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+ <TITLE> [Mageia-dev] Announcing a web viewer for svn, + quick guide to the svn
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Announcing a web viewer for svn, + quick guide to the svn</H1>
+ <B>Michael Scherer</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Announcing a web viewer for svn, + quick guide to the svn">misc at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Tue Feb 1 17:45:14 CET 2011</I>
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+Since command line browsing was not very practical, and since some
+people didn't found how to access to the svn ( as this was not widely
+documented ), a web interface was installed for looking at subversion
+( this was planned since a long time, but was less urgent than the
+others urgent tasks, so this was deployed slowly ).
+So if you want to look at svn you can now go on
+<A HREF=""></A> . The server is using a readonly copy of the
+subversion that is synced by cron so the latest commit may not appear
+immediately. Fixing this is doable, but not very high on the TODO list
+for now.
+So for those that will discover the content of the svn for the first
+time, here is a quick summary. The list of subversion repository can be
+found on
+<A HREF=";view=markup">;view=markup</A>
+We do have on ( valstar ) 5 public repositories :
+All of them but 1 are mirrored on the main web application server
+( alamut ). Binrepos hold the tarball and binary file from packages, and
+is expected to grow a lot ( 11g at the moment ), so we decided to not
+mirror for now.
+<A HREF=""></A>
+/packages is where you can find specs files, patches and everything
+needed to rebuild packages. The best way to access is is using mgarepo,
+as explained by the wiki and boklm.
+There is 2 directories :
+misc -&gt; contains the old changelog of imported packages
+cauldron -&gt; 1 directory per package name
+In a package directory ( like
+<A HREF=""></A> ), you will find
+3 subdirectories most of the time :
+pristine/ hold the latest submitted rpm ( ie, the specs and sources ).
+releases/ work like the tags directory of usual subversion layout, with
+the older version of the rpms, and current/ is the current work.
+When using mgarepo, it take current/, and that's where people should
+look for the newest version.
+Since no one except some people who work on the BS will likely be
+interested in the details, I will not go further ( being myself in the
+list of those that do not remember the details :p )
+That's where we place most softwares we developed or forked ( fork being
+the last option ). Some are also developed by others, using others
+tools. We may switch to git or others dvcs later, and maybe also have
+smaller repositories ( ie 1 per software ), but so far, this is not the
+case and nothing is planned.
+You can find :
+mirrors/mga-mirrors/ -&gt; MGA::Mirrors, running on,
+ catalyst web application to manage mirror list
+rpm/rpm-setup/ -&gt; the rpm-setup content ( ie rpm macros )
+identity/catdap/ -&gt; the web interface for ldap, catdap, again
+ perl/catalyst
+build_system/iurt -&gt; the rebuild bot, written by Mandriva and adapted to
+ work with our layout and with privileges separation
+build_system/mgarepo -&gt; a fork of repsys, a connectiva tool for the
+ build system, using our layout ( binary
+ separated from others files )
+build_system/mdv-youri-submit -&gt; fork of youri ( zarb project ) made
+ by mandriva. Pushing changes upstream
+ is planned.
+build_system/web -&gt; what you see on
+Others software are expected to appear there once we have finished
+reviewing trademark and logo, etc on mandriva svn.
+That where the web site live, in www/.
+And there is the various templates for sympa, transifex, bugzilla in
+templates/. The templates are updated to the live version by cron, but
+nothing was commited for now ( except for bugzilla ).
+Rda would likely explain better than me the intended usage and layout of
+this one.
+That where the configuration of the server ( minus the passwords ) is
+stored. We are using puppet for that, it allows us to describe the
+configuration in the puppet DSL ( Domain Specific Language ), and it
+take care of dispatching to every server, saying how the server should
+be setup and behave.
+It is updated every 15 minutes on the main puppet server ( valstar ),
+and then every server get the config every 30 minutes. We can force
+update by hand if needed, but being lazy as all sysadmin, we don't.
+So if you want to know how we do something, you can look. If you want to
+help on sysadmin, you can send patches, based on the configuration
+( that something we tried to push, some innovation on the way sysadmin
+interact with community, but maybe the learning curve of puppet is too
+high, so I will try to do some training once I have free time and/or
+write more documentation ).
+That's all for now.
+If you want to access using the command line, the address didn't changed
+since it was opened in october 2010 , you can still use :
+svn $COMMAND <A HREF="svn://">svn://</A>
+If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask, either on ml or on
+irc ( I would prefer on ml ). If someone want to cut and paste this on
+the wiki, feel free to do it too.
+Michael Scherer
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