path: root/phpBB/templates
diff options
authorPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-10-15 19:17:51 +0000
committerPaul S. Owen <psotfx@users.sourceforge.net>2001-10-15 19:17:51 +0000
commit8d3b31d59c147cfd2628f9e35cc02357dedb5c87 (patch)
tree7eda18c57b73f05f239ea080a60a89c323d58667 /phpBB/templates
parent235300037e5581d933abcafa72382cd5f794fa14 (diff)
Replaced by faq_body.tpl and the faq language file
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@1209 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/templates')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 601 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/faq.tpl b/phpBB/templates/subSilver/faq.tpl
deleted file mode 100644
index b22e4bc768..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/templates/subSilver/faq.tpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center">
- <tr>
- <td align="left" valign="bottom" colspan="2"><span class="titlemedium">{TOPIC_TITLE}</span><span class="gensmall"><br>
- &nbsp; </span></td>
- </tr>
-<table width="100%" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center">
- <tr>
- <td align="left"><span class="nav"><a href="{U_INDEX}" class="nav">{SITENAME}&nbsp;{L_INDEX}</a></span></td>
- </tr>
-<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center">
- <tr>
- <td align="left" colspan="2" class="forumline">
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">
- <tr>
- <td class="innerline">
- <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge">Frequently Asked Questions</td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="general"> <a href="#register" class="general">Do I
- have to register?</a><br>
- <a href="#smilies" class="general">Can I use smilies?</a><br>
- <a href="#html" class="general">Using HTML</a><br>
- <a href="#bbcode" class="general">Using BB Code</a><br>
- <a href="#mods" class="general">What are moderators?</a><br>
- <a href="#profile" class="general">Can I change my profile?</a><br>
- <a href="#prefs" class="general">Can I customize the bulletin
- board in any way?</a><br>
- <a href="#cookies" class="general">Do you use cookies?</a><br>
- <a href="#edit" class="general">Can I edit my own posts?</a><br>
- <a href="#attach" class="general">Can I attach files?</a><br>
- <a href="#search" class="general">Can I search?</a><br>
- <a href="#signature" class="general">Can I add a signature to
- the end of my posts?</a><br>
- <a href="#announce" class="general">What are announcements?</a><br>
- <a href="#pw" class="general">Is there a username/password retrieval
- system?</a><br>
- <a href="#notify" class="general">Can I be notified by email
- if someone responds to my topic?</a><br>
- <a href="#searchprivate" class="general">Can I search private
- forums?</a><br>
- <a href="#ranks" class="general">What are the ranks in the
- <?php echo $sitename?>
- </a><br>
- <a href="#rednumbers" class="general">Why are icons flaming
- in the topic view?</a> <br>
- <a name="register"></a>&nbsp; </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge">Registering</td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody">Registration is only required on a
- per forum basis. Depending on the how the administrator has
- setup his/her forums some may require you to register in order
- to post, where some may allow you to post anonymously. If anonymous
- posting is allowed you can do so by simply not entering a username
- and password when prompted. Registration is free, and you are
- not required to post your real name. You are required to post
- your actual email address, however it will only be used to email
- you a new password if you have forgotten yours. You also have
- the option to hide you email address from everyone except the
- administrator, it option is selected by default but you can
- allow others to see your email address by selecting the 'Allow
- other users to view my email address' checkbox on the registration
- form. You can register by clicking <a href="<?php echo $url_phpbb?>/bb_register.<?php echo $phpEx?>?mode=agreement">here</a><br>
- <a name="smilies"></a>&nbsp;</font> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge">Smilies</td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> You've probably seen others use smilies
- before in email messages or other bulletin board posts. Smilies
- are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a
- smile :) or a frown :(. This bulletin board automatically converts
- certain smilies to a graphical representation. The following
- smilies are currently supported:<br>
- &nbsp; </font><br>
- <table width="50%" align="CENTER" bgcolor="<?php echo $table_bgcolor?>" cellspaceing=1 border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
- <tr class="cat">
- <td width="100" class="postbody">
- <?php echo $l_smilesym?>
- </td>
- <td width="50%" class="postbody">
- <?php echo $l_smileemotion?>
- </td>
- <td width="55" class="postbody">
- <?php echo $l_smilepict?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- if ($getsmiles = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM smiles")) {
- while ($smile = mysql_fetch_array($getsmiles)) {
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td width="100" class="postbody">
- <?php echo stripslashes($smile[code])?>
- </td>
- <td width="50%" class="postbody">
- <?php echo stripslashes($smile[emotion])?>
- </td>
- <td width="55" class="postbody" align="center"><img src="<?php echo "$url_smiles/$smile[smile_url]";?>">
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- }
- } else
- echo "Could not retrieve from the smile database.";
- </table>
- </table>
- <br>
- <a name="html"></a>&nbsp; </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Using HTML </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="postbody"> You may be able to use HTML in your posts,
- if your administrators and moderators have this option turned
- on. Every time you post a new note, you will be told whether
- BB Code and/or HTML is enabled. If HTML is on, you may use any
- HTML tags, but please be very careful that you proper HTML syntax.
- If you do not, your moderator or administrator may have to edit
- your post.<br>
- <a name="bbcode"></a>&nbsp; </td>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Using BB Code</td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="postbody"> BBCode is a variation on the HTML tags you
- may already be familiar with. Basically, it allows you to add
- functionality or style to your message that would normally require
- HTML. You can use BBCode even if HTML is not enabled for the
- forum you are using. You may want to use BBCode as opposed to
- HTML, even if HTML is enabled for your forum, because there
- is less coding required and it is safer to use (incorrect coding
- syntax will not lead to as many problems).<br>
- <p>
- <table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%" align="CENTER">
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>" align="center">
- <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" bgcolor="<?php echo $table_bgcolor?>">
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="<?php echo $table_bgcolor?>">
- <table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 width=100%>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td> <font class="titlemedium">URL Hyperlinking</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="postbody"> If BBCode is enabled in
- a forum, you no longer need to use the [URL]
- code to create a hyperlink. Simply type the
- complete URL in either of the following manners
- and the hyperlink will be created automatically:
- <ul>
- <li> <font color="#0066FF">http://www.yourURL.com</font>
- <li> <font color="#0066FF">www.yourURL.com</font>
- Notice that you can either use the complete
- http:// address or shorten it to the www
- domain. If the site does not begin with
- "www", you must use the complete "http://"
- address. Also, you may use https and ftp
- URL prefixes in auto-link mode (when BBCode
- is ON).
- <p> The old [URL] code will still work,
- as detailed below. Just encase the link
- as shown in the following example (BBCode
- is in <font color="#FF0000">red</font>).
- <p>
- <center>
- <font color="#FF0000">[url]</font>www.totalgeek.org<font color="#FF0000">[/url]</font>
- </center>
- <p>
- <center>
- </center>
- You can also have true hyperlinks using
- the [url] code. Just use the following
- format: <br>
- <center>
- <font color="#FF0000">[url=http://www.totalgeek.org]</font>totalgeek.org<font color="#FF0000">[/url]</font>
- </center>
- <p> In the examples above, the BBCode
- automatically generates a hyperlink
- to the URL that is encased. It will
- also ensure that the link is opened
- in a new window when the user clicks
- on it. Note that the "http://" part
- of the URL is completely optional. In
- the second example above, the URL will
- hypelink the text to whatever URL you
- provide after the equal sign. Also note
- that you should NOT use quotation marks
- inside the URL tag.
- </ul>
- </td>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td> <font class="titlemedium"> Email Links</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> To add a hyperlinked
- email address within your message, just encase
- the email address as shown in the following
- example (BBCode is in <font color="#FF0000">red</font>).
- </font>
- <p>
- <center>
- <font class="postbody"><font color="#FF0000">[email]</font>james@totalgeek.org<font color="#FF0000">[/email]</font></font>
- </center>
- <p><font class="postbody"> In the example
- above, the BBCode automatically generates
- a hyperlink to the email address that is
- encased. </font>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td> <font class="titlemedium"> Bold and Italics</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> You can make italicized
- text or make text bold by encasing the applicable
- sections of your text with either the [b]
- [/b] or [i] [/i] tags. </font>
- <p>
- <center>
- <font class="postbody"> Hello, <font color="#FF0000">[b]</font><b>James</b><font color="#FF0000">[/b]</font><br>
- Hello, <font color="#FF0000">[i]</font><i>Mary</i><font color="#FF0000">[/i]</font></font>
- </center>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td> <font class="titlemedium"> Bullets/Lists</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="postbody"> You can make bulleted
- lists or ordered lists (by number or letter).
- <p> Unordered, bulleted list:
- <p> <font color="#FF0000">[list]</font> <br>
- <font color="#FF0000">[*]</font> This is
- the first bulleted item.<br>
- <font color="#FF0000">[*]</font> This is
- the second bulleted item.<br>
- <font color="#FF0000">[/list]</font>
- <p> This produces:
- <ul>
- <li> This is the first bulleted item.
- <li> This is the second bulleted item.
- </ul>
- Note that you must include a closing [/list]
- when you end each list.
- <p> Making ordered lists is just as easy.
- Just add either [LIST=A] or [LIST=1]. Typing
- [List=A] will produce a list from A to Z.
- Using [List=1] will produce numbered lists.
- <p> Here's an example:
- <p> <font color="#FF0000">[list=A]</font>
- <br>
- <font color="#FF0000">[*]</font> This is
- the first bulleted item.<br>
- <font color="#FF0000">[*]</font> This is
- the second bulleted item.<br>
- <font color="#FF0000">[/list]</font>
- <p> This produces:
- <ol type=A>
- <li> This is the first bulleted item.
- <li> This is the second bulleted item.
- </ol>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td> <font class="titlemedium"> Adding Images</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> To add a graphic
- within your message, just encase the URL of
- the graphic image as shown in the following
- example (BBCode is in <font color="#FF0000">red</font>).
- </font>
- <p>
- <center>
- <font class="postbody"><font color="#FF0000">[img]</font>http://www.totalgeek.org/images/tline.gif<font color="#FF0000">[/img]</font></font>
- </center>
- <p><font class="postbody"> In the example
- above, the BBCode automatically makes the
- graphic visible in your message. Note: the
- "http://" part of the URL is REQUIRED for
- the <font color="#FF0000">[img]</font> code.
- </font>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td> <font class="titlemedium"> Quoting Other
- Messages</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> To reference something
- specific that someone has posted, just cut
- and paste the applicable verbiage and enclose
- it as shown below (BBCode is in <font color="#FF0000">red</font>).
- </font>
- <p>
- <center>
- <font class="postbody"><font color="#FF0000">[QUOTE]</font>Ask
- not what your country can do for you....<br>
- ask what you can do for your country.<font color="#FF0000">[/QUOTE]</font></font>
- </center>
- <p><font class="postbody"> In the example
- above, the BBCode automatically blockquotes
- the text you reference. </font>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td> <font class="titlemedium"> Code Tag</font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> Similar to the
- Quote tage, the Code tag adds some &lt;PRE&gt;
- tags to preserve formatting. This useful for
- displaying programming code, for instance.
- </font>
- <p> <font class="postbody"><font color="#FF0000">[CODE]</font>#!/usr/bin/perl
- </font>
- <p><font class="postbody"> print "Content-type:
- text/html\n\n"; <br>
- print "Hello World!"; <font color="#FF0000">[/CODE]</font></font>
- <p><font class="postbody"> In the example
- above, the BBCode automatically blockquotes
- the text you reference and preserves the
- formatting of the coded text. </font>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <br>
- <br>
- You must not use both HTML and BBCode to do the same function.
- Also note that the BBCode is not case-sensitive (thus, you could
- use <font color="#FF0000">[URL]</font> or <font color="#FF0000">[url]</font>).
- <p> <font color="#0066FF">Incorrect BBCode Usage:</font>
- <p> <font color="#FF0000">[url]</font> www.totalgeek.org <font color="#FF0000">[/url]</font>
- - don't put spaces between the bracketed code and the text
- you are applying the code to.
- <p> <font color="#FF0000">[email]</font>james@totalgeek.org<font color="#FF0000">[email]</font>
- - the end brackets must include a forward slash (<font color="#FF0000">[/email]</font>)<br>
- <a name="mods"></a> &nbsp;
- </td>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Moderators</td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="postbody">
- <p> Moderators control individual forums. They can edit, delete,
- or prune any posts in their forums. If you have a question
- about a particular forum, you should direct it to your forum
- moderator.</p>
- <p>Admins and forum moderators reserve the right to close or
- delete any post that does not provide a clear and purposefull
- topic. There are many members who still use 28.8 and 56k modems
- that do not have the time to wade through useless and senseless
- topics. </p>
- <p>Anyone who posts just to increase their subBlue design Forums
- stats or post topics out of boredom risk having there topics
- closed, removed and/or membership revoked. </p>
- <p>Try to make the topic wording mirror what is inside the thread.
- Topics like "Check this out!" and "~~\\You have to see this!//~~"
- only attract members to a topic they may not want to read.<br>
- <a name="profile"></a>&nbsp; </p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Changing Your Profile</td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> You may easily change any info stored
- in your registration profile, using the &quot;profile&quot;
- link located near the top of each page. Simply identify yourself
- by typing your username and password, or by logging in, and
- all of your profile information will appear on screen.<br>
- <a name="prefs"></a>&nbsp; </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Customizing Using Preferences </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> As a registered bulletin board user,
- you may store your username in memory for up to one year at
- a time. By doing this we create a way to keep track of who you
- are when you visit the forum, therefor you can customize the
- look of the forum by selecting from the themes that the administration
- has provided. Also, if the administrator allows it you may have
- the option of creating new themes for the fourms. In creating
- a new theme you will be able to set the colors, fonts and font
- sizes on the board, however at this time only the administrator
- may change the images for each theme. When a user creates a
- theme the images from the board's default theme will be selected.
- <br>
- *NOTE: In order to use themes you MUST have cookies enabled.<br>
- <a name="cookies"></a>&nbsp; </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Cookies</td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> This bulletin board uses cookies
- to store the following information: the last time you visited
- the forums, your username, and a unique session ID number when
- you login. These cookies are stored on your browser. If your
- browser does not support cookies, or you have not enabled cookies
- on your browser, none of these time-saving features will work
- properly.<br>
- <a name="edit"></a>&nbsp; </font> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Editing Your Posts </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> You may edit your own posts at any
- time. Just go to the thread where the post to be edited is located
- and you will see an edit icon on the line under your message.
- Click on this icon and edit the post. No one else can edit your
- post, except for the forum moderator or the bulletin board administrator.
- Also, for up to 30 mins after you have posted you message the
- edit post screen will give you the option of deleteing that
- post. After 30 mins however only the moderator and/or administrator
- can remove the post.<br>
- <a name="signature"></a>&nbsp; </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge">Adding Signatures </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="postbody"> You may use a signature on your posts. If
- you click on the profile link at the top of most pages, you
- will be able to edit your profile, including your standard signature.
- Once you have a signature stored, you can choose to include
- it any post you make by checking the &quot;include signature&quot;
- box when you create your post. This bulletin board's administrator
- may elect to turn the signature feature off at any time, however.
- If that is the case, the &quot;include signature&quot; option
- will not appear when you post a note, even if you have stored
- a signature. You may also change your signature at any time
- by changing your profile.
- <p>Note: You may use HTML or <a href="#bbcode">BB Code</a> if
- the admin has enabled these options.<br>
- <a name="attach"></a>&nbsp; </p>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Attaching Files </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> For security reasons, you may not
- attach files to any posts. You may cut and paste text into your
- post, however, or use HTML and/or BB Code (if enabled) to provide
- hyperlinks to outside documents. File attachements will be included
- in a future version of phpBB.<br>
- <a name="search"></a>&nbsp; </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Searching For Specific Posts </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> You may search for specific posts
- based on a word or words found in the posts, a user name, a
- date, and/or a particular forum(s). Just click on the &quot;search&quot;
- link at the top of most pages.<br>
- <a name="announce"></a>&nbsp; </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Announcements </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td class="postbody"> Announcements have not been implemented,
- but are planned in a future release. However, the administrator
- can create a forum where only other administrators and moderators
- can post. This type of forum can easly be used as an announcement
- forum.<br>
- <a name="pw"></a>&nbsp; </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Lost User Name and/or Password </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> In the even that you lose your password
- you can click on the &quot;Forgotten your password?&quot; link
- provided in the message posting screens next to the password
- field. This link will take you to a page where you can fill
- in your username and email address. The system will then email
- a new, randomly generated, password to the email address listed
- in your profile, assuming you supplied the correct email address.<br>
- <a name="notify"></a>&nbsp; </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> Email Notification </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> If you create a new topic, you have
- the option of receiving an email notification every time someone
- posts a reply to your topic. Just check the email notification
- box on the &quot;New Topic&quot; forum when you create your
- new topic if you want to use this feature.<br>
- <a name="searchprivate"></a>&nbsp; </font> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> <b>Can I search private forums?</b> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> Yes, but you cannot read any of the
- posts unless you have the password to the private forum.<br>
- <a name="ranks"></a>&nbsp; </font></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> What are the ranks for the subBlue design
- Forums? </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> The subBlue design Forums have established
- methods to classify their users by activity through the number
- of posts.<br>
- The current ranks are as follows:<br>
- <br>
- <?php
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ranks WHERE rank_special = 0";
- if(!$r = mysql_query($sql, $db)) {
- echo "Error connecting to the database";
- include('page_tail.'.$phpEx);
- exit();
- }
- ?>
- <table border="0" width="<?php echo $TableWidth?>" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" align="CENTER" valign="TOP">
- <tr>
- <td bgcolor="<?php echo $table_bgcolor?>">
- <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
- <tr class="cat" align="CENTER">
- <td><font class="general">&nbsp;Rank Title&nbsp;</font></td>
- <td><font class="general">&nbsp;Minimum Posts&nbsp;</font></td>
- <td><font class="general">&nbsp;Maximum Posts&nbsp;</font></td>
- <td><font class="general">&nbsp;Rank Image</font></td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- if($m = mysql_fetch_array($r)) {
- do {
- echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"$color2\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">";
- echo "<TD><font class=\"postbody\">$m[rank_title]</font></TD>";
- echo "<TD><font class=\"postbody\">$m[rank_min]</font></TD>";
- echo "<TD><font class=\"postbody\">$m[rank_max]</font></TD>";
- if($m[rank_image] != '')
- echo "<TD><img src=\"$url_images/$m[rank_image]\"></TD>";
- else
- echo "<TD>&nbsp;</TD>";
- echo "</TR>";
- } while($m = mysql_fetch_array($r));
- }
- else {
- echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"$color2\" ALIGN=\"CENTER\">";
- echo "<TD COLSPAN=\"4\">No Ranks in the database</TD>";
- echo "</TR>";
- }
- ?>
- </table>
- </table>
- </font> <br>
- <font class="postbody"> The adminstrator also has the option
- of assigning special ranks to any user they choose. The above
- table does not list these special ranks. <br>
- &nbsp; </font> </td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="cat">
- <td class="titlelarge"> <a name="rednumbers"></a>Why are some
- post icons <font color="#FF0033"> <b>flaming</b> </font> in
- the forum view? </td>
- </tr>
- <tr bgcolor="<?php echo $color2?>">
- <td> <font class="postbody"> Flaming icons signify that there
- are
- <?php echo $hot_threshold?>
- or more posts in that thread. It is a warning to slower connections
- that the thread may take some time to load.<br>
- </font></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>