path: root/MgaRepo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'MgaRepo')
38 files changed, 657 insertions, 1403 deletions
diff --git a/MgaRepo/GitHub.py b/MgaRepo/GitHub.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 74da43e..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/GitHub.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo import Error, config
-from MgaRepo.rpmutil import get_pkg_tag, clone
-from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
-from MgaRepo import layout
-from MgaRepo.git import GIT
-from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
-from MgaRepo.vcsutil import detectVCS
-import github
-import os
-class GitHub(object):
- def __init__(self, username = config.get("github", "login"), password = config.get("github", "password")):
- self._github = github.Github(login_or_token=username, password=password)
- self._organization = self._github.get_organization(config.get("github", "organization", "mdkcauldron"))
- self._repos = self._organization.get_repos()
- def repository_exists(self, name):
- for repo in self._repos:
- if repo.name == name:
- return repo
- return None
- def create_repository(self, pkgname, **kwargs):
- repository = self._organization.create_repo(pkgname, **kwargs)
- return repository
- def delete_repository(self, pkgname, **kwargs):
- repository = self.repository_exists(pkgname)
- if repository:
- print("deleting repository %s" % repository.full_name)
- repository.delete()
- return True
- raise Error("repository %s doesn't exist!" % (self._organization.login+"/"+pkgname))
- def import_package(self, target):
- if not os.path.exists(target):
- target = layout.checkout_url(layout.package_url(target))
- vcs = detectVCS(target)
- top_dir = vcs.get_topdir()
- pkgname = layout.package_name(layout.remove_current(vcs.url))
- repository = self.repository_exists(pkgname)
- if not repository or not repository.get_stats_commit_activity():
- if not repository:
- if os.path.exists(vcs.path):
- summary = get_pkg_tag(RPMTAG_SUMMARY, path=top_dir)
- url = get_pkg_tag(RPMTAG_URL, path=top_dir)
- repository = self.create_repository(pkgname, description=summary, homepage=url)
- print("GitHub repository created at " + repository.html_url)
- else:
- print("Empty GitHub repository already created at %s, using" % repository.html_url)
- if isinstance(vcs, GIT):
- status, output = vcs.remote("add", repository.full_name, repository.ssh_url, noerror=True)
- if status:
- if status == 128 and ("fatal: remote %s already exists." % repository.full_name) \
- in output:
- pass
- else:
- raise Error(output)
- status, output = vcs.push("--mirror", repository.full_name, show=True)
- if status == 0:
- print("Success!")
- return True
- elif isinstance(vcs, SVN):
- clone(vcs.url, bindownload=False)
- return self.import_package(pkgname)
- else:
- raise Error("GitHub repository already exists at " + repository.html_url)
- raise Error("GitHub import failed...")
- def clone_repository(self, pkgname, target=None):
- if not target:
- target = pkgname
- repository = self.repository_exists(pkgname)
- if repository:
- svnurl = layout.checkout_url(layout.package_url(pkgname))
- if repository.permissions:
- giturl = repository.ssh_url
- else:
- giturl = repository.git_url
- execcmd(("git", "clone", "--mirror", giturl, os.path.join(target, ".git")), show=True)
- git_svn = GIT(path=target, url=svnurl)
- git_svn.init(svnurl, pkgname, branch="master", fullnames=True)
- return True
- raise Error("Repository %s doesn't exist!" % (self._organization.login+"/"+pkgname))
diff --git a/MgaRepo/VCS.py b/MgaRepo/VCS.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4edbd7f..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/VCS.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo import Error, SilentError, config
-from MgaRepo.util import execcmd, get_auth
-from MgaRepo import layout
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import time
-class VCSLogEntry(object):
- def __init__(self, revision, author, date, lines=[], changed=[]):
- self.revision = revision
- self.author = author
- self.date = date
- self.changed = changed
- self.lines = lines
- def __lt__(self, other):
- return (self.date < other.date)
- def __eq__(self,other):
- return (self.date == other.date)
-class VCS(object):
- vcs_dirname = None
- vcs_name = None
- def __init__(self, path, url):
- self.vcs_command = None
- self.vcs_wrapper = "mga-ssh"
- self.vcs_supports = {'clone' : False}
- self.vcs_type = None
- self.env_defaults = None
- if not path and not url:
- self._path = os.path.curdir
- elif not path and url:
- self._path = layout.package_name(layout.remove_current(url))
- else:
- self._path = path
- self._url = None
- self.__url = url
- def _execVcs(self, *args, **kwargs):
- localcmds = ("add", "revert", "cleanup", "mv")
- cmd = self.vcs_command + list(args)
- kwargs["collecterr"] = kwargs.get("collecterr", False)
- if kwargs.get("show"):
- if not kwargs.get("local"):
- kwargs["collecterr"] = True
- else:
- if self.vcs_command is "svn" and args[0] not in localcmds:
- cmd.append("--non-interactive")
- else:
- if args[0] == "mv":
- kwargs["collecterr"] = False
- kwargs["cleanerr"] = kwargs.get("cleanerr", True)
- if kwargs.get("xml"):
- cmd.append("--xml")
- try:
- if args[0] in ('info', 'checkout','log'):
- kwargs['info'] = True
- else:
- kwargs['info'] = False
- return execcmd(*cmd, **kwargs)
- except Error as e:
- msg = None
- if e.args:
- if "Permission denied" in e.args:
- msg = ("It seems ssh-agent or ForwardAgent are not setup "
- "or your username is wrong. See "
- "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Packagers_ssh"
- " for more information.")
- elif "authorization failed" in e.args:
- msg = ("Note that mgarepo does not support any HTTP "
- "authenticated access.")
- if kwargs.get("show") and \
- not config.getbool("global", "verbose", 0):
- # svn has already dumped error messages, we don't need to
- # do it too
- if msg:
- sys.stderr.write("\n")
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
- sys.stderr.write("\n")
- raise SilentError
- elif msg:
- raise Error("%s\n%s" % (e, msg))
- raise
- def _set_env(self):
- wrapper = "mgarepo-ssh"
- repsys = config.get("global", "mgarepo-cmd")
- if repsys:
- dir = os.path.dirname(repsys)
- path = os.path.join(dir, wrapper)
- if os.path.exists(path):
- wrapper = path
- defaults = {"SVN_SSH": wrapper}
- os.environ.update(defaults)
- raw = config.get("global", "svn-env")
- if raw:
- for line in raw.split("\n"):
- env = line.strip()
- if not env:
- continue
- try:
- name, value = env.split("=", 1)
- except ValueError:
- sys.stderr.write("invalid svn environment line: %r\n" % env)
- continue
- os.environ[name] = value
- def _execVcs_success(self, *args, **kwargs):
- status, output = self._execVcs(*args, **kwargs)
- return status == 0
- def _add_log(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs, optional=0):
- if (not optional or
- "log" in received_kwargs or
- "logfile" in received_kwargs):
- ret = received_kwargs.get("log")
- if ret is not None:
- cmd_args.extend(("-m", ret))
- ret = received_kwargs.get("logfile")
- if ret is not None:
- cmd_args.extend(("-F", ret))
- def _add_revision(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs, optional=0):
- if not optional or "rev" in received_kwargs:
- ret = received_kwargs.get("rev")
- if isinstance(ret, str):
- if not ret.startswith("{"): # if not a datespec
- try:
- ret = int(ret)
- except ValueError:
- raise Error("invalid revision provided")
- if ret:
- cmd_args.extend(("-r", str(ret)))
- def add(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["add", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- return self._execVcs_success(noauth=1, *cmd, **kwargs)
- def copy(self, pathfrom, pathto, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["copy", pathfrom + '@' if '@' in pathfrom else pathfrom, pathto + '@' if '@' in pathto else pathto]
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
- self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def remove(self, path, force=0, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["remove", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
- if force:
- cmd.append("--force")
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def mkdir(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["mkdir", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- if kwargs.get("parents"):
- cmd.append("--parents")
- self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def _execVcs_commit(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- match = re.search("Committed revision (?P<rev>\\d+)\\.$", output)
- if match:
- rawrev = match.group("rev")
- return int(rawrev)
- def commit(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["commit", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- if kwargs.get("nonrecursive"):
- cmd.append("-N")
- self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
- return self._execVcs_commit(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def import_(self, path, url, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["import", path, url]
- self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
- return self._execVcs_commit(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def export(self, url, targetpath, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["export", url, targetpath]
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def checkout(self, url, targetpath, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["checkout", url, targetpath]
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def clone(self, url, targetpath, **kwargs):
- if self.vcs_supports['clone']:
- cmd = ["clone", url, targetpath]
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- else:
- raise Error("%s doesn't support 'clone'" % self.vcs_name)
- def propget(self, propname, targets, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["propget", propname, targets]
- if kwargs.get("revprop"):
- cmd.append("--revprop")
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs)
- status, output = self._execVcs(local=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
- return output
- def propset(self, propname, value, targets, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["propset", propname, value, targets]
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def propedit(self, propname, target, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["propedit", propname, target]
- if kwargs.get("rev"):
- cmd.append("--revprop")
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs)
- return self._execVcs_success(local=True, show=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
- def revision(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["info", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- status, output = self._execVcs(local=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- for line in output.splitlines():
- if line.startswith("Last Changed Rev: "):
- return int(line.split()[3])
- return None
- def info(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["info", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- status, output = self._execVcs(local=True, noerror=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
- if (("Not a versioned resource" not in output) and ("svn: warning: W155010" not in output)):
- return output.splitlines()
- return None
- def info2(self, *args, **kwargs):
- lines = self.info(*args, **kwargs)
- if lines is None:
- return None
- pairs = [[w.strip() for w in line.split(":", 1)] for line in lines]
- info = {}
- for pair in pairs:
- if pair != ['']:
- info[pair[0]]=pair[1]
- return info
- def ls(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["ls", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return output.split()
- return None
- def status(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["status", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- if kwargs.get("verbose"):
- cmd.append("-v")
- if kwargs.get("noignore"):
- cmd.append("--no-ignore")
- if kwargs.get("quiet"):
- cmd.append("--quiet")
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [(x[0], x[8:]) for x in output.splitlines()]
- return None
- def cleanup(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["cleanup", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def revert(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["revert", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
- return None
- def switch(self, url, oldurl=None, path=None, relocate=False, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["switch"]
- if relocate:
- if oldurl is None:
- raise Error("You must supply the old URL when "\
- "relocating working copies")
- cmd.append("--relocate")
- cmd.append(oldurl)
- cmd.append(url)
- if path is not None:
- cmd.append(path)
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def update(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["update", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
- return None
- def merge(self, url1, url2=None, rev1=None, rev2=None, path=None,
- **kwargs):
- cmd = ["merge"]
- if rev1 and rev2 and not url2:
- cmd.append("-r")
- cmd.append("%s:%s" % (rev1, rev2))
- cmd.append(url1)
- else:
- if not url2:
- raise ValueError("url2 needed if two revisions are not provided")
- if rev1:
- cmd.append("%s@%s" % (url1, rev1))
- else:
- cmd.append(url1)
- if rev2:
- cmd.append("%s@%s" % (url2, rev2))
- else:
- cmd.append(url2)
- if path:
- cmd.append(path)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
- return None
- def diff(self, pathurl1, pathurl2=None, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["diff", pathurl1]
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
- if pathurl2:
- cmd.append(pathurl2)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return output
- return None
- def cat(self, url, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["cat", url]
- self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return output
- return None
- def log(self, url, start=None, end=0, limit=None, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["log", "-v", url]
- if start is not None or end != 0:
- if start is not None and type(start) is not type(0):
- try:
- start = int(start)
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- raise Error("invalid log start revision provided")
- if type(end) is not type(0):
- try:
- end = int(end)
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- raise Error("invalid log end revision provided")
- start = start or "HEAD"
- cmd.extend(("-r", "%s:%s" % (start, end)))
- if limit is not None:
- try:
- limit = int(limit)
- except (ValueError, TypeError):
- raise Error("invalid limit number provided")
- cmd.extend(("--limit", str(limit)))
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, xml=True, **kwargs)
- if status != 0:
- return None
- xmllog = ElementTree.fromstring(output)
- log = []
- logentries = xmllog.getiterator("logentry")
- for entry in logentries:
- changed = []
- lines = []
- for pathelem in entry.getiterator("paths"):
- path = pathelem.find("path")
- from_rev = path.get("copyfrom-rev")
- if from_rev:
- from_rev = int(from_rev)
- changed.append({"from_rev" : from_rev, "from_path" : path.get("copyfrom-path"), "action" : path.get("action"), "path" : path.text})
- date = entry.findtext("date").split("T")
- timestr = "%s %s" % (date[0], date[1].split(".")[0])
- timetuple = time.strptime(timestr, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- lines.extend(entry.findtext("msg").rstrip().split("\n"))
- logentry = VCSLogEntry(int(entry.attrib["revision"]),
- entry.findtext("author"), timetuple, [line.rstrip() for line in lines], changed)
- log.append(logentry)
- log.sort()
- log.reverse()
- return log
- def mv(self, path, dest, message=None, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["mv", path, dest, ]
- if message:
- cmd.extend(("-m", str(message)))
- else:
- kwargs['show'] = True
- self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
- return self._execVcs_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
- def get_topdir(self):
- vcsdir = os.path.join(self._path, self.vcs_dirname)
- if os.path.exists(vcsdir) and os.path.isdir(vcsdir):
- return self._path
- else:
- return None
- def drop_ssh_if_no_auth(self, url):
- return url
- @property
- def path(self):
- return self._path
- @property
- def url(self):
- if not self._url:
- self._url = self.drop_ssh_if_no_auth(self.__url or self.info2(self._path)["URL"])
- return self._url
-class VCSLook(object):
- def __init__(self, repospath, txn=None, rev=None):
- self.repospath = repospath
- self.txn = txn
- self.rev = rev
- self.execcmd = None
- def _execVcslook(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
- execcmd_args = ["svnlook", cmd, self.repospath]
- self._add_txnrev(execcmd_args, kwargs)
- execcmd_args += args
- execcmd_kwargs = {}
- keywords = ["show", "noerror"]
- for key in keywords:
- if key in kwargs:
- execcmd_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key]
- return execcmd(*execcmd_args, **execcmd_kwargs)
- def _add_txnrev(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs):
- if "txn" in received_kwargs:
- txn = received_kwargs.get("txn")
- if txn is not None:
- cmd_args.extend(("-t", txn))
- elif self.txn is not None:
- cmd_args.extend(("-t", self.txn))
- if "rev" in received_kwargs:
- rev = received_kwargs.get("rev")
- if rev is not None:
- cmd_args.exten(("-r", str(rev)))
- elif self.rev is not None:
- cmd_args.extend(("-r", str(self.rev)))
- def changed(self, **kwargs):
- status, output = self._execVcslook("changed", **kwargs)
- if status != 0:
- return None
- changes = []
- for line in output.splitlines():
- line = line.rstrip()
- if not line:
- continue
- entry = [None, None, None]
- changedata, changeprop, path = None, None, None
- if line[0] != "_":
- changedata = line[0]
- if line[1] != " ":
- changeprop = line[1]
- path = line[4:]
- changes.append((changedata, changeprop, path))
- return changes
- def author(self, **kwargs):
- status, output = self._execVcslook("author", **kwargs)
- if status != 0:
- return None
- return output.strip()
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/__init__.py b/MgaRepo/__init__.py
index 5d26da2..3c39f55 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/__init__.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/__init__.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import re
import os
import tempfile
diff --git a/MgaRepo/binrepo.py b/MgaRepo/binrepo.py
index 0df8088..89679b0 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/binrepo.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/binrepo.py
@@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ def upload_binary(topdir, filename):
host = config.get("binrepo", "upload_host")
upload_bin_helper = get_helper("upload-bin")
- command = ["ssh", host, upload_bin_helper, filename]
+ command = "ssh %s %s %s" % (host, upload_bin_helper, filename)
filein = open(filepath, 'r')
except Error as e:
raise Error("Could not open file %s\n" % filepath)
- status, output = execcmd(*command, show=True, collecterr=True, stdin=filein)
+ status, output = execcmd(command, show=True, geterr=True, stdin=filein)
def import_binaries(topdir, pkgname):
"""Import all binaries from a given package checkout
diff --git a/MgaRepo/cgi/soapserver.py b/MgaRepo/cgi/soapserver.py
index 8702cca..2fdbe0b 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/cgi/soapserver.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/cgi/soapserver.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo.rpmutil import get_srpm
from MgaRepo.cgiutil import CgiError, get_targets
diff --git a/MgaRepo/cgi/submit.py b/MgaRepo/cgi/submit.py
index 85cb5a8..e06ae07 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/cgi/submit.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/cgi/submit.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo.rpmutil import get_srpm
from MgaRepo.cgiutil import CgiError, get_targets
diff --git a/MgaRepo/cgi/xmlrpcserver.py b/MgaRepo/cgi/xmlrpcserver.py
index b042a9c..a1b2b73 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/cgi/xmlrpcserver.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/cgi/xmlrpcserver.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo.rpmutil import get_srpm
from MgaRepo.cgiutil import CgiError, get_targets
diff --git a/MgaRepo/cgiutil.py b/MgaRepo/cgiutil.py
index 072604e..7dcc71b 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/cgiutil.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/cgiutil.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
from MgaRepo.ConfigParser import NoSectionError
diff --git a/MgaRepo/command.py b/MgaRepo/command.py
index ae297d6..72a6894 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/command.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/command.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import SilentError, Error, config
import sys, os
import urllib.parse
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/authoremail.py b/MgaRepo/commands/authoremail.py
index 27ffaf5..fcb8a86 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/authoremail.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/authoremail.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo.command import *
import sys
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/buildrpm.py b/MgaRepo/commands/buildrpm.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a9230e4..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/buildrpm.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo.command import do_command
-from MgaRepo.rpmutil import build_rpm
-from optparse import *
-HELP = """\
-Usage: mgarepo buildrpm [OPTIONS]
-Builds the binary RPM(s) (.rpm) file(s) of a given package.
- -bX Build stage option, where X is stage, default is -bb
- -I Don't automatically try install missing build dependencies
- -L Disable rpmlint check of packages built
- -P USER Define the RPM packager information to USER
- -d Use DNF
- -q Quiet build output
- -s Jump to specific build stage (--short-circuit)
- -l Use subversion log to build rpm %changelog
- -F Do not use full name & email for packagers in %changelog
- -- Options and arguments following will be passed to rpmbuild
-def parse_options():
- parser = OptionParser(HELP)
- parser.add_option("-b", dest="build_cmd", default="a")
- parser.add_option("-I", dest="installdeps", action="store_false", default=True)
- parser.add_option("-L", dest="rpmlint", action="store_false", default=True)
- parser.add_option("-P", dest="packager", default="")
- parser.add_option("-d", "--dnf", dest="use_dnf", action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="verbose", action="store_false", default=True)
- parser.add_option("-s", "--short-circuit", dest="short_circuit", action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_option("-l", dest="svnlog", action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_option("-F", dest="fullnames", default=True,
- action="store_false")
- opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- opts.rpmargs = parser.rargs
- return opts
-def main():
- do_command(parse_options, build_rpm)
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/changed.py b/MgaRepo/commands/changed.py
index 493e9af..4ac16bc 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/changed.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/changed.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, disable_mirror
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.layout import package_url
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/ci.py b/MgaRepo/commands/ci.py
index 24e7923..e64ac4e 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/ci.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/ci.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.rpmutil import commit
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/clone.py b/MgaRepo/commands/clone.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 88279db..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/clone.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo import Error
-from MgaRepo.command import *
-from MgaRepo.rpmutil import clone
-import getopt
-import sys
-HELP = """\
-Usage: mgarepo co [OPTIONS] URL [LOCALPATH]
-Clone the package source from the Mageia repository.
-If the 'mirror' option is enabled, the package is obtained from the mirror
-You can specify the distro branch to checkout from by using distro/pkgname.
- -d The distribution branch to checkout from
- -b The package branch
- -M Do not use the mirror (use the main repository)
- -h Show this message
- -F Do not convert svn usernames to full name & email
- mgarepo co pkgname
- mgarepo co -d 1 pkgname
- mgarepo co 1/pkgame
- mgarepo co http://repos/svn/cnc/snapshot/foo
- mgarepo co http://repos/svn/cnc/snapshot/foo foo-pkg
-def parse_options():
- parser = OptionParser(help=HELP)
- parser.add_option("--distribution", "-d", dest="distro", default=None)
- parser.add_option("--branch", "-b", dest="branch", default=None)
- parser.add_option("-F", dest="fullnames", default=True,
- action="store_false")
- opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) not in (1, 2):
- raise Error("invalid arguments")
- # here we don't use package_url in order to notify the user we are
- # using the mirror
- opts.pkgdirurl = args[0]
- if len(args) == 2:
- opts.path = args[1]
- else:
- opts.path = None
- return opts
-def main():
- do_command(parse_options, clone)
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/co.py b/MgaRepo/commands/co.py
index b257f21..a6911cc 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/co.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/co.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, disable_mirror
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.rpmutil import checkout
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/create.py b/MgaRepo/commands/create.py
index a947fed..e9a89e8 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/create.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/create.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.layout import package_url
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/editlog.py b/MgaRepo/commands/editlog.py
index 9e82a38..163651d 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/editlog.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/editlog.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.layout import package_url
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/getspec.py b/MgaRepo/commands/getspec.py
index 884e919..e1ba4c4 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/getspec.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/getspec.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, disable_mirror
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.layout import package_url
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/getsrpm.py b/MgaRepo/commands/getsrpm.py
index caadfeb..82bd626 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/getsrpm.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/getsrpm.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# This program will extract given version/revision of the named package
# from the Conectiva Linux repository system.
@@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ Options:
-n Rename the package to include the revision number
-l Use subversion log to build rpm %changelog
-T FILE Template to be used to generate the %changelog
- -F Do not use full name & email for packagers in %changelog
-M Do not use the mirror (use the main repository)
-h Show this message
--strict Check if the given revision contains changes in REPPKGURL
@@ -76,8 +76,6 @@ def parse_options():
parser.add_option("-n", dest="revname", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("-l", dest="svnlog", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("-T", dest="template", type="string", default=None)
- parser.add_option("-F", dest="fullnames", default=True,
- action="store_false")
parser.add_option("-M", "--no-mirror", action="callback",
parser.add_option("--strict", dest="strict", default=False,
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/github.py b/MgaRepo/commands/github.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d787e4..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/github.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo import Error
-from MgaRepo.command import *
-from MgaRepo.GitHub import GitHub
-import getopt
-import sys
-HELP = """\
-Usage: mgarepo github [OPTIONS] URL
-Import a git-svn cloned repository to github
- -h Show this message
- mgarepo github import existingpkg
- mgarepo github import svn://svn.mageia.org/svn/packages/cauldron/existingpkg
-def github_clone(pkg, **kwargs):
- github = GitHub()
- github.clone_repository(pkg)
-def github_import(target=".", **kwargs):
- github = GitHub()
- github.import_package(target)
-def github_delete(pkg, **kwargs):
- github = GitHub()
- github.delete_repository(pkg)
-def parse_options():
- parser = OptionParser(help=HELP)
- opts, args = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) < 1:
- raise Error("invalid arguments")
- opts.func = globals().get("github_"+args[0], None)
- if args[0] == "import":
- if len(args) > 1:
- opts.target = args[1]
- elif args[0] == "delete" or args[0] == "clone":
- opts.pkg = args[1]
- else:
- raise Error("invalid arguments: %s" % str(args))
- return opts
-def dispatch_cmd(*args, **kwargs):
- func = kwargs.pop("func", None)
- if func:
- func(**kwargs)
- else:
- raise Error("invalid command: %s %s" % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1]))
-def main():
- do_command(parse_options, dispatch_cmd)
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/log.py b/MgaRepo/commands/log.py
index 6d742de..2181125 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/log.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/log.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import config, mirror, disable_mirror
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.layout import package_url, checkout_url
@@ -5,8 +6,6 @@ from MgaRepo.rpmutil import sync
from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
import sys
import os
-import subprocess
-import shlex
HELP = """\
Usage: mgarepo log [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE]
@@ -58,13 +57,9 @@ def svn_log(pkgdirurl, verbose=False, limit=None, revision=None, releases=None):
if os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
- pager = shlex.split(os.environ.get("PAGER", "less"))
- p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(pager, stdin=p.stdout)
- p2.wait()
- p.wait()
- else:
- execcmd(args, show=True)
+ args.append("| less")
+ rawcmd = " ".join(args)
+ execcmd(rawcmd, show=True)
def main():
do_command(parse_options, svn_log)
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/maintdb.py b/MgaRepo/commands/maintdb.py
index 0bd4d56..9a97be8 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/maintdb.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/maintdb.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.util import execcmd, get_helper
@@ -32,7 +33,8 @@ def parse_options():
def maintdb(maintdb_args):
host = config.get("maintdb", "host", "maintdb.mageia.org")
maintdb_helper = get_helper("maintdb")
- command = ["ssh", host, maintdb_helper] + maintdb_args
+ cmd_args = ' '.join(maintdb_args)
+ command = "ssh %s %s %s" % (host, maintdb_helper, cmd_args)
execcmd(command, show=True)
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/markrelease.py b/MgaRepo/commands/markrelease.py
index 6fb5bbf..534d87f 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/markrelease.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/markrelease.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# This program will append a release to the Conectiva Linux package
# repository system. It's meant to be a startup system to include
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/obsolete.py b/MgaRepo/commands/obsolete.py
index 9477721..04d8240 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/obsolete.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/obsolete.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# This program will try to patch a spec file from a given package url.
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/patchspec.py b/MgaRepo/commands/patchspec.py
index 2fd8da4..dfe54dc 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/patchspec.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/patchspec.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# This program will try to patch a spec file from a given package url.
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/putsrpm.py b/MgaRepo/commands/putsrpm.py
index aa4043c..242423b 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/putsrpm.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/putsrpm.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.layout import package_url
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/rpmlog.py b/MgaRepo/commands/rpmlog.py
index 693fe8b..88dfc4b 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/rpmlog.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/rpmlog.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# This program will convert the output of "svn log" to be suitable
# for usage in an rpm %changelog session.
@@ -24,7 +25,6 @@ Options:
-p Append changelog found in .spec file
-s Sort changelog entries, even from the old log
-M Do not use the mirror (use the main repository)
- -F Do not use full name & email for packagers where available
-h Show this message
@@ -45,15 +45,13 @@ def parse_options():
parser.add_option("-M", "--no-mirror", action="callback",
- parser.add_option("-F", dest="fullnames", default=True,
- action="store_false")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
raise Error("invalid arguments")
opts.pkgdirurl = layout.package_url(args[0])
return opts
-def rpmlog(pkgdirurl, revision, size, template, oldlog, usespec, sort, fullnames):
+def rpmlog(pkgdirurl, revision, size, template, oldlog, usespec, sort):
another = None
if usespec:
svn = SVN()
@@ -61,10 +59,7 @@ def rpmlog(pkgdirurl, revision, size, template, oldlog, usespec, sort, fullnames
rawspec = svn.cat(specurl, rev=revision)
spec, another = split_spec_changelog(StringIO(rawspec))
newlog = get_changelog(pkgdirurl, another=another, rev=revision,
- size=size, sort=sort, template=template, oldlog=oldlog, fullnames=fullnames)
- # make sure stdout support unicode, otherwise it'll croak when encountered
- if not "UTF-8" in sys.stdout.encoding:
- sys.stdout = open(sys.stdout.fileno(), mode="w", encoding="UTF-8")
+ size=size, sort=sort, template=template, oldlog=oldlog)
def main():
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/submit.py b/MgaRepo/commands/submit.py
index 665b98a..9f05dca 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/submit.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/submit.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config, layout, mirror
from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
from MgaRepo.command import *
@@ -159,10 +160,9 @@ def list_targets(option, opt, val, parser):
raise Error("no submit host defined in mgarepo.conf")
createsrpm = get_helper("create-srpm")
#TODO make it configurable
- args = ["ssh", host, createsrpm, "--list"]
- execcmd(args, show=true)
- sys.exit(0) # it is invoked via optparse callback, thus we need to
- # force ending the script
+ command = "ssh %s %s --list" % (host, createsrpm)
+ execcmd(command, show=True)
+ sys.exit(0)
def submit(urls, target, define=[], submithost=None, atonce=False, sid=None):
if submithost is None:
@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@ def submit(urls, target, define=[], submithost=None, atonce=False, sid=None):
cmdsargs.extend((baseargs + [url]) for url in urls)
for cmdargs in cmdsargs:
- status, output = execcmd(cmdargs)
+ command = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdargs)
+ status, output = execcmd(command)
if status == 0:
print("Package submitted!")
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/switch.py b/MgaRepo/commands/switch.py
index 8a33969..ccca76e 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/switch.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/switch.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.rpmutil import switch
diff --git a/MgaRepo/commands/sync.py b/MgaRepo/commands/sync.py
index a56a36e..54f5635 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/commands/sync.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/commands/sync.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo.command import *
from MgaRepo.rpmutil import sync
diff --git a/MgaRepo/git.py b/MgaRepo/git.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 670bfa7..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/git.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo import Error, config
-from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
-from MgaRepo.VCS import *
-from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
-from MgaRepo.log import UserTagParser
-from os.path import basename, dirname, abspath, lexists, join
-from os import chdir, getcwd
-from tempfile import mkstemp
-import sys
-import re
-import time
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-import subprocess
-class GITLogEntry(VCSLogEntry):
- def __init__(self, revision, author, date):
- VCSLogEntry.__init__(self, revision, author, data)
-class GIT(VCS):
- vcs_dirname = ".git"
- vcs_name = "git"
- def __init__(self, path=None, url=None):
- VCS.__init__(self, path, url)
- self.vcs_command = config.get("global", "git-command", ["git"])
- self.vcs_supports['clone'] = True
- self.env_defaults = {"GIT_SSH": self.vcs_wrapper}
- def configget(self, key="", location="--local"):
- cmd = ["config", location, "--get-regexp", key]
- config = None
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, noerror=True)
- if not status and output:
- config = eval("{'" + output.replace("\n", "',\n'").replace(" ", "' : '") + "'}")
- return config
- def configset(self, config, location="--local"):
- cmd = ("config", location)
- for pair in config.items():
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd + pair)
- if status:
- return False
- return True
- def clone(self, url, targetpath, fullnames=True, **kwargs):
- for vcs in (SVN, GIT):
- if lexists(join(targetpath, vcs.vcs_dirname)):
- raise Error("target path %s already contains %s repository, aborting..." % (targetpath, vcs.vcs_name))
- self.init(url, targetpath, fullnames=True, **kwargs)
- if url.split(':')[0].find("svn") < 0:
- return VCS.clone(self, url, **kwargs)
- else:
- return self.update(targetpath, clone=True, **kwargs)
- def init(self, url, targetpath, fullnames=True, branch=None, **kwargs):
- # verify repo url
- execcmd("svn", "info", url)
- topurl = dirname(url)
- trunk = basename(url)
- tags = "releases"
- # cloning svn braches as well should rather be optionalif reenabled..
- #cmd = ["svn", "init", topurl, "--trunk="+trunk, "--tags="+tags", targetpath]
- cmd = ["svn", "init", url, abspath(targetpath)]
- self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- os.environ.update({"GIT_WORK_TREE" : abspath(targetpath), "GIT_DIR" : join(abspath(targetpath),".git")})
- if fullnames:
- usermap = UserTagParser()
- # store configuration in local git config so that'll be reused later when ie. updating
- gitconfig = {"svn-remote.authorlog.url" : usermap.url,
- "svn-remote.authorlog.defaultmail": usermap.defaultmail}
- self.configset(gitconfig)
- if branch:
- execcmd(("git", "init", "-q", self.path), **kwargs)
- execcmd(("git", "checkout", "-q", branch), **kwargs)
- cmd = ["svn", "rebase", "--local"]
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return True
- def info(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["svn", "info", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- status, output = self._execVcs(local=True, noerror=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
- if (("Not a git repository" not in output) and \
- ("Unable to determine upstream SVN information from working tree history" not in output)):
- return output.splitlines()
- return None
- def status(self, path, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["status", "--porcelain", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
- if kwargs.get("verbose"):
- cmd.append("-v")
- if kwargs.get("noignore"):
- cmd.append("--ignored")
- if kwargs.get("quiet"):
- cmd.append("-uno")
- else:
- cmd.append("-uall")
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [(x[0], x[8:]) for x in output.splitlines()]
- return None
- def update(self, targetpath, clone=False, **kwargs):
- os.environ.update({"GIT_WORK_TREE" : abspath(targetpath), "GIT_DIR" : join(abspath(targetpath),".git")})
- if not clone:
- cmd = ["svn", "log", "--oneline", "--limit=1"]
- retval, result = self._execVcs(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- revision = result.split()
- if revision[0][0] == 'r':
- startrev = "-r"+str(int(revision[0][1:])+1)
- else:
- startrev = "BASE"
- cmd = ["svn", "propget", "svn:entry:committed-rev"]
- retval, lastrev = self._execVcs(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- #cmd = ["config", "--get-regexp", '^svn-remote.svn.(url|fetch)']
- cmd = ["config", "--get", "svn-remote.svn.url"]
- retval, result = self._execVcs(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- #result = result.strip().split()
- #url = result[1] + "/" + result[3].split(":")[0]
- url = result.strip()
- # To speed things up on huge repositories, we'll just grab all the
- # revision numbers for this specific directory and grab these only
- # in stead of having to go through each and every revision...
- cmd = ["svn", "log", "-g", "--xml", url]
- if not clone:
- cmd.append("%s:%s" % (startrev,lastrev))
- retval, result = execcmd(*cmd)
- if retval:
- return retval
- xmllog = ElementTree.fromstring(result)
- logentries = xmllog.getiterator("logentry")
- revisions = []
- for entry in logentries:
- revisions.append(int(entry.attrib["revision"]))
- revisions.sort()
- fetchcmd = ["svn", "fetch", "--log-window-size=1000"]
- gitconfig = self.configget("svn-remote.authorlog")
- if gitconfig:
- usermap = UserTagParser(url=gitconfig.get("svn-remote.authorlog.url"),defaultmail=gitconfig.get("svn-remote.authorlog.defaultmail"))
- usermapfile = usermap.get_user_map_file()
- fetchcmd.extend(("--authors-file", usermapfile))
- fetchcmd.append("")
- while revisions:
- fetchcmd[-1] = "-r%d"%revisions.pop(0)
- self._execVcs(*fetchcmd, **kwargs)
- if gitconfig:
- usermap.cleanup()
- cmd = ["svn", "rebase", "--log-window-size=1000", "--local", "--fetch-all", "git-svn"]
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- if status == 0:
- return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
- return None
- def remote(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["remote"] + list(args)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return status, output
- def pull(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["pull"] + list(args)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return status, output
- def push(self, *args, **kwargs):
- cmd = ["push"] + list(args)
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, **kwargs)
- return status, output
-class GITLook(VCSLook):
- def __init__(self, repospath, txn=None, rev=None):
- VCSLook.__init__(self, repospath, txn, rev)
-# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/layout.py b/MgaRepo/layout.py
index 395e996..97f634d 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/layout.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/layout.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import urllib.parse
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
-from MgaRepo.vcsutil import detectVCS
__all__ = ["package_url", "checkout_url", "repository_url", "get_url_revision"]
@@ -133,8 +132,7 @@ def repository_url(mirrored=False):
raise Error("you need to set the 'repository' " \
"configuration option on mgarepo.conf")
url = convert_default_parent(default_parent)
- vcs = detectVCS(url)
- return vcs.url
+ return url
def package_url(name_or_url, version=None, release=None, distro=None, backports=None,
mirrored=True, obsolete=None):
diff --git a/MgaRepo/log.py b/MgaRepo/log.py
index 8e062ad..fab7d6e 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/log.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/log.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config, layout
from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
@@ -7,7 +8,6 @@ from io import StringIO
import sys
import os
-import os.path
import re
import time
import locale
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ def getrelease(pkgdirurl, rev=None, macros=[], exported=None, create=False):
Is here where things should be changed if "automatic release increasing"
will be used.
+ from MgaRepo.rpmutil import rpm_macros_defs
svn = SVN()
pkgcurrenturl = os.path.join(pkgdirurl, "current")
specurl = os.path.join(pkgcurrenturl, "SPECS")
@@ -42,11 +43,17 @@ def getrelease(pkgdirurl, rev=None, macros=[], exported=None, create=False):
if not found:
raise Error("no .spec file found inside %s" % specurl)
specpath = found[0]
- options = [("--define", expr) for expr in macros]
- command = ["rpm", "-q", "--qf", "%{EPOCH}:%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n",
- "--specfile", specpath]
- command.extend(options)
- status, output = execcmd(*command)
+ options = rpm_macros_defs(macros)
+ command = (("rpm -q --qf '%%{EPOCH}:%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}\n' "
+ "--specfile %s %s") %
+ (specpath, options))
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+ pipe.wait()
+ output = pipe.stdout.read().decode('utf8')
+ error = pipe.stderr.read().decode('utf8')
+ if pipe.returncode != 0:
+ raise Error("Error in command %s: %s" % (command, error))
releases = output.split()
epoch, vr = releases[0].split(":", 1)
@@ -74,11 +81,17 @@ def getrelease(pkgdirurl, rev=None, macros=[], exported=None, create=False):
if not found:
raise Error("no .src.rpm file found inside %s" % srpmurl)
srpmpath = found[0]
- options = [("--define", expr) for expr in macros]
- command = ["rpm", "-q", "--qf", "%{EPOCH}:%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n",
- "--specfile", specpath]
- command.extend(options)
- status, output = execcmd(*command)
+ options = rpm_macros_defs(macros)
+ command = (("rpm -qp --qf '%%{EPOCH}:%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}\n' "
+ " %s %s") %
+ (srpmpath, options))
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
+ pipe.wait()
+ output = pipe.stdout.read().decode('utf8')
+ error = pipe.stderr.read().decode('utf8')
+ if pipe.returncode != 0:
+ raise Error("Error in command %s: %s" % (command, error))
releases = output.split()
epoch, vr = releases[0].split(":", 1)
@@ -244,12 +257,11 @@ def group_revisions_by_author(currentlog):
emailpat = re.compile("(?P<name>.*?)\s*<(?P<email>.*?)>")
-usermap = {}
def get_author_name(author):
found = emailpat.match(config.get("users", author, author))
- gold = emailpat.match(usermap.get(author,""))
- name = ((found and found.group("name")) or (gold and gold.group("name")) or author)
- email = ((found and found.group("email")) or (gold and gold.group("email")) or author+"@mageia.org")
+ name = ((found and found.group("name")) or author)
+ email = ((found and found.group("email")) or author)
return name, email
def parse_raw_date(rawdate):
@@ -342,18 +354,15 @@ def dump_file(releases, currentlog=None, template=None):
first = False
draft = draft + spaces + line + "\n"
- if rel is not releases_author[-1]:
- draft += "\n"
+ draft += '\n'
# default template
if not releases_author[-1].visible:
releases_author = releases_author[:-1]
for rel in releases_author:
if not rel.released:
- unreleased = " (not released yet)\n"
- else:
- unreleased = ""
- draft = draft + "* {0} {1} <{2}> {3}-{4}\n{5}+ Revision: {6}\n".format(rel.date, rel.author_name, rel.author_email, rel.version, rel.release, unreleased, rel.revision)
+ draft = " (not released yet)\n"
+ draft = draft + "* {0} {1} <{2}> {3}-{4}\n+ Revision: {5}\n".format(rel.date, rel.author_name, rel.author_email, rel.version, rel.release, rel.revision)
if not rel.visible:
draft = draft + "+ rebuild (emptylog)\n"
for rev in rel.release_revisions:
@@ -366,8 +375,7 @@ def dump_file(releases, currentlog=None, template=None):
for rev in author.revisions:
for line in rev.lines:
draft = draft + line + "\n"
- if rel is not releases_author[-1]:
- draft += "\n"
+ draft += "\n"
return draft
class InvalidEntryError(Exception):
@@ -570,14 +578,14 @@ def get_old_log(pkgdirurl):
chlog = StringIO()
oldurl = config.get("log", "oldurl")
if oldurl:
- svn = SVN(url=oldurl)
+ svn = SVN()
tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp()
if oldurl == '.' or oldurl.startswith('./'):
pkgoldurl = os.path.join(pkgdirurl, oldurl)
pkgname = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl)
- pkgoldurl = os.path.join(svn.url, pkgname)
+ pkgoldurl = os.path.join(oldurl, pkgname)
# we're using HEAD here because fixes in misc/ (oldurl) may
# be newer than packages' last changed revision.
@@ -598,74 +606,9 @@ def get_old_log(pkgdirurl):
return chlog
-from html.parser import HTMLParser
-from urllib.request import urlopen
-class UserTagParser(HTMLParser):
- li = False
- ahref = False
- userpage = None
- namepat = re.compile("(?P<name>.*?)\s*\((?P<user>.*?)\)")
- usermap = {}
- usermapfile = None
- def __init__(self, url=None, defaultmail=None, *cmd, **kwargs):
- HTMLParser.__init__(self, *cmd, **kwargs)
- self.url = url or "http://people.mageia.org/u/"
- self.defaultmail = defaultmail or "mageia.org"
- def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
- if tag == "li":
- self.li = True
- if self.li and tag == "a":
- for att in attrs:
- if att[0] == "href":
- self.ahref = True
- self.userpage = att[1]
- def handle_endtag(self, tag):
- if self.li and tag == "a":
- self.ahref = False
- self.userpage = None
- if tag == "li":
- self.li = False
- def handle_data(self, data):
- if self.li and self.ahref:
- found = self.namepat.match(data)
- if found:
- user = found.group("user")
- name = found.group("name")
- if user and name and user+".html" == self.userpage:
- self.usermap[user] = "%s <%s@%s>" % (name, user, self.defaultmail)
- def get_user_map(self):
- f = urlopen(self.url)
- userhtml = f.read().decode("UTF-8")
- f.close()
- self.feed(userhtml)
- return self.usermap
- def get_user_map_file(self):
- if not self.usermap:
- self.get_user_map()
- self.usermapfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".txt", prefix="usermap")
- f = open(self.usermapfile[0], "w", encoding="UTF-8")
- f.writelines("%s = %s\n" % user for user in sorted(self.usermap.items()))
- f.close()
- return self.usermapfile[1]
- def cleanup(self):
- if os.path.exists(self.usermapfile[1]):
- os.unlink(self.usermapfile[1])
-def _map_user_names():
- if not usermap:
- parser = UserTagParser()
- usermap.update(parser.get_user_map())
def get_changelog(pkgdirurl, another=None, svn=True, rev=None, size=None,
submit=False, sort=False, template=None, macros=[], exported=None,
- oldlog=False, create=False, fullnames=False):
+ oldlog=False, create=False):
"""Generates the changelog for a given package URL
@another: a stream with the contents of a changelog to be merged with
@@ -691,9 +634,6 @@ def get_changelog(pkgdirurl, another=None, svn=True, rev=None, size=None,
newlog = StringIO()
if svn:
- if fullnames:
- if not usermap:
- _map_user_names()
rawsvnlog = svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, rev=rev, size=size, submit=submit,
template=template, macros=macros, exported=exported, create=create)
@@ -708,21 +648,19 @@ def get_changelog(pkgdirurl, another=None, svn=True, rev=None, size=None,
return newlog
def specfile_svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, specfile, rev=None, size=None,
- submit=False, sort=False, template=None, macros=[], exported=None, create=False, fullnames=False):
+ submit=False, sort=False, template=None, macros=[], exported=None, create=False):
with open(specfile, encoding = 'utf-8') as fi:
spec, oldchlog = split_spec_changelog(fi)
another = None
if config.getbool("log", "merge-spec", False):
another = oldchlog
sort = sort or config.getbool("log", "sort", False)
- if fullnames:
- _map_user_names()
chlog = get_changelog(pkgdirurl, another=another, rev=rev, size=size,
submit=submit, sort=sort, template=template, macros=macros,
exported=exported, oldlog=True, create=create)
with open(specfile, "w", encoding='utf-8') as fo:
- fo.write("\n%changelog\n")
+ fo.write("\n\n%changelog\n")
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/MgaRepo/rpmutil.py b/MgaRepo/rpmutil.py
index 78e086d..769167c 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/rpmutil.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/rpmutil.py
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
from MgaRepo import mirror, layout, log, binrepo
-from MgaRepo.simplerpm import SRPM
-from MgaRepo.util import execcmd, CommandError
-from MgaRepo.git import GIT
from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
-from MgaRepo.vcsutil import detectVCS
+from MgaRepo.simplerpm import SRPM
+from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
from MgaRepo.command import default_parent
import rpm
import urllib.parse
@@ -16,12 +15,12 @@ import sys
import os
def get_spec(pkgdirurl, targetdir=".", submit=False):
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ svn = SVN()
tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp()
geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, append_path="SPECS")
- svn.export(geturl, tmpdir)
+ svn.export("'%s'" % geturl, tmpdir)
speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, "*.spec"))
if not speclist:
raise Error("no spec files found")
@@ -34,9 +33,14 @@ def get_spec(pkgdirurl, targetdir=".", submit=False):
if os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
+def rpm_macros_defs(macros):
+ defs = ("--define \"%s %s\"" % macro for macro in macros)
+ args = " ".join(defs)
+ return args
#FIXME move it to another module
def rev_touched_url(url, rev):
- svn = detectVCS(url)
+ svn = SVN()
info = svn.info2(url)
if info is None:
raise Error("can't fetch svn info about the URL: %s" % url)
@@ -91,21 +95,16 @@ def get_srpm(pkgdirurl,
template = None,
macros = [],
verbose = 0,
- strict = False,
- fullnames = False):
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ strict = False):
+ svn = SVN()
tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp()
- topdir = "_topdir %s" % tmpdir
- builddir = "_builddir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "BUILD")
- rpmdir = "_rpmdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "RPMS")
- sourcedir = "_sourcedir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES")
- specdir = "_specdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SPECS")
- srcrpmdir = "_srcrpmdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SRPMS")
- patchdir = "_patchdir %s/%s" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES")
- temppath = "_tmppath %s" % (tmpdir)
- rpmdefs = [("--define", expr) for expr in (topdir, builddir, rpmdir,
- sourcedir, specdir, srcrpmdir, patchdir, temppath)]
+ topdir = "--define '_topdir %s'" % tmpdir
+ builddir = "--define '_builddir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "BUILD")
+ rpmdir = "--define '_rpmdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "RPMS")
+ sourcedir = "--define '_sourcedir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES")
+ specdir = "--define '_specdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SPECS")
+ srcrpmdir = "--define '_srcrpmdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SRPMS")
+ patchdir = "--define '_patchdir %s/%s'" % (tmpdir, "SOURCES")
if mode == "version":
@@ -134,29 +133,24 @@ def get_srpm(pkgdirurl,
if config.getbool("srpm", "run-prep", False):
makefile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "Makefile")
if os.path.exists(makefile):
- execcmd(("make", "-C", tmpdir, "srpm-prep"))
+ execcmd("make", "-C", tmpdir, "srpm-prep")
if not speclist:
raise Error("no spec files found")
spec = speclist[0]
+ defs = rpm_macros_defs(macros)
sourcecmd = config.get("helper", "rpmbuild", "rpmbuild")
if packager:
packager = " --define 'packager %s'" % packager
- sourcecmd = config.get("helper", "rpmbuild", "rpmbuild")
- args = [sourcecmd, "-bs", "--nodeps"]
- for pair in rpmdefs:
- args.extend(pair)
- for pair in macros:
- args.extend(("--define", "%s %s" % pair))
- args.append(spec)
if svnlog:
submit = not not revision
log.specfile_svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, spec, revision, submit=submit,
- template=template, macros=macros, exported=tmpdir, fullnames=fullnames)
+ template=template, macros=macros, exported=tmpdir)
- #cmd = [sourcecmd, topdir, builddir, rpmdir, sourcedir, specdir
- execcmd(args)
+ execcmd("%s -bs --nodeps %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" %
+ (sourcecmd, topdir, builddir, rpmdir, sourcedir, specdir,
+ srcrpmdir, patchdir, packager, spec, defs))
cp_srpms(revision, revname, geturl, targetdirs, srpmsdir, verbose)
log.specfile_svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, spec, revision, submit=submit,
template=template, macros=macros, exported=tmpdir, create=True)
@@ -168,15 +162,9 @@ def get_srpm(pkgdirurl,
if status != 0:
raise Error("script %s failed" % script)
- try:
- execcmd(args)
- except CommandError as e:
- if config.getbool("global", "verbose"):
- cmdline = e.cmdline + "\n"
- else:
- cmdline = ""
- raise Error("error while creating the source RPM "
- "(with %s):\n%s%s" % (sourcecmd, cmdline, e.output))
+ execcmd("%s -bs --nodeps %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" %
+ (sourcecmd, topdir, builddir, rpmdir, sourcedir, specdir,
+ srcrpmdir, patchdir, packager, spec, defs))
# copy the generated SRPMs to their target locations
targetsrpms = cp_srpms(revision, revname, geturl, targetdirs, srpmsdir, verbose)
@@ -187,7 +175,7 @@ def get_srpm(pkgdirurl,
def patch_spec(pkgdirurl, patchfile, log=""):
#FIXME use get_spec
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ svn = SVN()
tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp()
geturl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, append_path="SPECS")
@@ -196,7 +184,7 @@ def patch_spec(pkgdirurl, patchfile, log=""):
if not speclist:
raise Error("no spec files found")
spec = speclist[0]
- status, output = execcmd(["patch", spec, patchfile])
+ status, output = execcmd("patch", spec, patchfile)
if status != 0:
raise Error("can't apply patch:\n%s\n" % output)
@@ -207,6 +195,7 @@ def patch_spec(pkgdirurl, patchfile, log=""):
def put_srpm(srpmfile, markrelease=False, striplog=True, branch=None,
baseurl=None, baseold=None, logmsg=None, rename=True):
+ svn = SVN()
srpm = SRPM(srpmfile)
tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp()
if baseurl:
@@ -214,7 +203,6 @@ def put_srpm(srpmfile, markrelease=False, striplog=True, branch=None,
pkgurl = layout.package_url(srpm.name, distro=branch,
- svn = detectVCS(pkgurl)
print("Importing package to %s" % pkgurl)
if srpm.epoch:
@@ -276,9 +264,9 @@ def put_srpm(srpmfile, markrelease=False, striplog=True, branch=None,
# Copy all files
- execcmd(["cp", "-rf", uspecsdir, currentdir])
+ execcmd("cp -rlf", uspecsdir, currentdir)
if os.path.isdir(usourcesdir):
- execcmd(["cp", "-rlf", usourcesdir, currentdir])
+ execcmd("cp -rlf", usourcesdir, currentdir)
# Add new entries
for entry in [x for x in uspecsentries
@@ -367,106 +355,8 @@ def put_srpm(srpmfile, markrelease=False, striplog=True, branch=None,
log="Copying release %s-%s to releases/ directory." %
(version, srpm.release))
-def build_rpm(build_cmd="b",
- verbose=True,
- rpmlint=True,
- short_circuit=False,
- packager = None,
- installdeps = True,
- use_dnf = False,
- svnlog = False,
- fullnames = True,
- macros = [],
- **rpmargs):
- top = os.getcwd()
- topdir = "_topdir %s" % top
- builddir = "_builddir %s/%s" % (top, "BUILD")
- rpmdir = "_rpmdir %s/%s" % (top, "RPMS")
- sourcedir = "_sourcedir %s/%s" % (top, "SOURCES")
- specdir = "_specdir %s/%s" % (top, "SPECS")
- srcrpmdir = "_srcrpmdir %s/%s" % (top, "SRPMS")
- patchdir = "_patchdir %s/%s" % (top, "SOURCES")
- build = os.path.join(top, "BUILD")
- if not os.path.exists(build):
- os.mkdir(build)
- specsdir = os.path.join(top, "SPECS")
- speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(specsdir, "*.spec"))
- if not speclist:
- raise Error("no spec files found")
- spec = speclist[0]
- # If we're building package with %changelog, we'll make a temporary
- # copy of the spec file with %changelog applied that we'll use for
- # building. This way we avoid modifying files in repository.
- # TODO: implement support for external changelog in rpm
- if svnlog:
- vcs = detectVCS(top)
- specsdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- shutil.copy(spec, specsdir)
- specdir = "_specdir "+specsdir
- spec = os.path.join(specsdir,os.path.basename(spec))
- info = vcs.info2(top)
- pkgdirurl = layout.remove_current(info["URL"])
- log.specfile_svn2rpm(pkgdirurl, spec, rev=None, submit=False,
- template=None, macros=macros, exported=top, fullnames=fullnames)
- rpmdefs = [("--define", expr) for expr in (topdir, builddir, rpmdir,
- sourcedir, specdir, srcrpmdir, patchdir)]
- if packager:
- rpmdefs.append(("--define", "packager %s" % packager))
- if rpmlint:
- rpmdefs.append(("--define", "_build_pkgcheck_set %{_bindir}/rpmlint"))
- rpmbuild = config.get("helper", "rpmbuild", "rpmbuild")
- args = [rpmbuild, spec]
- if short_circuit:
- args.append("--short-circuit")
- for pair in rpmdefs:
- args.extend(pair)
- for pair in macros:
- args.extend(("--define", "%s %s" % pair))
- args.extend(("--define", "_disable_source_fetch 0"))
- args.extend(*rpmargs.values())
- os.environ["LC_ALL"] = "C"
- # First check whether dependencies are satisfied
- status, output = execcmd(*args + ["--nobuild"], show=verbose, collecterr=True, noerror=True)
- if status:
- if "error: Failed build dependencies:" in output:
- if not installdeps:
- raise Error("Automatic installation of dependencies disabled,"
- "aborting...")
- else:
- if verbose:
- print("Installing missing build dependencies")
- if use_dnf:
- pkg_mgr_base = ["dnf"]
- pkg_mgr_builddep = pkg_mgr_base + ["--assume-yes", "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False", "builddep"]
- else:
- pkg_mgr_base = ["urpmi"]
- pkg_mgr_builddep = pkg_mgr_base + ["--auto", "--buildrequires", "--no-recommends"]
- if os.getuid() != 0:
- print("Trying to obtain privileges for installing build dependencies:")
- sudocheck = ["sudo", "-l"] + pkg_mgr_base
- status, output = execcmd(*sudocheck, collecter=True, noerror=True)
- if status:
- raise Error("%s\nFailed! Cannot proceed without, aborting..."
- % output.splitlines()[-1])
- cmd_base = ["sudo"] + pkg_mgr_builddep
- else:
- cmd_base = pkg_mgr_builddep
- cmd = cmd_base + [spec]
- status, output = execcmd(*cmd, show=verbose, collecter=True, noerror=True)
- status, output = execcmd(*args + ["-b"+build_cmd], show=verbose)
- if svnlog:
- if os.path.isdir(specsdir):
- shutil.rmtree(specsdir)
def create_package(pkgdirurl, log="", verbose=0):
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ svn = SVN()
tmpdir = tempfile.mktemp()
basename = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl)
@@ -507,7 +397,7 @@ revision: %s
return log
def mark_release(pkgdirurl, version, release, revision):
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ svn = SVN()
releasesurl = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, releases=True)
versionurl = "/".join([releasesurl, version])
releaseurl = "/".join([versionurl, release])
@@ -529,7 +419,7 @@ def mark_release(pkgdirurl, version, release, revision):
def check_changed(pkgdirurl, all=0, show=0, verbose=0):
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ svn = SVN()
if all:
baseurl = pkgdirurl
packages = []
@@ -600,48 +490,33 @@ def checkout(pkgdirurl, path=None, revision=None, branch=None, distro=None, back
if path is None:
path = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl)
mirror.info(current, write=True)
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ svn = SVN()
svn.checkout(current, path, rev=revision, show=1)
if not spec:
-def clone(pkgdirurl, path=None, revision=None, branch=None, distro=None, backports=None,
- spec=False, fullnames = True, bindownload = True):
- o_pkgdirurl = pkgdirurl
- pkgdirurl = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, distro=distro, backports=backports)
- append = None
- if spec:
- append = "SPECS"
- current = layout.checkout_url(pkgdirurl, branch=branch, backports=backports,
- append_path=append)
- if path is None:
- path = layout.package_name(pkgdirurl)
- mirror.info(current, write=True)
- git = GIT()
- git.clone(current, path, fullnames=fullnames, show=1)
- if not spec and bindownload:
- binrepo.download_binaries(path)
-def getpkgtopdir(basedir=os.path.curdir):
- vcs = detectVCS(basedir)
- if vcs:
- basedir = os.path.relpath(vcs.get_topdir())
- if ispkgtopdir(basedir, vcs_dirname=vcs.vcs_dirname):
- return basedir
- raise Error("can't find top package directories SOURCES and SPECS")
-def ispkgtopdir(path=None, vcs_dirname=None):
+def getpkgtopdir(basedir=None):
+ #FIXME this implementation doesn't work well with relative path names,
+ # which is something we need in order to have a friendlier output
+ if basedir is None:
+ basedir = os.path.curdir
+ while not ispkgtopdir(basedir):
+ if os.path.abspath(basedir) == "/":
+ raise Error("can't find top package directories SOURCES and SPECS")
+ basedir = os.path.join(basedir, os.path.pardir)
+ if basedir.startswith("./"):
+ basedir = basedir[2:]
+ return basedir
+def ispkgtopdir(path=None):
if path is None:
path = os.getcwd()
names = os.listdir(path)
- if not vcs_dirname:
- vcs = detectVCS(path)
- vcs_dirname = vcs.vcs_dirname
- return (vcs_dirname in names and "SPECS" in names and "SOURCES" in names)
+ return (".svn" in names and "SPECS" in names and "SOURCES" in names)
def sync(dryrun=False, commit=False, download=False):
+ svn = SVN()
topdir = getpkgtopdir()
- svn = detectVCS(topdir)
spath = binrepo.sources_path(topdir)
binrepoentries = binrepo.parse_sources(spath)
# run svn info because svn st does not complain when topdir is not an
@@ -723,7 +598,7 @@ def sync(dryrun=False, commit=False, download=False):
upload([path], commit=commit)
def commit(target=".", message=None, logfile=None):
- svn = detectVCS(target)
+ svn = SVN()
status = svn.status(target, quiet=True)
if not status:
print("nothing to commit")
@@ -758,41 +633,39 @@ def spec_sources(topdir):
return sources
def update(target=None):
- vcs = None
+ svn = SVN()
info = None
- vcs_target = None
+ svn_target = None
br_target = None
if target:
- vcs_target = target
+ svn_target = target
top = getpkgtopdir()
- vcs_target = top
+ svn_target = top
br_target = top
- if vcs_target:
- vcs = detectVCS(vcs_target)
- vcs.update(vcs_target, show=True)
+ if svn_target:
+ svn.update(svn_target, show=True)
if br_target:
- if not vcs:
- vcs = detectVCS(br_target)
- info = vcs.info2(vcs_target)
- if not br_target and not vcs_target:
- raise Error("target not in %s nor in binaries "\
- "repository: %s" % (type(vcs).__name__,target))
+ info = svn.info2(svn_target)
+ if not br_target and not svn_target:
+ raise Error("target not in SVN nor in binaries "\
+ "repository: %s" % target)
url = info["URL"]
def upload(paths, commit=False):
- topdir = getpkgtopdir()
- svn = detectVCS(topdir)
for path in paths:
if os.path.isdir(path) or binrepo.is_binary(path):
+ topdir = getpkgtopdir()
binrepo.upload_binary(topdir, os.path.basename(path))
binrepo.update_sources(topdir, added=[path])
if commit:
+ svn = SVN()
silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT")
message = "%s: new file %s" % (silent, path)
svn.commit(binrepo.sources_path(topdir), log=message)
+ svn = SVN()
svn.add(path, local=True)
if commit:
silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT")
@@ -801,15 +674,16 @@ def upload(paths, commit=False):
def delete(paths, commit=False):
silent = config.get("log", "ignore-string", "SILENT")
- topdir = getpkgtopdir()
- svn = detectVCS(topdir)
for path in paths:
message = "%s: delete file %s" % (silent, path)
if binrepo.is_binary(path):
+ topdir = getpkgtopdir()
binrepo.update_sources(topdir, removed=[os.path.basename(path)])
if commit:
+ svn = SVN()
svn.commit(binrepo.sources_path(topdir), log=message)
+ svn = SVN()
svn.remove(path, local=True)
if commit:
svn.commit(path, log=message)
@@ -818,7 +692,7 @@ def obsolete(pkgdirurl, branch=None, distro=None, backports=None, commit=False,
o_pkgdirurl = pkgdirurl
pkgdirurl = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, distro=distro, backports=backports)
pkgdest = layout.package_url(o_pkgdirurl, obsolete=True, backports=backports)
- svn = detectVCS(pkgdirurl)
+ svn = SVN()
svn.mv(pkgdirurl, pkgdest, message=log)
if commit:
svn.commit(path, log=log)
@@ -853,7 +727,7 @@ def get_submit_info(path):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, ".svn")):
raise Error("subversion directory not found")
- svn = detectVCS(path)
+ svn = SVN()
# Now, extract the package name.
info = svn.info2(path)
@@ -892,25 +766,4 @@ def get_submit_info(path):
return name, url, max
-def get_pkg_tag(tag, path=os.path.curdir, subpkg=None):
- topdir = getpkgtopdir(path)
- speclist = glob.glob(os.path.join(topdir, "SPECS", "*.spec"))
- if not speclist:
- raise Error("no spec files found")
- specfile = speclist[0]
- pkg = rpm.spec(specfile)
- if subpkg is None:
- header = pkg.sourceHeader
- elif isinstance(subpkg,int):
- header = pkg.packages(subpkg)
- else:
- raise Error("Subpkg must be the index number of a package,"\
- "or None for source package")
- if isinstance(header[tag],bytes):
- return header[tag].decode("utf8")
- else:
- return header[tag]
# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/simplerpm.py b/MgaRepo/simplerpm.py
index f248317..a06e694 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/simplerpm.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/simplerpm.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
class SRPM:
@@ -6,19 +7,15 @@ class SRPM:
def _getinfo(self):
- args = ["rpm", "-qp", "--qf", "%{name} %{epoch} %{release} %{version}",
- self.filename]
- status, output = execcmd(args)
+ cmdstr = "rpm -qp --nosignature --qf '%%{name} %%{epoch} %%{release} %%{version}' %s"
+ status, output = execcmd(cmdstr % self.filename)
self.name, self.epoch, self.release, self.version = output.split()
if self.epoch == "(none)":
self.epoch = None
def unpack(self, topdir):
- args = ["rpm", "-i", "--nodeps",
- "--define", "_sourcedir {0}/SOURCES".format(topdir),
- "--define", "_specdir {0}/SPECS".format(topdir),
- "--define", "_patchdir {0}/SOURCES".format(topdir),
- self.filename]
- execcmd(args)
+ execcmd(("rpm -i --nodeps --define '_sourcedir %s/SOURCES' " +
+ "--define '_specdir %s/SPECS' --define '_patchdir %s/SOURCES' %s")
+ % (topdir, topdir, topdir, self.filename))
# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/svn.py b/MgaRepo/svn.py
index cc1ed1b..74f47a3 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/svn.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/svn.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from MgaRepo.util import execcmd
-from MgaRepo.VCS import *
+from MgaRepo import Error, SilentError, config
+from MgaRepo.util import execcmd, get_auth
import sys
import os
import re
@@ -7,32 +7,445 @@ import time
__all__ = ["SVN", "SVNLook", "SVNLogEntry"]
-class SVNLogEntry(VCSLogEntry):
+class SVNLogEntry:
def __init__(self, revision, author, date):
- VCSLogEntry.__init__(self, revision, author, data)
-class SVN(VCS):
- vcs_dirname = ".svn"
- vcs_name = "svn"
- def __init__(self, path=None, url=None):
- VCS.__init__(self, path, url)
- self.vcs_command = config.get("global", "svn-command", ["svn"])
- self.env_defaults = {"SVN_SSH": self.vcs_wrapper}
- def drop_ssh_if_no_auth(self, url):
- if url and url.startswith("svn+ssh://"):
- cmd = ["info", "--non-interactive", "--no-newline", "--show-item", "url", url]
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, local=True, noerror=True, show=False)
- if status == 1 and (("E170013" in output) or ("E210002" in output)):
- url = url.replace("svn+ssh://", "svn://")
- status, output = self._execVcs(*cmd, local=True, noerror=True, show=False)
- if status == 0 and output == url:
- pass
- return url
-class SVNLook(VCSLook):
+ self.revision = revision
+ self.author = author
+ self.date = date
+ self.changed = []
+ self.lines = []
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return (self.date < other.date)
+ def __eq__(self,other):
+ return (self.date == other.date)
+class SVN:
+ def _execsvn(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ localcmds = ("add", "revert", "cleanup", "mv")
+ if not kwargs.get("show") and args[0] not in localcmds:
+ args = list(args)
+ args.append("--non-interactive")
+ else:
+ if args[0] == "mv":
+ kwargs["geterr"] = False
+ else:
+ kwargs["geterr"] = True
+ kwargs["cleanerr"] = True
+ if kwargs.get("xml"):
+ args.append("--xml")
+ self._set_env()
+ svn_command = config.get("global", "svn-command", "svn")
+ cmdstr = svn_command + " " + " ".join(args)
+ try:
+ if args[0] in ('info', 'checkout','log'):
+ kwargs['info'] = True
+ else:
+ kwargs['info'] = False
+ return execcmd(cmdstr, **kwargs)
+ except Error as e:
+ msg = None
+ if e.args:
+ if "Permission denied" in e.args:
+ msg = ("It seems ssh-agent or ForwardAgent are not setup "
+ "or your username is wrong. See "
+ "https://wiki.mageia.org/en/Packagers_ssh"
+ " for more information.")
+ elif "authorization failed" in e.args:
+ msg = ("Note that mgarepo does not support any HTTP "
+ "authenticated access.")
+ if kwargs.get("show") and \
+ not config.getbool("global", "verbose", 0):
+ # svn has already dumped error messages, we don't need to
+ # do it too
+ if msg:
+ sys.stderr.write("\n")
+ sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ sys.stderr.write("\n")
+ raise SilentError
+ elif msg:
+ raise Error("%s\n%s" % (e, msg))
+ raise
+ def _set_env(self):
+ wrapper = "mgarepo-ssh"
+ repsys = config.get("global", "mgarepo-cmd")
+ if repsys:
+ dir = os.path.dirname(repsys)
+ path = os.path.join(dir, wrapper)
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ wrapper = path
+ defaults = {"SVN_SSH": wrapper}
+ os.environ.update(defaults)
+ raw = config.get("global", "svn-env")
+ if raw:
+ for line in raw.split("\n"):
+ env = line.strip()
+ if not env:
+ continue
+ try:
+ name, value = env.split("=", 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ sys.stderr.write("invalid svn environment line: %r\n" % env)
+ continue
+ os.environ[name] = value
+ def _execsvn_success(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*args, **kwargs)
+ return status == 0
+ def _add_log(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs, optional=0):
+ if (not optional or
+ "log" in received_kwargs or
+ "logfile" in received_kwargs):
+ ret = received_kwargs.get("log")
+ if ret is not None:
+ cmd_args.append("-m '%s'" % ret)
+ ret = received_kwargs.get("logfile")
+ if ret is not None:
+ cmd_args.append("-F '%s'" % ret)
+ def _add_revision(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs, optional=0):
+ if not optional or "rev" in received_kwargs:
+ ret = received_kwargs.get("rev")
+ if isinstance(ret, str):
+ if not ret.startswith("{"): # if not a datespec
+ try:
+ ret = int(ret)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise Error("invalid revision provided")
+ if ret:
+ cmd_args.append("-r '%s'" % ret)
+ def add(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["add", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ return self._execsvn_success(noauth=1, *cmd, **kwargs)
+ def copy(self, pathfrom, pathto, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["copy", pathfrom + '@' if '@' in pathfrom else pathfrom, pathto + '@' if '@' in pathto else pathto]
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
+ self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def remove(self, path, force=0, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["remove", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
+ if force:
+ cmd.append("--force")
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def mkdir(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["mkdir", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ if kwargs.get("parents"):
+ cmd.append("--parents")
+ self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def _execsvn_commit(self, *cmd, **kwargs):
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ match = re.search("Committed revision (?P<rev>\\d+)\\.$", output)
+ if match:
+ rawrev = match.group("rev")
+ return int(rawrev)
+ def commit(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["commit", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ if kwargs.get("nonrecursive"):
+ cmd.append("-N")
+ self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
+ return self._execsvn_commit(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def import_(self, path, url, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["import", "'%s'" % path, "'%s'" % url]
+ self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
+ return self._execsvn_commit(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def export(self, url, targetpath, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["export", "'%s'" % url, targetpath]
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def checkout(self, url, targetpath, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["checkout", "'%s'" % url, targetpath]
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def propget(self, propname, targets, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["propget", propname, targets]
+ if kwargs.get("revprop"):
+ cmd.append("--revprop")
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs)
+ status, output = self._execsvn(local=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
+ return output
+ def propset(self, propname, value, targets, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["propset", propname, "'%s'" % value, targets]
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def propedit(self, propname, target, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["propedit", propname, target]
+ if kwargs.get("rev"):
+ cmd.append("--revprop")
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs)
+ return self._execsvn_success(local=True, show=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
+ def revision(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["info", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ status, output = self._execsvn(local=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith("Last Changed Rev: "):
+ return int(line.split()[3])
+ return None
+ def info(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["info", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ status, output = self._execsvn(local=True, noerror=True, *cmd, **kwargs)
+ if (("Not a versioned resource" not in output) and ("svn: warning: W155010" not in output)):
+ return output.splitlines()
+ return None
+ def info2(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ lines = self.info(*args, **kwargs)
+ if lines is None:
+ return None
+ pairs = [[w.strip() for w in line.split(":", 1)] for line in lines]
+ info = {}
+ for pair in pairs:
+ if pair != ['']:
+ info[pair[0]]=pair[1]
+ return info
+ def ls(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["ls", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ return output.split()
+ return None
+ def status(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["status", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ if kwargs.get("verbose"):
+ cmd.append("-v")
+ if kwargs.get("noignore"):
+ cmd.append("--no-ignore")
+ if kwargs.get("quiet"):
+ cmd.append("--quiet")
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ return [(x[0], x[8:]) for x in output.splitlines()]
+ return None
+ def cleanup(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["cleanup", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def revert(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["revert", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
+ return None
+ def switch(self, url, oldurl=None, path=None, relocate=False, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["switch"]
+ if relocate:
+ if oldurl is None:
+ raise Error("You must supply the old URL when "\
+ "relocating working copies")
+ cmd.append("--relocate")
+ cmd.append(oldurl)
+ cmd.append(url)
+ if path is not None:
+ cmd.append(path)
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ def update(self, path, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["update", path + '@' if '@' in path else path]
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
+ return None
+ def merge(self, url1, url2=None, rev1=None, rev2=None, path=None,
+ **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["merge"]
+ if rev1 and rev2 and not url2:
+ cmd.append("-r")
+ cmd.append("%s:%s" % (rev1, rev2))
+ cmd.append(url1)
+ else:
+ if not url2:
+ raise ValueError("url2 needed if two revisions are not provided")
+ if rev1:
+ cmd.append("%s@%s" % (url1, rev1))
+ else:
+ cmd.append(url1)
+ if rev2:
+ cmd.append("%s@%s" % (url2, rev2))
+ else:
+ cmd.append(url2)
+ if path:
+ cmd.append(path)
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ return [x.split() for x in output.split()]
+ return None
+ def diff(self, pathurl1, pathurl2=None, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["diff", pathurl1]
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
+ if pathurl2:
+ cmd.append(pathurl2)
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ return output
+ return None
+ def cat(self, url, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["cat", url]
+ self._add_revision(cmd, kwargs, optional=1)
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status == 0:
+ return output
+ return None
+ def log(self, url, start=None, end=0, limit=None, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["log", "-v", url]
+ if start is not None or end != 0:
+ if start is not None and type(start) is not type(0):
+ try:
+ start = int(start)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise Error("invalid log start revision provided")
+ if type(end) is not type(0):
+ try:
+ end = int(end)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise Error("invalid log end revision provided")
+ start = start or "HEAD"
+ cmd.append("-r %s:%s" % (start, end))
+ if limit is not None:
+ try:
+ limit = int(limit)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise Error("invalid limit number provided")
+ cmd.append("--limit %d" % limit)
+ status, output = self._execsvn(*cmd, **kwargs)
+ if status != 0:
+ return None
+ revheader = re.compile("^r(?P<revision>[0-9]+) \| (?P<author>[^\|]+) \| (?P<date>[^\|]+) \| (?P<lines>[0-9]+) (?:line|lines)$")
+ changedpat = re.compile(r"^\s+(?P<action>[^\s]+) (?P<path>[^\s]+)(?: \([^\s]+ (?P<from_path>[^:]+)(?:\:(?P<from_rev>[0-9]+))?\))?$")
+ logseparator = "-"*72
+ linesleft = 0
+ entry = None
+ log = []
+ appendchanged = 0
+ changedheader = 0
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ if changedheader:
+ appendchanged = 1
+ changedheader = 0
+ elif appendchanged:
+ if not line:
+ appendchanged = 0
+ continue
+ m = changedpat.match(line)
+ if m:
+ changed = m.groupdict().copy()
+ from_rev = changed.get("from_rev")
+ if from_rev is not None:
+ try:
+ changed["from_rev"] = int(from_rev)
+ except (ValueError, TypeError):
+ raise Error("invalid revision number in svn log")
+ entry.changed.append(changed)
+ elif linesleft == 0:
+ if line != logseparator:
+ m = revheader.match(line)
+ if m:
+ linesleft = int(m.group("lines"))
+ timestr = " ".join(m.group("date").split()[:2])
+ timetuple = time.strptime(timestr,
+ "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+ entry = SVNLogEntry(int(m.group("revision")),
+ m.group("author"), timetuple)
+ log.append(entry)
+ changedheader = 1
+ else:
+ entry.lines.append(line)
+ linesleft -= 1
+ log.sort()
+ log.reverse()
+ return log
+ def mv(self, path, dest, message=None, **kwargs):
+ cmd = ["mv", path, dest, ]
+ if message:
+ cmd.append("-m '%s'"%message)
+ else:
+ kwargs['show'] = True
+ self._add_log(cmd, kwargs)
+ return self._execsvn_success(*cmd, **kwargs)
+class SVNLook:
def __init__(self, repospath, txn=None, rev=None):
- VCSLook.__init__(self, repospath, txn, rev)
- self.execcmd = "svnlook"
+ self.repospath = repospath
+ self.txn = txn
+ self.rev = rev
+ def _execsvnlook(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+ execcmd_args = ["svnlook", cmd, self.repospath]
+ self._add_txnrev(execcmd_args, kwargs)
+ execcmd_args += args
+ execcmd_kwargs = {}
+ keywords = ["show", "noerror"]
+ for key in keywords:
+ if key in kwargs:
+ execcmd_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key]
+ return execcmd(*execcmd_args, **execcmd_kwargs)
+ def _add_txnrev(self, cmd_args, received_kwargs):
+ if "txn" in received_kwargs:
+ txn = received_kwargs.get("txn")
+ if txn is not None:
+ cmd_args += ["-t", txn]
+ elif self.txn is not None:
+ cmd_args += ["-t", self.txn]
+ if "rev" in received_kwargs:
+ rev = received_kwargs.get("rev")
+ if rev is not None:
+ cmd_args += ["-r", rev]
+ elif self.rev is not None:
+ cmd_args += ["-r", self.rev]
+ def changed(self, **kwargs):
+ status, output = self._execsvnlook("changed", **kwargs)
+ if status != 0:
+ return None
+ changes = []
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ entry = [None, None, None]
+ changedata, changeprop, path = None, None, None
+ if line[0] != "_":
+ changedata = line[0]
+ if line[1] != " ":
+ changeprop = line[1]
+ path = line[4:]
+ changes.append((changedata, changeprop, path))
+ return changes
+ def author(self, **kwargs):
+ status, output = self._execsvnlook("author", **kwargs)
+ if status != 0:
+ return None
+ return output.strip()
# vim:et:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/MgaRepo/util.py b/MgaRepo/util.py
index dfae85c..538eae8 100644
--- a/MgaRepo/util.py
+++ b/MgaRepo/util.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from MgaRepo import Error, config
-import shlex
import subprocess
import getpass
import sys
@@ -10,89 +11,73 @@ import select
from io import StringIO
import httplib2
-class CommandError(Error):
- def __init__(self, cmdline, status, output):
- self.cmdline = cmdline
- self.status = status
- self.output = output
- def __str__(self):
- return "command failed: %s\n%s\n" % (self.cmdline, self.output)
+# Our own version of commands' commands_exec(). We have a commands
+# module directory, so we can't import Python's standard module
+# Our own version of commands' getstatusoutput(). We have a commands
+# module directory, so we can't import Python's standard module
+def commands_getstatusoutput(cmd):
+ """Return (status, output) of executing cmd in a shell."""
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen('{ ' + cmd + '; } 2>&1', stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines = True, shell = True)
+ of = pipe.stdout.fileno()
+ text = ''
+ pipe.stdin.close()
+ while True:
+ text += os.read(of,8192).decode('utf8')
+ status = pipe.poll()
+ if status is not None or text == '':
+ break
+ if text[-1:] == '\n': text = text[:-1]
+ return status, text
def execcmd(*cmd, **kwargs):
- assert (kwargs.get("collecterr") and kwargs.get("show")) or not kwargs.get("collecterr"), \
- ("execcmd is implemented to handle collecterr=True only if show=True")
- # split command args
- if isinstance(cmd[0], str):
- if len(cmd) is 1:
- cmdargs = shlex.split(cmd[0])
- else:
- cmdargs = cmd[:]
+ cmdstr = " ".join(cmd)
+ verbose = config.getbool("global", "verbose", 0)
+ if kwargs.get('info') :
+ prefix='LANGUAGE=C LC_TIME=C '
- cmdargs = cmd[0][:]
- stdout = None
- stderr = None
- env = {}
- env.update(os.environ)
- if kwargs.get("info") or not kwargs.get("show") or (kwargs.get("show") and kwargs.get("collecterr")):
- if kwargs.get("info"):
- env.update({"LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_TIME": "C"})
+ if verbose:
+ print(prefix + cmdstr)
+ if kwargs.get("show"):
+ if kwargs.get("geterr"):
+ err = StringIO()
+ pstdin = kwargs.get("stdin") if kwargs.get("stdin") else None
+ p = subprocess.Popen(prefix + cmdstr, shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdin=pstdin)
+ of = p.stdout.fileno()
+ ef = p.stderr.fileno()
+ while True:
+ r,w,x = select.select((of,ef), (), ())
+ odata = None
+ if of in r:
+ odata = (os.read(of, 8192)).decode('utf8')
+ sys.stdout.write(odata)
+ edata = None
+ if ef in r:
+ edata = (os.read(ef, 8192)).decode('utf8')
+ err.write(edata)
+ sys.stderr.write(edata)
+ status = p.poll()
+ if status is not None and odata == '' and edata == '':
+ break
+ output = err.getvalue()
- env.update({"LANG": "C", "LANGUAGE": "C", "LC_ALL": "C"})
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE
- if kwargs.get("collecterr"):
- stderr = subprocess.PIPE
+ status = os.system(cmdstr)
+ output = ""
+ else:
+ status, output = commands_getstatusoutput(prefix + cmdstr)
+ if status != 0 and not kwargs.get("noerror"):
+ if kwargs.get("cleanerr") and not verbose:
+ raise Error(output)
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
- verbose = config.getbool("global", "verbose", 0)
+ raise Error("command failed: %s\n%s\n" % (cmdstr, output))
if verbose:
- print("cmd: " + str(cmd).lstrip("(").rstrip(")").replace("', '", "' '"))
- proc = subprocess.Popen(cmdargs, shell=False, stdout=stdout, stdin=kwargs.get("stdin"),
- stderr=stderr, env=env)
- output = ""
- if kwargs.get("show") and kwargs.get("collecterr"):
- error = StringIO()
- wl = []
- outfd = proc.stdout.fileno()
- errfd = proc.stderr.fileno()
- rl = [outfd, errfd]
- xl = wl
- while proc.poll() is None:
- mrl, _, _ = select.select(rl, wl, xl, 0.5)
- for fd in mrl:
- data = os.read(fd, 8192).decode('utf8')
- if fd == errfd:
- error.write(data)
- sys.stderr.write(data)
- else:
- sys.stdout.write(data)
- output = error.getvalue()
- else:
- # Make sure to avoid buffer getting full.
- # Otherwise if ie. using proc.wait() both python
- # and the process will just hang
- while proc.poll() is None:
- if proc.stdout is not None:
- output += proc.stdout.read(8192).decode('utf8')
- # Make sure that we've emptied the buffer entirely
- if proc.stdout is not None:
- output += proc.stdout.read().decode('utf8')
- if kwargs.get("strip", True):
- output = output.rstrip()
- if (not kwargs.get("noerror")) and proc.returncode != 0:
- if kwargs.get("cleanerr"):
- msg = output
- cmdline = subprocess.list2cmdline(cmdargs)
- raise CommandError(cmdline, proc.returncode, output)
- return proc.returncode, output
+ print(output)
+ sys.stdout.write(output)
+ return status, output
def get_output_exec(cmdstr):
output = StringIO()
diff --git a/MgaRepo/vcsutil.py b/MgaRepo/vcsutil.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 91adade..0000000
--- a/MgaRepo/vcsutil.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-from MgaRepo import Error
-from MgaRepo.git import GIT
-from MgaRepo.svn import SVN
-import os
-def detectVCS(url):
- if ':' in url:
- protocol,uri = url.split(":")
- if "svn" in protocol:
- return SVN(url=url)
- elif "git" in protocol:
- return GIT(url=url)
- elif "http" in protocol:
- if uri.endswith(".git"):
- return GIT(url=url)
- elif "svn" in uri:
- return SVN(url=url)
- raise Error("Unknown protocol %s for %s" % (protocol, url))
- elif os.path.exists(url) and os.path.isdir(url):
- while True:
- url = os.path.abspath(url)
- for vcs in (SVN, GIT):
- vcsdir = os.path.join(url, vcs.vcs_dirname)
- if os.path.exists(vcsdir) and os.path.isdir(vcsdir):
- return vcs(path=url)
- url = os.path.dirname(url)
- if url == "/":
- break
- raise Error("No supported repository found at path: %s" % url)