path: root/processmail
diff options
authorterry%mozilla.org <>2000-01-22 12:24:39 +0000
committerterry%mozilla.org <>2000-01-22 12:24:39 +0000
commit6dcda41d4c40a5617757a3b0ec9bbaeebfde6b55 (patch)
treee2b74fd808d5610777a93047ef4a09e07070ac46 /processmail
parent77613d1fc5ca11bca00d1e530d3d1847c9ba24d3 (diff)
Added a new table fielddefs that records information about the
different fields we keep an activity log on. The bugs_activity table now has a pointer into that table instead of recording the name directly. Set up a new, highly experimental email-notification scheme. To turn it on, the maintainer has to turn on the "New email tech" param, and then individual users have to turn on the "New email tech" preference.
Diffstat (limited to 'processmail')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/processmail b/processmail
index e85a5eaf8..432ded3e1 100755
--- a/processmail
+++ b/processmail
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ $::bug{'long_desc'}
my $didexclude = 0;
my %seen;
+my @sentlist;
sub fixaddresses {
my ($field, $list) = (@_);
my @result;
@@ -307,8 +308,233 @@ sub Log {
+sub FormatTriple {
+ my ($a, $b, $c) = (@_);
+ $^A = "";
+ my $temp = formline << 'END', $a, $b, $c;
+ ; # This semicolon appeases my emacs editor macros. :-)
+ return $^A;
+sub FormatDouble {
+ my ($a, $b) = (@_);
+ $a .= ":";
+ $^A = "";
+ my $temp = formline << 'END', $a, $b;
+^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~
+ ; # This semicolon appeases my emacs editor macros. :-)
+ return $^A;
+sub NewProcessOneBug {
+ my ($id) = (@_);
+ my @headerlist;
+ my %values;
+ my %defmailhead;
+ my %fielddescription;
+ my $msg = "";
+ SendSQL("SELECT name, description, mailhead FROM fielddefs " .
+ "ORDER BY sortkey");
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my ($field, $description, $mailhead) = (FetchSQLData());
+ push(@headerlist, $field);
+ $defmailhead{$field} = $mailhead;
+ $fielddescription{$field} = $description;
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT " . join(',', @::log_columns) . ", lastdiffed, now() " .
+ "FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $id");
+ my @row = FetchSQLData();
+ foreach my $i (@::log_columns) {
+ $values{$i} = shift(@row);
+ }
+ my ($start, $end) = (@row);
+ $values{'cc'} = ShowCcList($id);
+ $values{'assigned_to'} = DBID_to_name($values{'assigned_to'});
+ $values{'reporter'} = DBID_to_name($values{'reporter'});
+ if ($values{'qa_contact'}) {
+ $values{'qa_contact'} = DBID_to_name($values{'qa_contact'});
+ }
+ my @diffs;
+ SendSQL("SELECT profiles.login_name, fielddefs.description, " .
+ " bug_when, oldvalue, newvalue " .
+ "FROM bugs_activity, fielddefs, profiles " .
+ "WHERE bug_id = $id " .
+ " AND fielddefs.fieldid = bugs_activity.fieldid " .
+ " AND profiles.userid = who " .
+ " AND bug_when > '$start' " .
+ " AND bug_when <= '$end' " .
+ "ORDER BY bug_when"
+ );
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my @row = FetchSQLData();
+ push(@diffs, \@row);
+ }
+ my $difftext = "";
+ my $lastwho = "";
+ foreach my $ref (@diffs) {
+ my ($who, $what, $when, $old, $new) = (@$ref);
+ if ($who ne $lastwho) {
+ $lastwho = $who;
+ $difftext .= "\n$who changed:\n\n";
+ $difftext .= FormatTriple("What ", "Old Value", "New Value");
+ $difftext .= ('-' x 76) . "\n";
+ }
+ $difftext .= FormatTriple($what, $old, $new);
+ }
+ $difftext = trim($difftext);
+ my $newcomments = GetLongDescription($id, $start, $end);
+ my $count = 0;
+ for my $person ($values{'assigned_to'}, $values{'reporter'},
+ split(/,/, $values{'cc'}),
+ @forcecc) {
+ $count++;
+ if ($seen{$person}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT userid, emailnotification, newemailtech," .
+ " groupset & $values{'groupset'} " .
+ "FROM profiles WHERE login_name = " . SqlQuote($person));
+ my ($userid, $emailnotification, $newemailtech,
+ $groupset) = (FetchSQLData());
+ if (!$newemailtech || !Param('newemailtech')) {
+ next;
+ }
+ $seen{$person} = 1;
+ if ($groupset ne $values{'groupset'}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($emailnotification eq "ExcludeSelfChanges" &&
+ lc($person) eq $nametoexclude) {
+ $didexclude = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($emailnotification eq "CCOnly" && $count < 3) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my %mailhead = %defmailhead;
+# SendSQL("SELECT name, mailhead, maildiffs FROM diffprefs, fielddefs WHERE fielddefs.fieldid = diffprefs.fieldid AND userid = $userid");
+# while (MoreSQLData()) {
+# my ($field, $h, $d) = (FetchSQLData());
+# $mailhead{$field} = $h;
+# $maildiffs{$field} = $d;
+# }
+# my $maxlen = 0;
+# foreach my $f (keys %mailhead) {
+# if ($mailhead{$f}) {
+# my $l = length($fielddescription{$f});
+# if ($maxlen < $l) {
+# $maxlen = $l;
+# }
+# }
+# }
+ my $head = "";
+ foreach my $f (@headerlist) {
+ if ($mailhead{$f}) {
+ my $value = $values{$f};
+ if (!defined $value) {
+ # Probaby ought to whine or something. ###
+ next;
+ }
+ my $desc = $fielddescription{$f};
+ $head .= FormatDouble($desc, $value);
+# my $extra = $maxlen - length($desc);
+# $head .= ($extra x " ");
+# $head .= $desc . ": ";
+# while (1) {
+# if (length($value) < 70) {
+# $head .= $value . "\n";
+# last;
+# }
+# my $pos = rindex($value, " ", 70);
+# if ($pos < 0) {
+# $pos = rindex($value, ",", 70);
+# if ($pos < 0) {
+# $pos = 70;
+# }
+# }
+# $head .= substr($value, 0, 70) . "\n";
+# $head .= (($extra + 2) x " ");
+# $value = substr($value, 70);
+# }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($difftext eq "" && $newcomments eq "") {
+ # Whoops, no differences!
+ next;
+ }
+ my $isnew = ($start !~ m/[1-9]/);
+ my %substs;
+ $substs{"neworchanged"} = $isnew ? "New" : "Changed";
+ $substs{"to"} = $person;
+ $substs{"cc"} = '';
+ $substs{"bugid"} = $id;
+ if ($isnew) {
+ $substs{"diffs"} = $head . "\n\n" . $newcomments;
+ } else {
+ $substs{"diffs"} = $difftext . "\n\n" . $newcomments;
+ }
+ $substs{"summary"} = $values{'short_desc'};
+ # my $template = Param("changedmail");
+ my $template = "From: bugzilla-daemon
+To: %to%
+Cc: %cc%
+Subject: [Bug %bugid%] %neworchanged% - %summary%
+ my $msg = PerformSubsts(Param("changedmail"), \%substs);
+ open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -t") ||
+ die "Can't open sendmail";
+ print SENDMAIL trim($msg);
+ close SENDMAIL;
+ push(@sentlist, $person);
+ }
+ SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET lastdiffed = '$end', delta_ts = delta_ts " .
+ "WHERE bug_id = $id");
sub ProcessOneBug {
my $i = $_[0];
+ NewProcessOneBug($i);
my $old = "shadow/$i";
my $new = "shadow/$i.tmp.$$";
my $diffs = "shadow/$i.diffs.$$";
@@ -364,8 +590,16 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
print SENDMAIL $msg;
+ foreach my $n (split(/[, ]+/, "$tolist,$cclist")) {
+ if ($n ne "") {
+ push(@sentlist, $n);
+ }
+ }
$logstr = "$logstr; mail sent to $tolist, $cclist";
- print "<B>Email sent to:</B> $tolist $cclist\n";
+ }
+ if (@sentlist) {
+ print "<B>Email sent to:</B> " . join(", ", @sentlist) . "\n";
if ($didexclude) {
print "<B>Excluding:</B> $nametoexclude (<a href=changepassword.cgi>change your preferences</a> if you wish not to be excluded)\n";
@@ -380,11 +614,13 @@ sub ProcessOneBug {
print "$i ";
%seen = ();
+ @sentlist = ();
# Code starts here
if (open(FID, "<data/nomail")) {