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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] Will Mageia meet small businesses' needs?</H1>
+ <B>Margot</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] Will Mageia meet small businesses' needs?">margot at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Sep 29 11:43:44 CEST 2010</I>
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+<PRE>On Tue, 28 Sep 2010 20:53:05 -0700 (PDT)
+Henri de Solages &lt;<A HREF="">mongolie2006-com at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Hello.
+</I>&gt;<i> I've been using Mandrake and Mandriva for about 8 years, and I
+</I>&gt;<i> used to pay for it. I stopped paying because of the poor quality
+</I>&gt;<i> of Mandriva Store service. Now I have a small web creation
+</I>&gt;<i> business: . <A HREF=""></A> We still use Mandriva
+</I>&gt;<i> 2009 spring in 2 computers, but shifted this year to Ubuntu for 2
+</I>&gt;<i> others.
+</I>&gt;<i> My concern is: will Mageia meet the needs of small businesses?
+Define 'small business'! I am a small business - very small, just
+me. In fact, I am two small businesses - freelance IT Consultant,
+and also a Sales Leader with Avon. In the USA, a 'small business'
+can have up to 750 employees, depending on which state it is based
+in and the type of business. A business with 750 employees will
+have very different needs from a one-person business.
+&gt;<i> 1) Small businesses are not very interested by the famous
+</I>&gt;<i> &quot;pro-choice&quot; policy of Mandriva. I would prefer a system that
+</I>&gt;<i> JUST WORKS rather than the choice between several buggy solutions
+</I>&gt;<i> (KDE/Gnome, Kmail/Thunderbird etc.). And I just don't think a
+</I>&gt;<i> small company or a small community can maintain so many different
+</I>&gt;<i> competitive solutions. Making choice requires a strong
+</I>&gt;<i> management, because any choice will make some users unhappy. But
+</I>&gt;<i> my experience is that any computer system, because of its legacy,
+</I>&gt;<i> becomes heavier and heavier, and is one day replaced by a
+</I>&gt;<i> simpler, completely new one, with no legacy. I've just given up
+</I>&gt;<i> Firefox for Chromium for that. The weakest is the management, the
+</I>&gt;<i> quickest the system become unmanageable.
+</I>&gt;<i> 2) Small businesses need a paid, affordable, reliable SUPPORT.
+</I>&gt;<i> Forums are helpful, but quite often one doesn't find the needed
+</I>&gt;<i> answer that way. The payment should of course be possible by
+</I>&gt;<i> MasterCard or Visa card.
+</I>&gt;<i> 3) Small businesses need an efficient way to FIND INFORMATION
+</I>&gt;<i> QUICKLY. Fragmented information systems like official web pages +
+</I>&gt;<i> mailing list + wiki + forums + bugzilla + support pages, some of
+</I>&gt;<i> these in different languages, make information very difficult to
+</I>&gt;<i> find. Although English is the mother tongue of nobody at
+</I>&gt;<i>, I would prefer no mailing list, no forum, no support
+</I>&gt;<i> system, but an English wiki with discussion in the wiki's
+</I>&gt;<i> discussion pages, rather than in forums, an English bugzilla for
+</I>&gt;<i> bugs and enhancement wishes, and possibly wikis in other
+</I>&gt;<i> languages with systematic links to the corresponding English page.
+</I>&gt;<i> 4) Some small businesses, like, would be very
+</I>&gt;<i> interested in MULTISEAT (several seats on one central unit),
+</I>&gt;<i> because it's cheaper than buying one computer per employee.
+</I>&gt;<i> Unfortunately, this is not provided in an easy way by any
+</I>&gt;<i> distribution, as far as I know. If you know a distribution
+</I>&gt;<i> provided this, please let me know.
+You are talking about the needs of your own small business.
+Other small businesses (from 1 to 750 staff) will have quite
+different needs. It is very unlikely that Mageia will satisfy
+the needs of ALL types of small business. It is also very
+unlikely that Mageia will suit the needs of all individuals,
+or of all LARGE businesses. However, if you participate in
+the project in some way, it is likely that you will be able to
+have some influence over the shaping of the distro to meet the
+needs of your own business - much more likely than if you were
+to volunteer for, say, Microsoft!
+**Otford Ducks Computers**
+We teach, you learn...
+...and, if you don't do your homework, we set the cat on you!
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