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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] WiFi AdHoc networking</H1>
+ <B>Buchan Milne</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] WiFi AdHoc networking">bgmilne at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Mon Oct 17 12:19:55 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Thursday, 13 October 2011 16:21:22 Jos&#233; Jorge wrote:
+&gt;<i> hi, I am willing to get AdHoc WiFi working automaticaly on Mageia 1. For
+</I>&gt;<i> now, with drakxtools :
+</I>&gt;<i> - OK : connect to an existing AdHoc network
+</I>&gt;<i> - BAD : no IP address is assigned if no dhcp daemon is found.
+I believe if you have zcip installed, it should get an IP address assigned,
+&gt;<i> - CORRECTION : launch &quot;avahi-autoipd ethX&quot;
+I think we should be using avahi-autipd instead of zcip.
+</I>&gt;<i> So it does not work without CLI. So questions to have this working at least
+</I>&gt;<i> on MGA2:
+</I>&gt;<i> 1. Should this be done on drakxtools or network-manager ?
+initscripts. See line 380 of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth
+&gt;<i> 2. Does anyone with drakxtools knowledge think it can be patched it to do
+</I>&gt;<i> that?
+Sure, the script above could have zcip replaced with avahi-autoipd. However,
+the man page for avahi-autoipd points one at this wiki page:
+<A HREF=""></A>
+which recommends using the DHCP plugin instead. Maybe you could experiment,
+and see exactly what is necessary (sorry, all my wifi networks have DHCP
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