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+ <H1>[Mageia-sysadm] perl team alias?</H1>
+ <B>Michael Scherer</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-sysadm] perl team alias?">misc at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Aug 17 12:13:43 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>Le mercredi 17 ao&#251;t 2011 &#224; 10:11 +0200, Buchan Milne a &#233;crit :
+&gt;<i> On Wednesday, 17 August 2011 00:51:48 Michael Scherer wrote:
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Le dimanche 14 ao&#251;t 2011 &#224; 14:15 +0200, Jerome Quelin a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; hi,
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; up till now, i was the only one taking care of the perl stack within
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; mageia. however, kharec is joining me in this effort, and i have a
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; padawan interested to help perl packaging in mageia.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; to that end, i was wondering whether it'd be possible to have an alias
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; such as <A HREF="">perl at</A> - or whatever scheme you want, i don't
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; really care. this would allow to assign perl bugs to this alias when
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; triaging them. or add this alias as cc: to make sure the perl team is
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; aware of them.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; i don't want a mailing list, since dev questions, comments and other
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; should go to -dev. however, if you have another solution to provide,
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; &gt; let me know!
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; While I would not be against creating sub team ( because that's what it
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; is ), I would rather have people first think to the various governance
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; issues and problem before proposing a technical solution.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Aliases are obscure per definition, and assigning something to a aliases
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; would mean that most people would not know who is in CC ( especially
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; with regards to our privacy policy ).
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; We do need to decide who decide a new aliases should be given, and what
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; it entails ( ie, what would perl take in account ? all perl modules ?
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; all perl software ? ). And who decide who goes in the aliases/team.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; This would also have a impact on the maintainer db at various level,
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; technical and organisational, etc.
+</I>&gt;<i> Is there yet a maintainer DB? I would be in favour of a system of maintainer
+</I>&gt;<i> groups, where a group may have multiple maintainers, and multiple packages,
+</I>&gt;<i> and have an alias, and/or aliases for each package in the group, with
+</I>&gt;<i> recipients being the members of the group.
+Boklm coded a quick hack in bash for that.
+See around
+<A HREF=""></A>
+Maybe we should start to think splitting the build system module in
+smaller chunks.
+I think everybody agreed on having maintainers group, so the next step
+is to decide on what that mean exactly, and then to code it.
+&gt;<i> Such a group may also require an owner, who would have the ability to add or
+</I>&gt;<i> remove packages or maintainers.
+That would make ldap suitable for that I guess, and would be in favor of
+pushing this to ldap rather than bash, but it was easier to do in bash.
+But that still do not solve the issue about team governance, and add the
+problem of editing the team ( even if catdap was enhanced for that,
+since i18n team is almost auto managed ).
+&gt;<i> &gt; To me, the answer would still be to have auto assignement of CC based on
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; maint db + a subscription database, but so far, no one coded it.
+</I>&gt;<i> Well, I would think it *should* be the maintainer database, and just have a
+</I>&gt;<i> postfix alias map for it.
+This would put some restriction since the maintainer db is restricted to
+maintainers ( ie, not apprentice ) and I think we need a richer system
+that does more for bugzilla. IMHO, people that are not maintainers could
+be interested into getting notification of bugs on some rpms.
+For example :
+ - while not wanting to take care of a library, a packager would want
+to be notified of error on it, because some of his packages use it
+ - while not being packager, a upstream developer could subscribe to
+our bugzilla to get notification ( was done at plf for upload on some
+package )
+ - users who are testers, or advanced users of a software would
+subscribe to be able to confirm or test bugs. This also goes with some
+ideas of madb, to ease collaboration of users and packagers.
+- apprentices, who are not maintainers ( and so cannot be added to the
+maint db ), could get bug about rpm they want to help.
+So while not everything can be done right now, I think we should keep
+those goal in mind when designing the system. Especially make clear what
+is the goal of the aliases, and make a way to see who is behind it, and
+when to use it, and when to not use it. For example, I am not sure that
+assigning a bug to a team is not equivalent to assigning it to no
+one :/
+IMHO, the easiest would be to indeed add group maintainer to the current
+code base for maintainer db, and find some way to do auto assignement in
+bugzilla. For example, a cron job to modify bugzilla when something is
+assigned to triage ?
+Michael Scherer
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