path: root/phpBB/language/en
diff options
authorNils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>2006-05-28 19:06:21 +0000
committerNils Adermann <naderman@naderman.de>2006-05-28 19:06:21 +0000
commitebf4f4ec8e787153e16cc6cec6fc5fefadc97107 (patch)
tree1dd320eb12a0915a11565bbb0b64c699ca6a6e61 /phpBB/language/en
parentb84ebb999d1e7f0340fbb6ff7fbf113be9a81816 (diff)
- added search by author_id to solve problems with looking up posts of users with a name containing wildcards
- user based flood control (seperate limits for users and guests) [Bug #1357] - inform the user about ignored words if he receives a "no words specified" message - solve problems with the number of entries per page [Bug #1973] - different height for popup window ["Bug" #1814] - speed improvements for posting and search reindexing in fulltext_native -> use php files for ignore words and synonyms git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@5981 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/language/en')
6 files changed, 457 insertions, 402 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/search.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/search.php
index 480e56e1ec..cfb3f19504 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/search.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/search.php
@@ -68,10 +68,12 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'PROGRESS_BAR' => 'Progress bar',
+ 'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL' => 'Guest search flood interval',
+ 'SEARCH_GUEST_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds guests must wait between searches. If one guest searches all others have to wait until the time interval passed.',
'SEARCH_INDEX_CREATED' => 'Successfully indexed all posts in the board database',
'SEARCH_INDEX_REMOVED' => 'Successfully deleted the search index for this backend',
- 'SEARCH_INTERVAL' => 'Search Flood Interval',
- 'SEARCH_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches.',
+ 'SEARCH_INTERVAL' => 'User search flood interval',
+ 'SEARCH_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of seconds users must wait between searches. This interval is checked independendly for each user.',
'SEARCH_STORE_RESULTS' => 'Search result cache length',
'SEARCH_STORE_RESULTS_EXPLAIN' => 'Cached search results will expire after this time, in seconds. Set to 0 if you want to disable search cache.',
'SEARCH_TYPE' => 'Search Backend',
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/search.php b/phpBB/language/en/search.php
index 3a80fb5c01..a1d7b77d29 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/search.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/search.php
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'GLOBAL' => 'Global topic',
'IGNORED_TERMS' => 'ignored',
+ 'IGNORED_TERMS_EXPLAIN' => 'The following words in your search query were ignored: <b>%s</b>',
'NO_KEYWORDS' => 'You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least %d characters and must not contain more than %d characters excluding wildcards.',
'NO_RECENT_SEARCHES' => 'No searches have been carried out recently',
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/search_ignore_words.php b/phpBB/language/en/search_ignore_words.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ef17669fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/search_ignore_words.php
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+* search_ignore_words [English]
+* @package language
+* @version $Id$
+* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+$words = array(
+ 'a',
+ 'about',
+ 'after',
+ 'ago',
+ 'all',
+ 'almost',
+ 'along',
+ 'alot',
+ 'also',
+ 'am',
+ 'an',
+ 'and',
+ 'answer',
+ 'any',
+ 'anybody',
+ 'anybodys',
+ 'anywhere',
+ 'are',
+ 'arent',
+ 'around',
+ 'as',
+ 'ask',
+ 'askd',
+ 'at',
+ 'bad',
+ 'be',
+ 'because',
+ 'been',
+ 'before',
+ 'being',
+ 'best',
+ 'better',
+ 'between',
+ 'big',
+ 'btw',
+ 'but',
+ 'by',
+ 'can',
+ 'cant',
+ 'come',
+ 'could',
+ 'couldnt',
+ 'day',
+ 'days',
+ 'days',
+ 'did',
+ 'didnt',
+ 'do',
+ 'does',
+ 'doesnt',
+ 'dont',
+ 'down',
+ 'each',
+ 'etc',
+ 'either',
+ 'else',
+ 'even',
+ 'ever',
+ 'every',
+ 'everybody',
+ 'everybodys',
+ 'everyone',
+ 'far',
+ 'find',
+ 'for',
+ 'found',
+ 'from',
+ 'get',
+ 'go',
+ 'going',
+ 'gone',
+ 'good',
+ 'got',
+ 'gotten',
+ 'had',
+ 'has',
+ 'have',
+ 'havent',
+ 'having',
+ 'her',
+ 'here',
+ 'hers',
+ 'him',
+ 'his',
+ 'home',
+ 'how',
+ 'hows',
+ 'href',
+ 'I',
+ 'Ive',
+ 'if',
+ 'in',
+ 'ini',
+ 'into',
+ 'is',
+ 'isnt',
+ 'it',
+ 'its',
+ 'its',
+ 'just',
+ 'know',
+ 'large',
+ 'less',
+ 'like',
+ 'liked',
+ 'little',
+ 'looking',
+ 'look',
+ 'looked',
+ 'looking',
+ 'lot',
+ 'maybe',
+ 'many',
+ 'me',
+ 'more',
+ 'most',
+ 'much',
+ 'must',
+ 'mustnt',
+ 'my',
+ 'near',
+ 'need',
+ 'never',
+ 'new',
+ 'news',
+ 'no',
+ 'none',
+ 'not',
+ 'nothing',
+ 'now',
+ 'of',
+ 'off',
+ 'often',
+ 'old',
+ 'on',
+ 'once',
+ 'only',
+ 'oops',
+ 'or',
+ 'other',
+ 'our',
+ 'ours',
+ 'out',
+ 'over',
+ 'page',
+ 'please',
+ 'put',
+ 'question',
+ 'questions',
+ 'questioned',
+ 'quote',
+ 'rather',
+ 'really',
+ 'recent',
+ 'said',
+ 'saw',
+ 'say',
+ 'says',
+ 'she',
+ 'see',
+ 'sees',
+ 'should',
+ 'sites',
+ 'small',
+ 'so',
+ 'some',
+ 'something',
+ 'sometime',
+ 'somewhere',
+ 'soon',
+ 'take',
+ 'than',
+ 'true',
+ 'thank',
+ 'that',
+ 'thatd',
+ 'thats',
+ 'the',
+ 'their',
+ 'theirs',
+ 'theres',
+ 'theirs',
+ 'them',
+ 'then',
+ 'there',
+ 'these',
+ 'they',
+ 'theyll',
+ 'theyd',
+ 'theyre',
+ 'this',
+ 'those',
+ 'though',
+ 'through',
+ 'thus',
+ 'time',
+ 'times',
+ 'to',
+ 'too',
+ 'under',
+ 'until',
+ 'untrue',
+ 'up',
+ 'upon',
+ 'use',
+ 'users',
+ 'version',
+ 'very',
+ 'via',
+ 'want',
+ 'was',
+ 'way',
+ 'we',
+ 'well',
+ 'went',
+ 'were',
+ 'werent',
+ 'what',
+ 'when',
+ 'where',
+ 'which',
+ 'who',
+ 'whom',
+ 'whose',
+ 'why',
+ 'wide',
+ 'will',
+ 'with',
+ 'within',
+ 'without',
+ 'wont',
+ 'world',
+ 'worse',
+ 'worst',
+ 'would',
+ 'wrote',
+ 'www',
+ 'yes',
+ 'yet',
+ 'you',
+ 'youd',
+ 'youll',
+ 'your',
+ 'youre',
+ 'yours',
+ 'AFAIK',
+ 'IIRC',
+ 'LOL',
+ 'ROTF',
+ 'YMMV',
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/search_ignore_words.txt b/phpBB/language/en/search_ignore_words.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 131cf67622..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/search_ignore_words.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-YMMV \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/search_synonyms.php b/phpBB/language/en/search_synonyms.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18f0ba40f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/search_synonyms.php
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+* search_synonyms [English]
+* @package language
+* @version $Id$
+* @copyright (c) 2005 phpBB Group
+* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
+$synonyms = array(
+ 'abcense' => 'absence',
+ 'abridgement' => 'abridgment',
+ 'accomodate' => 'accommodate',
+ 'acknowledgment' => 'acknowledgement',
+ 'airplane' => 'aeroplane',
+ 'allright' => 'alright ',
+ 'andy' => 'andrew',
+ 'anemia' => 'anaemia',
+ 'anemic' => 'anaemic',
+ 'anesthesia' => 'anaesthesia',
+ 'appologize' => 'appologise',
+ 'archean' => 'archaean',
+ 'archeology' => 'archaeology',
+ 'archeozoic' => 'archaeozoic',
+ 'armor' => 'armour',
+ 'artic' => 'arctic',
+ 'attachment' => 'attachement',
+ 'attendence' => 'attendance',
+ 'barbecue' => 'barbeque',
+ 'behavior' => 'behaviour',
+ 'biassed' => 'biased',
+ 'biol' => 'biology',
+ 'buletin' => 'bulletin',
+ 'calender' => 'calendar',
+ 'canceled' => 'cancelled',
+ 'car' => 'automobile',
+ 'catalog' => 'catalogue',
+ 'cenozoic' => 'caenozoic',
+ 'center' => 'centre',
+ 'check' => 'cheque',
+ 'color' => 'colour',
+ 'comission' => 'commission',
+ 'comittee' => 'committee',
+ 'commitee' => 'committee',
+ 'conceed' => 'concede',
+ 'creating' => 'createing',
+ 'curiculum' => 'curriculum',
+ 'defense' => 'defence',
+ 'develope' => 'develop',
+ 'discription' => 'description',
+ 'dulness' => 'dullness',
+ 'encyclopedia' => 'encyclopaedia',
+ 'enroll' => 'enrol',
+ 'esthetic' => 'aesthetic',
+ 'etiology' => 'aetiology',
+ 'exhorbitant' => 'exorbitant',
+ 'exhuberant' => 'exuberant',
+ 'existance' => 'existence',
+ 'favorite' => 'favourite',
+ 'fetus' => 'foetus',
+ 'ficticious' => 'fictitious',
+ 'flavor' => 'flavour',
+ 'flourescent' => 'fluorescent',
+ 'foriegn' => 'foreign',
+ 'fourty' => 'forty',
+ 'gage' => 'guage',
+ 'geneology' => 'genealogy',
+ 'grammer' => 'grammar',
+ 'gray' => 'grey',
+ 'guerilla' => 'guerrilla',
+ 'gynecology' => 'gynaecology',
+ 'harbor' => 'harbour',
+ 'heighth' => 'height',
+ 'hemaglobin' => 'haemaglobin',
+ 'hematin' => 'haematin',
+ 'hematite' => 'haematite',
+ 'hematology' => 'haematology',
+ 'honor' => 'honour',
+ 'innoculate' => 'inoculate',
+ 'installment' => 'instalment',
+ 'irrelevent' => 'irrelevant',
+ 'irrevelant' => 'irrelevant',
+ 'jeweler' => 'jeweller',
+ 'judgement' => 'judgment',
+ 'labeled' => 'labelled',
+ 'labor' => 'labour',
+ 'laborer' => 'labourer',
+ 'laborers' => 'labourers',
+ 'laboring' => 'labouring',
+ 'licence' => 'license',
+ 'liesure' => 'leisure',
+ 'liquify' => 'liquefy',
+ 'maintainance' => 'maintenance',
+ 'maintenence' => 'maintenance',
+ 'medieval' => 'mediaeval',
+ 'meter' => 'metre',
+ 'milage' => 'mileage',
+ 'millipede' => 'millepede',
+ 'miscelaneous' => 'miscellaneous',
+ 'morgage' => 'mortgage',
+ 'noticable' => 'noticeable',
+ 'occurence' => 'occurrence',
+ 'offense' => 'offence',
+ 'ommision' => 'omission',
+ 'ommission' => 'omission',
+ 'optimize' => 'optimize',
+ 'organise' => 'organize',
+ 'pajamas' => 'pyjamas',
+ 'paleography' => 'palaeography',
+ 'paleolithic' => 'palaeolithic',
+ 'paleontological' => 'palaeontological',
+ 'paleontologist' => 'palaeontologist',
+ 'paleontology' => 'palaeontology',
+ 'paleozoic' => 'palaeozoic',
+ 'pamplet' => 'pamphlet',
+ 'paralell' => 'parallel',
+ 'parl' => 'parliament',
+ 'parlt' => 'parliament',
+ 'pediatric' => 'paediatric',
+ 'pediatrician' => 'paediatrician',
+ 'pediatrics' => 'paediatrics',
+ 'pedodontia' => 'paedodontia',
+ 'pedodontics' => 'paedodontics',
+ 'personel' => 'personnel',
+ 'practise' => 'practice',
+ 'program' => 'programme',
+ 'psych' => 'psychology',
+ 'questionaire' => 'questionnaire',
+ 'rarify' => 'rarefy',
+ 'reccomend' => 'recommend',
+ 'recieve' => 'receive',
+ 'resistence' => 'resistance',
+ 'restaraunt' => 'restaurant',
+ 'savior' => 'saviour',
+ 'sep' => 'september',
+ 'seperate' => 'separate',
+ 'sept' => 'september',
+ 'sieze' => 'seize',
+ 'summarize' => 'summarise',
+ 'summerize' => 'summarise',
+ 'superceed' => 'supercede',
+ 'superintendant' => 'superintendent',
+ 'supersede' => 'supercede',
+ 'suprise' => 'surprise',
+ 'surprize' => 'surprise',
+ 'synchronise' => 'synchronize',
+ 'temperary' => 'temporary',
+ 'theater' => 'theatre',
+ 'threshhold' => 'threshold',
+ 'transfered' => 'transferred',
+ 'truely' => 'truly',
+ 'truley' => 'truly',
+ 'useable' => 'usable',
+ 'valor' => 'valour',
+ 'vigor' => 'vigour',
+ 'vol' => 'volume',
+ 'whack' => 'wack',
+ 'withold' => 'withhold',
+ 'yeild' => 'yield',
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/search_synonyms.txt b/phpBB/language/en/search_synonyms.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0359039e0e..0000000000
--- a/phpBB/language/en/search_synonyms.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-abcense absence
-abridgement abridgment
-accomodate accommodate
-acknowledgment acknowledgement
-airplane aeroplane
-allright alright
-andy andrew
-anemia anaemia
-anemic anaemic
-anesthesia anaesthesia
-appologize appologise
-archean archaean
-archeology archaeology
-archeozoic archaeozoic
-armor armour
-artic arctic
-attachment attachement
-attendence attendance
-barbecue barbeque
-behavior behaviour
-biassed biased
-biol biology
-buletin bulletin
-calender calendar
-canceled cancelled
-car automobile
-catalog catalogue
-cenozoic caenozoic
-center centre
-check cheque
-color colour
-comission commission
-comittee committee
-commitee committee
-conceed concede
-creating createing
-curiculum curriculum
-defense defence
-develope develop
-discription description
-dulness dullness
-encyclopedia encyclopaedia
-enroll enrol
-esthetic aesthetic
-etiology aetiology
-exhorbitant exorbitant
-exhuberant exuberant
-existance existence
-favorite favourite
-fetus foetus
-ficticious fictitious
-flavor flavour
-flourescent fluorescent
-foriegn foreign
-fourty forty
-gage guage
-geneology genealogy
-grammer grammar
-gray grey
-guerilla guerrilla
-gynecology gynaecology
-harbor harbour
-heighth height
-hemaglobin haemaglobin
-hematin haematin
-hematite haematite
-hematology haematology
-honor honour
-innoculate inoculate
-installment instalment
-irrelevent irrelevant
-irrevelant irrelevant
-jeweler jeweller
-judgement judgment
-labeled labelled
-labor labour
-laborer labourer
-laborers labourers
-laboring labouring
-licence license
-liesure leisure
-liquify liquefy
-maintainance maintenance
-maintenence maintenance
-medieval mediaeval
-meter metre
-milage mileage
-millipede millepede
-miscelaneous miscellaneous
-morgage mortgage
-noticable noticeable
-occurence occurrence
-offense offence
-ommision omission
-ommission omission
-optimize optimize
-organise organize
-pajamas pyjamas
-paleography palaeography
-paleolithic palaeolithic
-paleontological palaeontological
-paleontologist palaeontologist
-paleontology palaeontology
-paleozoic palaeozoic
-pamplet pamphlet
-paralell parallel
-parl parliament
-parlt parliament
-pediatric paediatric
-pediatrician paediatrician
-pediatrics paediatrics
-pedodontia paedodontia
-pedodontics paedodontics
-personel personnel
-practise practice
-program programme
-psych psychology
-questionaire questionnaire
-rarify rarefy
-reccomend recommend
-recieve receive
-resistence resistance
-restaraunt restaurant
-savior saviour
-sep september
-seperate separate
-sept september
-sieze seize
-summarize summarise
-summerize summarise
-superceed supercede
-superintendant superintendent
-supersede supercede
-suprise surprise
-surprize surprise
-synchronise synchronize
-temperary temporary
-theater theatre
-threshhold threshold
-transfered transferred
-truely truly
-truley truly
-useable usable
-valor valour
-vigor vigour
-vol volume
-whack wack
-withold withhold
-yeild yield