path: root/phpBB
diff options
authorMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2006-09-02 13:53:50 +0000
committerMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2006-09-02 13:53:50 +0000
commit609744041be8d00ab705b1cc4eec24fe717e15d9 (patch)
tree23ce162570b455a19f67fa1fde589c9a73100710 /phpBB
parentf3b545bb593b61611883084dc91d279b93d8e21c (diff)
our new update_to_latest.php file replacement. ;)
Please note that even if the file is now in CVS it does not mean we provide an update path from Beta2 to any other version. git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@6348 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB')
1 files changed, 752 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/install/database_update.php b/phpBB/install/database_update.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29272964f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/install/database_update.php
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+* @package install
+* @version $Id$
+* @copyright (c) 2006 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+$updates_to_version = '3.0.B2';
+if (defined('IN_PHPBB') && defined('IN_INSTALL'))
+ return;
+define('IN_PHPBB', true);
+define('IN_INSTALL', true);
+$phpbb_root_path = './../';
+$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
+// Report all errors, except notices
+//error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
+// Include essential scripts
+include($phpbb_root_path . 'config.' . $phpEx);
+if (!isset($dbms))
+ die("Please read: <a href='../docs/INSTALL.html'>INSTALL.html</a> before attempting to update.");
+// Load Extensions
+if (!empty($load_extensions))
+ $load_extensions = explode(',', $load_extensions);
+ foreach ($load_extensions as $extension)
+ {
+ @dl(trim($extension));
+ }
+// Include files
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acm/acm_' . $acm_type . '.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/cache.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/template.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/session.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/auth.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants.' . $phpEx);
+require($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/db/' . $dbms . '.' . $phpEx);
+$cache = new cache();
+$db = new $sql_db();
+// Connect to DB
+$db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport, false);
+// We do not need this any longer, unset for safety purposes
+$sql = "SELECT config_value
+ WHERE config_name = 'default_lang'";
+$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+// And finally, load the relevant language files
+include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $row['config_value'] . '/common.' . $phpEx);
+include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $row['config_value'] . '/acp/common.' . $phpEx);
+include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/' . $row['config_value'] . '/install.' . $phpEx);
+// Set PHP error handler to ours
+// Define some variables for the database update
+// Database column types mapping
+$dbms_type_map = array(
+ 'mysql' => array('INT:' => 'int(%d)', 'BINT' => 'bigint(20)', 'UINT' => 'mediumint(8) UNSIGNED', 'UINT:' => 'int(%d) UNSIGNED', 'TINT:' => 'tinyint(%d)', 'USINT' => 'smallint(4) UNSIGNED', 'BOOL' => 'tinyint(1) UNSIGNED', 'VCHAR' => 'varchar(255)', 'VCHAR:' => 'varchar(%d)', 'CHAR:' => 'char(%d)', 'XSTEXT' => 'text', 'STEXT' => 'text', 'TEXT' => 'text', 'MTEXT' => 'mediumtext', 'TIMESTAMP' => 'int(11) UNSIGNED', 'DECIMAL' => 'decimal(5,2)', 'VCHAR_BIN' => 'varchar(252) /*!40101 CHARACTER SET utf8 */ BINARY', 'VCHAR_CI' => 'varchar(252)', 'VARBINARY' => 'varbinary(255)'),
+ 'mssql' => array('INT:' => '[int]', 'BINT' => '[float]', 'UINT' => '[int]', 'UINT:' => '[int]', 'TINT:' => '[int]', 'USINT' => '[int]', 'BOOL' => '[int]', 'VCHAR' => '[varchar] (255)', 'VCHAR:' => '[varchar] (%d)', 'CHAR:' => '[char] (%d)', 'XSTEXT' => '[varchar] (1000)', 'STEXT' => '[varchar] (3000)', 'TEXT' => '[varchar] (8000)', 'MTEXT' => '[text]', 'TIMESTAMP' => '[int]', 'DECIMAL' => '[float]', 'VCHAR_BIN' => '[nvarchar] (252)', 'VCHAR_CI' => '[varchar] (252)','VARBINARY' => '[varbinary] (255)'),
+ 'oracle' => array('INT:' => 'number(%d)','BINT' => 'number(20)', 'UINT' => 'number(8)', 'UINT:' => 'number(%d)', 'TINT:' => 'number(%d)', 'USINT' => 'number(4)', 'BOOL' => 'number(1)', 'VCHAR' => 'varchar2(255)', 'VCHAR:' => 'varchar2(%d)', 'CHAR:' => 'char(%d)', 'XSTEXT' => 'varchar2(1000)', 'STEXT' => 'varchar2(3000)', 'TEXT' => 'clob', 'MTEXT' => 'clob', 'TIMESTAMP' => 'number(11)', 'DECIMAL' => 'number(5, 2)', 'VCHAR_BIN' => 'nvarchar2(252)', 'VCHAR_CI' => 'varchar2(252)', 'VARBINARY' => 'raw(255)'),
+ 'sqlite' => array('INT:' => 'int(%d)', 'BINT' => 'bigint(20)', 'UINT' => 'INTEGER UNSIGNED', 'UINT:' => 'INTEGER UNSIGNED', 'TINT:' => 'tinyint(%d)', 'USINT' => 'INTEGER UNSIGNED', 'BOOL' => 'INTEGER UNSIGNED', 'VCHAR' => 'varchar(255)', 'VCHAR:' => 'varchar(%d)', 'CHAR:' => 'char(%d)', 'XSTEXT' => 'text(65535)', 'STEXT' => 'text(65535)', 'TEXT' => 'text(65535)', 'MTEXT' => 'mediumtext(16777215)', 'TIMESTAMP' => 'INTEGER UNSIGNED', 'DECIMAL' => 'decimal(5,2)', 'VCHAR_BIN' => 'nvarchar(252)', 'VCHAR_CI' => 'varchar(252)', 'VARBINARY' => 'blob'),
+ 'postgres' => array('INT:' => 'INT4', 'BINT' => 'INT8', 'UINT' => 'INT4', 'UINT:' => 'INT4', 'TINT:' => 'INT2', 'USINT' => 'INT2', 'BOOL' => 'INT2', 'VCHAR' => 'varchar(255)', 'VCHAR:' => 'varchar(%d)', 'CHAR:' => 'char(%d)', 'XSTEXT' => 'varchar(1000)', 'STEXT' => 'varchar(3000)', 'TEXT' => 'varchar(8000)', 'MTEXT' => 'TEXT', 'TIMESTAMP' => 'INT4', 'DECIMAL' => 'decimal(5,2)', 'VCHAR_BIN' => 'varchar(252)', 'VCHAR_CI' => 'varchar_ci', 'VARBINARY' => 'bytea'),
+// A list of types being unsigned for better reference in some db's
+$unsigned_types = array('UINT', 'UINT:', 'USINT', 'BOOL', 'TIMESTAMP');
+// Only an example, but also commented out
+$database_update_info = array(
+ // Changes within this version
+ '3.0.b3' => array(
+ // Change the following columns...
+ 'change_columns' => array(
+ USERS_TABLE => array(
+ 'user_avatar_width' => array('USINT', 0),
+ 'user_avatar_height' => array('USINT', 0),
+ ),
+ ),
+ // Add the following columns
+ 'add_columns' => array(
+ TOPICS_TABLE => array(
+ 'topic_first_poster_colour' => array('VCHAR:6', ''),
+ 'topic_last_poster_colour' => array('VCHAR:6', ''),
+ ),
+ FORUMS_TABLE => array(
+ 'forum_last_poster_colour' => array('VCHAR:6', ''),
+ ),
+ ),
+ ),
+ // Latest version
+ '3.0.0' => array(),
+// Determine mapping database type
+$map_dbms = SQL_LAYER;
+switch (SQL_LAYER)
+ case 'mysql':
+ case 'mysql4':
+ case 'mysqli':
+ $map_dbms = 'mysql';
+ break;
+ case 'mssql':
+ case 'mssql_odbc':
+ $map_dbms = 'mssql';
+ break;
+$error_ary = array();
+$errored = false;
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="<?php echo $lang['DIRECTION']; ?>">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $lang['DIRECTION']; ?>" />
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
+<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
+<title><?php echo $lang['UPDATING_TO_LATEST_STABLE']; ?></title>
+<link href="../adm/style/admin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
+<div id="wrap">
+ <div id="page-header">&nbsp;</div>
+ <div id="page-body">
+ <div class="panel">
+ <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
+ <div id="content">
+ <div id="main">
+ <h1><?php echo $lang['UPDATING_TO_LATEST_STABLE']; ?></h1>
+ <br />
+ <p><?php echo $lang['DATABASE_TYPE']; ?> :: <strong><?php echo SQL_LAYER; ?></strong><br />
+$sql = "SELECT config_value
+ WHERE config_name = 'version'";
+$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+echo $lang['PREVIOUS_VERSION'] . ' :: <strong>' . $row['config_value'] . '</strong><br />';
+echo $lang['UPDATED_VERSION'] . ' :: <strong>' . $updates_to_version . '</strong>';
+$current_version = strtolower($row['config_value']);
+$latest_version = strtolower($updates_to_version);
+// Schema updates
+ </p><br /><br />
+ <h1><?php echo $lang['UPDATE_DATABASE_SCHEMA']; ?></h1>
+ <br />
+ <p><?php echo $lang['PROGRESS']; ?> :: <strong>
+// We go through the schema changes from the lowest to the highest version
+// We skip those versions older than the current version
+$no_updates = true;
+foreach ($database_update_info as $version => $schema_changes)
+ if (version_compare($version, $current_version, '<'))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!sizeof($schema_changes))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $no_updates = false;
+ // Change columns?
+ if (!empty($schema_changes['change_columns']))
+ {
+ foreach ($schema_changes['change_columns'] as $table => $columns)
+ {
+ foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_data)
+ {
+ sql_column_change($map_dbms, $table, $column_name, $column_data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add columns?
+ if (!empty($schema_changes['add_columns']))
+ {
+ foreach ($schema_changes['add_columns'] as $table => $columns)
+ {
+ foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_data)
+ {
+ // Only add the column if it does not exist yet
+ if (!column_exists($map_dbms, $table, $column_name))
+ {
+ sql_column_add($map_dbms, $table, $column_name, $column_data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+_write_result($no_updates, $errored, $error_ary);
+// Data updates
+$error_ary = array();
+$errored = $no_updates = false;
+<br /><br />
+<h1><?php echo $lang['UPDATING_DATA']; ?></h1>
+<br />
+<p><?php echo $lang['PROGRESS']; ?> :: <strong>
+switch ($current_version)
+ case '3.0.b3':
+ $sql = 'SELECT forum_id
+ $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ $forum_ids = array();
+ while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
+ {
+ $forum_ids[] = $row['forum_id'];
+ }
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ if (sizeof($forum_ids))
+ {
+ // Since we changed the last post informations we need to sync a bit...
+ sync('forum', 'forum_id', $forum_ids, true);
+ // Sync topics
+ sync('topic', 'forum_id', $forum_ids, true);
+ }
+ // No need to change here, before no break should appear
+ break;
+ case '3.0.0':
+ default:
+ $no_updates = true;
+ break;
+_write_result($no_updates, $errored, $error_ary);
+$error_ary = array();
+$errored = $no_updates = false;
+<br /><br />
+<h1><?php echo $lang['UPDATE_VERSION_OPTIMIZE']; ?></h1>
+<br />
+<p><?php echo $lang['PROGRESS']; ?> :: <strong>
+/* update the version
+$sql = "UPDATE " . CONFIG_TABLE . "
+ SET config_value = '$updates_to_version'
+ WHERE config_name = 'version'";
+_sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+// Optimize/vacuum analyze the tables where appropriate
+// this should be done for each version in future along with
+// the version number update
+switch (SQL_LAYER)
+ case 'mysql':
+ case 'mysql4':
+ $sql = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $table_prefix . 'auth_access, ' . $table_prefix . 'banlist, ' . $table_prefix . 'categories, ' . $table_prefix . 'config, ' . $table_prefix . 'disallow, ' . $table_prefix . 'forum_prune, ' . $table_prefix . 'forums, ' . $table_prefix . 'groups, ' . $table_prefix . 'posts, ' . $table_prefix . 'posts_text, ' . $table_prefix . 'privmsgs, ' . $table_prefix . 'privmsgs_text, ' . $table_prefix . 'ranks, ' . $table_prefix . 'search_results, ' . $table_prefix . 'search_wordlist, ' . $table_prefix . 'search_wordmatch, ' . $table_prefix . 'sessions_keys' . $table_prefix . 'smilies, ' . $table_prefix . 'themes, ' . $table_prefix . 'themes_name, ' . $table_prefix . 'topics, ' . $table_prefix . 'topics_watch, ' . $table_prefix . 'user_group, ' . $table_prefix . 'users, ' . $table_prefix . 'vote_desc, ' . $table_prefix . 'vote_results, ' . $table_prefix . 'vote_voters, ' . $table_prefix . 'words';
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'postgresql':
+ _sql("VACUUM ANALYZE", $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+_write_result($no_updates, $errored, $error_ary);
+<br />
+<h1><?php echo $lang['UPDATE_COMPLETED']; ?></h1>
+<br />
+<p style="color:red"><?php echo $lang['UPDATE_FILES_NOTICE']; ?></p>
+<p><?php echo $lang['COMPLETE_LOGIN_TO_BOARD']; ?></p>
+// Now we purge the session table as well as all cache files
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="page-footer">
+ Powered by phpBB &copy; 2006 <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/">phpBB Group</a>
+ </div>
+* Function for triggering an sql statement
+function _sql($sql, &$errored, &$error_ary, $echo_dot = true)
+ global $db;
+ $db->sql_return_on_error(true);
+ $result = $db->sql_query($sql);
+ if ($db->sql_error_triggered)
+ {
+ $errored = true;
+ $error_ary['sql'][] = $db->sql_error_sql;
+ $error_ary['error_code'][] = $db->_sql_error();
+ }
+ $db->sql_return_on_error(false);
+ if ($echo_dot)
+ {
+ echo ". \n";
+ flush();
+ }
+ return $result;
+function _write_result($no_updates, $errored, $error_ary)
+ global $lang;
+ if ($no_updates)
+ {
+ echo ' ' . $lang['NO_UPDATES_REQUIRED'] . '</strong></p>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo ' <span class="success">' . $lang['DONE'] . '</span></strong><br />' . $lang['RESULT'] . ' :: ';
+ if ($errored)
+ {
+ echo ' <strong>' . $lang['SOME_QUERIES_FAILED'] . '</strong> <ul>';
+ for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($error_ary['sql']); $i++)
+ {
+ echo '<li>' . $lang['ERROR'] . ' :: <strong>' . $error_ary['error_code'][$i]['message'] . '</strong><br />';
+ echo $lang['SQL'] . ' :: <strong>' . $error_ary['sql'][$i] . '</strong><br /><br /></li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ul> <br /><br />' . $lang['SQL_FAILURE_EXPLAIN'] . '</p>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo '<strong>' . $lang['NO_ERRORS'] . '</strong></p>';
+ }
+ }
+* Check if a specified column exist
+function column_exists($dbms, $table, $column_name)
+ global $db;
+ $db->sql_return_on_error(true);
+ $sql = "SELECT $column_name FROM $table";
+ $result = $db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
+ $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $error = ($db->sql_error_triggered) ? true : false;
+ $db->sql_return_on_error(false);
+ return (!$error) ? true : false;
+* Function to prepare some column informations for better usage
+function prepare_column_data($dbms, $column_data)
+ global $dbms_type_map, $unsigned_types;
+ // Get final column type...
+ if (strpos($column_data[0], ':') !== false)
+ {
+ list($orig_column_type, $column_length) = explode(':', $column_data[0]);
+ $column_type = sprintf($dbms_type_map[$dbms][$orig_column_type . ':'], $column_length);
+ $orig_column_type .= ':';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $orig_column_type = $column_data[0];
+ $column_type = $dbms_type_map[$dbms][$column_data[0]];
+ }
+ // Adjust default value if db-dependant specified
+ if (is_array($column_data[1]))
+ {
+ $column_data[1] = (isset($column_data[1][$dbms])) ? $column_data[1][$dbms] : $column_data[1]['default'];
+ }
+ $sql = '';
+ switch ($dbms)
+ {
+ case 'firebird':
+ $sql .= " {$column_type} ";
+ if (!is_null($column_data[1]))
+ {
+ $sql .= 'DEFAULT ' . ((is_numeric($column_data[1])) ? $column_data[1] : "'{$column_data[1]}'") . ' ';
+ }
+ $sql .= "NOT NULL";
+ break;
+ case 'mssql':
+ $sql .= " {$column_type} ";
+ if (!is_null($column_data[1]))
+ {
+ // For hexadecimal values do not use single quotes
+ if (strpos($column_data[1], '0x') === 0)
+ {
+ $sql .= 'DEFAULT (' . $column_data[1] . ') ';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql .= 'DEFAULT (' . ((is_numeric($column_data[1])) ? $column_data[1] : "'{$column_data[1]}'") . ') ';
+ }
+ }
+ $sql .= 'NOT NULL';
+ break;
+ case 'mysql':
+ $sql .= " {$column_type} ";
+ // For hexadecimal values do not use single quotes
+ if (!is_null($column_data[1]))
+ {
+ $sql .= (strpos($column_data[1], '0x') === 0) ? "DEFAULT {$column_data[1]} " : "DEFAULT '{$column_data[1]}' ";
+ }
+ $sql .= 'NOT NULL';
+ break;
+ case 'oracle':
+ $sql .= " {$column_type} ";
+ $sql .= (!is_null($column_data[1])) ? "DEFAULT '{$column_data[1]}' " : '';
+ // In Oracle empty strings ('') are treated as NULL.
+ // Therefore in oracle we allow NULL's for all DEFAULT '' entries
+ $sql .= ($column_data[1] === '') ? '' : 'NOT NULL';
+ break;
+ case 'postgres':
+ $sql .= " {$column_type} ";
+ $sql .= (!is_null($column_data[1])) ? "DEFAULT '{$column_data[1]}' " : '';
+ $sql .= 'NOT NULL';
+ // Unsigned? Then add a CHECK contraint
+ if (in_array($orig_column_type, $unsigned_types))
+ {
+ $sql .= " CHECK ({$column_name} >= 0)";
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'sqlite':
+ $sql .= ' ' . $column_type . ' NOT NULL ';
+ $sql .= (!is_null($column_data[1])) ? "DEFAULT '{$column_data[1]}'" : '';
+ break;
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'column_type_sql' => $sql,
+ );
+* Add new column
+function sql_column_add($dbms, $table_name, $column_name, $column_data)
+ global $errored, $error_ary;
+ $column_data = prepare_column_data($dbms, $column_data);
+ switch ($dbms)
+ {
+ case 'firebird':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE "' . $table_name . '" ADD "' . $column_name . '" ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'mssql':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE [' . $table_name . '] ADD [' . $column_name . '] ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'mysql':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table_name . '` ADD COLUMN `' . $column_name . '` ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'oracle':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_name . ' ADD ' . $column_name . ' ' . $coumn_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'postgres':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_name . ' ADD COLUMN "' . $column_name . '" ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'sqlite':
+ if (version_compare(sqlite_libversion(), '3.0') == -1)
+ {
+ $sql = "SELECT sql
+ FROM sqlite_master
+ WHERE type = 'table'
+ AND name = '{$table_name}'
+ ORDER BY type DESC, name;";
+ $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ if (!$result)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $db->sql_transaction('begin');
+ // Create a backup table and populate it, destroy the existing one
+ $db->sql_query(preg_replace('#CREATE\s+TABLE\s+"?' . $table_name . '"?#i', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $table_name . '_temp', $row['sql']));
+ $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . '_temp SELECT * FROM ' . $table_name);
+ $db->sql_query('DROP TABLE ' . $table_name);
+ preg_match('#\((.*)\)#s', $row['sql'], $matches);
+ $new_table_cols = trim($matches[1]);
+ $old_table_cols = preg_split('/,(?=[\\sa-z])/im', $new_table_cols);
+ $column_list = array();
+ foreach ($old_table_cols as $declaration)
+ {
+ $entities = preg_split('#\s+#', trim($declaration));
+ if ($entities == 'PRIMARY')
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $column_list[] = $entities[0];
+ }
+ $columns = implode(',', $column_list);
+ $new_table_cols = $column_name . ' ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'] . ',' . $new_table_cols;
+ // create a new table and fill it up. destroy the temp one
+ $db->sql_query('CREATE TABLE ' . $table_name . ' (' . $new_table_cols . ');');
+ $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (' . $columns . ') SELECT ' . $columns . ' FROM ' . $table_name . '_temp;');
+ $db->sql_query('DROP TABLE ' . $table_name . '_temp');
+ $db->sql_transaction('commit');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_name . ' ADD ' . $column_name . ' [' . $colum_data['column_type_sql'] . ']';
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+* Change column type (not name!)
+function sql_column_change($dbms, $table_name, $column_name, $column_data)
+ global $dbms_type_map, $db;
+ $column_data = prepare_column_data($dbms, $column_data);
+ switch ($dbms)
+ {
+ case 'firebird':
+ // Change type...
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE "' . $table_name . '" ALTER COLUMN "' . $column_name . '" TYPE ' . ' ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'mssql':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE [' . $table_name . '] ALTER COLUMN [' . $column_name . '] ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'mysql':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `' . $table_name . '` CHANGE `' . $column_name . '` `' . $column_name . '` ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'oracle':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_name . ' MODIFY ' . $column_name . ' ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'postgres':
+ $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $table_name . ' ALTER COLUMN ' . $column_name . ' SET ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ break;
+ case 'sqlite':
+ $sql = "SELECT sql
+ FROM sqlite_master
+ WHERE type = 'table'
+ AND name = '{$table_name}'
+ ORDER BY type DESC, name;";
+ $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary);
+ if (!$result)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
+ $db->sql_freeresult($result);
+ $db->sql_transaction('begin');
+ // Create a temp table and populate it, destroy the existing one
+ $db->sql_query(preg_replace('#CREATE\s+TABLE\s+"?' . $table_name . '"?#i', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . $table_name . '_temp', $row['sql']));
+ $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . '_temp SELECT * FROM ' . $table_name);
+ $db->sql_query('DROP TABLE ' . $table_name);
+ preg_match('#\((.*)\)#s', $row['sql'], $matches);
+ $new_table_cols = trim($matches[1]);
+ $old_table_cols = preg_split('/,(?=[\\sa-z])/im', $new_table_cols);
+ $column_list = array();
+ foreach ($old_table_cols as $key => $declaration)
+ {
+ $entities = preg_split('#\s+#', trim($declaration));
+ $column_list[] = $entities[0];
+ if ($entities[0] == $column_name)
+ {
+ $old_table_cols[$key] = $column_name . ' ' . $column_data['column_type_sql'];
+ }
+ }
+ $columns = implode(',', $column_list);
+ // create a new table and fill it up. destroy the temp one
+ $db->sql_query('CREATE TABLE ' . $table_name . ' (' . implode(',', $old_table_cols) . ');');
+ $db->sql_query('INSERT INTO ' . $table_name . ' (' . $columns . ') SELECT ' . $columns . ' FROM ' . $table_name . '_temp;');
+ $db->sql_query('DROP TABLE ' . $table_name . '_temp');
+ $db->sql_transaction('commit');
+ break;
+ }
+?> \ No newline at end of file