path: root/phpBB/language/en/help
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authorJoas Schilling <nickvergessen@gmx.de>2015-11-28 11:34:55 +0100
committerJoas Schilling <nickvergessen@gmx.de>2015-11-28 11:34:55 +0100
commit941d138650c1f500f68ff7a12e73d08c6a91aaf4 (patch)
tree9a22b6a7f4c66c4194646d0319ae0c95624bfa3e /phpBB/language/en/help
parent1316fe208482d0a56ce6e54b79a1a00ae05d32ce (diff)
[ticket/14317] Run the script again
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/language/en/help')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php b/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php
index d3b36d8015..e9f3562646 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/help/bbcode.php
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'HELP_BBCODE_IMAGES_ATTACHMENT_ANSWER' => 'Attachments can now be placed in any part of a post by using the new <strong>[attachment=][/attachment]</strong> BBCode, if the attachments functionality has been enabled by a board administrator and if you are given the appropriate permissions to create attachments. Within the posting screen is a drop-down box (respectively a button) for placing attachments inline.',
'HELP_BBCODE_IMAGES_ATTACHMENT_QUESTION' => 'Adding attachments into a post',
- 'HELP_BBCODE_IMAGES_BASIC_ANSWER' => 'phpBB BBCode incorporates a tag for including images in your posts. Two very important things to remember when using this tag are: many users do not appreciate lots of images being shown in posts and secondly the image you display must already be available on the internet (it cannot exist only on your computer for example, unless you run a webserver!). To display an image you must surround the URL pointing to the image with <strong>[img][/img]</strong> tags. For example:<br /><br /><strong>[img]</strong>http://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png<strong>[/img]</strong><br /><br />As noted in the URL section above you can wrap an image in a <strong>[url][/url]</strong> tag if you wish, e.g.<br /><br /><strong>[url=http://www.phpbb.com/][img]</strong>http://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png<strong>[/img][/url]</strong><br /><br />would generate:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.phpbb.com/"><img src="http://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png" alt="" /></a>',
+ 'HELP_BBCODE_IMAGES_BASIC_ANSWER' => 'phpBB BBCode incorporates a tag for including images in your posts. Two very important things to remember when using this tag are: many users do not appreciate lots of images being shown in posts and secondly the image you display must already be available on the internet (it cannot exist only on your computer for example, unless you run a webserver!). To display an image you must surround the URL pointing to the image with <strong>[img][/img]</strong> tags. For example:<br /><br /><strong>[img]</strong>https://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png<strong>[/img]</strong><br /><br />As noted in the URL section above you can wrap an image in a <strong>[url][/url]</strong> tag if you wish, e.g.<br /><br /><strong>[url=https://www.phpbb.com/][img]</strong>https://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png<strong>[/img][/url]</strong><br /><br />would generate:<br /><br /><a href="https://www.phpbb.com/"><img src="https://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png" alt="" /></a>',
'HELP_BBCODE_IMAGES_BASIC_QUESTION' => 'Adding an image to a post',
'HELP_BBCODE_INTRO_BBCODE_ANSWER' => 'BBCode is a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can actually use BBCode in your posts on the forum is determined by the administrator. In addition you can disable BBCode on a per post basis via the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML, tags are enclosed in square brackets [ and ] rather than &lt; and &gt; and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. Depending on the template you are using you may find adding BBCode to your posts is made much easier through a clickable interface above the message area on the posting form. Even with this you may find the following guide useful.',
- 'HELP_BBCODE_LINKS_BASIC_ANSWER' => 'phpBB BBCode supports a number of ways of creating URIs (Uniform Resource Indicators) better known as URLs.<ul><li>The first of these uses the <strong>[url=][/url]</strong> tag, whatever you type after the = sign will cause the contents of that tag to act as a URL. For example to link to phpBB.com you could use:<br /><br /><strong>[url=http://www.phpbb.com/]</strong>Visit phpBB!<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/">Visit phpBB!</a> Please notice that the link opens in the same window or a new window depending on the users browser preferences.</li><li>If you want the URL itself displayed as the link you can do this by simply using:<br /><br /><strong>[url]</strong>http://www.phpbb.com/<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/">http://www.phpbb.com/</a></li><li>Additionally, phpBB features something called <i>Magic Links</i>, this will turn any syntactically correct URL into a link without you needing to specify any tags or even the leading http://. For example typing www.phpbb.com into your message will automatically lead to <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/">www.phpbb.com</a> being output when you view the message.</li><li>The same thing applies equally to email addresses, you can either specify an address explicitly for example:<br /><br /><strong>[email]</strong>no.one@domain.adr<strong>[/email]</strong><br /><br />which will output <a href="mailto:no.one@domain.adr">no.one@domain.adr</a> or you can just type no.one@domain.adr into your message and it will be automatically converted when you view.</li></ul>As with all the BBCode tags you can wrap URLs around any of the other tags such as <strong>[img][/img]</strong> (see next entry), <strong>[b][/b]</strong>, etc. As with the formatting tags it is up to you to ensure the correct open and close order is following, for example:<br /><br /><strong>[url=http://www.phpbb.com/][img]</strong>http://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png<strong>[/url][/img]</strong><br /><br />is <span style="text-decoration: underline">not</span> correct which may lead to your post being deleted so take care.',
+ 'HELP_BBCODE_LINKS_BASIC_ANSWER' => 'phpBB BBCode supports a number of ways of creating URIs (Uniform Resource Indicators) better known as URLs.<ul><li>The first of these uses the <strong>[url=][/url]</strong> tag, whatever you type after the = sign will cause the contents of that tag to act as a URL. For example to link to phpBB.com you could use:<br /><br /><strong>[url=https://www.phpbb.com/]</strong>Visit phpBB!<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/">Visit phpBB!</a> Please notice that the link opens in the same window or a new window depending on the users browser preferences.</li><li>If you want the URL itself displayed as the link you can do this by simply using:<br /><br /><strong>[url]</strong>https://www.phpbb.com/<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="https://www.phpbb.com/">https://www.phpbb.com/</a></li><li>Additionally, phpBB features something called <i>Magic Links</i>, this will turn any syntactically correct URL into a link without you needing to specify any tags or even the leading http://. For example typing www.phpbb.com into your message will automatically lead to <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/">www.phpbb.com</a> being output when you view the message.</li><li>The same thing applies equally to email addresses, you can either specify an address explicitly for example:<br /><br /><strong>[email]</strong>no.one@domain.adr<strong>[/email]</strong><br /><br />which will output <a href="mailto:no.one@domain.adr">no.one@domain.adr</a> or you can just type no.one@domain.adr into your message and it will be automatically converted when you view.</li></ul>As with all the BBCode tags you can wrap URLs around any of the other tags such as <strong>[img][/img]</strong> (see next entry), <strong>[b][/b]</strong>, etc. As with the formatting tags it is up to you to ensure the correct open and close order is following, for example:<br /><br /><strong>[url=https://www.phpbb.com/][img]</strong>https://www.phpbb.com/theme/images/logos/blue/160x52.png<strong>[/url][/img]</strong><br /><br />is <span style="text-decoration: underline">not</span> correct which may lead to your post being deleted so take care.',
'HELP_BBCODE_LINKS_BASIC_QUESTION' => 'Linking to another site',
'HELP_BBCODE_LISTS_ORDERER_ANSWER' => 'The second type of list, an ordered list, gives you control over what is output before each item. To create an ordered list you use <strong>[list=1][/list]</strong> to create a numbered list or alternatively <strong>[list=a][/list]</strong> for an alphabetical list. As with the unordered list, items are specified using <strong>[*]</strong>. For example:<br /><br /><strong>[list=1]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>Go to the shops<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Buy a new computer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Swear at computer when it crashes<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />will generate the following:<ol style="list-style-type: decimal;"><li>Go to the shops</li><li>Buy a new computer</li><li>Swear at computer when it crashes</li></ol>Whereas for an alphabetical list you would use:<br /><br /><strong>[list=a]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>The first possible answer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>The second possible answer<br /><strong>[*]</strong>The third possible answer<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />giving<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha"><li>The first possible answer</li><li>The second possible answer</li><li>The third possible answer</li></ol>',