diff options
6 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/live.cfg b/config/live.cfg
index 8900d26..c5ed814 100644
--- a/config/live.cfg
+++ b/config/live.cfg
@@ -101,6 +101,13 @@ my $_l = {
(map { [ 'files/draksnapshot.sysconfig', $_ . '/.draksnapshot', { mode => 0644, no_install => 1 } ] } @user_config_dirs),
[ 'files/', '/usr/sbin/', { mode => 0755 } ],
[ 'files/', '/usr/sbin/', { mode => 0755 } ],
+ # Changes to draklive-install - remove once these are pushed
+ [ 'files/WIP/draklive-install', '/usr/sbin/draklive-install', { mode => 0755 } ],
+ [ 'files/WIP/draklive-install.wrapper', '/usr/bin/draklive-install', { mode => 0755 } ],
+ [ 'files/WIP/mageia-draklive-install.desktop', '/usr/share/applications/mageia-draklive-install.desktop', { mode => 0644 } ],
+ [ 'files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install.policy', '/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.mageia.draklive-install.policy', { mode => 0644, no_install => 1 } ],
+ [ 'files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install-lock-storage.policy', '/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.mageia.draklive-install-lock-storage.policy', { mode => 0644, no_install => 1 } ],
remove_files => [
(map { "/etc/modprobe.preload.d/$_" } qw(cpufreq pcmcia rfswitch)),
diff --git a/files/WIP/draklive-install b/files/WIP/draklive-install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..42ac2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/WIP/draklive-install
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+# Must be done as early as possible to avoid issues when displaying translated
+# strings
+ push @::textdomains, 'draklive-install';
+use lib qw(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
+use standalone;
+use interactive;
+use fs;
+use fs::any;
+use fs::type;
+use fs::partitioning;
+use fs::partitioning_wizard;
+use partition_table;
+use MDK::Common;
+use common;
+use feature qw(state);
+($::real_windowwidth, $::real_windowheight) = (600, 400);
+ use diskdrake::interactive;
+ package diskdrake::interactive;
+ my $old = \&hd_possible_actions_base;
+ undef *hd_possible_actions_base;
+ *hd_possible_actions_base = sub {
+ #- for the partition wizard to show the auto-allocate option
+ local $::isInstall = 1;
+ &$old;
+ };
+ undef *Done;
+ #- skip the fstab/reboot checks (see below FIXME note)
+ *Done = \&diskdrake_interactive_Done;
+ #- don't ask whether to Move/Hide old files (FIXME: add a method to skip that to diskdrake::interactive)
+ undef *need_migration;
+ *need_migration = sub { 'hide' };
+sub install_live() {
+ my $in = 'interactive'->vnew('su');
+ $in->{pop_wait_messages} = 0;
+ $::isWizard = 1;
+ $::Wizard_no_previous = 1;
+ $::Wizard_pix_up = "draklive-install";
+ any::set_wm_hints_if_needed($in);
+ my $all_hds = {};
+ my $fstab = [];
+ $::prefix = '/mnt/install';
+ my $system_file = '/etc/sysconfig/draklive-install';
+ my %settings = getVarsFromSh($system_file);
+ my $copy_source = $settings{SOURCE} || '/';
+ my $live_media = '/live/media';
+ display_start_message();
+ init_hds($in, $all_hds, $fstab, $live_media);
+ ask_partitions_loop($in, $all_hds, $fstab, $copy_source);
+ remove_unused_packages($in, $copy_source);
+ prepare_root($in);
+ copy_root($in, $copy_source);
+ complete_install($in, $all_hds);
+ setup_bootloader($in, $all_hds, $fstab);
+ finish_installation($fstab);
+ display_end_message($in);
+ $in->exit(0);
+sub umount_all {
+ my ($fstab) = @_;
+ #- make sure nothing is mounted in the new root
+ foreach (sort { $b cmp $a } grep { /^$::prefix/ } map { (split)[1] } cat_('/proc/mounts')) {
+ system('umount', $_);
+ }
+ #- make sure selected devices aren't mounted, and swap isn't used
+ foreach (grep { isSwap($_) } @$fstab) {
+ eval { fs::mount::swapoff($_->{device}) };
+ }
+ foreach (map { $_->{mntpoint} && !isSwap($_) ? "/dev/$_->{device}" : () } @$fstab) {
+ system('umount', $_);
+ }
+sub on_reboot_needed {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ fs::partitioning_wizard::warn_reboot_needed($in);
+ $in->exit(0);
+sub display_start_message() {
+ require any;
+ my $has_running_wm = to_bool(any::running_window_manager());
+ local $::isStandalone = $has_running_wm; # center me if run in xsetup.d script
+ mygtk3::enable_quit_popup(1);
+ my $w = ugtk3->new(N("Mageia Live"));
+ ugtk3::gtkadd($w->{window},
+ ugtk3::gtkcreate_img("MageiaLive-install"),
+ ugtk3::gtknew('Label', height => 5),
+ N("This wizard will help you to install the live distribution."),
+ ugtk3::create_okcancel($w));
+ $w->{ok}->grab_focus;
+ $w->main;
+sub umount_first_pass() {
+ local $::prefix = undef;
+ my $all_hds = fsedit::get_hds();
+ fs::get_raw_hds('', $all_hds);
+ fs::get_info_from_fstab($all_hds);
+ my $fstab = [ fs::get::fstab($all_hds) ];
+ fs::merge_info_from_mtab($fstab);
+ #- inlined from fs::mount::umount_all to go on when one umount fail
+ #- (maybe the sort function could be shared)
+ log::l("unmounting all filesystems");
+ foreach (sort { $b->{mntpoint} cmp $a->{mntpoint} }
+ grep { $_->{mntpoint} && !$_->{real_mntpoint} } @$fstab) {
+ eval { fs::mount::umount_part($_) };
+ log::l("error unmounting $_->{mntpoint}: $@") if $@;
+ }
+sub init_hds {
+ my ($in, $all_hds, $fstab, $live_media) = @_;
+ my $wait = $in->wait_message('', N("Please wait"));
+ umount_first_pass();
+ eval { fs::any::get_hds($all_hds, $fstab, [], {}, 'skip_mtab', $in) };
+ #- fs::any::get_hds does not return mounts that are not in fstab
+ my @mounted = fs::read_fstab('', '/proc/mounts');
+ my $live_part = find { $_->{mntpoint} eq $live_media } @mounted;
+ my $live_device = $live_part && $live_part->{device};
+ #- remove live device from the detected hds, so that bootloader is not installed on it:
+ #- bootloader installation uses first device from detect_devices::get, which tries to list devices
+ #- by booting order, and our live system is likely to be here in first position
+ #- it can be either a partition (USB) or the full disk (Hybrid on USB)
+ @{$all_hds->{hds}} = grep {
+ $_->{device} ne $live_device &&
+ !member($live_device, map { $_->{device} } partition_table::get_normal_parts_and_holes($_));
+ } @{$all_hds->{hds}} if $live_device;
+ my $err = $@;
+ umount_all($fstab);
+ if ($err) {
+ undef $wait;
+ $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), [ formatError($err) ]);
+ $in->exit(1);
+ }
+sub ask_partitions_loop {
+ my ($in, $all_hds, $fstab, $copy_source) = @_;
+ while (1) {
+ eval { ask_partitions($in, $all_hds, $fstab, $copy_source) };
+ my $err = $@ or last;
+ $in->exit(1) if $err =~ /wizcancel/ ||
+ !$in->ask_warn(N("Error"), [ N("An error occurred"), formatError($err) ]);
+ }
+sub ask_partitions {
+ my ($in, $all_hds, $fstab, $copy_source) = @_;
+ fs::partitioning_wizard::main($in, $all_hds, $fstab, [], undef, {}, 'skip_mtab');
+ mkdir_p($::prefix) or die "unable to create $::prefix";
+ fs::any::write_hds($all_hds, $fstab, undef, sub { on_reboot_needed($in) }, {});
+ fs::any::check_hds_boot_and_root($all_hds, $fstab);
+ fs::partitioning::choose_partitions_to_format($in, $fstab);
+ my $total = get_total_size($in, $copy_source);
+ my $available = fs::any::getAvailableSpace($fstab, 'skip_mounted', 1);
+ $total += fs::any::getNeededMinSpace($available);
+ die N("Not enough space available (%s available while %s are needed)",
+ formatXiB($available), formatXiB($total)) . "\n"
+ if $total > $available;
+ umount_all($fstab);
+ fs::partitioning::format_mount_partitions($in, $all_hds, $fstab);
+sub remove_unused_packages {
+ my ($in, $o_prefix) = @_;
+ require pkgs;
+ #in remove_unused_packages, we want to get the locale from the currently
+ #running system, but we want to remove unused packages from the
+ #system based in $o_prefix, that's why we use an extra arg instead of
+ #directly using $::prefix
+ local $::prefix;
+ pkgs::remove_unused_packages($in, $in->do_pkgs, $o_prefix);
+sub prepare_root {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ #- create required directories and devices (early to have a consistent root before calling other programs)
+ my $_wait = $in->wait_message('', N("Please wait"));
+ fs::any::prepare_minimal_root();
+sub build_copy_command {
+ my ($source, $dest) = @_;
+ join(' ',
+ 'tar', 'c', '--one-file-system', '-C', $source, '.',
+ '|',
+ 'tar', 'xvv', '-C', $dest,
+ );
+sub get_total_size {
+ my ($in, $source) = @_;
+ state %total;
+ return $total{$source} if $total{$source};
+ my $_wait = $in->wait_message('', N("Computing total size"));
+ $total{$source} = first(split(/\s+/, `du -sbx /run/mgalive/ovlsize 2>/dev/null`));
+sub sync_logs() {
+ cp_af('/var/log', $::prefix . '/var');
+sub copy_root {
+ my ($in, $copy_source) = @_;
+ my $total = get_total_size($in, $copy_source);
+ my ($wait, $update_progress) = copying_message_with_progress_bar($in, N("Copying in progress"));
+ open(my $OUTPUT, '-|', build_copy_command($copy_source, $::prefix));
+ {
+ local $_;
+ my $current = my $previous = 0;
+ while (<$OUTPUT>) {
+ (undef, undef, my $size) = split;
+ $current += $size;
+ if ($current <= $total && $current/$total > $previous/$total + 0.001) {
+ $update_progress->('', $current, $total);
+ $previous = $current;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!close($OUTPUT)) {
+ undef $wait;
+ undef $update_progress;
+ $in->ask_warn(N("Error"), N("Unable to copy files to new root"));
+ $in->exit(1);
+ }
+ sync_logs();
+sub clean_harddrake_hds {
+ my ($prefix) = @_;
+ #- remove harddisks from harddrake's config file, so that hardddisks
+ #- are automatically rediscovered at first boot
+ require Storable;
+ my $harddrake_file = $prefix . "/etc/sysconfig/harddrake2/previous_hw";
+ my $harddrake_conf = eval { Storable::retrieve($harddrake_file) };
+ if ($harddrake_conf) {
+ delete $harddrake_conf->{HARDDISK};
+ Storable::store($harddrake_conf, $harddrake_file);
+ }
+sub complete_install {
+ my ($in, $all_hds) = @_;
+ my $_wait = $in->wait_message('', N("Please wait"));
+ my $real_rpm_dir = "/tmp/rpm/real";
+ cp_f(glob($real_rpm_dir . "/*"), $::prefix . "/var/lib/rpm") if -d $real_rpm_dir;
+ #- FIXME: maybe factorize with draklive, using draklive --clean-chroot ?
+ #- remove unwanted files and packages
+ my $live_user = chomp_(cat_('/etc/draklive-install.d/user'));
+ my $live_user_desktop = $live_user && chomp_(run_program::rooted_get_stdout($::prefix, "su - $live_user -c 'xdg-user-dir DESKTOP'"));
+ unlink(map { $::prefix . $_ } '/.autofsck',
+ chomp_(cat_(glob('/etc/draklive-install.d/remove.d/*'))),
+ if_($live_user_desktop,
+ $live_user_desktop . '/draklive-copy-wizard.desktop',
+ $live_user_desktop . '/draklive-install.desktop'),
+ );
+ {
+ #- do not allow update-menus to create home directory with invalid perms
+ local $ENV{HOME} = '/root';
+ system('chroot', $::prefix, 'rpm', '-e', 'draklive-install');
+ }
+ foreach (glob('/etc/draklive-install.d/run.d/*')) {
+ run_program::rooted($::prefix, $_);
+ }
+ #- copy sysconfig files for first boot
+ cp_f(glob('/etc/draklive-install.d/sysconfig/*'), $::prefix . '/etc/sysconfig');
+ #- unselect live user in kdm
+ my $kdm_cfg = common::read_alternative('kdm4-config');
+ update_gnomekderc($::prefix . $kdm_cfg,
+ 'X-:0-Greeter' => (PreselectUser => 'None', DefaultUser => '')) if -f $kdm_cfg;
+ my $autologin = any::get_autologin();
+ delete $autologin->{user};
+ any::set_autologin($in->do_pkgs, $autologin);
+ #- allow to install doc in disk install
+ substInFile { undef $_ if /^\%_excludedocs/ } $::prefix . '/etc/rpm/macros';
+ fs::write_fstab($all_hds, $::prefix);
+ clean_harddrake_hds($::prefix);
+ # enable back some disabled services
+ require services;
+ services::start_service_on_boot($_) foreach chomp_(cat_('/etc/draklive-install.d/services'));
+ sync_logs();
+sub setup_bootloader {
+ my ($in, $all_hds, $fstab) = @_;
+ use bootloader;
+ my $bootloader = {};
+ any::setupBootloaderBeforeStandalone($in->do_pkgs, $bootloader, $all_hds, $fstab);
+ local $::Wizard_no_previous = 0;
+ any::setupBootloaderUntilInstalled($in, $bootloader, $all_hds, $fstab, $ENV{SECURE_LEVEL});
+ sync_logs();
+sub clean_live_system_hds() {
+ #- clean fstab and harddrake config in the live system
+ #- since partitions UUIDs of the installed system have been modified
+ #- (useful for persistent live systems)
+ local $::prefix = undef;
+ clean_harddrake_hds($::prefix);
+ my $all_hds = fs::get::empty_all_hds(); #- skip real harddisks
+ fs::get_raw_hds('', $all_hds);
+ fs::get_info_from_fstab($all_hds);
+ fs::write_fstab($all_hds, $::prefix);
+sub finish_installation {
+ my ($fstab) = @_;
+ sync_logs();
+ #- cleanly umount here, it will avoid fs journals to be corrupted after a hackish reboot
+ umount_all($fstab);
+ clean_live_system_hds();
+sub display_end_message {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ $::Wizard_finished = 1;
+ $in->ask_okcancel(N("Congratulations"), N("Please halt your computer, remove your live system, and restart your computer."));
+### duplicate code
+# FIXME: code begins to fork
+# FIXME: => in mga4 add diskdrake::interactive::set_skip_fstab_reboot_steps() and use it instead
+#- from disdrake::interactive
+ package diskdrake::interactive;
+ sub diskdrake_interactive_Done {
+ my ($in, $all_hds) = @_;
+ eval { raid::verify($all_hds->{raids}) };
+ if (my $err = $@) {
+ $::expert or die;
+ $in->ask_okcancel('', [ formatError($err), N("Continue anyway?") ]) or return;
+ }
+ foreach (@{$all_hds->{hds}}) {
+ if (!write_partitions($in, $_, 'skip_check_rebootNeeded')) {
+ return if !$::isStandalone;
+ $in->ask_yesorno(N("Quit without saving"), N("Quit without writing the partition table?"), 1) or return;
+ }
+ }
+ #- skip that fstab/reboot steps
+ if (!$::isInstall && 0) {
+ my $new = fs::fstab_to_string($all_hds);
+ if ($new ne $all_hds->{current_fstab} && $in->ask_yesorno('', N("Do you want to save /etc/fstab modifications"), 1)) {
+ $all_hds->{current_fstab} = $new;
+ fs::write_fstab($all_hds);
+ }
+ update_bootloader_for_renumbered_partitions($in, $all_hds);
+ if (any { $_->{rebootNeeded} } @{$all_hds->{hds}}) {
+ $in->ask_warn('', N("You need to reboot for the partition table modifications to take place"));
+ tell_wm_and_reboot();
+ }
+ }
+ if (my $part = find { $_->{mntpoint} && !maybeFormatted($_) } fs::get::fstab($all_hds)) {
+ $in->ask_okcancel('', N("You should format partition %s.
+Otherwise no entry for mount point %s will be written in fstab.
+Quit anyway?", $part->{device}, $part->{mntpoint})) or return if $::isStandalone && 0; #- no, please
+ }
+ 1;
+ }
+# forked from interactive::wait_message
+sub copying_message {
+ my ($o, $title, $message, $b_temp) = @_;
+ my $w = $o->wait_messageW($title, N("Copying in progress"), ugtk3::gtknew('VBox', padding => 5, children_tight => [
+ ugtk3::gtkcreate_img("MageiaLive-advert"),
+ $message,
+ ]));
+ push @tempory::objects, $w if $b_temp;
+ my $b = before_leaving { $o->wait_message_endW($w) };
+ #- enable access through set
+ MDK::Common::Func::add_f4before_leaving(sub { $o->wait_message_nextW($_[1], $w) }, $b, 'set');
+ $b;
+# forked from interactive::gtk::wait_message_with_progress_bar
+sub copying_message_with_progress_bar {
+ my ($in, $o_title) = @_;
+ my $progress = Gtk3::ProgressBar->new;
+ my $w = copying_message($in, $o_title, $progress);
+ my $displayed;
+ $progress->signal_connect(draw => sub { $displayed = 1; 0 });
+ $w, sub {
+ my ($msg, $current, $total) = @_;
+ if ($msg) {
+ $w->set($msg);
+ }
+ if ($total) {
+ $progress or internal_error('You must first give some text to display');
+ my $fraction = min(1, $current / $total);
+ if ($fraction != $progress->get_fraction) {
+ $progress->set_fraction($fraction);
+ $progress->show;
+ $displayed = 0;
+ mygtk3::flush() while !$displayed;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $progress->hide;
+ mygtk3::flush();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/files/WIP/draklive-install.wrapper b/files/WIP/draklive-install.wrapper
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a8f4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/WIP/draklive-install.wrapper
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+if [[ "$UID" != "0" ]] ; then
+ /usr/bin/pkexec /usr/sbin/draklive-install-lock-storage "$@"
+ exit $?
+exec /usr/sbin/draklive-install-lock-storage "$@"
diff --git a/files/WIP/mageia-draklive-install.desktop b/files/WIP/mageia-draklive-install.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac88cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/WIP/mageia-draklive-install.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Install on Hard Disk
+Name[ar]=التثبيت على القرص الصلب
+Name[ast]=Instalar nel to discu duru
+Name[bg]=Инсталиране на твърд диск
+Name[br]=Staliañ war ar bladenn galet
+Name[ca]=Instal·la al disc dur
+Name[cs]=Instalace na pevný disk
+Name[cy]=Gosod i'r disg caled
+Name[da]=Installér på harddisk
+Name[de]=Auf die Festplatte installieren
+Name[el]=Εγκατάσταση στο σκληρό δίσκο
+Name[en_GB]=Install on Hard Disk
+Name[es]=Instalar en el Disco Duro
+Name[es_419]=Instalar en disco rígido
+Name[et]=Paigaldamine kõvakettale
+Name[eu]=Instalatu disko zurrunean
+Name[fi]=Asenna kiintolevylle
+Name[fr]=Installer sur disque dur
+Name[hr]=Instaliraj na tvrdi disk
+Name[hu]=Telepítés a merevlemezre
+Name[id]=Install ke Hard Disk
+Name[it]=Installa sul disco fisso
+Name[ko]=하드디스크에 인스톨하기
+Name[ky]=Катуу дискке орнотуу
+Name[nb]=Installer på harddisk
+Name[nl]=Installeer op de harde schijf
+Name[nn]=Installer på harddisken
+Name[pl]=Zainstaluj na dysku twardym
+Name[pt]=Instalar no Disco Rígido
+Name[pt_BR]=Instalar no Disco Rígido
+Name[ro]=Instalare pe discul dur
+Name[ru]=Установка на жёсткий диск
+Name[sk]=Inštalovať na hard disk
+Name[sl]=Namestitev na trdi disk
+Name[sq]=Instalo në Hard Disk
+Name[sv]=Installera på hårddisk
+Name[tr]=Sabit diske kur
+Name[uk]=Встановити на жорсткий диск
+Comment=Install your Mageia live system to disk
+Comment[ar]=تثبيت نظام ماجيا الحي على القرص الصلب
+Comment[ast]=Instalar el to sistema live de Mageia al discu
+Comment[ca]=Instal·la el sistema autònom de Mageia al disc
+Comment[cs]=Instalace vašeho živého systému Mageia na disk
+Comment[cy]=Gosod eich system Mageia fyw i'r disg
+Comment[de]=Installieren Sie Ihr Mageia-Livesystem auf der Festplatte
+Comment[el]=Εγκαταστήστε το σύστημά σας Mageia Live σ' ένα δίσκο
+Comment[en_GB]=Install your Mageia live system to disk
+Comment[es]=Instalar sistema live de Mageia en disco
+Comment[es_419]=Instalar tu sistema Mageia Live al disco
+Comment[et]=Mageia live-süsteemi paigaldamine kettale
+Comment[eu]=Zure Live Mageia sistema instalatu diskoan
+Comment[fi]=Asenna Mageia Live -järjestelmä kiintolevylle
+Comment[fr]=Installer votre système Mageia live sur le disque dur
+Comment[hr]=Instalirajte vaš Mageia live sustav na disk
+Comment[hu]=Mageia live rendszer telepítése a lemezre
+Comment[id]=Install sistem live Mageia Anda ke disk
+Comment[it]=Installa Mageia Live sul disco
+Comment[ja]=Mageia ライブシステムをディスクへインストール
+Comment[nl]=Het Mageia live systeem op de harde schijf installeren
+Comment[pl]=Zainstaluj system Mageia na dysku twardym
+Comment[pt]=Instalar o sistema Mageia 'Live' no disco
+Comment[pt_BR]=Instalar seu sistema Mageia live para o HD
+Comment[ro]=Instalați sistemul Mageia Live pe disc
+Comment[ru]=Установить Mageia LiveCD на жёсткий диск
+Comment[sk]=Inštalovať Mageia Live systém na disk
+Comment[sl]=Namestitev žive Mageje na trdi disk
+Comment[sq]=Instalo Sistemin Aktual Mageia në hard disk
+Comment[sv]=Installera ditt Mageia live system till disk
+Comment[tr]=Mageia Çalışan CD sisteminizi diske yükleyin
+Comment[uk]=Встановити портативну систему Mageia на диск
+Comment[zh_CN]=将 Mageia live 系统安装到磁盘
+Comment[zh_TW]=將您的 Mageia live 系統安裝到硬碟
diff --git a/files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install-lock-storage.policy b/files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install-lock-storage.policy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a73282f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install-lock-storage.policy
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
+"-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"
+ <vendor>Mageia</vendor>
+ <vendor_url></vendor_url>
+ <action id="">
+ <description>Run draklive-install</description>
+ <message>Authentication is required to run Mageia Draklive Installer</message>
+ <icon_name>draklive-install</icon_name>
+ <defaults>
+ <allow_any>yes</allow_any>
+ <allow_inactive>no</allow_inactive>
+ <allow_active>yes</allow_active>
+ </defaults>
+ <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/sbin/draklive-install-lock-storage</annotate>
+ <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">true</annotate>
+ </action>
diff --git a/files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install.policy b/files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install.policy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dccc272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/WIP/org.mageia.draklive-install.policy
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
+"-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"
+ <vendor>Mageia</vendor>
+ <vendor_url></vendor_url>
+ <action id="">
+ <description>Run draklive-install</description>
+ <message>Authentication is required to run Mageia Draklive Installer</message>
+ <icon_name>draklive-install</icon_name>
+ <defaults>
+ <allow_any>yes</allow_any>
+ <allow_inactive>no</allow_inactive>
+ <allow_active>yes</allow_active>
+ </defaults>
+ <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.path">/usr/sbin/draklive-install</annotate>
+ <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">true</annotate>
+ </action>