path: root/docs/en/rst/api/core/v1/group.rst
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authorDavid Lawrence <dkl@mozilla.com>2014-11-26 15:43:40 +0000
committerDavid Lawrence <dkl@mozilla.com>2014-11-26 15:43:40 +0000
commitfd1625fa45a5ed604b22a72ef77a7df762fbb7c0 (patch)
tree3086ad9119afacc20eb42e1b627cacd8f533f9bc /docs/en/rst/api/core/v1/group.rst
parent45877e03a90ffdd5c21f8a9999375cf14f3aaa12 (diff)
Bug 1038275: Comprehensible documentation for the REST API
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/en/rst/api/core/v1/group.rst')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/en/rst/api/core/v1/group.rst b/docs/en/rst/api/core/v1/group.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2c595240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/en/rst/api/core/v1/group.rst
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+The API for creating, changing, and getting information about groups.
+.. _rest_group_create:
+Create Group
+This allows you to create a new group in Bugzilla. You must be authenticated and
+be in the *creategroups* group to perform this action.
+.. code-block:: text
+ POST /rest/group
+.. code-block:: js
+ {
+ "name" : "secret-group",
+ "description" : "Too secret for you!",
+ "is_active" : true
+ }
+Some params must be set, or an error will be thrown. The required params are
+marked in **bold**.
+=============== ======= =======================================================
+name type description
+=============== ======= =======================================================
+**name** string A short name for this group. Must be unique. This
+ is not usually displayed in the user interface, except
+ in a few places.
+**description** string A human-readable name for this group. Should be
+ relatively short. This is what will normally appear in
+ the UI as the name of the group.
+user_regexp string A regular expression. Any user whose Bugzilla username
+ matches this regular expression will automatically be
+ granted membership in this group.
+is_active boolean ``true`` if new group can be used for bugs, ``false``
+ if this is a group that will only contain users and no
+ bugs will be restricted to it.
+icon_url string A URL pointing to a small icon used to identify the
+ group. This icon will show up next to users' names in
+ various parts of Bugzilla if they are in this group.
+=============== ======= =======================================================
+.. code-block:: js
+ {
+ "id": 22
+ }
+==== ==== ==============================
+name type description
+==== ==== ==============================
+id int ID of the newly-created group.
+==== ==== ==============================
+.. _rest_group_update:
+Update Group
+This allows you to update a group in Bugzilla. You must be authenticated and be
+in the *creategroups* group to perform this action.
+To update a group using the group ID or name:
+.. code-block:: text
+ PUT /rest/group/(id_or_name)
+.. code-block:: js
+ {
+ "name" : "secret-group",
+ "description" : "Too secret for you! (updated description)",
+ "is_active" : false
+ }
+You can edit a single group by passing the ID or name of the group
+in the URL. To edit more than one group, you can specify addition IDs or
+group names using the ``ids`` or ``names`` parameters respectively.
+One of the below must be specified.
+============== ===== ==========================================================
+name type description
+============== ===== ==========================================================
+**id_or_name** mixed Integer group or name.
+**ids** array IDs of groups to update.
+**names** array Names of groups to update.
+============== ===== ==========================================================
+The following parameters specify the new values you want to set for the group(s)
+you are updating.
+=========== ======= ===========================================================
+name type description
+=========== ======= ===========================================================
+name string A new name for the groups. If you try to set this while
+ updating more than one group, an error will occur, as
+ group names must be unique.
+description string A new description for the groups. This is what will appear
+ in the UI as the name of the groups.
+user_regexp string A new regular expression for email. Will automatically
+ grant membership to these groups to anyone with an email
+ address that matches this perl regular expression.
+is_active boolean Set if groups are active and eligible to be used for bugs.
+ ``true`` if bugs can be restricted to this group, ``false``
+ otherwise.
+icon_url string A URL pointing to an icon that will appear next to the name
+ of users who are in this group.
+=========== ======= ===========================================================
+.. code-block:: js
+ {
+ "groups": [
+ {
+ "changes": {
+ "description": {
+ "added": "Too secret for you! (updated description)",
+ "removed": "Too secret for you!"
+ },
+ "is_active": {
+ "removed": "1",
+ "added": "0"
+ }
+ },
+ "id": "22"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+``groups`` (array) Group change objects, each containing the following items:
+======= ====== ================================================================
+name type description
+======= ====== ================================================================
+id int The ID of the group that was updated.
+changes object The changes that were actually done on this group. The
+ keys are the names of the fields that were changed, and the
+ values are an object with two items:
+ * added: (string) The values that were added to this field,
+ possibly a comma-and-space-separated list if multiple values
+ were added.
+ * removed: (string) The values that were removed from this
+ field, possibly a comma-and-space-separated list if multiple
+ values were removed.
+======= ====== ================================================================
+.. _rest_group_get:
+Get Group
+Returns information about Bugzilla groups.
+To return information about a specific group ID or name:
+.. code-block:: text
+ GET /rest/group/(id_or_name)
+You can also return information about more than one specific group by using the
+following in your query string:
+.. code-block:: text
+ GET /rest/group?ids=1&ids=2&ids=3
+ GET /group?names=ProductOne&names=Product2
+If neither IDs nor names are passed, and you are in the creategroups or
+editusers group, then all groups will be retrieved. Otherwise, only groups
+that you have bless privileges for will be returned.
+========== ======= ============================================================
+name type description
+========== ======= ============================================================
+id_or_name mixed Integer group ID or name.
+ids array Integer IDs of groups.
+names array Names of groups.
+membership boolean Set to 1 then a list of members of the passed groups names
+ and IDs will be returned.
+========== ======= ============================================================
+.. code-block:: js
+ {
+ "groups": [
+ {
+ "membership": [
+ {
+ "real_name": "Bugzilla User",
+ "can_login": true,
+ "name": "user@bugzilla.org",
+ "login_denied_text": "",
+ "id": 85,
+ "email_enabled": false,
+ "email": "user@bugzilla.org"
+ },
+ ],
+ "is_active": true,
+ "description": "Test Group",
+ "user_regexp": "",
+ "is_bug_group": true,
+ "name": "TestGroup",
+ "id": 9
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+If the user is a member of the *creategroups* group they will receive
+information about all groups or groups matching the criteria that they passed.
+You have to be in the creategroups group unless you're requesting membership
+If the user is not a member of the *creategroups* group, but they are in the
+"editusers" group or have bless privileges to the groups they require
+membership information for, the is_active, is_bug_group and user_regexp values
+are not supplied.
+The return value will be an object containing group names as the keys; each
+value will be an object that describes the group and has the following items:
+============ ====== ===========================================================
+name type description
+============ ====== ===========================================================
+id int The unique integer ID that Bugzilla uses to identify this
+ group. Even if the name of the group changes, this ID will
+ stay the same.
+name string The name of the group.
+description string The description of the group.
+is_bug_group int Whether this group is to be used for bug reports or is
+ only administrative specific.
+user_regexp string A regular expression that allows users to be added to
+ this group if their login matches.
+is_active int Whether this group is currently active or not.
+users array User objects that are members of this group; only
+ returned if the user sets the ``membership`` parameter to
+ 1. Each user object has the items describe in the User
+ object below.
+============ ====== ===========================================================
+User object:
+============= ======= =========================================================
+name type description
+============= ======= =========================================================
+id int The ID of the user.
+real_name string The actual name of the user.
+email string The email address of the user.
+name string The login name of the user. Note that in some situations
+ this is different than their email.
+can_login boolean A boolean value to indicate if the user can login into
+ bugzilla.
+email_enabled boolean A boolean value to indicate if bug-related mail will
+ be sent to the user or not.
+disabled_text string A text field that holds the reason for disabling a user
+ from logging into Bugzilla. If empty, then the user
+ account is enabled; otherwise it is disabled/closed.
+============= ======= =========================================================