path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-sysadm/2010-November/000932.html
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+ <H1>[Mageia-sysadm] progress of the night</H1>
+ <B>Olivier Blin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-sysadm] progress of the night">mageia at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Thu Nov 25 14:23:59 CET 2010</I>
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+<PRE>Michael Scherer &lt;<A HREF="">misc at</A>&gt; writes:
+&gt;<i> ( blino also did some work, but I will let him talk of this, like :
+</I>&gt;<i> - explaining the cooldron idea
+</I>&gt;<i> - the vhost &quot;repository&quot;
+Some updates:
+- iurt has been cleaned not to require a global &quot;sudo&quot; access:
+ all commands requiring root access are now run through the
+ iurt_root_command wrapper, and iurt now requires sudo access for
+ this wrapper only
+- the mandrake user is gone, we now have per-task users:
+ * the schedbot user on the main node schedules the jobs with ulri
+ and gathers back the packages with ulri + emi
+ * the iurt user runs the iurt jobs on the build nodes
+ (it might be used on the main node later to receive batch rebuilds or
+ dkms rebuilds)
+- iurt config files are now in /etc/iurt:
+ * upload.conf (for ulri + emi)
+ * build/&lt;distro version&gt;.conf (for iurt)
+- upload.conf file has been factorized (simple build nodes list)
+- a vhost (private on the BS) has been created on
+ valstar with a small cauldron repository
+ <A HREF=""></A> points to
+ /distrib/boostrap/distrib on valstar
+ It is not in /distrib/mirror since it is not meant to be mirrored yet.
+ It is based on packages from Mandriva Cooker for i586 and x86_64.
+- iurt uses <A HREF=""></A>
+- ulri specifies the iurt log dir on the ssh command line, avoiding the
+ use of a iurt wrapper in the build node
+- a vhost (public) has been created
+ For now, <A HREF=""></A> points to the build
+ queue (raw directoryt index)
+Basically, iurt, ulri and emi are ready now.
+- fix a bug that makes iurt rebuild the whole chroot tarball everytime
+ (it checks NFS repository
+- setup mdv-youri to submit packages in the todo queue
+ (this will get called by repsys submit)
+- setup mdv-youri to upload built packages in the repository (/distrib/repository)
+- setup cronjobs to run ulri and emi
+- allow uploads to a restricted set of trusted users
+- start the package cleaning job (mga extension, remove Mandriva references)
+- move the bootstrap repo to a more meaningful directory, for example
+ /distrib/repository
+- setup a cronjob to mirror /distrib/repository to /distrib/mirror
+ (when the cauldron repo is cleaned from Mandriva references)
+- setup the web BS status page on <A HREF=""></A>
+The cauldron bootstrap repo (previously codenamed cooldron) has been
+built this way:
+ rm -f /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/*
+ linux32 urpmi --auto --use-distrib <A HREF=""></A>
+ --root /tmp/testroot --no-install basesystem rpm-build
+ rpm-mandriva-setup-build sudo urpmi curl python-devel dbus-devel
+ gtk2-devel curl-devel desktop-file-utils libnotify-devel
+ xmlrpc-c-devel xmlrpc-c file-devel python-devel gettext
+ polkit-1-devel libzip-devel libtar-devel bzip2-devel zlib-devel
+ intltool bison rpm-devel sqlite-devel
+ mkdir -p /distrib/boostrap/distrib/cauldron/i586/media/main/release/
+ cp -fa /var/cache/urpmi/rpms/* /distrib/boostrap/distrib/cauldron/i586/media/main/release/
+ # edit a minimal /distrib/boostrap/distrib/cauldron/i586/media/media_info/media.cfg
+ gendistrib --skipmissingdir /distrib/boostrap/distrib/cauldron
+Olivier Blin - blino
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