diff options
authorDexter Morgan <dmorgan@mageia.org>2010-11-10 14:34:31 +0000
committerDexter Morgan <dmorgan@mageia.org>2010-11-10 14:34:31 +0000
commit925fe078ff9025fc97a5af31a4aea9c7ab4f52c9 (patch)
parent7f46ba75254d6dc9729230551a9810cbdd9a7dd2 (diff)
First commit for sympa module
2 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/sympa/manifests/init.pp b/modules/sympa/manifests/init.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5534b862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sympa/manifests/init.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+class sympa {
+ $package_list = ['sympa', 'sympa-www']
+ package { $package_list:
+ ensure => installed;
+ }
+ $password = extlookup("sympa_password")
+ file { '/etc/sympa/sympa.conf':
+ ensure => present,
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => 644,
+ content => template("sympa/sympa.conf")
+ }
diff --git a/modules/sympa/templates/sympa.conf b/modules/sympa/templates/sympa.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..602ee0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sympa/templates/sympa.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+###\\\\ Directories and file location ////###
+## Directory containing mailing lists subdirectories
+home /var/lib/sympa
+## Directory for configuration files ; it also contains scenari/ and templates/ directories
+etc /etc/sympa
+## File containing Sympa PID while running.
+## Sympa also locks this file to ensure that it is not running more than once. Caution : user sympa need to write access without special privilegee.
+pidfile /var/run/sympa/sympa.pid
+pidfile_distribute /var/run/sympa/sympa-distribute.pid
+pidfile_creation /var/run/sympa/sympa-creation.pid
+pidfile_bulk /var/run/sympa/bulk.pid
+## Umask used for file creation by Sympa
+umask 027
+## Directory containing available NLS catalogues (Message internationalization)
+localedir /usr/share/locale
+## The main spool containing various specialized spools
+## All spool are created at runtime by sympa.pl
+spool /var/spool/sympa
+## Incoming spool
+queue /var/spool/sympa/msg
+## Bounce incoming spool
+queuebounce /var/spool/sympa/bounce
+## Automatic list creation spool
+queueautomatic /var/spool/sympa/automatic
+queuedigest /var/spool/sympa/digest
+queuemod /var/spool/sympa/moderation
+queuetopic /var/spool/sympa/topic
+queueauth /var/spool/sympa/auth
+queueoutgoing /var/spool/sympa/outgoing
+queuetask /var/spool/sympa/task
+queuesubscribe /var/spool/sympa/subscribe
+## URL to a virtual host.
+http_host http://domain.tld
+## The directory where Sympa stores static contents (CSS, members pictures, documentation) directly delivered by Apache
+static_content_path /var/lib/sympa/static_content
+## The URL mapped with the static_content_path directory defined above
+static_content_url /static-sympa
+###\\\\ Syslog ////###
+## The syslog facility for sympa
+## Do not forget to edit syslog.conf
+syslog mail
+## Communication mode with syslogd is either unix (via Unix sockets) or inet (use of UDP)
+log_socket_type unix
+## Log intensity
+## 0 : normal, 2,3,4 for debug
+log_level 0
+log_smtp off
+## Number of months that elapse before a log is expired.
+logs_expiration_period 3
+###\\\\ General definition ////###
+## Main robot hostname
+domain mageia.org
+## Listmasters email list comma separated
+## Sympa will associate listmaster privileges to these email addresses (mail and web interfaces). Some error reports may also be sent to these addresses.
+listmaster listmaster@mageia.org
+## Local part of sympa email adresse
+## Effective address will be \[EMAIL\]@\[HOST\]
+email sympa
+## Who is able to create lists
+## This parameter is a scenario, check sympa documentation about scenarios if you want to define one
+create_list public_listmaster
+edit_list owner
+###\\\\ Tuning ////###
+## Use of binary version of the list config structure on disk: none | binary_file
+## Set this parameter to "binary_file" if you manage a big amount of lists (1000+) ; it should make the web interface startup faster
+cache_list_config none
+## Sympa commands priority
+sympa_priority 1
+## Default priority for list messages
+default_list_priority 5
+## Default timeout between two scheduled synchronizations of list members with data sources.
+default_ttl 3600
+## Default timeout between two action-triggered synchronizations of list members with data sources.
+default_distribution_ttl 300
+## Default priority for a packet to be sent by bulk.
+sympa_packet_priority 5
+request_priority 0
+owner_priority 9
+## The minimum number of packets in database before the bulk forks to increase sending rate
+bulk_fork_threshold 1
+## The max number of bulks that will run on the same server.
+bulk_max_count 3
+## the number of seconds a slave bulk will remain running without processing a message before it spontaneously dies.
+bulk_lazytime 600
+## The number of seconds a master bulk waits between two packets number checks.
+## Keep it small if you expect brutal increases in the message sending load.
+bulk_wait_to_fork 10
+## the number of seconds a bulk sleeps between starting a new loop if it didn't find a message to send.
+## Keep it small if you want your server to be reactive.
+bulk_sleep 1
+## Secret used by Sympa to make MD5 fingerprint in web cookies secure
+## Should not be changed ! May invalid all user password
+#cookie 123456789
+## If set to "on", enables support of legacy characters
+legacy_character_support_feature off
+## The default maximum size (in bytes) for messages (can be re-defined for each list)
+max_size 5242880
+## comma separated list of operations for which blacklist filter is applied
+## Setting this parameter to "none" will hide the blacklist feature
+use_blacklist send,create_list
+## Specify which rfc2369 mailing list headers to add
+rfc2369_header_fields help,subscribe,unsubscribe,post,owner,archive
+## Specify header fields to be removed before message distribution
+remove_headers X-Sympa-To,X-Family-To,Return-Receipt-To,Precedence,X-Sequence,Disposition-Notification-To
+bounce_warn_rate 30
+bounce_halt_rate 50
+###\\\\ Internationalization ////###
+## Default lang (ca | cs | de | el | es | et_EE | en_US | fr | fi | hu | it | ja_JP | ko | nl | nb_NO | oc | pl | pt_BR | ru | sv | tr | vi | zh_CN | zh_TW)
+## This is the default language used by Sympa
+lang en_US
+## Supported languages
+## This is the set of language that will be proposed to your users for the Sympa GUI. Don't select a language if you don't have the proper locale packages installed.
+supported_lang ca,cs,de,el,es,et_EE,en_US,fr,fi,hu,it,ja_JP,ko,nl,nb_NO,oc,pl,pt_BR,ru,sv,tr,vi,zh_CN,zh_TW
+###\\\\ Errors management ////###
+## Bouncing email rate for warn list owner
+#bounce_warn_rate 20
+## Bouncing email rate for halt the list (not implemented)
+## Not yet used in current version, Default is 50
+#bounce_halt_rate 50
+## Task name for expiration of old bounces
+#expire_bounce_task daily
+## Welcome message return-path
+## If set to unique, new subcriber is removed if welcome message bounce
+#welcome_return_path unique
+###\\\\ MTA related ////###
+## Path to the MTA (sendmail, postfix, exim or qmail)
+## should point to a sendmail-compatible binary (eg: a binary named "sendmail" is distributed with Postfix)
+sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail
+## Maximum number of recipients per call to Sendmail. The nrcpt_by_domain.conf file allows a different tuning per destination domain.
+nrcpt 25
+## Max. number of different domains per call to Sendmail
+avg 10
+## Max. number of Sendmail processes (launched by Sympa) running simultaneously
+## Proposed value is quite low, you can rise it up to 100, 200 or even 300 with powerfull systems.
+maxsmtp 40
+###\\\\ Plugin ////###
+## Path to the antivirus scanner engine
+## supported antivirus : McAfee/uvscan, Fsecure/fsav, Sophos, AVP and Trend Micro/VirusWall
+#antivirus_path /usr/local/uvscan/uvscan
+## Antivirus pluggin command argument
+#antivirus_args --secure --summary --dat /usr/local/uvscan
+###\\\\ S/MIME pluggin ////###
+## Path to OpenSSL
+## Sympa knowns S/MIME if openssl is installed
+#openssl /usr/bin/ssl
+## The directory path use by OpenSSL for trusted CA certificates
+#capath /etc/sympa/ssl.crt
+## This parameter sets the all-in-one file where you can assemble the Certificates of Certification Authorities (CA)
+#cafile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt
+## User CERTs directory
+ssl_cert_dir /var/lib/sympa/X509-user-certs
+crl_dir /var/lib/sympa/crl
+## Password used to crypt lists private keys
+#key_passwd your_password
+###\\\\ Database ////###
+## Database type (mysql | Pg | Oracle | Sybase | SQLite)
+## be carefull to the case
+db_type Pg
+## Name of the database
+## with SQLite, the name of the DB corresponds to the DB file
+db_name sympa
+## The host hosting your sympa database
+db_host pgsql.<%= domain %>;
+## The database port
+db_port 5432/tcp
+## Database user for connexion
+db_user sympa
+## Database password (associated to the db_user)
+## What ever you use a password or not, you must protect the SQL server (is it a not a public internet service ?)
+db_passwd <%= password %>;
+## Database private extention to user table
+## You need to extend the database format with these fields
+#db_additional_user_fields age,address
+## Database private extention to subscriber table
+## You need to extend the database format with these fields
+#db_additional_subscriber_fields billing_delay,subscription_expiration
+###\\\\ Web interface ////###
+## Sympa's main page URL
+wwsympa_url http://ml.mageia.org/
+## If a spam filter (like spamassassin or j-chkmail) add a smtp headers to tag spams, name of this header (example X-Spam-Status)
+antispam_tag_header_name X-Spam-Status
+## The regexp applied on this header to verify message is a spam (example \s*Yes)
+antispam_tag_header_spam_regexp ^\s*Yes
+## The regexp applied on this header to verify message is NOT a spam (example \s*No)
+antispam_tag_header_ham_regexp ^\s*No