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+ <H1>[Mageia-dev] Mageia repository sections, licenses, restrictions, firmware etc</H1>
+ <B>Anssi Hannula</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-dev] Mageia repository sections, licenses, restrictions, firmware etc">anssi.hannula at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Tue Oct 12 17:02:38 CEST 2010</I>
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+<PRE>Hi all!
+Do people have any thoughts on what kind of repository/media sectioning we
+should use on Mageia, and what should those sections contain?
+Note that I won't talk about backports / private repositories in this post,
+only about the basic sectioning and packages in those.
+Some points to consider (I've written my opinion in ones where I have one):
+== Do we want a separated core repository?
+No separated core: Fedora, Debian, Opensuse
+Separated core: Mandriva (main), Ubuntu (main), Arch (Core)
+== What will be officially supported?
+ - And what does that mean?
+== How are the sections named? :)
+I think I'm in favor of renaming 'contrib' to 'extra'.
+== Where do redistributable firmware go (Radeon graphics, Intel WLAN, TG3
+ethernet, etc)?
+To main repository: Arch, Fedora, Opensuse, Ubuntu
+To the non-free repository: Debian
+Case-by-case arbitrary decision: Mandriva
+If we want to separate non-free firmware &#224; la Debian, I guess one option would
+be a separate firmware repository... or we could make free-only installation
+an expert option. Certainly we want tg3 ethernet and radeon to work on a
+standard installation, and for this we really need the firmware.
+I'd probably prefer to put them in main (as all non-Debian ones) but do some
+metapackage magic (or similar) to allow blacklisting them easily for those who
+want to.
+== Where do firmware without license go (DVB, V4L, etc)?
+To unsupported non-free repository: Ubuntu (multiverse) [1],
+To unsupported repository without binary packages: Arch (AUR)
+Nowhere: Debian, Fedora, Opensuse, Mandriva
+I guess for this one I'd prefer a helper draktool to handle/download these
+instead of shipping them ourselves.
+== What about patents?
+Almost no software with patents: Fedora, Opensuse
+ - Essentially no media codecs except theora/vorbis/ogg/vp8 etc.
+ - Strange exception: libXft, Cairo and Qt4 are shipped with LCD filtering
+ support enabled, even if it is disabled in freetype
+No software with enforced patents: Debian
+ - not included (at least): x264 (encoder), lame mp3 (encoder)
+ - included (at least): MPEG/x decoders, H.264 decoders, MP3 decoders,
+ AAC decoders, AMR decoders, DTS decoders, AC3 decoders,
+ WMV/WMA decoders, realvideo decoders, etc
+Some software covered by patents not included: Mandriva
+ - see below for more information
+All software covered by patents allowed: Arch, Ubuntu
+IMO we should alter our policy to match either Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu.. The
+Mandriva policy makes no sense (for example, no AAC decoder but yes for H.264
+decoder and MPEG-4 encoder?).
+I'm really not sure which way we should go, though. WDYT?
+== If we choose a separate core repository, should we do something regarding
+ OOo and java?
+(there are a million java packages with tight interdependencies, and due to
+OOo requiring some of those, we need to ship the whole web in main)
+== Do we allow P2P file transfer software?
+Yes: Arch, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu
+No, except torrents: Mandriva
+Unknown, at least torrents allowed: Opensuse
+== And gaming emulators?
+Allowed: Arch, Debian, Ubuntu
+Mostly no, but at least fuse-emulator is shipped: Fedora
+Unknown, but lots of them are in OBS 'Emulators' project (unofficial but in
+official mirrors): Opensuse
+No, but at least zsnes is shipped: Mandriva
+== And DVDCSS, etc?
+Allowed: Arch
+Not allowed: Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, Opensuse, Ubuntu
+This should probably be 'no'.
+============ Mandriva sectioning ===========
+=== main
+ - packages that are officially supported, with security updates handled by
+ the security team
+ - packages can only depend or builddepend on packages in main itself
+ - packages need to have an open source license
+ o unwritten exception: various non-free but distributable firmware (see
+ kernel-firmware), for example radeon firmware and TG3 ethernet firmware
+ are included despite their license; the selection is arbitrary
+ - packages can't be covered by patents
+ o unwritten exception: most patented codecs are shipped
+ - these are the patented codecs that are *not* shipped:
+ o official xvid encoder and decoder (another encoder and decoder is
+ shipped in main ffmpeg)
+ o libdca DTS decoder (another decoder is shipped in main ffmpeg)
+ o lame MP3 encoder (decoders are shipped in libmad and ffmpeg)
+ o any AAC decoders and encoders
+ o x264 H.264 encoder (decoder is shipped in main ffmpeg)
+ o opencore AMR decoders and encoders
+ (Note: I may have missed some insignificant ones)
+ - all other patented codecs are shipped (including H.264 decoder,
+ MPEG-2 decoders and encoders, MPEG-4 decoders and encoders,
+ MP3 decoders, DTS decoder, AC-3 encoder/decoder, VC-1 decoder,
+ WMV/WMA decoders, realvideo decoders) (I didn't recheck the patent
+ status one-by-one, but this is the AFAIK situation)
+ o as with Opensuse and Fedora, MDV has LCD filtering in libXft, Qt4, Cairo
+ - packages can't break effective DRM (DVD CSS, AACS..)
+ - p2p packages are not allowed, except torrent clients
+ - gaming emulators that use rom files are not allowed
+=== contrib
+ - those packages not in main
+ - same as main, except that packages can depend on other packages in contrib
+ as well
+=== non-free
+ - those packages not in main or contrib
+ o including most firmware files, for e.g. WLAN cards
+ - same as contrib, except that only redistribution license is required, and
+ packages can depend on other packages in non-free
+============ Ubuntu sectioning ===========
+== Main
+ - packages that are fully supported
+ - can't depend on outside packages (AFAIK)
+ - applications and drivers need to be free software
+ (non-free redistributable &quot;documentation, images, sounds, video clips and
+ firmware&quot; are allowed &quot;on a case-by-case basis&quot;;
+ in practice all firmware is shipped as long it is redistributable)
+ - packages can't break effective DRM (DVD CSS, AACS..)
+ - must not require royalty payments
+ o apparently patents are an unwritten exception..
+== Restricted
+ - non-free packages that are officially supported
+ - it contains the minimal amount of packages, currently only:
+ bcmwl, fglrx, lpia, nvidia, sl-modem
+== Universe
+ - packages without guaranteed security updates
+ - same license policy as Main
+== Multiverse
+ - packages without guaranteed security updates that do not qualify
+ for Universe (including firmware with unknown license)
+== Partner repository
+ - unspecified 3rd party packages
+ - contains sun java, adobe flash, skype, realplayer, etc.
+Not mirrored in normal mirrors (redistribution outside Ubuntu is probably not
+allowed for some packages).
+============ Debian sectioning ===========
+== Main
+ - packages that are open source
+== Contrib
+ - open source packages that depend on non-free packages
+== Non-Free
+ - packages that are non-free but redistributable
+============ Fedora/Opensuse sectioning ===========
+Single repository, see the beginning of message for restrictions.
+Opensuse seems to have a semi-official 'Contrib' repository nowadays,
+though it doesn't seem to be precisely specified what goes there:
+<A HREF=""></A>
+It is apparently less official than e.g. Mandriva's 'contrib' or Ubuntu's
+'universe', though.
+============ Arch sectioning ===========
+== Core
+ - Core packages (basesystem only, no, etc)
+== Extra
+ - Other official packages
+== Community
+ - Voted and reviewed packages from Unsupported (below).
+== Unsupported
+ - User submitted packages
+ - No binary packages. (users must build them themselves)
+[1] <A HREF=""></A>
+Anssi Hannula
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