$$) {
+ my ($prefix, $lilo, $kernelVersion, $specific, $v) = @_;
+ my $ext = $specific && "-$specific";
+ my ($vmlinuz, $image, $initrdImage) = ("vmlinuz-$kernelVersion$specific", "/boot/vmlinuz$ext", "/boot/initrd$ext.img");
+ -e "$prefix/boot/$vmlinuz" or log::l("unable to find kernel image $prefix/boot/$vmlinuz"), return;
+ {
+ my $f = "initrd-$kernelVersion$specific.img";
+ eval { mkinitrd($prefix, "$kernelVersion$specific", "/boot/$f") };
+ undef $initrdImage if $@;
+ symlinkf $f, "$prefix$initrdImage" or $initrdImage = "/boot/$f"
+ if $initrdImage;
+ }
+ symlinkf "$vmlinuz", "$prefix/$image" or $image = "/boot/$vmlinuz";
+ add2hash($v,
+ {
+ type => 'image',
+ label => 'linux',
+ kernel_or_dev => $image,
+ initrd => $initrdImage,
+ append => $lilo->{perImageAppend},
+ });
+ add_entry($lilo->{entries}, $v);
+ $v;
+sub configure_entry($$) {
+ my ($prefix, $entry) = @_;
+ if ($entry->{type} eq 'image') {
+ my $specific_version;
+ $entry->{kernel_or_dev} =~ /vmlinu.-(.*)/ and $specific_version = $1;
+ readlink("$prefix/$entry->{kernel_or_dev}") =~ /vmlinu.-(.*)/ and $specific_version = $1;
+ if ($specific_version) {
+ $entry->{initrd} or $entry->{initrd} = "/boot/initrd-$specific_version.img";
+ unless (-e "$prefix/$entry->{initrd}") {
+ eval { mkinitrd($prefix, $specific_version, "$entry->{initrd}") };
+ undef $entry->{initrd} if $@;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $entry;
+sub dev2prompath { #- SPARC only
+ my ($dev) = @_;
+ my ($wd, $num) = $dev =~ /^(.*\D)(\d*)$/;
+ require c;
+ $dev = c::disk2PromPath($wd) and $dev = $dev =~ /^sd\(/ ? "$dev$num" : "$dev;$num";
+ $dev;
+sub suggest($$$$$) {
+ my ($prefix, $lilo, $hds, $fstab, $kernelVersion) = @_;
+ my $root_part = fsedit::get_root($fstab);
+ my $root = isLoopback($root_part) ? "loop7" : $root_part->{device};
+ my $boot = fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device};
+ require c; c::initSilo() if arch() =~ /sparc/;
+ my ($onmbr, $unsafe) = $lilo->{crushMbr} ? (1, 0) : suggest_onmbr($hds);
+ add2hash_($lilo, arch() =~ /sparc/ ?
+ {
+ default => "linux",
+ entries => [],
+ timeout => 5,
+ use_partition => 0, #- we should almost always have a whole disk partition.
+ root => "/dev/$root",
+ partition => $partition || 1,
+ boot => $root eq $boot && "/boot", #- this helps for getting default partition for silo.
+ } :
+ {
+ boot => "/dev/" . ($onmbr ? $hds->[0]{device} : fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device}),
+ bootUnsafe => $unsafe,
+ map => "/boot/map",
+ default => "linux",
+ lba32 => 1,
+ entries => [],
+ timeout => $onmbr && 5,
+ install => "/boot/boot.b",
+ });
+#- the following is not needed anymore with latest lilo
+#- $lilo->{disk} ||= "/dev/$hds->[0]{device} bios=0x80" if $hds->[0]{device} =~ /^hd[be]$/;
+ if (!$lilo->{message} || $lilo->{message} eq "1") {
+ $lilo->{message} = join('', cat_("$prefix/boot/message"));
+ if (!$lilo->{message}) {
+ my $msg_en =
+__("Welcome to %s the operating system chooser!
+To list the possible choices, press <TAB>.
+To load one of them, write its name and press <ENTER> or
+wait %d seconds for default boot.
+ my $msg = translate($msg_en);
+ #- use the english version if more than 20% of 8bits chars
+ $msg = $msg_en if int(grep { $_ & 0x80 } unpack "c*", $msg) / length($msg) > 0.2;
+ $lilo->{message} = sprintf $msg, arch() =~ /sparc/ ? "SILO" : "LILO", $lilo->{timeout};
+ }
+ }
+ my $isSecure = -e "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz-${kernelVersion}secure";
+ my $isSMP = detect_devices::hasSMP();
+ if ($isSMP && !-e "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz-${kernelVersion}smp") {
+ log::l("SMP machine, but no SMP kernel found") unless $isSecure;
+ $isSMP = 0;
+ }
+ add_kernel($prefix, $lilo, $kernelVersion, $isSecure ? 'secure' : 'smp',
+ {
+ label => 'linux',
+ root => "/dev/$root",
+ }) if $isSecure || $isSMP;
+ add_kernel($prefix, $lilo, $kernelVersion, '',
+ {
+ label => $isSecure || $isSMP ? 'linux-up' : 'linux',
+ root => "/dev/$root",
+ });
+ add_kernel($prefix, $lilo, $kernelVersion, '',
+ {
+ label => 'failsafe',
+ root => "/dev/$root",
+ })->{append} .= " failsafe" unless $lilo->{password};
+ if (arch() =~ /sparc/) {
+ #- search for SunOS, it could be a really better approach to take into account
+ #- partition type for mounting point.
+ my $sunos = 0;
+ foreach (@$hds) {
+ foreach (@{$_->{primary}{normal}}) {
+ my $path = $_->{device} =~ m|^/| && $_->{device} !~ m|^/dev/| ? $_->{device} : dev2prompath($_->{device});
+ add_entry($lilo->{entries},
+ {
+ type => 'other',
+ kernel_or_dev => $path,
+ label => "sunos" . ($sunos++ ? $sunos : ''),
+ }) if $path && isSunOS($_) && type2name($_->{type}) =~ /root/i;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ #- search for dos (or windows) boot partition. Don't look in extended partitions!
+ my ($dos, $win) = 0, 0;
+ foreach (@$hds) {
+ foreach (@{$_->{primary}{normal}}) {
+ add_entry($lilo->{entries},
+ {
+ type => 'other',
+ kernel_or_dev => "/dev/$_->{device}",
+ label => isDos($_) ? "dos" . ($dos++ ? $dos : '') : "windows" . ($win++ ? $win : '') ,
+ table => "/dev/$_->{rootDevice}",
+ }) if isFat($_) && isFat({ type => fsedit::typeOfPart($_->{device}) });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my %l = (
+ silo => bool(arch() =~ /sparc/),
+ lilo => bool(arch() !~ /sparc/) && !isLoopback(fsedit::get_root($fstab)),
+ grub => bool(arch() !~ /sparc/) && !$::o->{lnx4win}, #1,#!isReiserfs(fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')),
+ loadlin => bool(arch() !~ /sparc/) && -e "/initrd/loopfs/lnx4win",
+ );
+ $lilo->{methods} ||= { map { $_ => 1 } grep { $l{$_} } keys %l };
+sub suggest_floppy {
+ my ($bootloader) = @_;
+ add_entry($bootloader->{entries},
+ {
+ type => 'other',
+ kernel_or_dev => '/dev/fd0',
+ label => 'floppy',
+ unsafe => 1
+ });
+sub keytable($$) {
+ my ($prefix, $f) = @_;
+ local $_ = $f;
+ if ($_ && !/\.klt$/) {
+ $f = "/boot/$_.klt";
+ run_program::rooted($prefix, "", ">", $f, $_) or undef $f;
+ }
+ $f && -r "$prefix/$f" && $f;
+sub install_silo($$$) {
+ my ($prefix, $silo, $fstab) = @_;
+ my $boot = fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{device};
+ my ($wd, $num) = $boot =~ /^(.*\D)(\d*)$/;
+ #- setup boot promvars for.
+ require c;
+ if ($boot =~ /^md/) {
+ #- get all mbr devices according to /boot are listed,
+ #- then join all zero based partition translated to prom with ';'.
+ #- keep bootdev with the first of above.
+ log::l("/boot is present on raid partition which is not currently supported for promvars");
+ } else {
+ if (!$silo->{use_partition}) {
+ foreach (@$fstab) {
+ if (!$_->{start} && $_->{device} =~ /$wd/) {
+ $boot = $_->{device};
+ log::l("found a zero based partition in $wd as $boot");
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $silo->{bootalias} = c::disk2PromPath($boot);
+ $silo->{bootdev} = $silo->{bootalias};
+ log::l("preparing promvars for device=$boot");
+ }
+ c::hasAliases() or log::l("clearing promvars alias as non supported"), $silo->{bootalias} = '';
+ if ($silo->{message}) {
+ local *F;
+ open F, ">$prefix/boot/message" and print F $silo->{message} or $silo->{message} = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ local *F;
+ local $\ = "\n";
+ my $f = "$prefix/boot/silo.conf"; #- always write the silo.conf file in /boot ...
+ symlinkf "../boot/silo.conf", "$prefix/etc/silo.conf"; #- ... and make a symlink from /etc.
+ open F, ">$f" or die "cannot create silo config file: $f";
+ log::l("writing silo config to $f");
+ $silo->{$_} and print F "$_=$silo->{$_}" foreach qw(partition root default append);
+ $silo->{$_} and print F $_ foreach qw(restricted);
+ #- print F "password=", $silo->{password} if $silo->{restricted} && $silo->{password}; #- done by msec
+ print F "timeout=", round(10 * $silo->{timeout}) if $silo->{timeout};
+ print F "message=$silo->{boot}/message" if $silo->{message};
+ foreach (@{$silo->{entries}}) {#my ($v, $e) = each %{$silo->{entries}}) {
+ my $type = "$_->{type}=$_->{kernel_or_dev}"; $type =~ s|/boot|$silo->{boot}|;
+ print F $type;
+ print F "\tlabel=$_->{label}";
+ if ($_->{type} eq "image") {
+ my $initrd = $_->{initrd}; $initrd =~ s|/boot|$silo->{boot}|;
+ print F "\tpartition=$_->{partition}" if $_->{partition};
+ print F "\troot=$_->{root}" if $_->{root};
+ print F "\tinitrd=$initrd" if $_->{initrd};
+ print F "\tappend=\"$1\"" if $_->{append} =~ /^\s*"?(.*?)"?\s*$/;
+ print F "\tread-write" if $_->{'read-write'};
+ print F "\tread-only" if !$_->{'read-write'};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ log::l("Installing boot loader...");
+ $::testing and return;
+ run_program::rooted($prefix, "silo", "2>", "/tmp/.error", $silo->{use_partition} ? ("-t") : ()) or
+ run_program::rooted($prefix, "silo", "2>", "/tmp/.error", "-p", "2", $silo->{use_partition} ? ("-t") : ()) or
+ die "silo failed";
+ unlink "$prefix/tmp/.error";
+ #- try writing in the prom.
+ log::l("setting promvars alias=$silo->{bootalias} bootdev=$silo->{bootdev}");
+ require c;
+ c::setPromVars($silo->{bootalias}, $silo->{bootdev});
+sub install_lilo($$) {
+ my ($prefix, $lilo) = @_;
+ $lilo->{prompt} = $lilo->{timeout};
+ if ($lilo->{message}) {
+ local *F;
+ open F, ">$prefix/boot/message" and print F $lilo->{message} or $lilo->{message} = 0;
+ }
+ {
+ local *F;
+ local $\ = "\n";
+ my $f = "$prefix/etc/lilo.conf";
+ open F, ">$f" or die "cannot create lilo config file: $f";
+ log::l("writing lilo config to $f");
+ $lilo->{$_} and print F "$_=$lilo->{$_}" foreach qw(boot map install vga default append keytable disk);
+ $lilo->{$_} and print F $_ foreach qw(linear lba32 compact prompt restricted);
+ #- print F "password=", $lilo->{password} if $lilo->{restricted} && $lilo->{password}; #- done by msec
+ print F "timeout=", round(10 * $lilo->{timeout}) if $lilo->{timeout};
+ print F "message=/boot/message" if $lilo->{message};
+ foreach (@{$lilo->{entries}}) {
+ print F "$_->{type}=$_->{kernel_or_dev}";
+ print F "\tlabel=", substr($_->{label}, 0, 15); #- lilo doesn't handle more than 15 char long labels
+ if ($_->{type} eq "image") {
+ print F "\troot=$_->{root}";
+ print F "\tinitrd=$_->{initrd}" if $_->{initrd};
+ print F "\tappend=\"$_->{append}\"" if $_->{append};
+ print F "\tvga=$_->{vga}" if $_->{vga};
+ print F "\tread-write" if $_->{'read-write'};
+ print F "\tread-only" if !$_->{'read-write'};
+ } else {
+ print F "\ttable=$_->{table}" if $_->{table};
+ print F "\tunsafe" if $_->{unsafe} && !$_->{table};
+ #- boot off the second drive, so reverse the BIOS maps
+ $_->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => '0x81', '0x81' => '0x80' }
+ if $_->{table} && $lilo->{boot} !~ /$_->{table}/;
+ while (my ($from, $to) = each %{$_->{mapdrive} || {}}) {
+ print F "\tmap-drive=$from";
+ print F "\t to=$to";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ log::l("Installing boot loader...");
+ $::testing and return;
+ run_program::rooted($prefix, "lilo", "2>", "/tmp/.error") or die "lilo failed";
+ unlink "$prefix/tmp/.error";
+sub dev2bios {
+ my ($hds, $where) = @_;
+ my @dev = map { $_->{device} } @$hds;
+ member($where, @dev) or ($where) = @dev; #- if not on mbr,
+ s/h(d[e-g])/x$1/ foreach $where, @dev; #- emulates ultra66 as xd_
+ my $start = substr($where, 0, 2);
+ my $translate = sub {
+ $_ eq $where ? "aaa" : #- if exact match, value it first
+ /^$start(.*)/ ? "ad$1" : #- if same class (ide/scsi/ultra66), value it before other classes
+ $_;
+ };
+ @dev = map { $_->[0] }
+ sort { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] }
+ map { [ $_, &$translate ] } @dev;
+ s/x(d.)/h$1/ foreach @dev; #- switch back;
+ (map_index { $_ => "fd$::i" } detect_devices::floppies()),
+ (map_index { $_ => "hd$::i" } @dev);
+sub dev2grub {
+ my ($dev, $dev2bios) = @_;
+ $dev =~ m|^(/dev/)?(...)(.*)$| or die "dev2grub";
+ my $grub = $dev2bios->{$2} or die "dev2grub ($2)";
+ "($grub" . ($3 && "," . ($3 - 1)) . ")";
+sub install_grub {
+ my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) = @_;
+ my %dev2bios = dev2bios($hds, $lilo->{boot});
+ {
+ my %bios2dev = reverse %dev2bios;
+ output "$prefix/boot/grub/",
+ join '', map { "($_) /dev/$bios2dev{$_}\n" } sort keys %bios2dev;
+ }
+ my $file2grub = sub {
+ my $file = expand_symlinks "$prefix$_[0]";
+ if (!isReiserfs(fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot'))) { #- grub in reiserfs doesn't handle symlinks.
+ if (my $l = readlink "$prefix$_[0]") {
+ $l =~ m|/| or $file =~ s/\Q$l/basename $_[0]/e; #- keep simple end symlinks
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($file =~ s/^$prefix//) {
+ my ($fs) = grep { loopback::carryRootLoopback($_) } @$fstab or die;
+ log::l("found $fs->{mntpoint}");
+ $file =~ s|/initrd/loopfs|$fs->{mntpoint}|;
+ }
+ my ($fs);
+ foreach (@$fstab) {
+ my $m = $_->{mntpoint};
+ $fs = $_ if
+ $file =~ /^$m/ &&
+ (!$fs || length $fs->{mntpoint} < length $m);
+ }
+ $fs or die "file2grub not found $file";
+ $file =~ s|$fs->{mntpoint}/?|/|;
+ dev2grub($fs->{device}, \%dev2bios) . $file;
+ };
+ {
+ local *F;
+ local $\ = "\n";
+ my $f = "$prefix/boot/grub/menu.lst";
+ open F, ">$f" or die "cannot create grub config file: $f";
+ log::l("writing grub config to $f");
+ $lilo->{$_} and print F "$_ $lilo->{$_}" foreach qw(timeout);
+ print F "color black/cyan yellow/cyan";
+ print F "i18n ", $file2grub->("/boot/grub/messages");
+ print F "keytable ", $file2grub->($lilo->{keytable}) if $lilo->{keytable};
+ map_index {
+ print F "default $::i" if $_->{label} eq $lilo->{default};
+ } @{$lilo->{entries}};
+ foreach (@{$lilo->{entries}}) {
+ print F "\ntitle $_->{label}";
+ if ($_->{type} eq "image") {
+ my $vga = $_->{vga} || $lilo->{vga};
+ printf F "kernel %s root=%s %s%s%s\n",
+ $file2grub->($_->{kernel_or_dev}),
+ $_->{root} =~ /loop7/ ? "707" : $_->{root}, #- special to workaround bug in kernel (see #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP)
+ $_->{append},
+ $_->{'read-write'} && " rw",
+ $vga && $vga ne "normal" && " vga=$vga";
+ print F "initrd ", $file2grub->($_->{initrd}) if $_->{initrd};
+ } else {
+ print F "root ", dev2grub($_->{kernel_or_dev}, \%dev2bios);
+ if ($_->{kernel_or_dev} !~ /fd/) {
+ #- boot off the second drive, so reverse the BIOS maps
+ $_->{mapdrive} ||= { '0x80' => '0x81', '0x81' => '0x80' }
+ if $_->{table} && $lilo->{boot} !~ /$_->{table}/;
+ map_each { print F "map ($::b) ($::a)" } %{$_->{mapdrive} || {}};
+ print F "makeactive";
+ }
+ print F "chainloader +1";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $fd = first(detect_devices::floppies());
+ my $hd = fsedit::get_root($fstab, 'boot')->{rootDevice};
+ my $dev = dev2grub($lilo->{boot}, \%dev2bios);
+ my ($s1, $s2, $m) = map { $file2grub->("/boot/grub/$_") } qw(stage1 stage2 menu.lst);
+ my $f = "/boot/grub/";
+ output "$prefix$f",
+"grub --device-map=/boot/grub/ --batch <<EOF
+install $s1 d $dev $s2 p $m
+ output "$prefix/boot/grub/messages", map { translate($_) . "\n" } (
+__("Welcome to GRUB the operating system chooser!"),
+__("Use the %c and %c keys for selecting which entry is highlighted."),
+__("Press enter to boot the selected OS, \'e\' to edit the"),
+__("commands before booting, or \'c\' for a command-line."),
+__("The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in %d seconds."),
+ my $e = "$prefix/boot/.enough_space";
+ output $e, 1; -s $e or die _("not enough room in /boot");
+ unlink $e;
+ log::l("Installing boot loader...");
+ $::testing and return;
+ symlink "$prefix/boot", "/boot";
+ run_program::run("sh", $f) or die "grub installation failed";
+ unlink "$prefix/tmp/.error.grub", "/boot";
+sub lnx4win_file {
+ my $lilo = shift;
+ map { local $_ = $_; s,/,\\,g; "$lilo->{boot_drive}:\\lnx4win$_" } @_;
+sub loadlin_cmd {
+ my ($prefix, $lilo) = @_;
+ my $e = get_label("linux", $lilo) || first(grep { $_->{type} eq "image" } @{$lilo->{entries}});
+ commands::cp("$prefix$e->{kernel_or_dev}", "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz") unless -e "$prefix/boot/vmlinuz";
+ commands::cp("$prefix$e->{initrd}", "$prefix/boot/initrd.img") unless -e "$prefix/boot/initrd.img";
+ $e->{label}, sprintf"%s %s initrd=%s root=%s $e->{append}",
+ lnx4win_file($lilo, "/loadlin.exe", "/boot/vmlinuz", "/boot/initrd.img"),
+ $e->{root} =~ /loop7/ ? "0707" : $e->{root}; #- special to workaround bug in kernel (see #ifdef CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP)
+sub install_loadlin {
+ my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab) = @_;
+ my $boot;
+ ($boot) = grep { $lilo->{boot} eq "/dev/$_->{device}" } @$fstab;
+ ($boot) = grep { loopback::carryRootLoopback($_) } @$fstab unless $boot && $boot->{device_windobe};
+ ($boot) = grep { isFat($_) } @$fstab unless $boot && $boot->{device_windobe};
+ log::l("loadlin device is $boot->{device} (windobe $boot->{device_windobe})");
+ $lilo->{boot_drive} = $boot->{device_windobe};
+ my ($winpart) = grep { $_->{device_windobe} eq 'C' } @$fstab;
+ log::l("winpart is $winpart->{device}");
+ my $winhandle = loopback::inspect($winpart, $prefix, 'rw');
+ my $windrive = $winhandle->{dir};
+ log::l("windrive is $windrive");
+ my $config_sys = "$windrive/config.sys";
+ local $_ = cat_($config_sys);
+ output "$windrive/config.mdk", $_ if $_;
+ my $timeout = $lilo->{timeout} || 1;
+ my ($label, $cmd) = loadlin_cmd($prefix, $lilo);
+ $_ = "
+" . $_ if !/^\Q[Menu]/m;
+ #- remove existing entry
+ s/^menuitem=$label\s*//mi;
+ s/\n\[$label\].*?(\n\[|$)/$1/si;
+ #- add entry
+ s/(.*\nmenuitem=[^\n]*)/$1\nmenuitem=$label/s;
+ $_ .= "
+ output $config_sys, unix2dos($_);
+ output "/initrd/loopfs/lnx4win/linux.bat", unix2dos(
+'@echo off
+echo Linux Mandrake
+smartdrv /C
+' . "$cmd\n");
+ my $windir = lc(cat_("$windrive/msdos.sys") =~ /^WinDir=.:\\(\S+)/m ? $1 : "windows");
+#-PO: "Desktop" and "Start Menu" are the name of the directories found in c:\windows
+ foreach (__("Desktop"), __("Start Menu")) {
+ my $d = "$windrive/$windir/" . translate($_);
+ -d $d or $d = "$windrive/$windir/$_";
+ -d $d or log::l("can't find windows $d directory"), next;
+ output "$d/Linux4Win.url", unix2dos(sprintf
+), lnx4win_file($lilo, "/", "/lnx4win.ico"));
+ }
+sub install {
+ my ($prefix, $lilo, $fstab, $hds) = @_;
+ $lilo->{keytable} = keytable($prefix, $lilo->{keytable});
+ my %l = grep_each { $::b } %{$lilo->{methods}};
+ my @rcs = map {
+ my $f = $bootloader::{"install_$_"} or die "unknown bootloader method $_";
+ eval { $f->(@_) };
+ $@;
+ } reverse sort keys %l; #- reverse sort for having grub installed after lilo if both are there.
+ return if grep { !$_ } @rcs; #- at least one worked?
+ die first(map { $_ } @rcs);
+#- Wonderful perl :(
+1; #