diff options
8 files changed, 835 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/scripts/ b/common/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f5f31929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Author Philippe Hétroy,
+# $Id:,v 1.1 2002-07-26 09:19:56 adesmons Exp $
+# Module for loding and committing informations in a VAR = value file type
+package Vareqval;
+use lib('./');
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# Get all useful content of the config file
+# Return a hash containg the key and the value
+# ATTENTION : in the conf file, an empty value is returnes as a spaced value (mandatory because of XML compatibility)
+sub get {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my %l;
+ local *F; open F, $file or return;
+ local $_;
+ while (<F>) {
+ my ($v, $val, $val2) =
+ /^\s* # leading space
+ (\w+) = \s* # variable
+ (
+ "(.*)" # double-quoted text
+ | '(.*)' # single-quoted text
+ | [^'"\s]* # normal text
+ )
+ \s*$ # end of line
+ /x;
+ no warnings;
+ $l{$v} = defined $val2 ? $val2 : $val;
+ }
+ %l;
+# Commits changes in conf files and ifconfig
+sub commit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($file, $hash) = @_;
+ local *F;
+ my $output = "";
+ if (open(F, $file)) {
+ local $_;
+ while (<F>) {
+ my ($pre, $key, $eq, $val, $rest) = /(^\s*)(\w+)(\s*=\s*"*'*)([^'"\s]*)(.*)/x;
+ if (!defined $key) {
+ $output .= $_;
+ next;
+ };
+ next if (!exists $hash->{$key}); #Elt has been removed
+ no warnings;
+ $val = $hash->{$key};
+ delete $hash->{$key};
+ $output .= defined $val ? $pre . $key . $eq . $val . $rest . "\n" : $pre . $key . $eq . $val . $rest;
+# $output .= $pre . $key . $eq . $val . $rest . "\n";
+ }
+ #appending added parameters
+ foreach (keys %$hash) {
+ $output .= $_ . "=" . $hash->{$_} . "\n";
+ }
+ } else { #the file does not exist
+ print STDERR "File $file will be created\n";
+ foreach (keys %$hash) {
+ $output .= defined $hash->{$_} ? $_ . "=" . $hash->{$_} . "\n" : $_ . "=\n";
+ }
+ }
+#print $output;
+#print "\n------------------\n";
+ # outputing the new conf
+ open(F, "> $file") or return;
+ print F $output;
+ close(F);
diff --git a/common/scripts/ b/common/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e385d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Author Philippe Hétroy,
+# $Id:,v 1.1 2002-07-26 09:19:56 adesmons Exp $
+# Module for loding and committing informations in a VAR = value file type
+package Varspaceval;
+use lib('./');
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+# Get all useful content of the config file
+# Return a hash containg the key and the value
+# ATTENTION : in the conf file, an empty value is returnes as a spaced value (mandatory because of XML compatibility)
+sub get {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my %l;
+ local *F; open F, $file or return;
+ local $_;
+ while (<F>) {
+ my ($v, $val, $val2) =
+ /^\s* # leading space
+ (\w+)\s* # variable
+ (
+ "(.*)" # double-quoted text
+ | '(.*)' # single-quoted text
+ | [^'"\s]* # normal text
+ )
+ \s*$ # end of line
+ /x;
+ no warnings;
+ $l{$v} = defined $val2 ? $val2 : $val;
+ }
+ %l;
+# Commits changes in conf files and ifconfig
+sub commit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($file, $hash) = @_;
+ local *F;
+ my $output = "";
+ if (open(F, $file)) {
+ local $_;
+ while (<F>) {
+ my ($pre, $key, $eq, $val, $rest) = /(^\s*)(\w+)(\s*"*'*)([^'"\s]*)(.*)/x;
+ if (!defined $key) {
+ $output .= $_;
+ next;
+ };
+ next if (!exists $hash->{$key}); #Elt has been removed
+ no warnings;
+ $val = $hash->{$key};
+ delete $hash->{$key};
+ $output .= defined $val ? $pre . $key . $eq . $val . $rest . "\n" : $pre . $key . $eq . $val . $rest;
+# $output .= $pre . $key . $eq . $val . $rest . "\n";
+ }
+ #appending added parameters
+ foreach (keys %$hash) {
+ $output .= $_ . " " . $hash->{$_} . "\n";
+ }
+ } else { #the file does not exist
+ print STDERR "File $file will be created\n";
+ foreach (keys %$hash) {
+ $output .= defined $hash->{$_} ? $_ . "=" . $hash->{$_} . "\n" : $_ . "=\n";
+ }
+ }
+#print $output;
+#print "\n------------------\n";
+ # outputing the new conf
+ open(F, "> $file") or return;
+ print F $output;
+ close(F);
diff --git a/dhcp_wizard/scripts/ b/dhcp_wizard/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c38736a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dhcp_wizard/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+package Dhcpconf;
+require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/";
+use MDK::Common;
+use strict;
+sub do_it {
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv");
+ my $wiz_domain_name = $mdk{wiz_domain_name} if defined $mdk{wiz_domain_name} or
+ die "wiz_domain_name not in /etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ my $wiz_host_name = $mdk{wiz_host_name} if defined $mdk{wiz_host_name} or
+ die "wiz_host_name not in /etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ defined $ENV{wiz_ip_range1} or die "wiz_ip_range1 not defined : $!";
+ defined $ENV{wiz_ip_range2} or die "wiz_ip_range2 not defined : $!";
+ my $wiz_ip_range1 = $ENV{wiz_ip_range1};
+ my $wiz_ip_range2 = $ENV{wiz_ip_range2};
+ $mdk{wiz_ip_range1} = $wiz_ip_range1;
+ $mdk{wiz_ip_range2} = $wiz_ip_range2;
+ my $wiz_device = $mdk{wiz_device} if defined $mdk{wiz_device} or
+ die "wiz_device not in /etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ Vareqval->commit("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv", \%mdk);
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-".$wiz_device);
+ my $wiz_ip_net = $mdk{NETWORK} if defined $mdk{NETWORK} or
+ die "NETWORK not in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-".$wiz_device;
+ my $wiz_ip_server = $mdk{IPADDR} if defined $mdk{IPADDR} or
+ die "IPADDR not in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-".$wiz_device;
+ my $wiz_ip_netmask = $mdk{NETMASK} if defined $mdk{NETMASK} or
+ die "NETMASK not in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-".$wiz_device;
+# patch to rewrite when got new file about dhcp with INTERFACES value
+# currently, I put the device to configure as dhcp server
+# in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
+#[ -f /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd ] && cp -f /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd /var/tmp/wiz_bck/orig/dhcpd
+ my $file = "/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ open(NEW, "> $file") or die "can not open $file: $!";
+ print NEW "INTERFACES=$wiz_device\n";
+ close($file) or die "can not close $file: $!";
+ $file = "/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd";
+# now patching etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd
+ if (!`grep INTERFACES $file`){
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Dhcpconf.XXXXXX` or die "can't make a temp file: $!";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or die "can't open $tmp: $!";
+ open(OLD, "< $file") or die "can't open default: $!";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ if (m|daemon\s*/usr/sbin/dhcp|) {
+ print NEW "\tif [ -f /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd ]; then
+\t\t. /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
+ }
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close(OLD);
+ close(NEW);
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($tmp, $file);
+ }
+ $file = "/etc/dhcpd.conf";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Dhcpdconf.XXXXXX` or
+ die "can't make a temp file: $!";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or
+ die "can't open $tmp: $!";
+ open(OLD, "< __WIZ_HOME__/dhcp_wizard/scripts/dhcpd.conf.default") or
+ die "can't open default: $!";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ s|__hname__|$wiz_host_name|g;
+ s|__net__|$wiz_ip_net|g;
+ s|__ip__|$wiz_ip_server|g;
+ s|__mask__|$wiz_ip_netmask|g;
+ s|__rng1__|$wiz_ip_range1|g;
+ s|__rng2__|$wiz_ip_range2|g;
+ s|__dname__|$wiz_domain_name|g;
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close(OLD);
+ close(NEW);
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($tmp, $file);
+ system("touch /var/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases") or die "can not touch /var/dhcpd/dhcd.leases: $!";
+# modifying webmin config
+ $file="/etc/webmin/dhcpd/config";
+ if (-f $file) {
+ %mdk = Vareqval->get($file);
+ $mdk{lease_file} = "/var/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases";
+ $mdk{interfaces} = $wiz_device;
+ }
+ system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd restart");
diff --git a/dns_wizard/scripts/ b/dns_wizard/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11f92a99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dns_wizard/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package Dnsconf;
+require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/";
+use MDK::Common;
+use strict;
+sub up_serial {
+ my ($file) = @_;
+ my $serial_nbm = `date +%Y%m%d00` or die "date not found: $!";
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Dnsconf.XXXXXX` or die "can't make a temp file: $!";
+ open(OLD, "< $file") or die "can't open $file: $!";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or die "can't open $tmp: $!";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ if (/^([[:space:]]*)([0-9]*)([[:space:]]*;[[:space:]]*Serial.*)$/) {
+ my $serial_f = $2;
+ $serial_f++;
+ if ($serial_f <= $serial_nbm) {
+ $serial_f = $serial_nbm;
+ chomp($serial_f);
+ $_ = "$1$serial_f$3\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close(OLD) or die "can't close $file: $!";
+ close(NEW) or die "can't close $tmp: $!";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($tmp, $file);
+sub do_it {
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv");
+ my $wiz_domain_name = $mdk{wiz_domain_name} if defined $mdk{wiz_domain_name} or
+ die "wiz_domain_name not in /etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ my $wiz_host_name = $mdk{wiz_host_name} if defined $mdk{wiz_host_name} or
+ die "wiz_host_name not in /etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ my $device = $mdk{wiz_device} if defined $mdk{wiz_host_name} or
+ die "wiz_device not in /etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get("/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-".$device);
+ my $wiz_ip_net = $mdk{NETWORK} if defined $mdk{NETWORK} or
+ die "NETWORK not in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$device";
+ my $wiz_ip_server = $mdk{IPADDR} if defined $mdk{IPADDR} or
+ die "IPADDR not in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$device";
+ my $s_trunc = "$1.$2.$3" if $wiz_ip_net =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/;
+ my $ds = "$4" if $wiz_ip_server =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/;
+ my $host = "$1" if $wiz_host_name =~ /(.*?)\..*/;
+ my $reversnet = "$3$2$1" if $wiz_ip_net =~ /(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})/;
+ my $file = "/etc/host.conf";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ MDK::Common::cp_af("__WIZ_HOME__/dns_wizard/scripts/host.conf.default", $file);
+ $file = "/etc/named.conf";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+# now putting ${file} configuration"
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Dnsconf.XXXXXX` or die "can't make a temp file: $!";
+ open(OLD, "< __WIZ_HOME__/dns_wizard/scripts/host.conf.default") or die "can't open default: $!";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or die "can't open $tmp: $!";
+ my $ispns1 = $ENV{wiz_ext_dns1} || "// __ISPN1__";
+ my $ispns2 = $ENV{wiz_ext_dns2} || "// __ISPN2__";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ s|__ISPNS1__|$ispns1|g;
+ s|__ISPNS2__|$ispns2|g;
+ s|__dname__|$wiz_domain_name|g;
+ s|__revnet__|$reversnet|g;
+ s|__net__|$s_trunc|g;
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close(OLD);
+ close(NEW);
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($tmp, $file);
+# MDK::Common::rm_rf($tmp);
+# Bug fix for bind 9:
+ if (! -f "/etc/rndc.key") {system("touch /etc/rndc.key") or die "can not touch /etc/rndc.key: $!"};
+# root.hints
+ $file="/var/named/root.hints";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
+ MDK::Common::cp_af("__WIZ_HOME__/dns_wizard/scripts/root.hints.default", $file);
+ $file="/var/named/127.0.0.rev";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Dnsconf.XXXXXX` or
+ die "can't make a temp file: $!";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or
+ die "can't open $tmp: $!";
+ open(OLD, "< __WIZ_HOME__/dns_wizard/scripts/127.0.0.rev.default") or
+ die "can't open default: $!";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ s|__hname__|$wiz_host_name|;
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close(OLD);
+ close(NEW);
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($tmp, $file);
+# MDK::Common::rm_rf($tmp);
+ up_serial($file);
+ $file = "/var/named/$s_trunc.rev";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Dnsconf.XXXXXX` or
+ die "can't make a temp file: $!";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or
+ die "can't open $tmp: $!";
+ open(OLD, "< __WIZ_HOME__/dns_wizard/scripts/ipnet.rev.default") or
+ die "can't open default: $!";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ s|__dname__|$wiz_domain_name|g;
+ s|__hname__|$wiz_host_name|g;
+ s|__revnet__|$reversnet|g;
+ s|__nb__|$ds|;
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close(OLD);
+ close(NEW);
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($tmp, $file);
+# MDK::Common::rm_rf($tmp);
+ up_serial($file);
+ $file = "/var/named/$wiz_domain_name.db";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Dnsconf.XXXXXX` or
+ die "can't make a temp file: $!";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or
+ die "can't open $tmp: $!";
+ open(OLD, "< __WIZ_HOME__/dns_wizard/scripts/domain.db.default") or
+ die "can't open default: $!";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ s|__dname__|$wiz_domain_name|g;
+ s|__hname__|$wiz_host_name|g;
+ s|__ip__|$wiz_ip_server|g;
+ s|__host__|$ENV{host}|g;
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close(OLD);
+ close(NEW);
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($tmp, $file);
+# MDK::Common::rm_rf($tmp);
+ up_serial($file);
+ $file = "/etc/resolv.conf";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ open(NEW, "> $file");
+ print NEW "domain $wiz_domain_name\n";
+ print NEW "nameserver $wiz_ip_server\n";
+ print "toto\n";
+ system("/sbin/chkconfig --level 235 named on") or die "error on running /sbin/chkconfig: $!";
+ system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart") or die "error on restarting /etc/rc.d/init.d/named: $!";
+ print "tata\n";
+ %mdk = Vareqval->get("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv");
+ $mdk{wiz_caching_dns} = "1";
+ Vareqval->commit("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv", \%mdk);
diff --git a/firewall_wizard/scripts/ b/firewall_wizard/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abe480ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/firewall_wizard/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+package FWconf;
+require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/";
+use MDK::Common;
+use strict;
+sub true {
+ my ($val) = @_;
+ if (defined $val) {
+ $val eq "0" || $val eq "\'0\'" || $val eq "\"0\"" ||
+ $val eq "false" || $val eq "\'false\'" || $val eq "\"false\"" and
+ return 0;
+ $val eq "1" || $val eq "\'1\'" || $val eq "\"1\"" ||
+ $val eq "true" || $val eq "\'true\'" || $val eq "\"true\"" and
+ return 1;
+ }
+ 0;
+# store the value of device and security level in /etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv
+sub store_fwall {
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv");
+ $mdk{wiz_ext_device} = ($ENV{wiz_ext_device} =~ /^(\w*).*$/) if defined $ENV{wiz_ext_device} or
+ die "wiz_ext_device not in env";
+ $mdk{wiz_firewall_level} = $ENV{wiz_firewall_level} if defined $ENV{wiz_firewall_level} or
+ die "wiz_firewall_level not in env";
+ Vareqval->commit("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv", \%mdk);
+sub do_it {
+ print "hello\n";
+ store_fwall();
+ my %conf = ("__WIZ_HOME__/firewall_wizard/scripts/bastille-firewall.cfg.default" =>
+ "/etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg",
+ "/usr/share/Bastille/bastille-firewall" => "/etc/init.d/bastille-firewall",
+ "/usr/share/Bastille/bastille_ipchains" => "/sbin/bastille-ipchains",
+ "/usr/share/Bastille/bastille-netfilter" => "/sbin/bastille-netfilter");
+ foreach (keys %conf) {
+ (!-f $conf{$_}) and MDK::Common::cp_af($_, $conf{$_});
+ }
+# wiz_device INTERNAL_IFACES mdk_serv
+# wiz_ext_device EXTIF mdk_serv
+# wiz_ip_net . "/24" INTERNAL ifcfg-INTERNAL_IFACES
+# wiz_caching_dns mdk_serv
+# wiz_news_server mdk_serv
+# wiz_ftp_internal mdk_serv
+# wiz_ftp_external mdk_serv
+# wiz_web_internal mdk_serv
+# wiz_web_external mdk_serv
+# wiz_workgroup mdk_serv
+# wiz_mail_server mdk_serv
+# wiz_ip_range1 dhcpd.conf
+# wiz_ip_range2 dhcpd.conf
+# wiz_firewall_level mdk_serv
+ my $file = "/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get($file);
+ my $INTERNAL_IFACES = $mdk{wiz_device} if defined $mdk{wiz_device} or
+ die "wiz_device not in $file";
+ my $EXTIF = $mdk{wiz_ext_device} if defined $mdk{wiz_ext_device} or
+ die "wiz_ext_device not in $file";
+# a copy of all we need
+ my $wiz_news_server;
+ my $wiz_ftp_internal;
+ my $wiz_ftp_external;
+ my $wiz_web_internal;
+ my $wiz_web_external;
+ my $wiz_firewall_level;
+ my $wiz_workgroup;
+ my $wiz_mail_server;
+ my $wiz_caching_dns;
+ my @wiz_var = ("wiz_news_server",
+ "wiz_ftp_internal",
+ "wiz_ftp_external",
+ "wiz_web_internal",
+ "wiz_web_external",
+ "wiz_firewall_level",
+ "wiz_mail_server",
+ "wiz_workgroup",
+ "wiz_caching_dns");
+ foreach (@wiz_var) {
+ ${$_} = $mdk{$_} if defined $mdk{$_} && !($mdk{$_} =~ /^\s*$/);
+ }
+ $file = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-".$INTERNAL_IFACES;
+ %mdk = Vareqval->get($file);
+ my $INTERNAL = $mdk{NETWORK} . "/24" if defined $mdk{NETWORK} or
+ die "NETWORK not in $file";
+ open(DHCP, "< /etc/dhcpd.conf");
+ my $wiz_ip_range1;
+ my $wiz_ip_range2;
+ while (<DHCP>) {
+ if (/\s*range\s*([0-9\.]*)\s*([0-9\.]*).*$/) {
+ $wiz_ip_range1 = $1;
+ $wiz_ip_range2 = $2;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close (DHCP);
+ my $firewall_cfg = "/etc/Bastille/bastille-firewall.cfg";
+ my %fw = Vareqval->get($firewall_cfg);
+ if (true $wiz_caching_dns) {
+ $fw{DNS_SERVERS} = "";
+ }
+ else {
+ $fw{DNS_SERVERS} = "";
+ }
+ if (defined $wiz_news_server) {
+ $fw{NTP_SERVERS} = $wiz_news_server;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fw{NTP_SERVERS} = "";
+ }
+ if (true $wiz_ftp_external) {
+ $TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES .= " ftp ftp-data ";
+ $UDP_PUBLIC_SERVICES .= " ftp ftp-data ";
+ $TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " ftp ftp-data ";
+ $UDP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " ftp ftp-data ";
+ }
+ elsif (true $wiz_ftp_internal) {
+ $TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " ftp ftp-data ";
+ $UDP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " ftp ftp-data ";
+ }
+ if (true $wiz_web_external) {
+ $TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES .= " http https ";
+ $UDP_PUBLIC_SERVICES .= " http https ";
+ $TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " http https ";
+ $UDP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " http https ";
+ }
+ elsif (true $wiz_web_internal) {
+ $TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " http https ";
+ $UDP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " http https ";
+ }
+ if (defined $wiz_workgroup) {
+ $TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " netbios-ns netbios-dgm netbios-ssn ";
+ $UDP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " netbios-ns netbios-dgm netbios-ssn ";
+ }
+ if (defined $wiz_mail_server) {
+ $TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " smtp pop3 pop3s pop2 imap imap3 imap4-ssl imaps ";
+ $UDP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " smtp pop3 pop3s pop2 imap imap3 imap4-ssl imaps ";
+ }
+ if (defined $wiz_ip_range1 && defined $wiz_ip_range2) {
+ $TCP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " bootps bootpc ";
+ $UDP_INTERNAL_SERVICES .= " bootps bootpc ";
+ }
+ $TCP_PUBLIC_SERVICES .= " ssh ";
+ $UDP_PUBLIC_SERVICES .= " ssh ";
+ !defined $wiz_firewall_level and $wiz_firewall_level = "0";
+ ($wiz_firewall_level) = ($wiz_firewall_level =~ /.*(\d*).*/);
+# Source function library. THIS WORKS ONLY ON RED HAT-LIKE SYSTEMS.
+#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
+ if ($wiz_firewall_level == 0 || $wiz_firewall_level == 3) {
+ $fw{IP_MASQ_NETWORK} = "";
+ }
+ else {
+ }
+ if ($wiz_firewall_level <= 1) {
+ }
+ if ($wiz_firewall_level == 2) {
+ }
+ if ($wiz_firewall_level == 3) {
+ }
+ Vareqval->commit($firewall_cfg, \%fw);
+ system("chkconfig --level 345 bastille-firewall on");
+ system("service bastille-firewall start");
+ print "bye\n";
diff --git a/postfix_wizard/scripts/ b/postfix_wizard/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7733e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postfix_wizard/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package Postfixconf;
+require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/";
+use MDK::Common;
+use strict;
+sub do_it {
+ my $file = "/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get($file);
+ my $wiz_domain_name = $mdk{wiz_domain_name} if defined $mdk{wiz_domain_name} or
+ die "wiz_domain_name not in $file";
+ my $wiz_host_name = $mdk{wiz_host_name} if defined $mdk{wiz_host_name} or
+ die "wiz_host_name not in $file";
+ my $wiz_device = $mdk{wiz_device} if defined $mdk{wiz_device} or
+ die "wiz_device not in $file";
+ $mdk{wiz_ext_mail_relay} = $ENV{wiz_ext_mail_relay} if defined $ENV{wiz_ext_mail_relay} or
+ die "wiz_ext_mail_relay not in env";
+ $mdk{wiz_mail_masquerade} = $ENV{wiz_mail_masquerade} if defined $ENV{wiz_mail_masquerade} or
+ die "wiz_mail_masquerade not in env";
+ Vareqval->commit($file, \%mdk);
+ my @conf = qw(/etc/postfix/aliases
+ /etc/postfix/canonical
+ /etc/postfix/
+ /etc/postfix/
+ /etc/postfix/virtual);
+ foreach (@conf) {
+ (-f $_) and MDK::Common::cp_af($_, $_.".orig");
+ }
+ @conf = ("myhostname = $wiz_host_name",
+ 'myorigin = $mydomain',
+ 'inet_interfaces = all',
+ 'mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, $mydomain',
+ 'masquerade_domains = $mydomain',
+ 'alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases',
+ 'alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases',
+ 'virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual',
+ 'canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical',
+ "relayhost = $ENV{wiz_ext_mail_relay}"
+ );
+ foreach (@conf) {
+ system("postconf -e \'$_\'");
+ }
+ if (defined $ENV{wiz_ext_mail_relay}) {
+ $file = "/etc/postfix/canonical";
+ open(CANONICAL, "< $file");
+ while (<CANONICAL>) {
+ if (/\@$ENV{wiz_domain_name}\s*\@$ENV{wiz_mail_masquerade}/){
+ goto NOUPDATE;
+ }
+ }
+ close(CANONICAL);
+ open(CANONICAL, ">> $file");
+ print CANONICAL "\n\@$ENV{wiz_domain_name} \@$ENV{wiz_mail_masquerade}";
+ close(CANONICAL);
+ }
+ system("postmap /etc/postfix/canonical");
+ system("postmap /etc/postfix/virtual");
+ system("postalias /etc/postfix/aliases");
+ system("postfix check");
+ system("service postfix restart");
+ system("service xinetd restart");
diff --git a/proxy_wizard/scripts/ b/proxy_wizard/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..877d60d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proxy_wizard/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+package Squidconf;
+require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/";
+require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/";
+use MDK::Common;
+use strict;
+sub do_it_squid {
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv");
+ $mdk{wiz_squid_defdir} = $ENV{wiz_squid_defdir};
+ $mdk{wiz_squid_level} = $ENV{wiz_squid_level};
+ Vareqval->commit("/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv");
+ my $file="/etc/squid/squid.conf";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ MDK::Common::cp_af("__WIZ_HOME__/proxy_wizard/scripts/squid.conf.default", $file);
+ %mdk = Varspaceval->get($file);
+# echo_debug "squid port ${wiz_squid_port}"
+ $mdk{http_port} = $ENV{wiz_squid_port};
+# echo_debug "squid mem ${wiz_squid_mem}"
+ $mdk{cache_mem} = "$ENV{wiz_squid_mem} MB";
+ my %mdk = Varspaceval->commit($file, \%mdk);
+# echo_debug "squid disk ${wiz_squid_disk}"
+ $t = `grep -E "^[[:space:]]*cache_dir[[:space:]]+[a-z]+[[:space:]]+$ENV{wiz_squid_defdir}[[:space:]]+[0-9]+" $file`;
diff --git a/server_wizard/scripts/ b/server_wizard/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29bd4803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server_wizard/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+package Serverconf;
+require "__WIZ_HOME__/common/scripts/";
+use MDK::Common;
+use strict;
+sub do_it_last {
+ my $file = "/etc/sysconfig/mdk_serv";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file.".orig");
+ my $date = `date`;
+ open(NEW, "> $file");
+ print NEW "#mdk server basic info $date
+sub do_it {
+ my $date = `date`;
+ my $file = "/etc/sysconfig/network";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
+ my %mdk = Vareqval->get($file);
+ my $wiz_ip_netmask = "";
+ $mdk{FORWARD_IPV4} = "yes";
+ $mdk{HOSTNAME} = $ENV{wiz_host_name} if defined $ENV{wiz_host_name} or
+ die "wiz_host_name not in env";
+ my $hostname = $mdk{HOSTNAME};
+ $mdk{DOMAINNAME} = $ENV{wiz_domain_name} if defined $ENV{wiz_host_name} or
+ die "wiz_domain_name not in env";
+ $mdk{NETWORKING} = "yes";
+ $mdk{GATEWAYDEV} = $ENV{wiz_extn_device} if defined $ENV{wiz_extn_device} or
+ die "wiz_extn_device not in env";
+ $mdk{GATEWAY} = $ENV{wiz_extn_gateway} if defined $ENV{wiz_extn_gateway} or
+ die "wiz_extn_gateway not in env";
+ Vareqval->commit($file, \%mdk);
+ $file = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$ENV{wiz_device}" if defined $ENV{wiz_device} or
+ die "wiz_device not in env";
+ if (-f $file) {
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
+ %mdk = Vareqval->get($file);
+ my $old_ip = $mdk{IPADDR} if defined $mdk{IPADDR} or die "IPADDR not found in $file";
+ }
+ else {
+ system("touch $file");
+ %mdk = Vareqval->get($file);
+ }
+# starting chg_val sequence
+ $mdk{DEVICE} = $ENV{wiz_device};
+ $mdk{BOOTPROTO} = "none";
+ $mdk{IPADDR} = $ENV{wiz_ip_server} if defined $ENV{wiz_ip_server} or
+ die "IPADDR not found in $file";
+ my $new_ip = $mdk{IPADDR};
+ $mdk{NETMASK} = $wiz_ip_netmask;
+ $mdk{NETWORK} = $ENV{wiz_ip_net} if defined $ENV{wiz_ip_net} or
+ die "NETWORK not found in $file";
+ $mdk{ONBOOT} = "yes";
+ $mdk{IPXNETNUM_802_2} = "";
+ $mdk{IPXPRIMARY_802_2} = "no";
+ $mdk{IPXACTIVE_802_2} = "no";
+ $mdk{IPXNETNUM_802_3} "";
+ $mdk{IPXPRIMARY_802_3} = "no";
+ $mdk{IPXACTIVE_802_3} = "no";
+ $mdk{IPXPRIMARY_ETHERII} = "no";
+ $mdk{IPXACTIVE_ETHERII} = "no";
+ $mdk{IPXNETNUM_SNAP} = "";
+ $mdk{IPXPRIMARY_SNAP} = "no";
+ $mdk{IPXACTIVE_SNAP} = "no";
+# chg_val sequence ended
+ Vareqval->commit($file, \%mdk)
+ $file = "/etc/HOSTNAME";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
+ open(NEW, "> $file") or die "can not open $file";
+ print NEW "$hostname";
+ close(NEW) or die "can not close $file";
+ system("hostname $hostname");
+ my ($hostalias) = ($hostname =~ /^([^.]*)\..*$/);
+ $file = "/etc/hosts";
+ MDK::Common::cp_af($file, $file . ".orig");
+ if (defined $old_ip && $old_ip ne $new_ip) {
+ my $tmp = `mktemp /tmp/Serverconf.XXXXXX`;
+ open(OLD, "< $file") or die "can not open $file";
+ open(NEW, "> $tmp") or die "can not open $tmp";
+ while (<OLD>) {
+ if (/^\s*(?!\#)*\s*$old_ip.*$/) {
+ print NEW "# removed by mdk_serv script on $date
+ next;
+ }
+ print NEW $_;
+ }
+ close OLD, NEW;
+ system("mv $tmp $file);
+ }
+ else {
+ open(NEW, ">> $file");
+ print NEW "$new_ip\t$hostname\t$hostalias\n";
+ close NEW;
+ }
+ do_it_last();
+ system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/network stop");
+ system("/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start");