path: root/en/downloads/get/index.php
diff options
authorMarek Laane <bald@smail.ee>2014-10-12 10:54:11 +0300
committerMarek Laane <bald@smail.ee>2014-10-12 10:54:11 +0300
commita0b2d09125d7911656fe4cb286f20643c4432281 (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /en/downloads/get/index.php
parente32d8242187534c387106ff344201c42ff6afb44 (diff)
Updated Estonian translation
Diffstat (limited to 'en/downloads/get/index.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/en/downloads/get/index.php b/en/downloads/get/index.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f46d7013..000000000
--- a/en/downloads/get/index.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
- * Main download redirector.
- *
- * Takes these data:
- * - product to download (GET[product])
- * - download mode (normal or GET[torrent] is set)
- * - products whitelist with a checksum for each one
- * - list of available up-to-date mirrors for this product
- *
- * product:
- * - id
- * - name
- * - checksums
- * - size
- *
- * mirror(product):
- * - name
- * - host
- * - country
- * - city
- * - speed
- * - link
- *
- *
- * PHP version 5.4
- *
- * @category Mageia
- * @package Mageia\Web\www
- * @author rda <rda@mageia.org>
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPL-2+
- * @link http://www.mageia.org/
- *
-require 'lib.php';
-// request
-$product = get('q');
-$debug = get('d');
-if (isset($_GET['torrent'])) {
- $torrent = strip_tags(trim($_GET['torrent']));
-$torrent = isset($torrent) ? true : false;
-if (is_null($product)) {
- header('Location: /downloads/');
- die;
-define('HLANG', true);
-require '../../../langs.php';
-$dictionary = read_translation_file($locale, "downloads/get");
-$download = null;
-$js_redirect = null;
-$reason = null;
-try {
- // TODO simplify and wrap all this in a single interface:
- // list(dl_template, mirrors) = get_download_options_for(product)
- // Step 1.
- include '../../../lib/Downloads.php';
- $product = get_info_for_product($product);
- $all_mirrors = get_mirrors_for($product['file'], 'en', get('country'));
- $one_mirror = $all_mirrors[0];
- $alt_mirrors = $all_mirrors[1];
- $download_tmpl = get_download_link($product, $torrent);
- // Step 2. Make the actual download link against the preferred mirror returned.
- $download = str_replace('$MIRROR', $one_mirror['mirror_url'], $download_tmpl);
- // TODO do not redirect if it's a bot!
- $js_redirect = sprintf(
- '<script>(function(){setTimeout("document.location=\'%s\';", 6000);})();</script>',
- $download
- );
- // Step 3. Build alternative mirrors list of links (URL manipulation, HTML)
- $g_mirs2 = array();
- foreach ($alt_mirrors as $country => $mirs):
- if (substr($country, 0, 3) == '_C:')
- continue;
- foreach ($mirs as $mir):
- $g_mirs2[$countries[$country]][$mir['city']][] = $mir['url'];
- endforeach;
- endforeach;
- ksort($g_mirs2);
- $alternative_mirrors = '';
- foreach ($g_mirs2 as $country => $cities) {
- $s = array();
- foreach ($cities as $city => $mirrors2) {
- $mirs = array();
- rsort($mirrors2);
- foreach ($mirrors2 as $m) {
- $pm = parse_url($m);
- $alt_dl_link = str_replace('$MIRROR', $m, $download_tmpl);
- $mirs[] = sprintf(
- '<a href="%s" rel="nofollow" class="mirror-link"><span class="p">%s</span> %s</a>',
- $alt_dl_link, strtoupper($pm['scheme']), $pm['host']
- );
- }
- $s[] = sprintf('<td>%s</td><td>%s</td>', rewrite_city($city), implode(', ', $mirs));
- }
- $alternative_mirrors .= sprintf('<tr><td rowspan="%d">%s</td>%s</tr>', count($cities), $country, implode('</tr><tr>', $s));
- }
- // Feedback about current mirror location + trigger for alt mirrors.
- $dl2_mirror_alt = sprintf(
- _r('This <a href="%s">%s</a> download mirror is located in %s (%s).'),
- $one_mirror['mirror_url'],
- $one_mirror['mirror_host'],
- rewrite_city($one_mirror['city']) . ', ' . $countries[$one_mirror['country']],
- $one_mirror['country']
- )
- . ' ' . _r('If it does not work well for you, <a href="#om" id="other_mirrors_btn">check out these other mirrors</a>.');
- // at the end of this block we expect the following vars to be available from here:
- // - $product (mixed)
- // - $download (URL)
- // - $js_redirect (JS snippet)
- // - $alternative_mirrors (HTML snippet)
- // - $dl2_mirror_alt (HTML snippet)
-catch (NoProductFoundError $e) {
- // sorry, no such product found/available. redirect?
- $reason = 'The file '. $product .' is not available for download.';
-catch (NoMirrorFoundError $e) {
- // sorry, no mirror found. next time?
- $reason = 'No mirror found for this file to download.';
-catch (Exception $e) {
- // don't translate $reason as it's for debuging purposes
- $reason = 'I do not know either!';
-if (!$download) {
- header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
- header('Status: 404 Not Found');
- header('Cache-Control: public, max-age=600, s-max-age=900');
- $title = '404 Not Found';
- $js_redirect = null;
-} else {
- header('Pragma: no-cache');
- header('Cache-Control: s-maxage=0, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-cache');
- $title = $product['name'];
-if ($debug)
- $js_redirect = null;
-?><!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="<?php echo $locale; ?>">
- <meta charset="utf-8">
- <title><?php echo $title; ?> | <?php _g('Mageia Downloads') ?></title>
- <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow,nosnippet">
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/g/style/all.css">
- <?php
-if (!isset($_SERVER['APP_MODE']) || $_SERVER['APP_MODE'] == 'prod') {
- include '../../../analytics.php';
- echo $js_redirect;
- ?>
-<body class="downloads">
- <?php echo $hsnav; ?>
- <h1 id="mgnavt"><?php echo sprintf(_r('Download %s'), '<em class="tag">' . $title . '</em>')?></h1>
- <div id="doc4" class="yui-t7">
- <div id="bd" role="main">
- <?php if (!is_null($download)): ?>
- <div class="yui-g"><div class="para" style="padding-top: 2em;">
- <p><?php
- echo
- sprintf(_r('Your download of %s should start within a few seconds'), '<em class="tag">' . $product['name'] . '</em>' . ($torrent ? ' (torrent)' : '')),
- ' ', sprintf(_r('(download size is about %s).'), $product['size']),
- ' ', sprintf(_r('If the download does not start, <a href="%s" rel="nofollow" title="%s">click here</a>.'), $download, $download);
- ?></p>
- <div class="dlinfo">
- <p><?php echo $dl2_mirror_alt; ?></p>
- <?php
- if (((isset($product['md5']) && strlen($product['md5']) > 0)
- || (isset($product['sha1'])) && strlen($product['sha1']) > 0)
- && !$torrent
- ): ?>
- <p><?php _g('As soon as your download is complete, you should check that the signatures match:') ?></p>
- <div id="check-signs">
- <pre class="term">
-<?php if (strlen($product['md5'])): ?>$ md5sum <?php echo basename($download), "\n<strong>", $product['md5'], "</strong>\n"; endif; ?>
-<?php if (strlen($product['sha1'])): ?>$ sha1sum <?php echo basename($download), "\n<strong>", $product['sha1'], "</strong>\n"; endif; ?>
- <p><?php _g('If signatures do not match, <strong>DO NOT use this ISO</strong>. Double-check and try to download again.'); ?></p>
- <!-- TODO (rda): add direct download links to checksum and signature files as a backup. -->
- </div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <p><?php
- echo sprintf(
- _r('Your IP address is %s and you seem to be in %s, %s.'),
- $_SESSION['ip'], $_SESSION['country'], $_SESSION['continent']
- );
- ?></p>
- </div>
- <!-- alternative mirrors table -->
- <table class="dlt2 dlinfo" id="other_mirrors" style="display: none;">
- <thead><tr><th><?php _g('Country'); ?></th>
- <th><?php _g('City'); ?></th>
- <th><?php _g('Download mirrors'); ?></th></tr></thead>
- <tbody><?php echo $alternative_mirrors; ?></tbody>
- </table>
- <hr />
- </div></div>
- <div class="yui-g" style="border-top: 1px solid #ddd;">
- <div class="yui-g first"><div class="para">
- </div></div>
- <div class="yui-g" style="border-left: 1px solid #ddd"><div class="para">
- <p><?php echo sprintf(_r('The making and the distribution of Mageia worldwide is made possible by all the <a href="%s">people and organizations that mirror our software</a> and that <a href="%s">donate money, hardware, hosting and more</a>.'), '//mirrors.mageia.org/', '../../thank-you/'); ?></p>
- <p><?php echo sprintf(_r('Want to help? %sJoin Us!%s'), '<a href="../../contribute/">', '</a>'); ?></p>
- </div></div>
- </div>
- <?php else: ?>
- <div class="yui-g"><div class="para" style="padding-top: 2em;">
- <h2><?php _g('Sorry!'); ?> :-(</h2>
- <p><?php echo sprintf(_r('Your download could not complete, as we could not find this file. Please try again from the <a href="%s">main downloads page</a>.'), '../../downloads/'); ?></p>
- <p><?php echo sprintf(_r('If you still encounter this error and think IT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN &ndash; please tell us:')); ?></p>
- <ul>
- <li><?php _g('directly on <a href="irc://irc.freenode.net/#mageia-atelier">#mageia-atelier on Freenode IRC</a>,'); ?></li>
- <li><?php _g('or <a href="https://twitter.com/mageia_org">via our Twitter account</a>,'); ?></li>
- <li><?php _g('or with a <a href="https://ml.mageia.org/l/info/atelier-discuss">notice on the Atelier team mailing-list</a>,'); ?></li>
- <li><?php _g('or a <a href="https://bugs.mageia.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Websites&amp;format=guided&amp;component=www.mageia.org">bug report</a>.'); ?></li>
- </ul>
- <p><?php _g('Please copy and report us the above address that returned you to this page.'); _g('Thanks!'); ?></p>
- <p><a href="/<?php echo $locale; ?>">&laquo; <?php _g('back to that awesome Mageia home page'); ?></a></p>
- </div></div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </div>
-document.getElementById("other_mirrors_btn").onclick = function () {
- var el = document.getElementById("other_mirrors");
- el.style.display = (el.style.display != 'none' ? 'none' : '' );
-<div class="yui-gb" style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc; background:#f8fcff; text-align: center;">
- <div class="yui-u first"><div class="para" style="background: transparent;">
- <a href="https://twitter.com/mageia_org" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="true" data-lang="<?php echo $locale; ?>">Follow @mageia_org</a>
- <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>
- </div></div>
- <div class="yui-u"><div class="para" style="background: transparent;">
- <g:plusone href="//mageia.org/"></g:plusone>
- </div></div>
- <div class="yui-u"><div class="para" style="background: transparent;">
- <div id="fb-root"></div><script src="//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script><fb:facepile href="facebook.com/Mageia" width="270" max_rows="1"></fb:facepile>
- </div></div>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js">
- {lang: '<?php echo $locale; ?>'}