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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] free software purity question</H1>
+ <B>Frank Griffin</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] free software purity question">ftg at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Thu Jul 19 16:31:52 CEST 2012</I>
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+<PRE>On 07/19/2012 09:19 AM, Johnny A. Solbu wrote:
+&gt;<i> Because it is the same issiue. I treat firmwares the same as I treat
+</I>&gt;<i> any other software. if a device can't work without installing a
+</I>&gt;<i> package contaning non-free firmware, I'm not using it. In order to use
+</I>&gt;<i> it I might need to install a non-free software package (rpm, deb,
+</I>&gt;<i> tarball). How is that any different than a driver? Both have to be
+</I>&gt;<i> installed by the user. (yes, yes, the default might be to have them
+</I>&gt;<i> preinstalled in some distros, that is not the issiue.)
+All of this (including the OP) is really a group of artificial
+distinctions. All CPUs contain microcode or some programming
+equivalent, even going back to the days of gates wired in series. You
+may get a Principles of Operation manual that tells you what the
+instructions (are supposed to) do in detail, but that's not the same as
+seeing the &quot;source&quot; (microcode or wiring) that makes it happen, and it
+certainly doesn't allow you to change it at will.
+Free Software is about not removing your ability to examine and modify
+things you can reasonably be expected to have the skills and equipment
+to examine and modify. Most of us don't have the ability to manufacture
+our own disk controllers or interrupt controllers. Yet both of those
+contain closed-source custom programming, and nobody seems to think
+twice about using them in FS environments.
+Personally, I think that the reasonable lower limit on &quot;free&quot;
+expectations is the ability to burn your own BIOS ROMs if you wish to.
+As far as hardware devices that are built with custom programming, I
+don't see any distinction between wired logic, immutable ROMs, or
+flashable/loadable firmware. Those are all just aspects of how the
+manufacturer supports the device (assuming he does). Loadable firmware
+may make it simpler for the manufacturer to supply updates and easier
+for you to get fixes, but it's no more closed than wired logic is.
+In economic terms, what you seem to be asking for is absolute
+unbundling, where every manufacturer is limited to making one and only
+one thing and relying on multiple competing outside suppliers for other
+components with open standards in force at each juncture.
+That works best when &quot;commons&quot; are involved, e. g. infrastructure that
+can only have one owner, just as the fiber optic cable in a town or the
+POTS copper cable. In those cases, whoever granted the monopoly
+(usually local government) can classify the resource as a public utility
+and require the owner to rent its capacity to anyone who has the price.
+This is what happened years back in the U.S. with telephone service and
+dial-up ISPs, where the phone companies were told they couldn't refuse
+to carry data traffic for independent ISPs at competitive rates.
+Unfortunately, the farther down you drill with this, the greater the
+negative impact on innovation. If I design a graphic card and I'm not
+allowed to bring it to market until I can convince one or more
+independent software development companies to do the programming with an
+open, documented interface, I may not be able to financially survive the
+delay. Theoretically, if the market wants me to document the interface
+so that others can compete with me on the firmware, it will punish me if
+I don't. But in the meantime, I have the opportunity to make early
+profits that will allow me to cover the overhead of doing that later on.
+In short, I think you'll find that entusiasm for the Free Software
+concept in the marketplace will dwindle severely as you try to take it
+further and further down to the level of electrons. Most people will
+weigh the inconvenience against the probability that they or anyone
+acting on their behalf will ever exploit that freedom.
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