path: root/BCD/Genisoimage.pm.x86_64
diff options
authorAnne Nicolas <ennael@mageia.org>2016-09-06 22:31:46 +0200
committerAnne Nicolas <ennael@mageia.org>2016-09-06 22:31:46 +0200
commite23ad6b49bdf6f94eedc4f60a7e7bec1e1a05ccb (patch)
tree4ac6b62b474f992211af45cbd59d76ce4f3451d4 /BCD/Genisoimage.pm.x86_64
parent087669567591a7a6240427b4fc59ec8fe849a9f5 (diff)
more modification on Genisoimage.pm about EFI
Diffstat (limited to 'BCD/Genisoimage.pm.x86_64')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/BCD/Genisoimage.pm.x86_64 b/BCD/Genisoimage.pm.x86_64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..029f839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BCD/Genisoimage.pm.x86_64
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+package BCD::Genisoimage;
+use strict;
+use XML::Simple;
+use BCD::Common qw(:DEFAULT $nameid $arch $isoconf $wd $name $arch $version $builddir $isodir $error_color $repo $based_on $support);
+use BCD::Media qw(:DEFAULT parse_synthesis);
+use URPM;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(main_iso create_idx);
+our @EXPORT_OK = qw($isoname);
+my $color = "green";
+our $isoname = $isoconf->{nameid} . '-' . $isoconf->{mediainfo}{version} . '-' . $isoconf->{arch} . '-' . $isoconf->{support};
+sub create_version {
+ # create the VERSION file available on the base of the ISO
+ my $version_file = "$builddir/VERSION";
+ print_color("$LOG create the $version_file file", $color);
+ open my $VERSION, ">$version_file";
+ my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = gmtime(time());
+ $year += 1900;
+ my $tag = $isoconf->{iso}{tag};
+ my $product = $isoconf->{iso}{product};
+ my $publisher = $isoconf->{iso}{header}{publisherid};
+ printf $VERSION "$publisher $name $tag %04d%02d%02d $hour:%02d\n", $year, $mon+1, $mday, $min;
+ close $VERSION;
+sub create_productid {
+ print_color("$LOG create the $builddir/product.id", $color);
+ my $productid_file = "$builddir/product.id";
+ open my $product_id, ">$productid_file";
+ print $product_id "vendor=$isoconf->{iso}{header}{publisherid},";
+ print $product_id "distribution=$isoconf->{iso}{header}{systemid},";
+ print $product_id "type=$isoconf->{iso}{type},";
+ print $product_id "version=$isoconf->{based_on},";
+ print $product_id "branch=$isoconf->{iso}{branch},";
+ print $product_id "release=$isoconf->{iso}{minor}.$isoconf->{iso}{subversion},";
+ print $product_id "arch=$arch,";
+ print $product_id "product=$isoconf->{iso}{product}";
+ close $product_id;
+sub create_idx {
+ print_color("$LOG create the IDX file from $builddir/pkg-$version-$isoconf->{iso}{tag}.idx", $color);
+ # pkg-2009.1-pauillac.idx
+ my $idx = "$builddir/pkg-$version-$isoconf->{iso}{tag}.idx";
+ system("cp -vf /dev/null $idx");
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ my $urpm = URPM->new;
+ my @hdlists = glob("$builddir/media/media_info/hdlist_*.cz");
+ my @tab;
+ foreach (@hdlists) {
+ print_color("$LOG parsing $_ hslist", $color);
+ $urpm->parse_hdlist($_);
+ $urpm->traverse(sub {
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $pkgname = $pkg->name;
+ my $version = $pkg->version;
+ my $arch = $pkg->arch;
+ push @tab, "$pkgname-$version ($arch)";
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ my %hashtab = map { $_ => 1 } @tab;
+ my @orderedpkgs = sort keys %hashtab;
+ open my $FILE_IDX, ">>$idx";
+ foreach (@orderedpkgs) {
+ print $FILE_IDX "$isoconf->{iso}{header}{volumeid} $_\n";
+ }
+ close $FILE_IDX;
+ system("cp -v $builddir/pkg-$version-$isoconf->{iso}{tag}.idx $isodir/$isoname.idx");
+sub create_iso {
+ # build the ISO with all args
+ # use -eltorito-alt-boot -e isolinux/efiboot.img -no-emul-boot for EFI
+ print_color("$LOG Building the ISO", $color);
+ my $cmd = "xorriso -as mkisofs $isoconf->{iso}{genisoimage}{options} \\
+ -A '$isoconf->{iso}{header}{applicationid}' \\
+ -publisher '$isoconf->{iso}{header}{publisherid}' \\
+ -sysid '$isoconf->{iso}{header}{systemid}' \\
+ -p '$isoconf->{iso}{header}{datapreparer}' \\
+ -volset '$isoconf->{iso}{header}{volumesetid}' \\
+ -V '$isoconf->{iso}{header}{volumeid}' \\
+ -o '$isodir/$isoname.iso' \\
+ -b isolinux/isolinux.bin \\
+ -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -e isolinux/efiboot.img -no-emul-boot \\
+ $builddir/../
+ ";
+#-quiet \\
+ print_color("\n------------\n $cmd", $color);
+ system($cmd);
+ system("du -h $isodir/$isoname.iso");
+ system("du -sh $builddir/install");
+ my $size_iso = -s "$isodir/$isoname.iso";
+ if ($size_iso > 3900338176) {
+ print_color("WARNING: THE SIZE OF THE ISO IS TOO BIG. PLEASE CHECK AGAIN.", $error_color);
+ }
+sub create_md5 {
+ # create the MD5 of the ISO
+ print_color("$LOG Create the MD5 and SHA1 of the ISO", $color);
+ my $ISOFILE = "$isodir/$isoname.iso";
+ if (! -f $ISOFILE) {
+ print_color("$LOG can't find $ISOFILE", $error_color);
+ exit 1;
+ } else {
+ print_color("$LOG do a: md5sum $ISOFILE > $ISOFILE.md5", $color);
+ system("cd $isodir && md5sum $isoname.iso > $ISOFILE.md5 &");
+ print_color("$LOG do a: sha1sum $ISOFILE > $ISOFILE.sha1", $color);
+ system("cd $isodir && sha1sum $isoname.iso > $ISOFILE.sha1 &");
+ }
+sub isohybrid {
+ print_color("$LOG isohybrid the ISO", $color);
+ my $ISOFILE = "$isodir/$isoname.iso";
+ system("isohybrid $isoconf->{iso}{isohybrid}{options} $ISOFILE") == 0 or die "$LOG system isohybrid failed: $?\n";
+sub copy_textfiles {
+ map { system("cp -vf $repo/$based_on/$arch/$_ $builddir/");
+ } qw(COPYING INSTALL.txt install.htm LICENSE.txt LICENSE-APPS.txt README.txt index.htm release-notes.html release-notes.txt);
+sub main_iso {
+ my ($option) = @_;
+ create_version;
+ create_productid;
+ copy_textfiles;
+ create_idx;
+ if ($option =~ /noiso/) {
+ print_color("$LOG skipping ISO creation", $color);
+ } else {
+ create_iso;
+ isohybrid;
+ create_md5;
+ }