diff options
1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dorsync b/dorsync
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67def1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dorsync
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+# If dcfldd is installed you will get a #
+# progress indicator when dumping to USB #
+# Enter a few variables. #
+# location is where you stored the ISOs #
+# release is the directory on the server #
+# user is the rsync login username #
+# password is the rsync password #
+# To exclude directories from sync, create #
+# a file, dorsync.skip in the start folder # #
+# containing the directory names only, one #
+# per line. #
+####### Don't touch below this line ########
+# #
+# dorsync v2.8 #
+# Claire Robinson (MrsB) #
+# for Mageia QA #
+# Thanks also go to.. #
+# Alfred Kretschmer (alfred) #
+# Barry Jackson (barjac) #
+rsyncargs+=" -avHP"
+if [[ -e dorsync.skip ]]; then
+ while read line; do
+ rsyncargs+=" --exclude=$line"
+ done < dorsync.skip
+rsyncargs+=" rsync://$user@bcd.mageia.org/isos/$release/ ."
+cd "$location"
+# Gap so I remember to add command line arguments
+# Function to do the actual rsync and run checks afterwards
+dorsync () {
+echo "Starting rsync.."
+RSYNC_PASSWORD="$password" rsync ${rsyncargs[@]}
+echo ""
+if [ $OUT -eq 0 ];then
+ echo "Completed rsync"
+ echo "Rsync failed. Exiting."
+ exit
+echo ""
+du -h | sort -k 2 | sed "s|\./||" | sed -e "s|\(\s\)\.|\1Total\n|"
+echo ""
+echo "Starting checks, please ensure the dates are correct"
+echo ""
+# Loop through folders in $location and read info into arrays
+# Hopefully able to use this later to dump to USB stick
+# Perform checks too and highlight green OK red Failed
+for line in $(find . -type f -name "*.iso" -printf '%P\n')
+ directory[$i]=`dirname "$line"`
+ iso[$i]=`basename "$line"`
+ echo "PATH: ${directory[$i]}"
+ echo "ISO: ${iso[$i]}"
+ cd "${directory[$i]}"
+ # Check for DATE.txt and display it or warn if missing
+ if [ -e DATE.txt ]
+ then
+ echo "DATE: `cat DATE.txt`"
+ missingdate[$i]=false
+ else
+ echo -e "DATE: ${red}Missing${endcolour}"
+ missingdate[$i]=true
+ fi
+ # Check for md5 file and then md5sum it or warn if missing
+ if [ -e "${iso[$i]}.md5" ]
+ then
+ md5sum -c --quiet --status *.md5 2>/dev/null
+ OUT=$?
+ if [ $OUT -eq 0 ];then
+ echo -e "MD5: ${green}OK${endcolour} \c"
+ md5ok[$i]=true
+ missingmd5[$i]=false
+ else
+ echo -e "MD5: ${red}Failed${endcolour} \c"
+ md5ok[$i]=false
+ missingmd5[$i]=false
+ fi
+ else
+ echo -e "MD5: ${red}Missing${endcolour} \c"
+ missingmd5[$i]=true
+ fi
+ # Check for sha1 file and then sha1sum it or warn if missing
+ if [ -e ${iso[$i]}.sha1 ]
+ then
+ sha1sum -c --quiet --status *.sha1 2>/dev/null
+ OUT=$?
+ if [ $OUT -eq 0 ];then
+ echo -e "SHA1: ${green}OK${endcolour}"
+ sha1ok[$i]=true
+ missingsha1[$i]=false
+ else
+ echo -e "SHA1: ${red}Failed${endcolour}"
+ sha1ok[$i]=false
+ missingsha1[$i]=false
+ fi
+ else
+ echo -e "SHA1: ${red}Missing${endcolour}"
+ sha1ok[$i]=false
+ missingsha1[$i]=true
+ fi
+ echo ""
+ cd "$location"
+ (( i++ ))
+# Check if anything failed and provide a summary
+for (( i=0; i<=$(( $total -1 )); i++ ))
+ # Warn of missing DATE.txt files
+ if [ ${missingdate[$i]} = true ]
+ then
+ if [ $warnings = 0 ]
+ then
+ echo -e $startwarning
+ fi
+ echo "${directory[$i]}/DATE.txt missing"
+ (( warnings++ ))
+ fi
+ # Warn of missing md5 files
+ if [ ${missingmd5[$i]} = true ]
+ then
+ if [ $warnings = 0 ]
+ then
+ echo -e $startwarning
+ fi
+ echo "${directory[$i]}/${iso[$i]}.md5 missing"
+ (( warnings++ ))
+ else
+ # Warn of bad md5sum if present
+ if [ ${md5ok[$i]} = false ]
+ then
+ if [ $warnings = 0 ]
+ then
+ echo -e $startwarning
+ fi
+ echo "${iso[$i]} md5sum failed"
+ (( warnings++ ))
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Warn of missing sha1 files
+ if [ ${missingsha1[$i]} = true ]
+ then
+ if [ $warnings = 0 ]
+ then
+ echo -e $startwarning
+ fi
+ echo "${directory[$i]}/${iso[$i]}.sha1 missing"
+ (( warnings++ ))
+ else
+ # Warn of bad sha1sum if present
+ if [ ${sha1ok[$i]} = false ]
+ then
+ if [ $warnings = 0 ]
+ then
+ echo -e $startwarning
+ fi
+ echo "${iso[$i]} sha1sum failed"
+ (( warnings++ ))
+ fi
+ fi
+echo ""
+# If anything failed, provide a count
+if [ $warnings != 0 ]
+ if [ $warnings -gt 1 ]
+ then
+ message="There are $warnings potential problems."
+ else
+ message="There is 1 potential problem."
+ fi
+ echo -e "${bold}$message${endcolour}"
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "------------------------------------"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${bold}All tests passed OK. Yippee!${endcolour}"
+ echo "Please check the dates are correct."
+ echo ""
+ echo "------------------------------------"
+# Function to list USB sticks
+liststicks () {
+ usbs=""
+ for device in /sys/block/*/device
+ do
+ if echo $(readlink -f $device)|egrep -q "usb"
+ then
+ adisk=`echo $device | cut -f4 -d/`
+ usbs="$usbs /dev/$adisk"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Find info for each from udisks
+ i=0
+ for usb in $usbs
+ do
+ showinfo=`udisks --show-info $usb`
+ isremovable=`echo "$showinfo" | grep " removable:"| cut -f2 -d: | sed 's/^[ ]*//'`
+ # Check udisks shows it as removable
+ if [ $isremovable = 1 ]
+ then
+ usbdev[$i]="$usb"
+ found[$i]=`echo "$showinfo" | grep " detected at:"| cut -f2- -d: | sed 's/^[ ]*//'`
+ vendor[$i]=`echo "$showinfo" | grep "vendor:" | cut -f2 -d: | sed 's/^[ ]*//'`
+ model[$i]=`echo "$showinfo" | grep "model:" | cut -f2 -d: | sed 's/^[ ]*//'`
+ sizebytes[$i]=`echo "$showinfo" | grep " size:" | cut -f2 -d: | sed 's/^[ ]*//'`
+ sizegb[$i]=`echo "scale=1;${sizebytes[$i]}/1024/1024/1024" | bc`
+ (( i++ ))
+ fi
+ done
+# Minimal function to find isos if rsync is skipped
+findisos () {
+ i=0
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ for line in $(find . -type f -name "*.iso" -printf '%P\n')
+ do
+ directory[$i]=`dirname "$line"`
+ iso[$i]=`basename "$line"`
+ (( i++ ))
+ done
+# Function to wait for usb stick to be inserted
+dodoh () {
+ while true
+ do
+ echo "No USB drives found. Please insert one now."
+ read -n1 -e -p "Press Q to quit or any other key to continue: " num
+ case $num in
+ [Qq]* ) exit;;
+ * ) liststicks
+ echo ""
+ if ! [ ${#found[@]} = 0 ]
+ then
+ doh="Yay"
+ break
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+# Function to actually do the dump onto usb
+dothedeed () {
+ echo ""
+ echo "Please be patient this can take a while"
+ echo ""
+ echo "This operation requires root privileges"
+ echo "Please enter your root password.."
+ echo ""
+ export rootwhere="${usbdev[$(($usbchoice-1))]}"
+ export rootiso="$fullisopath"
+ if [ -e /usr/bin/dcfldd ]
+ then
+ su -c 'dcfldd sizeprobe=if statusinterval=5 if="$rootiso" of="$rootwhere" bs=1M && sync'
+ else
+ su -c 'dd if="$rootiso" of="$rootwhere" bs=1M && sync'
+ fi
+ OUT=$?
+ echo ""
+ if [ $OUT -eq 0 ];then
+ echo "Completed OK."
+ else
+ echo "Failed. Exiting."
+ exit
+ fi
+# Function to choose usb stick & iso and check it'll fit
+dodump () {
+ echo ""
+ didrsync=$1
+ if [ $didrsync == 1 ]
+ then
+ # Ask to dump to USB or exit
+ echo ""
+ while true
+ do
+ read -n1 -e -p "Do you want to dump one onto USB? [y/n]" yn
+ case $yn in
+ [Yy] ) liststicks
+ break;;
+ [Nn] ) exit;;
+ * ) echo "Please choose y or n";;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo ""
+ else
+ liststicks
+ fi
+ # If no USBs found D'oh! loop until there is one..
+ total=${#found[@]}
+ if [ $total = 0 ]
+ then
+ doh="doh"
+ while [ "$doh" = "doh" ]
+ do
+ dodoh
+ done
+ total=${#found[@]}
+ fi
+ # Now there is a USB print the info
+ for (( i=0; i<=$(( $total -1 )); i++ ))
+ do
+ if [ $i = 0 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "USB drives found:"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e " Device\tSize\tWhen Found\t\t\tModel"
+ fi
+ echo -e "$((i+1))) ${usbdev[$i]}\t${sizegb[$i]}Gb\t${found[$i]}\t${vendor[$i]} ${model[$i]}"
+ done
+ # Choose which USB to use
+echo ""
+ while true
+ do
+ read -e -p "Please choose which USB to use or Q to quit and press <enter>: " usbchoice
+ if [[ $usbchoice = [Qq] ]]; then
+ exit
+ elif [[ "$usbchoice" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && (( $usbchoice <= $total )) && (( $usbchoice > 0 )); then
+ break
+ else echo "Invalid selection"
+ fi
+ done
+ # List the ISOs
+ total=${#iso[@]}
+ for (( i=0; i<=$(( $total -1 )); i++ ))
+ do
+ if [ $i = 0 ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "List of ISOs:"
+ fi
+ echo "$(($i+1))) ${iso[$i]}"
+ done
+ echo ""
+ # Choose which ISO to use
+ while true
+ do
+ read -e -p "Please choose which ISO to use or Q to quit and press <enter>: " isochoice
+ if [[ $isochoice = [Qq] ]]; then
+ exit
+ elif [[ "$isochoice" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && (( $isochoice <= $total )) && (( $isochoice > 0 )); then
+ break
+ else echo "Invalid selection"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Will it fit?
+ fullisopath=`readlink -f "${directory[$(($isochoice-1))]}/${iso[$(($isochoice-1))]}"`
+ isosize=`du -b "$fullisopath" | cut -f1`
+ usbsize=${sizebytes[$(($usbchoice-1))]}
+ if [ $usbsize -lt $isosize ]
+ then
+ echo ""
+ echo "Sorry. It won't fit! Exiting."
+ exit
+ fi
+ # Warn
+ usbinfo="${usbdev[$(($usbchoice-1))]} (${sizegb[$(($usbchoice-1))]}Gb ${vendor[$(($usbchoice-1))]} ${model[$(($usbchoice-1))]} found at ${found[$(($usbchoice-1))]})"
+ echo ""
+ echo -e "${bold}About to dump $fullisopath${endcolour}"
+ echo -e "${bold}onto $usbinfo${endcolour}"
+ echo ""
+ echo "This will destroy any data already on the USB device."
+ # Confirm
+ while true
+ do
+ read -n1 -e -p "Press Y to confirm or Q to quit: " yq
+ case $yq in
+ [Qq] ) exit;;
+ [Yy] ) dothedeed
+ break;;
+ * ) echo -e "Invalid selection\n";;
+ esac
+ done
+# Offer to skip rsync and just dump to usb
+echo ""
+while true
+ read -n1 -e -p "Do you want to Rsync (R), skip Rsync and just dump to usb (D) or quit (Q): " rdq
+case $rdq in
+ [Rr] ) dorsync; dodump 1; exit;;
+ [Dd] ) findisos; dodump 0; exit;;
+ [Qq] ) exit;;
+ * ) echo " $rdq Invalid selection"; echo "";;
+ esac