path: root/transfugdrake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'transfugdrake')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/transfugdrake b/transfugdrake
deleted file mode 100755
index 8e51a22..0000000
--- a/transfugdrake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# $Id$
-# Yves Duret (yduret at mandrakesoft.com)
-# Christian Belisle (cbelisle at mandrakesoft.com)
-# Copyright 2001 MandrakeSoft
-# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
-# public license.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
-use lib q(/usr/lib/libDrakX);
-## Includes
-use common;
-use interactive;
-use standalone;
-use fsedit qw(:read_partitions);
-use detect_devices;
-use transfugdrake;
-# Add a variable and a detection for Windows version
-## Variables
-my $version = 0.3; # Version number
-my $debug = 1; # Debug flag
-my $windowsxp = 0; # Flag to know if we have win xp
-my $laststep = "";
-# Array used to locate the documents.
-my @documents_folders =
-('My Documents', # 95,98 - English
- 'Documents and Settings'); # XP - French & English
-# Ignored users in the document folder (XP)
-my @ignored_document_folders =
- 'NetworkService',
- 'Owner',
- '.',
- '..');
-# Address book location
-my $address_book_location = "Application Data/Microsoft/Address Book";
-# If it's started during install, die.
-$::isInstall and die "Not supported during install.\n";
-$::isEmbedded = ($::XID, $::CCPID) = "@ARGV" =~ /--embedded (\w+) (\w+)/;
-# Application initialization
-my $in = interactive::vnew(su);
-local $_ = join '', @ARGV;
-/-h/ and die "usage: transfug [--version]\n";
-/-version/ and die 'transfugdrake '.$version."\n";
-$::isEmbedded or $::isWizard = 1;
-$::Wizard_pix_up = "wiz_drakgw.png";
-$::Wizard_title = N("Transfugdrake");
-$::direct = /-direct/;
-#- **********************************
-#- * 0th step: verify if we are already set up
-$::Wizard_no_previous = 1;
-#- **********************************
-#- * 0th step: Welcome page
-if($debug) { print "- Starting Transfugdrake\n"; }
-#my %linux_config = transfugdrake::get_linux_config();
-$::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(N("Transfugdrake"),
-N("Welcome to Transfugdrake! I will help you to ease the step windows-linux
-by migrating your documents, mails and address books"), 1) or quit_global($in, 0);
-#- **********************************
-#- * 1st step: Windows configuration
-if($debug) { print "- Getting Windows Configuration\n"; }
-my ($win_partition, $win_fstype, $win_mountpoint) = transfugdrake::get_windows_config($in);
-$laststep = "step_1";
-#- **********************************
-#- * 2nd step: Windows User Chooser
-my $notvalid = 0;
-my $addbook = "";
-my $addbook_folder_win95 = "$windows_config->{mountpoint}/WINDOWS/Application Data/Microsoft/Address Book";
-if($debug) { print "- Windows User Chooser page\n"; }
-if($debug) { print "-- Looking where is the document folder $win_mountpoint\n"; }
-my $document_location = get_documents_folder(@documents_folders, $win_mountpoint);
-if($document_location eq "") {
- $in->ask_warn(N("Can't find documents folder!"),
- N("Can't find the folder where the documents are located. Exiting..."));
- quit_global($in, 0);
-if($debug) { print "-- Looking which Windows version we have\n"; }
-# Initialize the users array
-@users = ();
-if($document_location eq $win_mountpoint.'/'.$documents_folders[0]) {
- # For 95-98, go see in the address books folder to get the users
- if($debug) { print "--- Windows 95/98 found\n"; }
- opendir YREP, $addbook_folder_win95 or die "unable to open dir: $!\n";
- my @addbook_files = grep /.*dbx$/, readdir YREP;
- closedir YREP;
- foreach my $addbook (@addbook_files) {
- $addbook =~ s/.wab//g;
- foreach my $tmp_ignored (@users) {
- if($addbook eq $tmp_ignored) { $notvalid = 1; }
- }
- if($notvalid != 1) { push(@users, $addbook); }
- $notvalid = 0;
- }
-elsif($document_location eq $win_mountpoint.'/'.$documents_folders[1]) {
- # For XP, go see in the documents folder to get the directory listing
- if($debug) { print "--- Windows XP found\n"; }
- $in->ask_warn(N("No mail migration available"),
- N("Warning: Windows XP detected. No mail migration available yet for your Windows version."));
- $windowsxp = 1;
- opendir YREP, $document_location or die "unable to opendir: $!\n";
- my @tmp_user_array = readdir YREP;
- closedir YREP;
- foreach my $tmp_user (@tmp_user_array) {
- foreach my $tmp_ignored (@ignored_document_folders) {
- if ($tmp_user eq $tmp_ignored) { $notvalid = 1; }
- }
- if($notvalid != 1) { push(@users, $tmp_user); }
- $notvalid = 0;
- }
-if($users[0] eq "") {
- $in->ask_warn(N("No user found!"),
- N("Can't find any user on your Windows partition. Will copy all documents from Windows"));
-else {
- $::Wizard_no_previous = 0;
- my $chosen_user = $in->ask_from_list(N("Transfugdrake"),
- N("You have the following users in Windows. Which one do you want to use for migration?"),
- [ @users ], $users[0]) or goto step_0;
-$laststep = "step_2";
-#- **********************************
-#- * 3rd step: Task Chooser
-my @tasks = ('Copy files and folders from your Windows partition');
-if($debug) { print "- Task Chooser\n"; }
-$document_location .= '/'.$chosen_user;
-#if(-f $win_mountpoint."/WINDOWS".$address_book_location.$chosen_user.".wab" ||
-# -f $document_location.'/'.$address_book_location.'/'.$chosen_user.".wab") {
- # push(@tasks, "Migrate address book from Windows (not implemented yet)");
- #}
-# This is the Windows XP mailbox checkup. Will be active as soon as transfug_oe support OE 6.
-#if(-d $document_location."/Local Settings/Application Data/Identities") {
- # opendir YREP, $document_location."/Local Settings/Application Data/Identities" or die "unable to opendir: $!\n";
- # my @identity = readdir YREP;
- # closedir YREP;
- # if(-f $document_location."/Local Settings/Application Data/Identities/".$identity[2]."/Microsoft/Outlook Express/Inbox.dbx") {
- # push(@tasks, "Migrate your mail messages from Windows (Outlook Express 4 & 5 ONLY)");
- # }
- #}
-if(-d $win_mountpoint."/WINDOWS/Application Data/Identities") {
- opendir YREP, $win_mountpoint."/WINDOWS/Application Data/Identities" or die "unable to opendir: $!\n";
- my @identity = readdir YREP;
- closedir YREP;
- if(-f $win_mountpoint."/WINDOWS/Application Data/Identities/".$identity[2]."/Microsoft/Outlook Express/Inbox.dbx") {
- push(@tasks, "Migrate your mail messages from Windows (Outlook Express 4.5 & 5 ONLY)");
- }
-my $chosen_task = $in->ask_from_list(N("Transfugdrake"),
-N("Welcome to TransfugDrake! You are now able to ease\n the step Windows-Linux with many migrations. Please choose what you\n want to do:"), [ @tasks ], $tasks[0]) or quit_global($in, 0);
-if($chosen_task eq "Copy files and folders from your Windows partition") { goto step_4; }
-#if($chosen_task eq "Migrate address book from Windows (not implemented yet)") { goto step_7; }
-if($chosen_task eq "Migrate your mail messages from Windows (Outlook Express 4.5 & 5 ONLY)") { goto step_6; }
-$laststep = "step_3";
-#- **********************************
-#- * 4th step: Copy Windows Files
-if($debug) { print "- Ready to copy all the documents, waiting for user response\n"; }
-copy_documents($document_location, $ENV{HOME});
-$laststep = "step_4";
-#- ******************************
-#- * 5th step: redo if needed
-N("Do you want to copy other files from another folder?"), 1)) {
- goto step_2;
-$laststep = "step_5";
-#- *******************************
-#- * 4th step: mail from windows
-if ($windowsxp) { goto step_8; }
-$::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(N("Transfug"),
-N("We will bring back your Outlook Mailboxes to a standard unix mbox\n
-NB: This feature works only with Outlook Express 4.5 and 5"), 1) or goto step_7;
-mkdir "$ENV{HOME}/Mail" unless (-e "$ENV{HOME}/Mail");
-$oe5onwin98="$win/WINDOWS/Application Data/Identities";
-opendir YREP, $oe5onwin98;
-my @tmp_identitity = readdir YREP;
-closedir YREP;
-$oe5onwin98 .= '/'.$tmp_identity[2]."/Microsoft/Outlook Express";
-if (-e $oe5onwin98) {
- print "OE detected\n";
- opendir YREP, $oe5onwin98 or die "unable to open dir: $!";
- @files = grep /.*dbx$/, readdir YREP;
- closedir YREP;
- foreach $i (@files) {
- `transfug_oe \"$oe5onwin98/$i\" \"$ENV{HOME}/Mail/$i\"`;
- }
-$laststep = "step_6";
-#- *******************************
-#- * 6th step: address book from windows
-# In XP, address book is located in /Document and Settings/user/Appli Data/Microsoft/Address Book/
-#$::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(N("Transfugdrake"),
-#N("Here will come the address book migration page."), 1) or quit_global($in, 0);
-#- *******************************
-#- * 8th step: finish
-$::Wizard_no_previous = 0;
-$::direct or $in->ask_okcancel(N("Transfugdrake"),
-N("The migration of all of your Windows data is finished."), 1) or goto $laststep;
-#- *******************************
-#- *******************************
-sub detect_partition {
- # Return array
- my @win;
- # - Print partition type beside the partition
- # - Mount the partition the user want.
- # - Detect partition as user, and ask root passwd only when needed
- # Get folder listing in /mnt
- my @mnt_dir_folder = split("\n", `ls /mnt/`);
- # Look in the array if we have a windows partition
- my $folders_count = 1;
- while(@mnt_dir_folder[$folders_count] ne "") {
- push(@win,"/mnt/".@mnt_dir_folder[$folders_count]);
- $found = 1;
- if($debug) { print "-- Found windows partition at /mnt/@mnt_dir_folder[$folders_count]\n"; }
- $folders_count++;
- }
- # If nothing is found, print an error and exit.
- if(!$found) {
- print "- No windows partitions\n";
- $in->ask_warn(N("Can't find windows!"),
- N("Sorry, I can't find windows. Maybe it's not installed, or your windows partition is not mounted on Mandrake."));
- quit_global($in);
- }
- else {
- return @win;
- }
-sub get_documents_folder {
- my @doc_folders = @_;
- my $mountpoint = "";
- # Last entry in @doc_folders is moved to $mountpoint.
- $mountpoint = pop(@doc_folders);
- $mountpoint .= '/';
- # Make a whole checkup to see where My Documents is located.
- foreach my $test_doc (@doc_folders) {
- if(-d $mountpoint.$test_doc) {
- if(debug) { print "-- $mountpoint$test_doc found\n"; }
- if($test_doc eq $doc_folders[2]) { $xp = 1; }
- return $mountpoint.$test_doc;
- }
- }
-sub copy_documents {
- my $source = $_[0];
- my $dest = $_[1];
- mkdir("$dest/win_backup");
- $dest .= "/win_backup";
- $::Wizard_no_previous = 1;
- if(!($in->ask_yesorno(N("Transfugdrake"),
- N("Do you want to copy all the content of\n \"$source\" to\n \"$dest\"?"), 1))) {
- goto step_5;
- }
- $wait_configuring = $in->wait_message(N("Copying files..."),
- N("Copying all files from $source to $dest. This may take several minutes."));
- $source =~ s/\ /\\ /g;
- system("cp -R $source $dest");
- undef $wait_configuring;