path: root/zarb-ml/mageia-discuss/20100929/001618.html
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authorNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
committerNicolas Vigier <>2013-04-14 13:46:12 +0000
commit1be510f9529cb082f802408b472a77d074b394c0 (patch)
treeb175f9d5fcb107576dabc768e7bd04d4a3e491a0 /zarb-ml/mageia-discuss/20100929/001618.html
parentfa5098cf210b23ab4f419913e28af7b1b07dafb2 (diff)
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+ <H1>[Mageia-discuss] we need a NEW mageia-artwork MAILING LIST!!</H1>
+ <B>Graham Lauder</B>
+ <A HREF=""
+ TITLE="[Mageia-discuss] we need a NEW mageia-artwork MAILING LIST!!">yorick_ at
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>Wed Sep 29 20:00:22 CEST 2010</I>
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+<PRE>On Thursday 30 Sep 2010 03:51:14 Romain d'Alverny wrote:
+&gt;<i> On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 16:42, Michael Scherer &lt;<A HREF="">misc at</A>&gt; wrote:
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Le mercredi 29 septembre 2010 &#224; 15:12 +0200, Thorsten van Lil a &#233;crit :
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; [...]
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; &gt; As I said in the past, we do not want to create a mailling list for
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; &gt; every possible group on the wiki :
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; For sure but I think a list for design, marketing, official
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; communication and maybe web developer couldn't be wrong.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; I mean one list for those groups. Because they have to work close
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; together and there is (or will be) an extra marketing team around Graham
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;&gt; (afaik).
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; Yup, I would agree, as I said in the past.
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; But your example of web team is one example of the issue we have :
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; [...]
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; The same goes for marketing vs communication vs design. While there is
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; clear area for them, there is lots of similarity ( except that I am
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; quite a novice in such domain, so I cannot give example ).
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt;
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; So a simple thing like &quot;how do we name the team&quot;, and &quot;how do we ensure
+</I>&gt;<i> &gt; that people in a team are correctly represented&quot; can be tricky.
+</I>&gt;<i> Indeed. Moreover, we will need to make &quot;apparently of somehow
+</I>&gt;<i> diverging interest&quot; teams work together, by pair, on several runs.
+</I>&gt;<i> This will help all teams to get to know each other and work better
+</I>&gt;<i> together. An example some Mozilla people suggested me is: making the
+</I>&gt;<i> marketing and developers teams collaborate to recruit/improve their
+</I>&gt;<i> beta-testers population (it benefits developers team and it requires
+</I>&gt;<i> marketing insights for that). You can imagine a lot of cooperation
+</I>&gt;<i> tasks like this.
+Indeed, an excellent idea, however marketing and developers should work
+alongside on many more levels than just that: Vision, User Experience, Art,
+packaging, design and so on.
+</I>&gt;<i> There, it would help to have more atomic mailing-lists (per specialty)
+</I>&gt;<i> but some other tool, empowering more cross-teams collaborations or
+</I>&gt;<i> ad-hoc teams setups (mailing-list may not be the right solution here,
+</I>&gt;<i> not sure what at this time).
+At this time mailing lists are the simplest. Mailing lists should be task
+oriented and people belong to those that they need to, to facilitate specific
+tasks. Marketing people should belong to: Art, Dev, User Experience and
+marketing. The management of peoples ML interaction should not be up to the
+server, but be managed by the individual on their personal machines. How they
+do that is up to them, but MLs give the user multiple management options.
+Either through an ordinary pop account,Gmail, gmane etc. Multiple task
+oriented mail lists give people many more options.
+</I>&gt;<i> Romain
+Graham Lauder, MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ
+<A HREF=""></A>
+ Migration and training Consultant.
+INGOTs Assessor Trainer
+(International Grades in Open Technologies)
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