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+ <H1>[Mageia-marketing] Emails lost yesterday</H1>
+ <B>Sebastian</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-marketing] Emails lost yesterday">sebsebseb_mageia at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed May 2 04:11:16 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On 22/04/12, Patricia Fraser:
+&gt;<i> Hi guys,
+</I>&gt;<i> Hard disk crashed yesterday, so if anyone sent mails to me in the
+</I>&gt;<i> last 24 hours - please resend!
+</I>&gt;<i> Cheers,
+</I>Hi Trish
+I am replying to your email later than I would have done for various
+I am having my own hard disk problems at the moment, well partitions
+really. Something wrong with the partition table. I also can't just put
+my data easily on a external hard disk at the moment and start over for
+I could try fixing the partition table, but things are in quite a mess
+let's put it that way, so on the verge of completely starting over.
+It's been over a week now as well with these issues, but for various
+reasons haven't just been able to start over.
+I can boot up Windows XP properly, but not a Linux distro, and I can't
+just go and install one again either, so I am stuck using Live CD's at
+the moment or Windows when using this computer, until I move data off
+this computer's hard disk that I want to keep, to some where else, so I
+can completely start over with the partition table.
+I could try fixing the partition table, but I am going to completely
+start over.
+I think you didn't read a email I sent about Saturday 19th May:
+<A HREF=""></A>
+I had this idea to do a time line type talk, how and why I got
+interested in Mageia, how I got involved and when things happened, and
+about Mageia itself, however there isn't really time for all of that in
+only 5 minutes.
+I am starting to get some LUG interest in Mageia and that seems to be
+going quite well so far :).
+Someone gave me some suggestions for the talk from the LUG as well :).
+For example how every word I say has to be relevant, and basically how I
+should plan for four minutes, then try and cut stuff down as well.
+Oliver sent me a slide show of a talk he did about Mageia.
+I would like some proper help from Mageia marketing and communications
+team people to plan this talk properly, but also with a slide show, and
+even with the website description, however it seems that quite a few
+people have disappeared on us.
+It's a 5 minute talk, and since I am going to be going there to
+officially represent the Mageia project, I want to make sure that I am
+doing so properly. To some extent I will also be representing the LUG I
+guess, because I am down as being from the LUG on the website when it
+comes to the group. So another reason why this talk should be done properly.
+The person from the LUG basically suggested that I need to say what
+makes Mageia good when compared to other distros, and well indeed at
+that, but what makes it so good really when compared to other distros?
+Obviously when compared to many other distributions the control centre,
+but what else?
+I think my talk should basically be, introducing myself as a Mageia
+contributor, introducing Mageia, more information about Mageia such as
+what makes it good for many users, and an ending.
+I also plan to put some contact details into the talk itself or at least
+the slide show. For example I would like to tell people that they can
+follow me on Identica a alternative to Twitter where I spread interest
+in Mageia and that mainly has people interested in Linux using it.
+Probably something about IRC channels as well.
+I think keywords in the talk should be we and our, because I'll be
+talking officially. I also think I should introduce myself officially.
+Something like: &quot;Good afternoon my name is Sebastian and I am the
+Mageia marketing and communications team deputy leader, and a member of
+the artwork and documentation teams.&quot;
+Or something like &quot;Good afternoon my name is Sebastian and I am the
+Mageia marketing and communications team deputy leader, and a member of
+the artwork and documentation teams. I also run Freenode IRC channels
+for the Linux distribution such as Mageia UK and Mageia Social, and help
+to spread interest in Mageia on Identica a open alternative to Twitter
+with mainly Linux users using it.&quot;
+Or maybe something like: &quot;Good afternoon my name is Sebastian and I am a
+Linux enthusiast who decided to get involved with Mageia a fork of the
+commercial Mandriva Linux distribution, which goes back to 1998 when it
+was called Mandrake. Mageia is a 100% community distribution, with a non
+profit organisation behind it, and everyone who contributes is a
+volunteer, and I am the Mageia marketing and communications team deputy
+leader, and a member of the artwork and documentation teams. On
+September 18th 2010 it was announced that ex Mandriva employee's and
+other contributors were going to fork Mandriva into Mageia. Mageia 1 was
+released on the 1st of June last year, and our second version was
+released on Tuesday of this week. I also run Freenode IRC network
+channels for the project such as Mageia UK and Mageia Social.&quot;
+At the beginning of the talk I think I should introduce myself, say
+what Mageia is and how it's a fork of Mandriva and why it forked, and
+when the announcement of Mageia was and when the first and second
+release was.
+There are various ways I could say it's a fork and something about that,
+but how do you think I should do it? Another example is this: &quot;On
+September 18th 2010 it was announced on the Mageia website, that some ex
+Mandriva employee's and other contributors were going to fork Mandriva
+into a 100% community distribution with a non profit organisation behind
+it, because Edge-IT a company working on Mandriva got liquidated and
+many former employee's got laid off as a result.&quot; Remember I only got 5
+minutes and wouldn't really want to say to much about the fork and it
+could use valuable time if I am doing that.
+What about FOSDEM and our AGM and that kind of thing? Should I say
+something like this for example? &quot;Mageia goes to events and our main
+event is FOSDEM where our AGM happens as well&quot;. Or something like this
+even? &quot;Mageia has a presence at events and our main event is when
+contributors go to Brussels, because of FOSDEM. We have our AGM at
+FOSDEM for example.&quot;
+I think it's a good idea to say something like: &quot;Mageia may still be
+quite a new Linux distribution, but we do have developers who contribute
+to upstream projects, for example our Gnome maintainer is on the
+upstream Gnome release team, and our Pulseaudio maintainer develops it
+I think it may be a good idea to say something about contributing and
+teams, and the council and the board, and how that works, and how each
+year people vote on who they would like to have as the team leader and
+deputy leader, and that kind of thing? In the slide show Oliver sent me
+there's a diagram that tries to explain that, however also one that may
+need some updating if going to be used. Probably should also say in the
+talk that Mageia has a few founders, but maybe add something in about
+them not really having a special status as such as a result, because in
+Mageia we treat people equally? I think the votes system for teams is
+worth mentioning for sure, because I like the idea of mentioning it and
+then saying how as a result it doesn't matter if someone was there from
+the beginning or not, they can join a team and possibly end up leading
+it n the future even, which I think is good.
+When it comes to the organisation might be worth saying that it's a
+French non profit organisation, but Mageia is a international project so
+contributors from loads of different countries.
+Also when it comes to releases it may be worth saying something like
+&quot;Mageia 1 was released with Gnome 2.32 and KDE 4.6 with XFCE and LXDE
+available in the repos when KDE 4.6 was quite new as well, and Mageia 2
+has a recent Linux kernel and Gnome 3.4 and KDE 4.6 and XFCE and LXDE is
+available in the repos as well.&quot; I think maybe something quick to do
+with that, but nothing to long, since everyone in the audience as far as
+I know won't be using a Desktop Linux distro as their operating system
+of choice, even though the audience in general will be quite technical.
+To anyone who reads this message before Saturday 19th May 2012, please
+provide suggestions for the talk :).
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