path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-dev/2011-October/008917.html
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+ <TITLE> [Mageia-dev] missing deps, lash rebuilt for texi2html
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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] missing deps, lash rebuilt for texi2html</H1>
+ <B>Funda Wang</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] missing deps, lash rebuilt for texi2html">fundawang at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Mon Oct 17 08:27:31 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>2011/10/16 Thomas Spuhler &lt;<A HREF="">thomas at</A>&gt;:
+&gt;<i> Thanks Funda. I will look it up just to learn how you did it.
+</I>The problem comes from the upgrading of swig, it tends to have such
+problems when doing major upgrades.
+If there is something wrong when building, I usually try finding
+existing patches from other distros (in the order of): Fedora, Gentoo,
+Archlinux, OpenSUSE, Debian, Ubuntu. If none of them works, then I'll
+try write the patch myself, and report it upstream.
+&gt;<i> --
+</I>&gt;<i> Thomas
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