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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] mageia 2 and systemd</H1>
+ <B>Shlomi Fish</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] mageia 2 and systemd">shlomif at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Fri Oct 14 08:53:28 CEST 2011</I>
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+<PRE>On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 21:00:58 +0200
+philippe makowski &lt;<A HREF="">makowski.mageia at</A>&gt; wrote:
+&gt;<i> Hi,
+</I>&gt;<i> how and when will we make the move ?
+</I>&gt;<i> should we need to provide native systemd service files for Mageia 2 ?
+</I>&gt;<i> some doc from Fedora for packaging :
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+</I>&gt;<i> <A HREF=""></A>
+I've had a very bad experience upgrading to systemd-sysvinit on my desktop Core
+i3 machine. The boot took forever, and I ended up giving up, booting from a
+LiveCD, and restoring the &quot;sysvinit&quot; package, which made booting the system OK
+again. Here are the relevant logs from #systemd on Freenode (I am rindolf):
+Oct 13 09:30:40 &lt;rindolf&gt; Hi all.
+Oct 13 09:31:02 &lt;rindolf&gt; Today systemd-sysvinit replaced sysvinit (on my Mageia 2 system after a urpmi upgrade), but after I rebooted my system won't boot. It got hang at the udev step (the first one). I recall that when I rebooted, it warned me that it couldn't find or something like that. How can I restore booting?
+Oct 13 09:45:28 &lt;rindolf&gt; Anyone?
+Oct 13 09:46:37 &lt;MK_FG&gt; rindolf, I suspect it just hangs not being able to detect your hard drives for some reason
+Oct 13 09:46:49 &lt;MK_FG&gt; rindolf, In that case, it should time out after a while
+Oct 13 09:47:07 &lt;MK_FG&gt; rindolf, But in any case, it should help to enable debug output
+Oct 13 09:47:10 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: well, now after I hit Ctrl+C it continues, but hangs again.
+Oct 13 09:47:17 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: how can I enable debug output?
+Oct 13 09:47:21 &lt;MK_FG&gt; <A HREF=""></A>
+Oct 13 09:48:01 &lt;MK_FG&gt; But it's all in the mans, too, if you'll end up w/o a browser
+Oct 13 09:49:14 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: I have a second computer.
+Oct 13 10:01:29 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: now it gets stuck on loading shorewall.
+Oct 13 10:01:36 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: it got stuck several times before
+Oct 13 10:01:51 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: and no matter how many times I press Ctrl+C it won't stop that.
+Oct 13 10:01:59 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: booting is slower than ever this way.
+Oct 13 10:02:07 &lt;MK_FG&gt; It should timeout eventually
+Oct 13 10:02:07 &lt;rindolf&gt; I thought systemd was supposed to make booting faster.
+Oct 13 10:02:17 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: &quot;eventually&quot; is the key word here.
+Oct 13 10:02:17 &lt;sztanpet&gt; works for me
+Oct 13 10:02:38 &lt;MK_FG&gt; Yeah, a minute or two by default
+Oct 13 10:02:38 &lt;rindolf&gt; sztanpet: what does work for you?
+Oct 13 10:02:49 &lt;sztanpet&gt; systemd operating as expected
+Oct 13 10:03:00 &lt;sztanpet&gt; but then again, i dont have your distro
+Oct 13 10:03:20 &lt;MK_FG&gt; But it's abnormal behavior, something should be fixed, not timeout and be killed on every boot
+Oct 13 10:05:48 &lt;rindolf&gt; sztanpet: someone once told me that &quot;works for me&quot; is the oldest excuse in the programmer's book.
+Oct 13 10:05:52 &lt;rindolf&gt; And it's not very helpful.
+Oct 13 10:06:15 &lt;sztanpet&gt; indeed
+Oct 13 10:06:26 &lt;MK_FG&gt; Neither is unconstructive criticism like &quot;nothing works!&quot;
+Oct 13 10:06:38 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: well, I told you what doesn't work for me.
+Oct 13 10:06:55 &lt;MK_FG&gt; I think you know what I mean
+Oct 13 10:07:15 &lt;rindolf&gt; MK_FG: no, I don't.
+Oct 13 10:07:25 &lt;MK_FG&gt; Well, nevermind then ;)
+Oct 13 10:09:50 &lt;bochecha&gt; rindolf, the default timeout can be 5 minutes (for services with legacy init scripts), did you wait that long?
+Oct 13 10:16:55 &lt;rindolf&gt; bochecha: some of the times.
+Oct 13 10:17:20 &lt;rindolf&gt; bochecha: I now tried a &#8220;failsafe&#8221; boot and systemd gets stuck on an infinite &quot;Trying to load D-Bus&quot; loop.
+Oct 13 10:18:29 &lt;bochecha&gt; possibly dbus doesn't start, and systemd tries again, and again and... ?
+ Shlomi Fish
+Shlomi Fish <A HREF=""></A>
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