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+ <H1>[Mageia-sysadm] [814] - add a module to generate gnupg key ( similar to the one for openssl</H1>
+ <B>Michael Scherer</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-sysadm] [814] - add a module to generate gnupg key ( similar to the one for openssl">misc at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Mon Jan 17 17:23:33 CET 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Le lundi 17 janvier 2011 &#224; 16:24 +0100, <A HREF="">root at</A> a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> Revision: 814
+</I>&gt;<i> Author: misc
+</I>&gt;<i> Date: 2011-01-17 16:24:10 +0100 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011)
+</I>&gt;<i> Log Message:
+</I>&gt;<i> -----------
+</I>&gt;<i> - add a module to generate gnupg key ( similar to the one for openssl
+</I>&gt;<i> certs )
+Ok so now we have the command to generate key, I propose to ... generate
+a key ( we can also party, if we prefer ).
+We have a few choice to consider :
+1) the size of the keys + algo
+2) the label of keys and other esthetic detail
+3) the number and usage of the keys
+4) how do we sign
+Feel free to repost this mail where it belong ( i think sysadm is a good
+choice, but I may be wrong ).
+Size of the keys :
+For 1, Debian, who is the organization that use the most intensively
+gnupg among free software user recommend to use RSA 4096 keys
+( <A HREF=""></A> &amp;
+<A HREF=""></A> ).
+So I propose to follow them, RSA. 4096, SHA-2, if supported by our
+version of rpm.
+Number and usage of the keys :
+On Fedora, there is 1 key per release on the main repository.
+On Mandriva, there is 1 key for cooker, 1 key for stable, 1 key for
+security ( and also older keys ).
+For PLF, there is 1 key for all.
+( didn't check for opensuse, but I doubt they diverge from theses 3
+schemes )
+1 key for all is the simplest solution, as this is easiest, and do not
+requires a lot of work to update keys. There is also a simpler BS.
+However, this mean we cannot expire the keys. But this also mean that we
+can more easily have it signed, if we make it signed once, and do not
+need to redo it every time. ( see the gpg web of trust ).
+People have told me that having separate keys for cooker and stable
+permit to warn people when they install a rpm from cooker. Personally, I
+think this doesn't prevent much, an a downside is that people may still
+install rpm from N+1 on version N, so that lacks coherency.
+I see not much value into having different keys for secteam than the
+others, now that the community is everywhere.
+Moreover, using 1 key for stable and 1 for devel requires us to resign
+every package, and that always was a time consuming task, who caused
+trouble in the past ( like problem resigning openoffice ).
+The same issue regarding expiration apply.
+Option 3, 1 key for each release permit to have the benefit of
+separation, and allow us to sign package on the go ( and so notice
+problem sooner ). However, this requires us to rebuild everything once
+before the release ( may not be nice for mirrors, as told by Buchan
+several time ). Another advantage is to be able to expires keys, and
+adapt us to the growth of computing power quite seamlessly. And we will
+be less impacted in case of keys being compromised.
+A disadvantage is that we will have more work to have it certified ( if
+we want to have it signed ). I was thinking of signing the key every
+year by debian, ubuntu, fedora and opensuse people, but with this
+scheme, it is not gonna work well.
+According to <A HREF=""></A> , RH use a
+master key that sign the release keys. So doing like this would allow us
+to ask for signing the master key, we can renew it when needed, and we
+use it to sign the release key. ( RH also have a HSM for that :
+<A HREF=""></A>
+20Modules/nShield%20Solo.aspx , but there is no price tag. If someone by
+chance know some Thales insider, it would be interesting to have more
+information ).
+Labels and details
+Obviously, that's where I expect bike-shedding. I do not care of the
+name, but obviously, it has to match how we use the key. And I would
+suggest to make root@$domain for the email, and a generic stuff for the
+real name.
+I also guess we should upload it on a public key server.
+How do we sign
+Again, point 3 have a impact here. Either we sign when uploaded, using
+youri, or using a custom action ( as current one do not permit to change
+uid ), or we use some custom cronjob to sign.
+Or we sign when the release is made.
+I would recommend using a custom action, as privilege separation sound
+like a good idea. I would prefer to avoid signing again the day of
+release, for reasons that were already given.
+Bonus, usage of the module :
+ gnupg::keys { &quot;cauldron&quot;:
+ email =&gt; &quot;root@$domain&quot;,
+ key_name =&gt; &quot;John the plop&quot;,
+ key_length =&gt; &quot;4096&quot;
+ }
+create a key cauldron.sec and in /etc/gnupg/keys/. I am not
+sure of the format ( maybe have it exported would be good ), and I am
+not sure that putting everything in this directory is the good location.
+Michael Scherer
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