diff options
authorPascal Rigaux <pixel@mandriva.com>2007-06-22 11:00:38 +0000
committerPascal Rigaux <pixel@mandriva.com>2007-06-22 11:00:38 +0000
commit407f4b508ef818ecf6c9fe2f42c64b9e763e9405 (patch)
parentbd7672d5af0bf39f1120d1a13bdc58ab89140e7c (diff)
major rework
- use genhdlist2 instead of doing things here - media/media_info/hdlist_xxx_yyy.cz is now a symlink to media/xxx/yyy/media_info/hdlist.cz - media/media_info/synthesis.hdlist_xxx_yyy.cz and pubkey_xxx_yyy are also symlinks now
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/gendistrib b/gendistrib
index 70f8cf8..9933ace 100755
--- a/gendistrib
+++ b/gendistrib
@@ -1,81 +1,52 @@
-(our $VERSION) = q$Id$ =~ /(\d+)/;
+(our $VERSION) = q(Id: gendistrib 20724 2006-11-30 13:13:27Z rafael ) =~ /(\d+)/;
use strict;
-use Cwd;
-use URPM;
-use URPM::Build;
-use Getopt::Long;
use MDV::Distribconf::Build;
-use MDV::Packdrakeng;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use File::Temp 'mktemp';
-my $urpm = new URPM;
-my $tempdir = -d $ENV{TMPDIR} ? $ENV{TMPDIR} : -d "$ENV{HOME}/tmp" ? "$ENV{HOME}/tmp" : "/tmp";
-my $headers_dir = $tempdir . "/.build_hdlist";
-my $yamlout= join('',
- '- !!omap\n',
- '[%{PKGID:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{NAME:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{VERSION:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{RELEASE:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{EPOCH:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{ARCH:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{SOURCERPM:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{PROVIDENAME:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{PROVIDEFLAGS:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{PROVIDEVERSION:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{REQUIRENAME:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{REQUIREFLAGS:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{REQUIREVERSION:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{CONFLICTNAME:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{CONFLICTFLAGS:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{CONFLICTVERSION:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{OBSOLETENAME:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{OBSOLETEFLAGS:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{OBSOLETEVERSION:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{DIRNAMES:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{DIRINDEXES:yaml}\n]',
- '[%{BASENAMES:yaml}\n]',
+use Getopt::Long;
sub usage () {
- pod2usage({ -verbose => 1 });
+ require Pod::Usage;
+ Pod::Usage::pod2usage({ '-verbose' => 1 });
exit 0;
my %urpmfiles;
+my %old;
'blind' => \my $blind,
- 'compss=s' => \$urpmfiles{compss},
- 'depslist=s' => \$urpmfiles{depslist},
- 'destdir=s' => \my $destdir,
'hdlists=s' => \$urpmfiles{hdlists},
- 'headersdir=s' => \$headers_dir,
'help|h' => \&usage,
'mediacfg=s' => \$urpmfiles{mediacfg},
- 'nobadrpm' => \my $dontdie,
- 'nochkdep' => \my $nochkdep, # compatibility, default now
- 'chkdep' => \my $chkdep,
- 'noclean' => \my $noclean,
+ 'nobadrpm' => \my $nobadrpm,
'noemptymedia' => \my $noemptymedia,
'nomd5sum' => \my $nomd5sum,
- 'nomediainfo' => \my $nomediainfo,
- 'provides=s' => \$urpmfiles{provides},
'skipmissingdir' => \my $skipmissingdir,
's' => \my $nooutput,
'v|version' => sub { warn "$0 version $VERSION\n"; exit 0 },
+# old stuff
+ 'chkdep' => \$old{chkdep},
+ 'compss=s' => \$old{compss},
+ 'depslist=s' => \$old{depslist},
+ 'noclean' => \$old{noclean},
+ 'provides=s' => \$old{provides},
+ 'headersdir=s' => \$old{headersdir},
+ 'nomediainfo' => \$old{nomediainfo},
-(my @root = grep { $_ } @ARGV) > 0 or usage();
+foreach (qw(chkdep compss depslist noclean headersdir provides nomediainfo)) {
+ $old{$_} and warn "--$_ is obsolete (not used anymore)\n";
+@ARGV == 1 or usage();
+my ($root) = @ARGV;
-my $distrib = MDV::Distribconf::Build->new($root[0]);
+my $distrib = MDV::Distribconf::Build->new($root);
-$distrib->loadtree or die "$root[0] does not seem to be a distribution tree\n";
+$distrib->loadtree or die "$root does not seem to be a distribution tree\n";
if (defined($urpmfiles{mediacfg})) {
$distrib->parse_mediacfg($urpmfiles{mediacfg}) or die "Can't read $urpmfiles{mediacfg}\n";
@@ -85,27 +56,12 @@ if (defined($urpmfiles{mediacfg})) {
$distrib->parse_mediacfg || $distrib->parse_hdlists or die "Can't read the distrib config\n";
-my $destinfodir = $destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' . $distrib->getpath(undef, "infodir") :
- $distrib->getfullpath(undef, "infodir");
-my %default_urpmfiles = (
- depslist => $destinfodir . "/depslist.ordered",
- provides => $destinfodir . "/provides",
- compss => $destinfodir . "/compss",
- version => $destdir ?
- $destdir . $distrib->getpath(undef, "VERSION") :
- $distrib->getfullpath(undef, "VERSION"),
- md5sum => $destinfodir . "/MD5SUM",
-while (my ($k, $v) = each(%default_urpmfiles)) {
- $urpmfiles{$k} ||= $v;
+my $destinfodir = $distrib->getfullpath(undef, "infodir");
+$urpmfiles{version} = $distrib->getfullpath(undef, "VERSION"),
# Error which are fatale
my @fatal = qw(SAME_INDEX);
-push(@fatal, 'MISSING_MEDIADIR') unless ($skipmissingdir);
+push @fatal, 'MISSING_MEDIADIR' if !$skipmissingdir;
my @fatalerrors; # fatales error show at the end
$distrib->check(sub {
@@ -114,7 +70,7 @@ $distrib->check(sub {
if (grep { $_ eq $info{errcode} } @fatal) {
push(@fatalerrors, "$info{level}: $info{message}");
} else {
- printf STDERR "$info{level}: $info{message}\n" unless($nooutput);
+ printf STDERR "$info{level}: $info{message}\n" unless $nooutput;
@@ -127,45 +83,27 @@ tree. (Missing directories can be ignored with --skipmissingdir.)
Fix the error in media.cfg and retry:
- print STDERR "$_\n" foreach(@fatalerrors);
+ print STDERR "$_\n" foreach @fatalerrors;
print STDERR "\n";
my @hdlists;
-my @media_missing_dirs;
foreach my $m ($distrib->listmedia) {
$distrib->getvalue($m, 'askmedia') || $distrib->getvalue($m, 'suppl') and next;
- if (!-d $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'path')) {
- next; # this has been checked earlier
- }
+ my $path = $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'path');
+ -d $path or next; # this has been checked earlier
push @hdlists, {
- media => $m,
- synthesis2 => $destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' . $distrib->getpath($m, 'synthesis') :
- $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'synthesis'),
- hdlist2 => $destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' .$distrib->getpath($m, 'hdlist') :
- $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'hdlist'),
- dir => $distrib->getpath($m, 'path'),
- descr => $distrib->getvalue($m, 'name'),
- mediainfo => $destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' . $distrib->getpath(undef, 'infodir') :
- $distrib->getfullpath(undef, 'infodir'),
- thismediainfo => ($destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' . $distrib->getpath($m, 'path') :
- $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'path')) . "/media_info",
- synthesis => ($destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' . $distrib->getpath($m, 'path') :
- $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'path')) . "/media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz",
- hdlist => ($destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' . $distrib->getpath($m, 'path') :
- $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'path')) . "/media_info/hdlist.cz",
- md5sum => ($destdir ?
- $destdir . '/' . $distrib->getpath($m, 'path') :
- $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'path')) . "/media_info/MD5SUM",
+ media => $m,
+ dir => $distrib->getpath($m, 'path'),
+ descr => $distrib->getvalue($m, 'name'),
+ hdlist2 => $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'hdlist'),
+ synthesis2 => $distrib->getfullpath($m, 'synthesis'),
+ thismediainfo => "$path/media_info",
+ hdlist => "$path/media_info/hdlist.cz",
+ synthesis => "$path/media_info/synthesis.hdlist.cz",
noneedrebuild => $blind ? 0 : $distrib->check_index_sync($m, 'formedia'),
noneedredomd5 => $distrib->check_media_md5($m),
@@ -176,191 +114,56 @@ if (!-d $destinfodir) {
or die qq(Can't create directory "$destinfodir": $!\n);
-foreach my $e (@hdlists) {
- for my $d (qw(mediainfo thismediainfo)) {
- if (! -d $e->{$d}) {
- mkdir $e->{$d}, 0755
- or die qq(Can't create directory "$e->{$d}": $!\n);
- }
- }
+my $infodir = $distrib->getfullpath(undef, 'infodir');
-sub clean_cache {
- unless ($noclean) {
- system($ENV{LD_LOADER} ? $ENV{LD_LOADER} : @{[]}, "rm", "-rf", $headers_dir);
- mkdir $headers_dir
- or die qq(Can't create directory "$headers_dir": $!\n);
+foreach my $d ($infodir, map { $_->{thismediainfo} } @hdlists) {
+ if (! -d $d) {
+ mkdir $d, 0755 or die qq(Can't create directory "$d": $!\n);
foreach my $e (@hdlists) {
- my $r;
- #- try to find the right repository where can be found the directory
- #- listed in the hdlist file.
- #- if the number of roots is equal to the number of media, assume one
- #- media per root, else try to find a valid root containing the media.
- $r ||= $root[0];
- if (scalar(@hdlists) == scalar(@root)) {
- $r = $root[$_];
- } else {
- foreach (@root) {
- -d "$_/$e->{dir}" and $r = $_, last;
- }
- }
- #- fake build of architecture dependent directory.
- # Nanar: I am curious to know how this can works with current urpmi
- # Sub dir are deny, this should die !!!!!!!!!
if ($e->{dir} =~ /%{ARCH}/) {
- foreach my $arch (qw(i686 i586 i486 i386 k8 k7 k6 amd64 amd32 x86_64 x86_32 ia64 ia32
- ppc sparc sparc32 sparc64 alpha noarch)) {
- my $dir = $e->{dir};
- $dir =~ s|%{ARCH}|$arch|g;
- push @{$e->{files}}, glob("$r/$dir/*.$arch.rpm");
- }
- } else {
- push @{$e->{files}}, glob("$r/$e->{dir}/*.rpm");
+ die "sorry, %{ARCH} not supported anymore\n";
- @{$e->{files} || []} or do {
+ @{$e->{files}} = glob("$root/$e->{dir}/*.rpm") or do {
print STDERR "unable to find rpm files in $e->{dir}\n" unless $nooutput;
-if (grep { ! $_->{noneedrebuild} } @hdlists) {
-foreach my $e (@hdlists) {
- print STDERR "parsing rpm files in directory $e->{dir}\n" unless $nooutput;
- # NOYET open(my $hnsynth, "|gzip --best > $e->{synthesis}.yaml");
- my @headers = $urpm->parse_rpms_build_headers(
- dir => $headers_dir,
- rpms => $e->{files},
- dontdie => $dontdie,
- silent => $nooutput,
-# NOTYET callback => sub {
-# NOTYET my ($urpmc, $id, %options) = @_;
-# NOTYET print $hnsynth $urpmc->{depslist}[$id]->queryformat($yamlout);
-# NOTYET $urpmc->{depslist}[$id]->pack_header;
-# NOTYET },
- );
- # NOTYET close($hnsynth);
- # TODO if @headers is empty ?
- $e->{headers} = \@headers;
- if (!$blind) {
- print STDERR "Checking if hdlist need to be rebuilt for media $e->{descr}\n" unless $nooutput;
- if($e->{noneedrebuild}) {
- print "No\n" unless $nooutput;
- } else {
- print "Yes\n" unless $nooutput;
- }
- }
if ($noemptymedia) {
- foreach my $e (@hdlists) {
- $e->{headers} or die "Empty media were found, stopping\n";
+ if (grep { @{$_->{files}} == 0 } @hdlists) {
+ die "Empty media were found, stopping\n";
-#- clean everything to start second pass.
-print STDERR "clean data for second pass\n" unless $nooutput;
-#- temporary file where to build hdlists
-my $temp_hdlist = mktemp("$tempdir/hdlistXXXXX");
-if (grep { ! $_->{noneedrebuild} } @hdlists) {
-foreach my $e (@hdlists) {
- if (@{$e->{headers} || []}) { # We have rpms in this media
- print STDERR qq(parsing headers for "$e->{descr}"\n) unless $nooutput;
- my ($start, $end) = $urpm->parse_headers(dir => $headers_dir,
- headers => $e->{headers},
- dontdie => $dontdie,
- silent => $nooutput);
- print STDERR "computing deps\n" unless $nooutput;
- $urpm->compute_deps;
- # No media change, nothing to write
- if (!$e->{noneedrebuild}) {
- print STDERR qq(building hdlist for medium "$e->{descr}"\n) unless $nooutput;
- unlink $temp_hdlist;
- $urpm->build_hdlist(start => $start,
- end => $end,
- dir => $headers_dir,
- hdlist => $temp_hdlist,
- ratio => 9);
- system('/bin/mv', $temp_hdlist, $e->{hdlist});
- print STDERR qq(building synthesis for medium "$e->{descr}"\n) unless $nooutput;
- $urpm->build_synthesis(start => $start,
- end => $end,
- synthesis => $e->{synthesis});
- }
- } elsif(!$e->{noneedrebuild}) { # no rpm, creating empty but valid index
- if (my $pack = MDV::Packdrakeng->new(archive => $temp_hdlist)) {
- $pack = undef; # closing archive
- system('/bin/mv', $temp_hdlist, $e->{hdlist});
- } else {
- print STDERR "Can't create empty archive $temp_hdlist: $MDV::Packdrakeng::error\n";
- }
- open(my $hsynth, "| /bin/gzip > $e->{synthesis}")
- or print STDERR "Can't create empty synthesis $e->{synthesis}: $!\n";
- close($hsynth);
- }
+foreach my $e (grep { !$_->{noneedrebuild} } @hdlists) {
+ print STDERR qq(building hdlist & synthesis for medium "$e->{descr}"\n) unless $nooutput;
+ my $file_deps = "$destinfodir/file-deps";
+ my $options = join(' ',
+ '--allow-empty-media',
+ $nooutput ? '--quiet' : (),
+ $nobadrpm ? '--no-bad-rpm' : (),
+ $nomd5sum || $e->{noneedredomd5} ? "--no-md5sum" : (),
+ -e "file-deps" ? "--file-deps $file_deps" : (),
+ );
+ my $cmd = "genhdlist2 $options $e->{thismediainfo}";
+ print "running $cmd\n" unless $nooutput;
+ system($cmd) == 0 or die "$cmd failed\n";
foreach my $e (@hdlists) {
- unless ($nomediainfo) {
- foreach (qw(hdlist synthesis)) {
- # checking inode are same (case for link)
- my $f2 = $_ . '2';
- if (!-f $e->{$f2} || (stat($e->{$f2}))[1] != (stat($e->{$_}))[1]) {
- print STDERR qq(link alternate locations of $_ for $e->{dir}\n) unless $nooutput;
- unlink($e->{$f2});
- link $e->{$_}, $e->{$f2} or
- print STDERR qq(link failed for "$e->{$f2}": $!\n);
- }
- }
- }
- unless ($nomd5sum || ($e->{noneedrebuild} && $e->{noneedredomd5})) {
- print STDERR qq(generate media-specific MD5SUM in $e->{thismediainfo}\n) unless $nooutput;
- my $here = getcwd();
- chdir $e->{thismediainfo};
- my $md5sum = `/usr/bin/md5sum hdlist* synthesis*`;
- chdir $here;
- if (open my $md5sumfh, '>', $e->{md5sum}) {
- print $md5sumfh $md5sum;
- close $md5sumfh;
- } else {
- print STDERR qq(Can't create "$e->{md5sum}": $!\n);
- }
- }
+ hdlist_alternate_location($e->{hdlist2}, $e->{hdlist});
+ hdlist_alternate_location($e->{synthesis2}, $e->{synthesis});
if (grep { ! $_->{noneedrebuild} } @hdlists) {
- print STDERR "building base files\n" unless $nooutput;
- $urpm->build_base_files(
- depslist => $urpmfiles{depslist},
- provides => $urpmfiles{provides},
- compss => $urpmfiles{compss},
- );
if (-f $destinfodir . '/media.cfg') {
- if (! -f $destinfodir . '/hdlists' ||
- ((stat($distrib->getfullpath(undef, 'infodir') . '/media.cfg'))[9] >
- (stat($destinfodir . '/hdlists'))[9])) {
+ if (! -f "$destinfodir/hdlists" ||
+ (stat($distrib->getfullpath(undef, 'infodir') . '/media.cfg'))[9] >
+ (stat($destinfodir . '/hdlists'))[9]) {
print STDERR "Write hdlists file\n" unless $nooutput;
$distrib->write_hdlists($destinfodir . '/hdlists')
or print STDERR "Can't write $destinfodir/hdlists file\n";
@@ -368,21 +171,6 @@ if (grep { ! $_->{noneedrebuild} } @hdlists) {
if (grep { ! ($_->{noneedrebuild} && $_->{noneedredomd5}) } @hdlists) {
- #- safety cleaning
- unlink $urpmfiles{md5sum};
- unless ($nomd5sum) {
- my $here = getcwd();
- chdir $destinfodir;
- my $md5sum = `/usr/bin/md5sum hdlist* synthesis*`;
- chdir $here;
- if (open my $md5sumfh, '>', $urpmfiles{md5sum}) {
- print $md5sumfh $md5sum;
- close $md5sumfh;
- } else {
- print STDERR qq(Can't create "$urpmfiles{md5sum}": $!\n);
- }
- }
print STDERR "Calculating size of medias\n" unless $nooutput;
foreach my $e (@hdlists) {
my $size = 0;
@@ -410,34 +198,50 @@ if (grep { ! ($_->{noneedrebuild} && $_->{noneedredomd5}) } @hdlists) {
-#- check if there are NOTFOUND in dependencies, check if they are in other media, warn the user.
-if (!$nooutput && $chkdep) {
- foreach (0 .. $#{$urpm->{depslist}}) {
- my $pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_];
- foreach (split " ", $urpm->{deps}[$_]) {
- /NOTFOUND_(.*)/ or next;
- print STDERR $pkg->fullname . " requires [$1] which\n";
- if ($urpm->{provides}{$1}) {
- print STDERR " is available on packages not listed in this medium or previous medium:\n";
- foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}{$1}}) {
- my $dep_pkg = $urpm->{depslist}[$_];
- print STDERR " " . $dep_pkg->fullname . "\n";
- }
- } else {
- print STDERR " is not available in any medium listed\n";
- if (/NOTFOUND_(\D*)(\d+[\.\-\d]*)?(.*)?\.so\./) {
- my $re = (quotemeta $1) . '(\d+[\.\-\d]*)' . (!$2 && "?") . '\.so\.';
- foreach (keys %{$urpm->{provides}}) {
- /$re/ or next;
- print STDERR " but a similar provides is available as [$_], need rebuild ?\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
+sub hdlist_alternate_location {
+ my ($alternate, $main) = @_;
+ if (-l $alternate && inode($alternate) == inode($main)) {
+ # ok
+ } else {
+ if (-l $alternate) {
+ print STDERR "bad alternate location " . readlink($alternate) . ", replacing it\n";
+ unlink $alternate;
+ } elsif (-e $alternate) {
+ print STDERR "replacing existing plain file $alternate with a symlink\n";
+ unlink $alternate;
+ }
+ print STDERR qq(link alternate location $alternate\n) unless $nooutput;
+ relative_symlink($main, $alternate);
+sub inode {
+ my ($f) = @_;
+ (stat($f))[1];
+sub relative_symlink {
+ my ($src, $dest) = @_;
+ # cleanup
+ foreach ($src, $dest) {
+ s!//!/!g;
+ s!/\./!/!g;
+ m!^/! or die "relative_symlink: $_ is not an absolute filename";
+ }
+ my @src = split('/', $src);
+ my @dest = split('/', $dest);
+ pop @dest;
+ while (@src && @dest && $src[0] eq $dest[0]) {
+ shift @src;
+ shift @dest;
+ }
+ symlink join('/', ('..') x @dest, @src), $dest;
=head1 NAME
@@ -456,30 +260,12 @@ gendistrib - generates a mirror tree for a distribution
Always rebuild indexes, without checking whether it's needed.
-=item --compss file
-Path of F<compss> file (defaults to F<media/media_info/compss>).
-=item --depslist file
-Path of F<depslist> file (defaults to F<media/media_info/depslist.ordered>).
-=item --destdir dir
-Create all new files in the specified directory. All subdirectories should
-exist. This option is mostly useful for testing, or while using a read-only
=item --hdlists file
Path of the F<hdlists> file (defaults to F<media/media_info/hdlists>). This is
deprecated; if gendistrib finds a F<media.cfg> file, it will use it and ignore
the F<hdlists> file unless this option is given.
-=item --headersdir dir
-Put temporary files in this directory (defaults to TMPDIR).
=item --mediacfg file
Use the specified F<media.cfg> file (defaults to F<media/media_info/media.cfg>).
@@ -488,14 +274,6 @@ Use the specified F<media.cfg> file (defaults to F<media/media_info/media.cfg>).
Don't abort when encountering bad rpms.
-=item --chkdep
-Search for missing dependencies.
-=item --noclean
-Keep cache files.
=item --noemptymedia
Stop and abort if an empty media is found.
@@ -504,14 +282,6 @@ Stop and abort if an empty media is found.
Don't generate MD5SUM files.
-=item --nomediainfo
-Don't create per-media F<media_info> subdirectories.
-=item --provides file
-Path of F<provides> file (defaults to F<media/media_info/provides>)
=item --skipmissingdir
If a media dir is missing, ignore it instead of aborting.
@@ -576,12 +346,9 @@ F<gendistrib> should be passed the F<ROOT> directory as parameter. It will
then generate the hdlist and synthesis files and all other files needed
for proper repository operation.
-F<gendistrib> will also verify any broken dependencies in your repository
-and report them.
=head1 SEE ALSO
-genhdlist(1), and MDV::Distribconf(3) for description of the format of the
+genhdlist2(1), and MDV::Distribconf(3) for description of the format of the
F<media.cfg> file.