path: root/menu/icons/svg/graphics_section.svg
diff options
authorAnne Nicolas <ennael@mageia.org>2016-03-24 22:48:59 +0100
committerAnne Nicolas <ennael@mageia.org>2016-03-24 22:48:59 +0100
commit15063c04e64b41ed1a33f94ace0804551bfe78c6 (patch)
tree9a51c00ae9c35e73d434bc72686ed813b89f3181 /menu/icons/svg/graphics_section.svg
parentc5688438fb8e72c009507bfa9858ee63a193a89a (diff)
parentd697904b280b24af39fa14bc6937f569d15fe454 (diff)
Merge branch 'user/animtim/designWork'
Diffstat (limited to 'menu/icons/svg/graphics_section.svg')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/menu/icons/svg/graphics_section.svg b/menu/icons/svg/graphics_section.svg
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