path: root/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm
diff options
authorBuchan Milne <buchan@mageia.org>2010-10-26 14:51:48 +0000
committerBuchan Milne <buchan@mageia.org>2010-10-26 14:51:48 +0000
commit601b41083cf7c2186ecce70ec07aebdb9310edd6 (patch)
tree23d14b17ec560316d94f0d840f47a4ae48e9d7b3 /lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm
parent195308dcc10a015aaae5fd1f1bd0be817c2127bd (diff)
Clean up repo
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm b/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41fe412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/CatDap/Controller/user.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+package CatDap::Controller::user;
+use Moose;
+use namespace::autoclean;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use Net::LDAP::Schema;
+use Net::LDAP::Extension::SetPassword;
+use Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy 0.02;
+use Crypt::CBC;
+use Data::Dumper;
+BEGIN {extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
+=head1 NAME
+CatDap::Controller::user - Catalyst Controller
+Catalyst Controller.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 auto
+Ensure the user is logged in. In order to bind as the user, we use
+CatDap::Model::User, which uses Catalyst::Model::LDAP::FromAuthentication,
+which effectively requires calling $c->authenticate on every request.
+To do this, we keep the password, encrypted with blowfish, using the
+(for now), first 3 octets of IPv4 request address and the session id as the key.
+So, if the user does "not exist", we authenticate them, if it succeeds we encrypt
+the password and store it in the session.
+If the user is logged in, we get the encrypted password from the session, decrypt
+it (we need to handle failure to decrypt it better)
+sub auto : Private {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ my $cipher;
+ my $password;
+ my $mesg;
+ my $dn;
+ my $keyprefix = sprintf("%02x%02x%02x",split /\./,$c->req->address);
+ $c->log->info("Using $keyprefix as first part of enc key");
+ if (! defined $c->user) {
+ $c->log->info("No session, logging user in");
+ if (! $c->authenticate({ username => $c->req->param('username'),
+ password => $c->req->param('password') || $c->req->param('key')}) ) {
+ #TODO: ppolicy ....
+ $c->stash(errors => ['Incorrect username or password']);
+ $c->stash(template => 'index.tt');
+ $c->forward('/index');
+ $c->detach;
+ } else {
+ #if (defined $c->user->pwdReset) {
+ # $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ #}
+ #$c->persist_user;
+ $c->log->info('Logging user in to LDAP');
+ $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key => $keyprefix . $c->sessionid,
+ -cipher => 'Blowfish'
+ ) or die $!;
+ $c->session->{enc_password} = $cipher->encrypt($c->req->param('password') || $c->req->param('key'));
+ $c->session->{dn} = $c->user->ldap_entry->dn;
+ $c->session->{user} = $c->req->param('username');
+ $password = $c->req->param('password') || $c->req->param('key');
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key => $keyprefix . $c->sessionid,
+ -cipher => 'Blowfish'
+ ) or die $!;
+ $password = $cipher->decrypt($c->session->{enc_password});
+ $c->log->info("Re-authenticating user " . $c->session->{user});
+ $c->authenticate({username => $c->session->{user},password => $password});
+ $c->log->info($@) if $@;
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head2 index
+sub index :Path :Args(0) {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ my $cipher;
+ my $password;
+ my $mesg;
+ my $dn;
+ if (not defined $c->user ) {
+ $c->stash(template => 'index.tt');
+ $c->forward('/index');
+ $c->detach;
+ }
+ my $schemaldap = Net::LDAP->new(${$c->config}{'Model::Proxy'}{'host'}) or warn "LDAP bind failed: $!";
+ $schemaldap->start_tls if ${$c->config}{'Model::Proxy'}{'start_tls'};
+ $schemaldap->bind;
+ my $schema = $schemaldap->schema or die ("Searching schema failed: $!");
+ my $attrdef;
+ my $user = $c->user->username;
+ my $entry;
+ $c->log->info("Searching for user $user");
+ $mesg = $c->model('User')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$user))");
+ $entry = $mesg->entry;
+ my %mods;
+ my %params = %{$c->req->parameters};
+ my $update = 0;
+ foreach my $req (keys %params) {
+ next if $req !~ /(.+)_new/;
+ my $attrname = $1;
+ next if $params{$attrname . '_new'} eq $params{$attrname . '_old'};
+ $c->log->info("Received update request for attribute $attrname");
+ $update = 1;
+ $attrdef = $schema->attribute($attrname) or die ("getting schema failed: $!");
+ if ($$attrdef{'single-value'}) {
+ $entry->replace($attrname => $params{$attrname . '_new' }) or $c->log->info($!);
+ } else {
+ $entry->delete($attrname => $params{$attrname . '_old'});
+ $entry->add($attrname => $params{$attrname . '_new'});
+ }
+ if ($update) {
+ $mesg = $entry->update;
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
+ }
+ }
+ $mesg = $c->model('User')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$user))");
+ $c->log->info($mesg->error) if $mesg->code;
+ $entry = $mesg->entry;
+ $c->log->info($mesg->error) if $mesg->code;
+ my @values;
+ my @attributes = $entry->attributes;
+ my @may;
+ my @addable_attrs = @attributes;
+ my @ocs;
+ my @must;
+ @ocs = $entry->get_value("objectClass");
+ foreach my $oc (@ocs) {
+ foreach my $attr ($schema->must($oc)) {
+ push @must,$$attr{'name'} if not grep /$$attr{'name'}/,@must;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $attr (sort @attributes) {
+ next if ($attr eq "objectClass");
+ next if grep /$attr/,@{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'skip_attrs'}};
+ my @vals = $entry->get_value($attr);
+ $attrdef = $schema->attribute($attr) or die ("getting schema failed: $!");
+ my %valhash = (
+ name => $attr,
+ values => \@vals,
+ desc => $$attrdef{'desc'},
+ );
+ if (! grep /^$attr$/, @{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'uneditable_attrs'}}) {
+ $valhash{'editable'} = 1;
+ }
+ if (! $$attrdef{'single-value'} && $valhash{'editable'}) { $valhash{'addable'} = 1; }
+ if (! grep /$attr/,@must) { $valhash{'removable'} = 1; }
+ push @values, \%valhash;
+ }
+ foreach my $oc (@ocs) {
+ foreach my $attrdef ($schema->may($oc)) {
+ my $attrname = $$attrdef{'name'};
+ grep /$attrname/,@may or
+ grep /$attrname/,@attributes or
+ grep /$attrname/,@{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'uneditable_attrs'}} or
+ grep /$attrname/,@{${$c->config}{'Controller::User'}{'skip_attrs'}} or
+ push @may, $attrname;
+ }
+ }
+ @may = sort @may;
+ $c->stash({ username => $user,
+ values => \@values,
+ attrdef => $attrdef,
+ may => \@may,
+ must => \@must,
+ });
+sub add : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c) = @_;
+ my ($mesg,$entry,$user,$attr,$value);
+ $attr = $c->req->param('attribute');
+ $value = $c->req->param('value');
+ $user = $c->user->username;
+ $c->log->info("Searching for user $user");
+ $mesg = $c->model('User')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$user))");
+ $entry = $mesg->entry;
+ $entry->add( $attr => $value);
+ $c->log->info("Adding $attr = $value to user $user");
+ $entry->update;
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
+ $c->log->info($mesg->error);
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+sub delete : Local : Args(2) {
+ my ( $self, $c, $attrname,$attrvalue) = @_;
+ my ($mesg,$entry,$user);
+ $user = $c->user->username;
+ $c->log->info("Searching for user $user");
+ $mesg = $c->model('User')->search("(&(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)(uid=$user))");
+ $entry = $mesg->entry;
+ $c->log->info("Deleting $attrname = $attrvalue from user $user");
+ $entry->delete($attrname => $attrvalue);
+ $entry->update;
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},$mesg->error if $mesg->code;
+ $c->log->info($mesg->error);
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+sub password : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c) = @_;
+ my ($mesg,$newpass,$cipher);
+ if ( not defined $c->req->param('password') or not defined $c->req->param('newpassword1') or not defined $c->req->param('newpassword2')) {
+ #if ( not defined $c->req->param('newpassword1') or not defined $c->req->param('newpassword2')) {
+ $c->detach;
+ }
+ if ($c->req->param('newpassword1') eq $c->req->param('newpassword2')) {
+ $newpass = $c->req->param('newpassword1');
+ } else {
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},"New passwords dont match";
+ }
+ my $pp = Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy->new;
+ $mesg = $c->model('User')->set_password(
+ oldpasswd => $c->req->param('password'),
+ newpasswd => $newpass,
+ control => [ $pp ],
+ );
+ if ($mesg->code) {
+ my $perror = $mesg->error;
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},"Password change failed: $perror";
+ $c->detach;
+ } else {
+ # re-encrypt the new password and forward to user view
+ my $keyprefix = sprintf("%02x%02x%02x",split /\./,$c->req->address);
+ $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key => $keyprefix . $c->sessionid,
+ -cipher => 'Blowfish'
+ ) or die $!;
+ $c->session->{enc_password} = $cipher->encrypt($newpass);
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},"Password change succeeded";
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ }
+sub firstlogin : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ my ($mesg,$newpass,$cipher);
+ if (! $c->authenticate({
+ username => $c->req->param('username'),
+ password => $c->req->param('key')}) ) {
+ $c->stash(errors => ['An error occurred']);
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ }
+ if ( not defined $c->req->param('newpassword1') or not defined $c->req->param('newpassword2')) {
+ $c->detach;
+ }
+ if ($c->req->param('newpassword1') eq $c->req->param('newpassword2')) {
+ $newpass = $c->req->param('newpassword1');
+ } else {
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},"New passwords dont match";
+ }
+ my $pp = Net::LDAP::Control::PasswordPolicy->new;
+ $mesg = $c->model('User')->set_password(
+ #oldpasswd => $c->req->param('password'),
+ newpasswd => $newpass,
+ control => [ $pp ],
+ );
+ if ($mesg->code) {
+ my $perror = $mesg->error;
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},"Password change failed: $perror";
+ $c->detach;
+ } else {
+ # re-encrypt the new password and forward to user view
+ my $keyprefix = sprintf("%02x%02x%02x",split /\./,$c->req->address);
+ $cipher = Crypt::CBC->new( -key => $keyprefix . $c->sessionid,
+ -cipher => 'Blowfish'
+ ) or die $!;
+ $c->session->{enc_password} = $cipher->encrypt($newpass);
+ push @{${$c->stash}{'errors'}},"Password change succeeded";
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ }
+sub login : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ if ($c->authenticate({ username => $c->req->param('username'),
+ password => $c->req->param('password') || $c->req->param('key')}) ) {
+ $c->res->redirect('/user');
+ } else {
+ #TODO: ppolicy ....
+ $c->stash(errors => ['Incorrect username or password']);
+ $c->stash(template => 'index.tt');
+ $c->forward('/index');
+ }
+ return $c->error;
+sub logout : Local {
+ my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
+ $c->delete_session;
+ $c->res->redirect('/');
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Buchan Milne
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.