path: root/Bugzilla/DB/Mysql.pm
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1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/DB/Mysql.pm b/Bugzilla/DB/Mysql.pm
index 7b2a7b2c2..1d10838e9 100644
--- a/Bugzilla/DB/Mysql.pm
+++ b/Bugzilla/DB/Mysql.pm
@@ -230,7 +230,226 @@ sub bz_setup_database {
print "\nISAM->MyISAM table conversion done.\n\n";
+ # Versions of Bugzilla before the existence of Bugzilla::DB::Schema did
+ # not provide explicit names for the table indexes. This means
+ # that our upgrades will not be reliable, because we look for the name
+ # of the index, not what fields it is on, when doing upgrades.
+ # (using the name is much better for cross-database compatibility
+ # and general reliability). It's also very important that our
+ # Schema object be consistent with what is on the disk.
+ #
+ # While we're at it, we also fix some inconsistent index naming
+ # from the original checkin of Bugzilla::DB::Schema.
+ # We check for the existence of a particular "short name" index that
+ # has existed at least since Bugzilla 2.8, and probably earlier.
+ # For fixing the inconsistent naming of Schema indexes,
+ # we also check for one of those inconsistently-named indexes.
+ my @tables = $self->bz_table_list_real();
+ if ( scalar(@tables) &&
+ ($self->bz_index_info_real('bugs', 'assigned_to') ||
+ $self->bz_index_info_real('flags', 'flags_bidattid_idx')) )
+ {
+ my $bug_count = $self->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bugs");
+ # We estimate one minute for each 3000 bugs, plus 3 minutes just
+ # to handle basic MySQL stuff.
+ my $rename_time = int($bug_count / 3000) + 3;
+ # If we're going to take longer than 5 minutes, we let the user know
+ # and allow them to abort.
+ if ($rename_time > 5) {
+ print "\nWe are about to rename old indexes.\n"
+ . "The estimated time to complete renaming is "
+ . "$rename_time minutes.\n"
+ . "You cannot interrupt this action once it has begun.\n"
+ . "If you would like to cancel, press Ctrl-C now..."
+ . " (Waiting 45 seconds...)\n\n";
+ # Wait 45 seconds for them to respond.
+ sleep(45);
+ }
+ print "Renaming indexes...\n";
+ # We can't be interrupted, because of how the "if"
+ # works above.
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ # Certain indexes had names in Schema that did not easily conform
+ # to a standard. We store those names here, so that they
+ # can be properly renamed.
+ my $bad_names = {
+ bugs_activity => ('bugs_activity_bugid_idx',
+ 'bugs_activity_bugwhen_idx'),
+ longdescs => ('longdescs_bugid_idx',
+ 'longdescs_bugwhen_idx'),
+ flags => ('flags_bidattid_idx'),
+ flaginclusions => ('flaginclusions_tpcid_idx'),
+ flagexclusions => ('flagexclusions_tpc_id_idx'),
+ profiles_activity => ('profiles_activity_when_idx'),
+ group_control_map => ('group_control_map_gid_idx')
+ # series_categories is dealt with below, not here.
+ };
+ # The series table is broken and needs to have one index
+ # dropped before we begin the renaming, because it had a
+ # useless index on it that would cause a naming conflict here.
+ if (grep($_ eq 'series', @tables)) {
+ my $dropname;
+ # This is what the bad index was called before Schema.
+ if ($self->bz_index_info_real('series', 'creator_2')) {
+ $dropname = 'creator_2';
+ }
+ # This is what the bad index is called in Schema.
+ elsif ($self->bz_index_info_real('series', 'series_creator_idx')) {
+ $dropname = 'series_creator_idx';
+ }
+ if ($dropname) {
+ print "Removing the useless index $dropname on the"
+ . " series table...\n";
+ my @drop = $self->_bz_schema->get_drop_index_ddl(
+ 'series', $dropname);
+ foreach my $sql (@drop) {
+ $self->do($sql);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # The email_setting table also had the same problem.
+ if( grep($_ eq 'email_setting', @tables)
+ && $self->bz_index_info_real('email_setting',
+ 'email_settings_user_id_idx') )
+ {
+ print "Removing the useless index email_settings_user_id_idx\n"
+ . " on the email_setting table...\n";
+ my @drop = $self->_bz_schema->get_drop_index_ddl('email_setting',
+ 'email_settings_user_id_idx');
+ $self->do($_) foreach (@drop);
+ }
+ # Go through all the tables.
+ foreach my $table (@tables) {
+ # And go through all the columns on each table.
+ my @columns = $self->bz_table_columns_real($table);
+ # We also want to fix the silly naming of unique indexes
+ # that happened when we first checked-in Bugzilla::DB::Schema.
+ if ($table eq 'series_categories') {
+ # The series_categories index had a nonstandard name.
+ push(@columns, 'series_cats_unique_idx');
+ }
+ elsif ($table eq 'email_setting') {
+ # The email_setting table had a similar problem.
+ push(@columns, 'email_settings_unique_idx');
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@columns, "${table}_unique_idx");
+ }
+ # And this is how we fix the other inconsistent Schema naming.
+ push(@columns, $bad_names->{$table})
+ if (exists $bad_names->{$table});
+ foreach my $column (@columns) {
+ # If we have an index named after this column, it's an
+ # old-style-name index.
+ # This will miss PRIMARY KEY indexes, but that's OK
+ # because we aren't renaming them.
+ if (my $index = $self->bz_index_info_real($table, $column)) {
+ # Fix the name to fit in with the new naming scheme.
+ my $new_name = $table . "_" .
+ $index->{FIELDS}->[0] . "_idx";
+ print "Renaming index $column to to $new_name...\n";
+ # Unfortunately, MySQL has no way to rename an index. :-(
+ # So we have to drop and recreate the indexes.
+ my @drop = $self->_bz_schema->get_drop_index_ddl(
+ $table, $column);
+ my @add = $self->_bz_schema->get_add_index_ddl(
+ $table, $new_name, $index);
+ $self->do($_) foreach (@drop);
+ $self->do($_) foreach (@add);
+ } # if
+ } # foreach column
+ } # foreach table
+ } # if old-name indexes
+# MySQL-specific Database-Reading Methods
+=begin private
+These methods read information about the database from the disk,
+instead of from a Schema object. They are only reliable for MySQL
+(see bug 285111 for the reasons why not all DBs use/have functions
+like this), but that's OK because we only need them for
+backwards-compatibility anyway, for versions of Bugzilla before 2.20.
+=over 4
+=item C<bz_index_info_real($table, $index)>
+ Description: Returns information about an index on a table in the database.
+ Params: $table = name of table containing the index
+ $index = name of an index
+ Returns: An abstract index definition, always in hashref format.
+ If the index does not exist, the function returns undef.
+sub bz_index_info_real {
+ my ($self, $table, $index) = @_;
+ my $sth = $self->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM $table");
+ $sth->execute;
+ my @fields;
+ my $index_type;
+ # $raw_def will be an arrayref containing the following information:
+ # 0 = name of the table that the index is on
+ # 1 = 0 if unique, 1 if not unique
+ # 2 = name of the index
+ # 3 = seq_in_index (The order of the current field in the index).
+ # 4 = Name of ONE column that the index is on
+ # 5 = 'Collation' of the index. Usually 'A'.
+ # 6 = Cardinality. Either a number or undef.
+ # 7 = sub_part. Usually undef. Sometimes 1.
+ # 8 = "packed". Usually undef.
+ # MySQL 3
+ # -------
+ # 9 = comments. Usually an empty string. Sometimes 'FULLTEXT'.
+ # MySQL 4
+ # -------
+ # 9 = Null. Sometimes undef, sometimes 'YES'.
+ # 10 = Index_type. The type of the index. Usually either 'BTREE' or 'FULLTEXT'
+ # 11 = 'Comment.' Usually undef.
+ my $is_mysql3 = ($self->bz_server_version() =~ /^3/);
+ my $index_type_loc = $is_mysql3 ? 9 : 10;
+ while (my $raw_def = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
+ if ($raw_def->[2] eq $index) {
+ push(@fields, $raw_def->[4]);
+ # No index can be both UNIQUE and FULLTEXT, that's why
+ # this is written this way.
+ $index_type = $raw_def->[1] ? '' : 'UNIQUE';
+ $index_type = $raw_def->[$index_type_loc] eq 'FULLTEXT'
+ ? 'FULLTEXT' : $index_type;
+ }
+ }
+ my $retval;
+ if (scalar(@fields)) {
+ $retval = {FIELDS => \@fields, TYPE => $index_type};
+ }
+ return $retval;
+=end private